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Research Articles

Transmission interrupted: Australia’s international television broadcasting


  • AAP (Australian Associated Press). 2011. ‘Turnbull Blames “Feud” for Botched Tender.’ Sydney Morning Herald December 6.
  • ANAO (Australian National Audit Office). 2012. Administration of the Australia Network Tender Process. Audit Report No 29, Commonwealth of Australia.
  • Aston, Heath, and James Massola. 2014. ‘PM Said to be Ready to Axe Foreign Service.’ Sydney Morning Herald January 31.
  • Atkins, William. 2002. The Politics of Southeast Asia’s New Media. London: Curzon.
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  • Bodey, Michael. 2014. ‘Scott Slams Abbott’s Network Axe.’ Australian May 15.
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  • Bryant, Nick. 2014. ‘The Demise of the Australia Network.’ The Interpreter (Lowy Institute) May 16.
  • Clayton, Kate. 2022. “Televising Australian Soft Power in the Pacific.” Australian Outlook npag.
  • Cull, Nicholas J. 2006. ‘Public Diplomacy” Before Gullion: The Evolution of a Phrase. Washington: Center for Public Diplomacy.
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  • Dobell, Graeme. 2014. ‘Muting Australia’s regional voice.’ The Strategist, July 22 https://www.aspestrategist.org.au.
  • Dobell, Graeme. 2018. An Oz Voice in the Asia-Pacific.’ Strategy, September. Canberra: Australian Strategic Policy Institute.
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  • Dover, Bruce, and Ian Macintosh. 2018. ‘Submission to Review of Australian Broadcasting Services in the Asia Pacific.’.
  • Entmann, Robert M. 2008. “Theorizing Mediated Public Diplomacy: The U.S. Case.” The International Journal of Press/Politics 13 (2): 87–102.
  • Flitton, Daniel. 2011a. “Government Clouds Sky’s China TV win with Tender Changes.” Sydney Morning Herald July 4 npag.
  • Flitton, Daniel. 2011b. ‘Sky News Scores Big Win in race to Run Australian TV service in Asia.’ Sydney Morning Herald August 18.
  • Flitton, Daniel. 2011c. ‘Rudd pushed on With Bids for Australia Network Despite Support for ABC.’ Sydney Morning Herald October 24.
  • Fullilove, Michael. 2022. Address to the National Press Club, June 23.
  • Garrett, Jemima. 2018. Rebuilding Australia’s Most Powerful “Soft Power” Tool.’ Strategy, September. Canberra: Australian Strategic Policy Institute.
  • Gittins, Ross. 2021. ‘Reform of “Human Services” Sectors Another Example Of Magical Thinking.’ Sydney Morning Herald May 28.
  • Hanitzsch, Thomas, Folker Hanusch, Jyotika Ramaprasad, and Arnold S de Beer, eds. 2019. “Worlds of Journalism.” In Worlds of Journalism. Journalistic Cultures Around the Globe. NY: Columbia University Press, Reuters Institute Global Journalism Studies.
  • Heriot, Geoff. 2018. Rejoining the “Great Game” of the Airwaves: Australia’s Indo-Pacific Future.’ Strategy. Canberra: Australian Strategic Policy Institute.
  • Heriot, Geoff. 2022b. Personal Communication.
  • Heriot, Geoff. 2022. International Broadcasting and its Contested Role in Australian Statecraft. Middle Power, Smart Power. London: Anthem.
  • Hodge, Errol. 1995. Radio Wars: Truth, Propaganda and the Struggle for Radio Australia. Melbourne: Cambridge University Press.
  • Inglis, K. S. 2006. Whose ABC? The Australian Broadcasting Corporation 1983-2006. Melbourne: Black Inc.
  • Jolly, Rhonda. 2014. The ABC: An Overview (Updated). Canberra: Parliamentary Library Research Paper.
  • Keane, Bernard. 2018. ‘Attacks on ABC and Unis Won’t Stop. This is a Government Seeking Control.’ Crikey June 22.
  • Kenny, Mark. 2014. ‘Hockey Hurts His Way Into History.’ Sydney Morning Herald May 14.
  • Kerr, Christian. 2014a. ‘Abc Put on Notice For Foreign TV DFAT Monitoring Australia Network.’ Australian January 2.
  • Kerr, Christian. 2014b. ‘Australia Network’s NYE Broadcast “insulting”, “crass”.’ Australian January 3.
  • Lane, Sabra. 2011. ‘Rudd in the Loop on Australia Network Decision: Gillard.’ PM, ABC Radio December 6.
  • Mansfield, Bob. 1997. The Challenge of a Better ABC. Vol 1: A Review of the Role and Functions of the ABC. January.
