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yuk hui’s pluralist cosmotechnics in between heidegger’s ontological and stiegler’s organological understanding of technology


  • Davis, Wade. The Wayfinders. Why Ancient Wisdom Still Matters in the Modern World. Toronto: Anansi, 2009. Print.
  • Descola, Philippe. Beyond Nature and Culture. Trans. Janet Lloyd. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2013. Print.
  • Haar, Michel. The Song of the Earth: Heidegger and the Grounds of the History of Being. Trans. Reginald Lilly. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1993. Print.
  • Haff, Peter. “Technology as a Geological Phenomenon: Implications for Human Well-Being.” Geological Society London, Special Publications 395 (2013): 1–9. Print.
  • Heidegger, Martin. Anmerkungen I–V (Schwarze Hefte 1942–1948). Gesamtausgabe. Band 97. Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann, 2015. Print.
  • Heidegger, Martin. Basic Questions of Philosophy: Selected “Problems” of “Logic.” Trans. Richard Rojcewicz and André Schuwer. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1994. Print.
  • Heidegger, Martin. Basic Writings. Trans. David Farell Krell. New York: HarperCollins, 1993. Print.
  • Heidegger, Martin. Being and Truth. Trans. Gregory Fried and Richard Polt. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 2010. Print.
  • Heidegger, Martin. Bremen and Freiburg Lectures: Insight into That Which Is and Basic Principles of Thinking. Trans. Andrew J. Mitchell. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 2012. Print.
  • Heidegger, Martin. Die Geschichte des Seyns. Gesamtausgabe. Band 69. Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann, 1998. Print.
  • Heidegger, Martin. Discourse on Thinking. Trans. John M. Anderson and E. Hans Freund. New York: Harper, 1969. Print.
  • Heidegger, Martin. Heraclitus. The Inception of Occidental Thinking. Logic: Heraclitus’s Doctrine of the Logos. Trans. Julia Goesser Assaiante and S. Montgomery Ewegen. London: Bloomsbury, 2018. Print.
  • Heidegger, Martin. Introduction to Metaphysics. Trans. Gregory Fried and Richard Polt. New Haven: Yale UP, 2000. Print.
  • Heidegger, Martin. Mindfulness. Trans. Parvis Emad and Thomas Kalary. London: Bloomsbury, 2016. Print.
  • Heidegger, Martin. On the Way to Language. Trans. Peter D. Hertz. New York: Harper, 1971. Print.
  • Heidegger, Martin. On Time and Being. Trans. Joan Stambough. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2002. Print.
  • Heidegger, Martin. Ponderings VII–IX. Black Notebooks 1938–1939. Trans. Richard Rojcewicz. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 2017. Print.
  • Heidegger, Martin. Ponderings XII–XV. Black Notebooks 1939–1941. Trans. Richard Rojcewicz. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 2017. Print.
  • Heidegger, Martin. The Question Concerning Technology and Other Essays. Trans. William Lovitt. New York: Harper, 1977. Print.
  • Heidegger, Martin. Vigiliae und Notturno (Schwarze Hefte 1952/53–1957). Gesamtausgabe. Band 100. Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann, 2020. Print.
  • Holbraad, Martin, and Axel Pedersen. The Ontological Turn. An Exposition. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2017. Print.
  • Hui, Yuk. “Cosmotechnics as Cosmopolitics.” E-flux Journal 86 (Nov. 2017). Web.
  • Hui, Yuk. “For a Cosmotechnical Event.” Foundations of Science. Forthcoming.
  • Hui, Yuk. “On Cosmotechnics: For a Renewed Relation between Technology and Nature in the Anthropocene.” Techne. Research in Philosophy and Technology 21.2 (2017): 1–23. Print.
  • Hui, Yuk. The Question Concerning Technology in China. An Essay in Cosmotechnics. Cambridge: Urbanomic, 2016. Print.
  • Hui, Yuk. Recursivity and Contingency. London: Rowman, 2019. Print.
  • Ihde, Don. Technology and the Lifeworld. From Garden to Earth. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1990. Print.
  • Lemmens, Pieter. “From Ontology to Organology. Heidegger and Stiegler on the Danger and Ambiguity of Technology and Technical Media.” We Need to Talk about Heidegger. Essays Situating Martin Heidegger in Contemporary Media Studies. Ed. Justin Michael Battin and German A. Duarte. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2018. 279–307. Print.
  • Lemmens, Pieter. “Thinking Technology Big Again. Reconsidering the Question of the Transcendental and ‘Technology with a Capital T’ in the Light of the Anthropocene.” Foundations of Science. Forthcoming.
  • Skafish, Peter. “Anthropological Metaphysics/Philosophical Resistance.” Theorizing the Contemporary, Cultural Anthropology (13 Jan. 2014). Web. <https://culanth.org/fieldsights/464-anthropological-metaphysics-philosophical-resistance>.
  • Sloterdijk, Peter. Not Saved. Essays After Heidegger. Trans. Alexander Moore and Christopher Turner. Cambridge: Polity, 2017. Print.
  • Sloterdijk, Peter. Sphären. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1998–2004. Print.
  • Sloterdijk, Peter, and Hans-Jürgen Heinrichs. Neither Sun Nor Death. Trans. Steve Corcoran. Cambridge, MA: Semiotext(e), 2011. Print.
  • Stiegler, Bernard. Automatic Society Vol. 1. The Future of Work. Trans. Daniel Ross. Cambridge: Polity, 2016. Print.
  • Stiegler, Bernard. The Nanjing Lectures 2016–2019. Trans. Daniel Ross. London: Open Humanities, 2020. Print.
  • Stiegler, Bernard. The Neganthropocene. Trans. Daniel Ross. London: Open Humanities, 2018. Print.
  • Stiegler, Bernard. Symbolic Misery 1. The Hyperindustrial Epoch. Trans. Barnaby Norman. Cambridge: Polity, 2014. Print.
  • Stiegler, B. Technics and Time 1. The Fault of Epimetheus. Trans. Richard Beardsworth and George Collins. Stanford: Stanford UP, 1998. Print.
  • Stiegler, Bernard. Technics and Time 2. Disorientation. Trans. Stephen Barker. Stanford: Stanford UP, 2009. Print.
  • Stiegler, Bernard. What Makes Life Worth Living. On Pharmacology. Trans. Daniel Ross. Cambridge: Polity, 2013. Print.
  • Verbeek, Peter-Paul. What Things Do. Philosophical Reflections on Technology, Agency and Design. Trans. Robert P. Crease. University Park: Pennsylvania State UP, 2005. Print.
  • Viveiros de Castro, Eduardo. Cannibal Metaphysics. Trans. Peter Skafish. Minneapolis: Univocal, 2014. Print.
  • Viveiros de Castro, Eduardo. The Relative Native. Essays on Indigenous Conceptual Worlds. Chicago: Hau, 2015. Print.