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Research articles

How they see it: young women's views on early marriage in a post-conflict setting


  • United Nations Children’s Fund. Early marriage: a harmful traditional practice, statistical exploration. New York (NY): UNICEF; 2005.
  • World Vision. Untying the knot: exploring early marriage in fragile states. London: World Vision; 2013.
  • Human Rights Watch. How come you allow little girls to get married? Child marriage in Yemen. New York (NY): HRW; 2011.
  • Save the Children. Too young to wed: the growing problem of child marriage among Syrian girls in Jordan. London: Save the Children; 2014.
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  • Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia. Child marriage in humanitarian settings in the Arab Region: dynamics, challenges and policy options. Beirut: ESCWA; 2015.
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  • United Nations Children’s Fund. Ending child marriage: progress and prospects. New York (NY): UNICEF; 2014.
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