  • McConnell, Allan. 2010. Understanding Policy Success. Rethinking Public Policy. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
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  • McDonald, Hamish. 2011a. ‘Murdoch’s Strange Hunt for a Handout.’ Sydney Morning Herald July 16.
  • McDonald, Hamish. 2011b. ‘Cries of the jilted just crocodile tears.’ Sydney Morning Herald December 10.
  • National Committee of Audit. 2014. Towards Responsible Government. Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia.
  • O’Keeffe, Annmaree, and Chris Greene. 2019. International Public Broadcasting: A Missed Opportunity for Projecting Australia’s Soft Power. Sydney: Lowy Institute. December 10.
  • O’Keeffe, Annmaree, and Alex Oliver. 2010. International Broadcasting and its Contribution to Public Diplomacy http://www.lowyinstitute.org/Publication.asp?pid = 1385.
  • Papandrea, Franco, and Rodney Tiffen. 2016. “Media Ownership and Concentration in Australia.” In Who Owns the World's Media? Media Concentration and Ownership Around the World, edited by Eli M Noam, 701–741. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Rawnsley, Gary D. 2016. “Introduction to “International Broadcasting and Public Diplomacy in the 21st Century.” Media and Communication 4 (2): 42–45.
  • Revill, Stuart, and Rodney Tiffen. 1997. The Decline and Fall of Radio Australia. Report to the BBC World Service.
  • Ribeiro, Nelson, Hans-Ulrich Wagner, and Agnieszka Morriss. 2020. “International Radio Broadcasting During World War II.” In The Handbook of European Communications History, edited by Klaus Arnold, Paschal Preston, and Susanne Kinnebrock. New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Richardson, Graham. 2014. ‘Aunty Makes A Soft Target For The Bias Police.’ Australian February 7.
  • Ricketson, Matthew, and Patrick Mullins. 2022. Who Needs the ABC? Why Taking it for Granted is no Longer an Option. Melbourne: Scribe.
  • Riordan, Primrose. 2018. ‘Beijiing grabs ABC Pacific Airwaves.’ Australian June 22.
  • Robins, Myriam. 2015. ‘Does Mitch Fifield still Want To Privatise the ABC?’ Crikey September 23.
  • Seib, Philip. 2008. The Al Jazeera Effect. How the New Global Media are Shaping the World of Politics. Washington, DC: Potomac Books.
  • Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee. 1997. The Role and Future of Radio Australia and Australia Television Executive Summary, May.
  • Shanahan, Dennis. 2011. ‘Inappropriate Lobbying by ABC Bosses.’ Australian July 14.
  • Shanahan, Dennis. 2014. ‘ABC’s Asia TV network faces axe. Cabinet likely to Scrap $23 m “Soft Diplomacy” strategy in budget.’ Australian January 30.
  • Soroka, Stuart, Andrew Blake, Toril Aalberg, Shanto Iyengar, James Curran, Sharon Coen, and Kaori Hayashi. 2013. “Auntie Knows Best? Public Broadcasters and Current Affairs Knowledge.” British Journal of Political Science 43 (4): 719–739.
  • Tapsell, Ross. 2014. ‘Cutting off Australia’s International Television Arm.’ http://www.eastasiaforum.org September 30.
  • Taylor, Lenore. 2011. ‘More Questions Over Network.’ Sydney Morning Herald June 22.
  • Tiffen, Rodney. 1989. Review of Radio Australia. For the ABC Committee of Review. Sydney: Stuart Revill, David Hill and Malcolm Long.
  • Tiffen, Rodney. 2014. Rupert Murdoch. A Re-Assessment. Sydney: UNSW Press.
  • Tiffen, Rodney, David Rowe, Sharon Coen, and James Curran. 2017. “News Consumption, Political Knowledge and Political Efficacy.” In Public Opinion, Campaign Politics and Media Audiences. New Australian Perspectives, edited by Bridget Griffen-Foley, and Sean Scalmer, 208–242. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press.
  • Wade, Matt. 2020. ‘Guns v Giving: The Trend That Says Everything About Our Priorities.’ Sydney Morning Herald August 8.
  • Wade, Matt. 2021. ‘There’s an Economic Calamity On Our Doorstep, Australia Must Step Up.’ Sydney Morning Herald September 15.
  • Walker, David. 2019. Stranded Nation: White Australia in an Asian Region. Crawley: Perth UWA Publishing.
  • Watkins, Emily. 2019. ‘Pacific Islanders “Bemused” by Morrison’s Commercial TV plan.’ Crikey January 25.
  • Webb, Alban. 2014. “An Uncertain Future for the BBC World Service.” The Political Quarterly 86 (3): 378–383.
  • Wright, Kate, Martin Scott, and Mel Bunce. 2020. “Soft Power, Hard News: How Journalists at State-Funded Transnational Media Legitimize Their Work.” The International Journal of Press/Politics 25 (4): 607–631.