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Journal of the Theoretical Humanities
Volume 19, 2014 - Issue 3: Philosophical ethology I: Dominique Lestel
CrossRef citations to date



  • Balibar, Françoise, and Thierry Hoquet. “Entretien avec Dominique Lestel.” Critique 65.747–48 (2009): 809–18. Print.
  • Bardini, Thierry, and Dominique Lestel. Journey to the End of the Species. Paris: Dis Voir, 2010. Print.
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  • Bessis, Raphaël. “Entretien avec Dominique Lestel.” Le Philosophoire 27.2 (2006): 29–41. Print. doi: 10.3917/phoir.027.0029
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  • Bussolini, Jeffrey. “Recent French, Belgian and Italian Work in the Cognitive Science of Animals: Dominique Lestel, Vinciane Despret, Roberto Marchesini and Giorgio Celli.” Social Science Information 52.2 (2013): 187–209. Print. doi: 10.1177/0539018413477938
  • Chrulew, Matthew. “The Animal Outside the Text: An Interview with Dominique Lestel.” Angelaki 19.3 (2014): 187–96. Print.
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  • Despret, Vinciane. Quand le loup habitera avec l'agneau. Paris: Les Empêcheurs de penser en rond, 2002. Print.
  • Despringre, André-Marie, and Dominique Lestel. “Perspectives cognitives en anthropologie: quelques remarques.” Journal des anthropologues 70 (1997): 9–15. Print.
  • Giribone, Jean-Luc, and Julie Lambert. “L'Homme devant l'animal: observer une autre intelligence: entretien avec Dominique Lestel.” Esprit 6 (2010): 116–32. Print.
  • Grison, Benoît, and Dominique Lestel. “Reasoning Patterns and Innovation Management in a Neuro-Embryology Laboratory.” Social Science Information 36.3 (1997): 541–55. Print. doi: 10.1177/053901897036003008
  • Grundmann, Emmanuelle, Dominique Lestel, Aschta N. Boestani, and Marie-Claude Bomsel. “Learning to Survive in the Forest: What Every Orangutan Should Know.” The Apes: Challenges for the 21st Century. Ed. George Rabb. Chicago: Chicago Zoological Society, Brookfield Zoo, 2001. 300–04. Print.
  • Herzfeld, Chris, and Dominique Lestel. “Knot Tying in Great Apes: Etho-Ethnology of an Unusual Tool Behavior.” Social Science Information 44.4 (2005): 621–53. Print. doi: 10.1177/0539018405058205
  • Heurgon, Edith, Jean-Éric Aubert, John Crowley, Dominique Lestel et al. “L'Ethologie des peuples, une nouvelle discipline?” Vers des civilisations mondialisées? De l’éthologie à la prospective. Ed. Jean-Éric Aubert and Josée Landrieu. La Tour d'Aigues: L'Aube, 2004. 349–66. Print.
  • Krief, Sabrina, Richard W. Wrangham, and Dominique Lestel. “Diversity of Items of Low Nutritional Value Ingested by Chimpanzees from Kanyawara, Kibale National Park, Uganda: An Example of the Etho-Ethnology of Chimpanzees.” Social Science Information 45.2 (2006): 227–63. Print. doi: 10.1177/0539018406063642
  • Lenain, Thierry. Monkey Painting. Trans. Caroline Beamish. London: Reaktion, 1997. Print.
  • Lestel, Dominique. Les Amis de mes amis. Paris: Seuil, 2007. Print.
  • Lestel, Dominique. L'Animal est l'avenir de l'homme: Munitions pour ceux qui veulent (toujours) défendre les animaux. Paris: Fayard, 2010. Print.
  • Lestel, Dominique. L'Animal singulier. Paris: Seuil, 2004. Print.
  • Lestel, Dominique. L'Animalité: Essai sur le statut de l'humain. 1996. Paris: L'Herne, 2007. Print.
  • Lestel, Dominique. Les Animaux sont-ils intelligents? Paris: Pommier, 2006. Print.
  • Lestel, Dominique. “L'Anthropologie des laboratoires et la pratique de l'intelligence artificielle.” Social Science Information 28.4 (1989): 685–703. Print. doi: 10.1177/053901889028004002
  • Lestel, Dominique. Apologie du carnivore. Paris: Fayard, 2011. Print.
  • Lestel, Dominique. “The Artistic Manipulation of the Living.” Trans. C. Penwarden. Art Press 276 (Feb. 2002): 53–54. Print.
  • Lestel, Dominique. “The Biosemiotics and Phylogenesis of Culture.” Trans. Nora Scott. Social Science Information 41.1 (2002): 35–68. Print. doi: 10.1177/0539018402041001003
  • Lestel, Dominique. “Comportement animal, communication animale et langage.” Aux origines des langues et du langage. Ed. Jean-Marie Hombert. Paris: Fayard, 2005. 74–101. Print.
  • Lestel, Dominique. “Could Beethoven Have Been a Bird and Could Picasso Have Been a Fish? Philosophical Problems of an Ethology of Art.” Logic and Sensibility. Ed. Shigeru Watanabe. Tokyo: Keio UP, 2012. 171–81. Print.
  • Lestel, Dominique. “Creativity within Animal Societies and within Human Societies.” Generalized Science of Humanity Series. Vol. 3. Ed. Hideaki Nakatani et al. Tokyo: ILCAA, 2008. 19–27. Print.
  • Lestel, Dominique. “Data.” A More Developed Sign: Interpreting the Work of Jesper Hoffmeyer. Ed. Donald Favareau, Paul Cobley, and Kalevi Kull. Tartu: Tartu UP, 2012. 93–95. Print.
  • Lestel, Dominique. “Des animaux-machines aux machines animales.” Si les lions pouvaient parler: Essais sur la condition animale. Ed. Boris Cyrulnik. Paris: Gallimard, 1998. 680–99. Print.
  • Lestel, Dominique. “Emerging Hybrids, Biodiversity and Human Future.” Aletria 21.3 (2011): 11–22. Print.
  • Lestel, Dominique. “Les Enjeux de l’éthologie.” Vers des civilisations mondialisées? De l’éthologie à la prospective. Ed. Jean-Éric Aubert and Josée Landrieu. La Tour d'Aigues: L'Aube, 2004. 45–58. Print.
  • Lestel, Dominique. “Éprouver la personne comme personnage.” Personne/Personnage. Ed. Thierry Lenain and Aline Wiame. Paris: Vrin, 2011. 123–37. Print.
  • Lestel, Dominique. “Ethology and Ethnology: The Coming Synthesis. A General Introduction.” Trans. Nora Scott. Social Science Information 45.2 (2006): 147–53. Print. doi: 10.1177/0539018406063632
  • Lestel, Dominique. “Ethology, Ethnology, and Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence.” Archaeology, Anthropology, and Interstellar Communication. Ed. Douglas A. Vakoch. Washington, DC: NASA, 2014. 227–34. Print.
  • Lestel, Dominique. “Ethology as a Social Science, Ethology as a Cognitive Science and Situated Embodied Rationality.” Reasoning and Cognition. Ed. Daniel Andler, Yoshinori Ogawa, Mitsuhiro Okada, and Shigeru Watanabe. Tokyo: Keio UP, 2006. 221–31. Print.
  • Lestel, Dominique. “Faire la paix avec l'animal.” Études 3931.2 (2000): 37–47. Print.
  • Lestel, Dominique. “Faire société avec les animaux.” La Révolution néolithique dans le monde. Ed. Jean-Paul Démoule. Paris: CNRS, 2010. 459–72. Print.
  • Lestel, Dominique. “Fourmis cybernétiques et robots-insectes: socialité et cognition à l'interface de la robotique et de l’éthologie expérimentale.” Social Science Information 31.2 (1992): 179–211. Print. doi: 10.1177/053901892031002001
  • Lestel, Dominique. “La Haine de l'animal.” Aux origines de l'environnement. Ed. Pierre-Henri Gouyon and Hélène Leriche. Paris: Fayard, 2010. 192–205. Print.
  • Lestel, Dominique. “L'Histoire des animaux singuliers.” Bulletin d'histoire et d’épistémologie des sciences de la vie 14.2 (2007): 121–38. Print.
  • Lestel, Dominique. “How Chimpanzees Have Domesticated Humans: Towards an Anthropology of Human–Animal Communication.” Trans. Jonathan Benthall. Anthropology Today 14.3 (1998): 12–15. Print. doi: 10.2307/2783050
  • Lestel, Dominique. “Human/Animal Communications, Language, and Evolution.” Sign Systems Studies 30.1 (2002): 201–12. Print.
  • Lestel, Dominique. “The Infinite Debt of the Human Towards the Animal.” Trans. Matthew Chrulew. Angelaki 19.3 (2014). 171–81.
  • Lestel, Dominique. “L'Innovation cognitive dans des communautés hybrides homme/animal de partage de sens, s'intérêts et d'affects.” Intellectica 26–27.1–2 (1998): 203–26. Print.
  • Lestel, Dominique. “L'Intelligence à crédit: attribution de compétences, savoirs postulés et cognition empruntée chez les primates.” Intelligence artificielle et systèmes multi-agents. Ed. Joël Quinqueton, Marie-Claude Thomas, and Brigitte Trousse. Paris: Hermès, 1997. 359–67. Print.
  • Lestel, Dominique. “Language and the Constitution of Human Societies.” Generalized Science of Humanity Series. Vol. 4. Ed. Hideaki Nakatani et al. Tokyo: ILCAA, 2008. 73–83. Print.
  • Lestel, Dominique. “Liberating Life from Itself: Bioethics and Aesthetics of Animality.” Signs of Life: Bio Art and Beyond. Ed. Eduardo Kac. Cambridge, MA and London: MIT P, 2007. 151–60. Print.
  • Lestel, Dominique. “Like the Fingers of the Hand: Thinking the Human in the Texture of Animality.” Trans. Matthew Chrulew and Jeffrey Bussolini. French Thinking about Animals. Ed. Louisa Mackenzie and Stephanie Posthumus. East Lansing: Michigan State UP, 2015 (forthcoming). 61–73. Print.
  • Lestel, Dominique. “The Metaphors of Complexity: The Language and Cognitive Resources of Artificial Life.” Trans. Helen Arnold. Social Science Information 35.3 (1996): 511–40. Print. doi: 10.1177/053901896035003006
  • Lestel, Dominique. “Neutraliser le mythe de Prométhée.” Multitudes 47.4 (2011): 148–50. Print. doi: 10.3917/mult.047.0148
  • Lestel, Dominique. “Non-Human Artistic Practices: A Challenge to the Social Sciences of the Future.” Trans. Nora Scott. Social Science Information 50.3–4 (2011): 505–12. Print. doi: 10.1177/0539018411411140
  • Lestel, Dominique. Les Origines animales de la culture. 2001. Paris: Flammarion, 2003. Print.
  • Lestel, Dominique. “Où commence et où finit un corps de fourmi?” Cahiers de psychologie clinique 30.1 (2008): 13–26. Print.
  • Lestel, Dominique. “Oublier la frontière homme/animal.” Le Carnet PSY 9.140 (2009): 26–28. Print. doi: 10.3917/lcp.140.0026
  • Lestel, Dominique. Paroles de singes: L'Impossible dialogue homme/primate. Paris: Découverte, 1995. Print.
  • Lestel, Dominique. “Pensée-fourmi, raison pratique et cognition distribuée: Le Raisonnement complexe comme fait cognitif total.” Social Science Information 32.4 (1993): 605–42. Print. doi: 10.1177/053901893032004004
  • Lestel, Dominique. “The Philosophical Stakes of Ethology for the 21st Century.” Paper presented at the workshop “The History, Philosophy and Future of Ethology,” Macquarie University, 19–21 Feb. 2011.
  • Lestel, Dominique. “Portrait de l'animal comme sujet.” Revue de synthèse 4.1 (1999): 139–64. Print. doi: 10.1007/BF03182082
  • Lestel, Dominique. “Post-humain et perte de biodiversité.” L'Homme peut-il sadapter à lui-même? Ed. Jean-François Toussaint et al. Versailles: Quæ, 2012. 148–49. Print.
  • Lestel, Dominique. “Les Singes parlent-ils vraiment?” Si les lions pouvaient parler: Essais sur la condition animale. Ed. Boris Cyrulnik. Paris: Gallimard, 1998. 990–1009. Print.
  • Lestel, Dominique. “Sommes-nous assez intelligents pour comprendre l'intelligence des singes?” Aux origines de l'humanité. Vol. 2. Le Propre de l'homme. Ed. Yves Coppens and Pascal Picq. Paris: Fayard, 2001. 330–67. Print.
  • Lestel, Dominique. “Symbols of Discord: Are Apes That Talk Trivia More Interesting Than Apes That Don't Talk at All?” Trans. Nora Scott. Social Science Information 33.2 (1994): 335–69. Print. doi: 10.1177/053901894033002010
  • Lestel, Dominique. “Visages animaux en ‘faces de soi.’” Les Grands Singes: L'Humanité au fond des yeux. By Pascal Picq, Dominique Lestel, Vinciane Despret, and Chris Herzfeld. Paris: Odile Jacob, 2005. 57–73. Print.
  • Lestel, Dominique. “What Capabilities for the Animal?” Biosemiotics 4 (2011): 83–102. Print. doi: 10.1007/s12304-010-9109-6
  • Lestel, Dominique. “What Does it Mean to Observe Rationality? A Philosophical Discussion.” Rational Animals, Irrational Humans. Ed. Shigeru Watanabe, Aaron P. Blaisdell, Ludwig Huber, and Allan Young. Tokyo: Keio UP, 2009. 45–66. Print.
  • Lestel, Dominique. “Why Are We so Fond of Monsters?” Comparative Critical Studies 9.3 (2012): 259–69. Print. doi: 10.3366/ccs.2012.0062
  • Lestel, Dominique. “The Withering of Shared Life through the Loss of Biodiversity.” Social Science Information 52.2 (2013): 307–25. Print. doi: 10.1177/0539018413478325
  • Lestel, Dominique, Louis Bec, and Jean-Louis Le Moigne. “Visible Characteristics of Living Systems: Esthetics and Artificial Life.” Trans. John Tittensor. Self-Organization and Life: From Simple Rules to Global Complexity. Ed. Jean-Louis Deneubourg et al. Brussels: n.p., 1993. 595–603. Print.
  • Lestel, Dominique, Florence Brunois, and Florence Gaunet. “Etho-Ethnology and Ethno-Ethology.” Trans. Nora Scott. Social Science Information 45.2 (2006): 155–77. Print. doi: 10.1177/0539018406063633
  • Lestel, Dominique, Benoît Grison, and Alexis Drogoul. “Les Agents réactifs et le vivant dans une perspective d’évolution coopérative.” Intellectica 19.2 (1994): 73–90. Print.
  • Lestel, Dominique, and Emmanuelle Grundmann. “Tools, Techniques and Animals: The Role of Mediations of Actions in the Dynamics of Social Behaviours.” Trans. Nora Scott. Social Science Information 38.3 (1999): 367–407. Print. doi: 10.1177/053901899038003002
  • Lestel, Dominique, and Chris Herzfeld. “Topological Ape: Knot Tying and Untying and the Origins of Mathematics.” Images and Reasoning. Ed. Pierre Grialou, Giuseppe Longo, and Mitsuhiro Okada. Tokyo: Keio UP, 2005. 147–62. Print.
  • Lestel, Dominique, and Hollis Taylor. “Shared Life: An Introduction.” Social Science Information 52.2 (2013): 183–86. Print. doi: 10.1177/0539018413477335
  • Shepard, Paul. 1978. Thinking Animals: Animals and the Development of Human Intelligence. Athens, GA and London: U of Georgia P, 1998. Print.
  • Taylor, Hollis, and Dominique Lestel. “The Australian Pied Butcherbird and the Natureculture Continuum.” Journal of Interdisciplinary Music Studies 5.1 (2011): 57–83. Print.

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