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Performance studies in communication


Works Cited

  • Alexander, Bryant Keith. “Archiving Performance/Performance as Archive: A Hybrid Book Review and Performance of E. Patrick Johnson’s Sweet Tea.” Text and Performance Quarterly 34 (2014): 416–18. Print.
  • Alexander, Bryant Keith. “Performing Culture in the Classroom: An Instructional (Auto)Ethnography.” Text and Performance Quarterly 19 (1999): 307–31. Print.
  • Alexander, Bryant Keith. “Phantoms, Amputations, and Mournings of Black Dreadlocks: Or Reentering the Barbershop.” Text and Performance Quarterly 34 (2014): 409–15. Print.
  • Albrecht, Mario. “Acting Naturally Unnaturally: The Performative Nature of Authenticity in Contemporary Popular Music.” Text and Performance Quarterly 28 (2008): 379–95. Print.
  • Allison, John M., Jr. ““It’s All Set in the Stars”: Adapting and Staging Lee Smith's Intensive Care.” Text and Performance Quarterly 36 (2016): 18–33. Print.
  • Amaya, Hector. “Performing Acculturation: Rewriting Latina/o Immigrant Self.” Text and Performance Quarterly 27 (2007):194–12. Print.
  • Andrade, Luis M. “On the Death of Mi Madre, Hauntings, and Ethnic Mourning.” Text and Performance Quarterly 38 (2018):136–52. Print.
  • Armstrong Richard N., and Gerald S. Argetsinger. “The Hill Cumorah Pageant: Religious Pageantry as Suasive Form.” Text and Performance Quarterly 9 (1989): 153–64. Print.
  • Ashcraft, Karen Lee, and Lisa A. Flores. “‘Slaves with White Collars’: Persistent Performances of Masculinity in Crisis.” Text and Performance Quarterly 23 (2003): 1–29. Print.
  • Bacon, Wallace A. “The Dangerous Shores a Decade Later.” The Study of Oral Interpretation: Theory and Comment. Ed. Richard Haas and David A. Williams. Indianapolis: Bobbs, 1975. 221–28. Print.
  • Bacon, Wallace A. “The Dangerous Shores: From Elocution to Interpretation.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 46 (1960):148–52. Print.
  • Bacon, Wallace A. “The Dangerous Shores–One Last Time.” Text and Performance Quarterly 16 (1996): 356–58. Print.
  • Bacon, Wallace A. “Untitled.” Literature in Performance 5.1 (1984): 83–84. Print.
  • Bacon, Wallace, and Robert Breen. Literature for Interpretation. New York: Holt, 1961.
  • Baker-White, Robert. “Authority and Jouissance in Fugard’s Statements After An Arrest Under the Immorality Act.” Text and Performance Quarterly 12 (1992): 228–44. Print.
  • Banks, Stephen P. “Performing Public Announcements: The Case of Flight Attendants’ Work Discourse.” Text and Performance Quarterly 14 (1994): 253–67. Print.
  • Baptista, Lori Danielle Barcliff. “Peixe: Patria e Possibilidades Portuguesas ‘Fish, Homeland, and Portuguese Possibilities.’” Text and Performance Quarterly 29.1 (2009): 60–76. doi:10.1080/10462930802514354.
  • Batiste, Stephanie. “Epaulettes and Leaf Skirts, Warriors and Subversives: Black National Subjectivity in Macbeth and Haiti.” Text and Performance Quarterly 23 (2003): 154–85. Print.
  • Bauman, Richard. “Performance.” Folklore, Cultural Performances, and Popular Entertainments: A Communications-Centered Handbook. Ed. Richard Bauman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1992. 41–49. Print.
  • Beasley, Myron. “‘Tribute to the Ancestors’: Ritual Performance and Same-Gender-Loving Men of African Descent.” Text and Performance Quarterly 28 (2008): 433–57. Print.
  • Beauvais, Paul Jade. “Native Son in Prison: Rhetorical Performance as Restored Behavior.” Text and Performance Quarterly 10 (1990): 306–15. Print.
  • Bell. Elizabeth “Performance Studies as Women’s Work: Historical Sights/Sites/Citations from the Margin.” Text and Performance Quarterly 16 (1996): 350–74. Print.
  • Bell, Elizabeth. “Sex Acts Beyond Boundaries and Binaries: A Feminist Challenge for Self Care in Performance Studies.” Text and Performance Quarterly 25 (2005):187–219. Print.
  • Bell, Elizabeth. Theories of Performance. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2008. Print.
  • Bell, Elizabeth. “Toward a Pleasure-Centered Economy: Wondering a Feminist Aesthetics of Performance.” Text and Performance Quarterly 15 (1995): 99–121. Print.
  • Bell, Elizabeth. “Weddings and Pornography: The Cultural Performance of Sex.” Text and Performance Quarterly 19 (1999): 173–95. Print.
  • Bell, Elizabeth, and Linda C. Forbes “Office Folklore in the Academic Paperwork Empire: The Interstitial Space of Gendered (Con)Texts.” Text and Performance Quarterly 14 (1994): 181–96. Print.
  • Benson, Thomas W. “A Scandal in Academia: Sextext and CRTNET.” Western Journal of Communication 76 (2012): 2–16. Print.
  • Birkhead, Douglas. Review of Life After Postmodernism: Essays on Value and Culture, edited and introduced by John Fekete. Text and Performance Quarterly 9 (1989): 173–74. Print.
  • Bodkin, Alison Fisher, and Christopher Collins. “Fractured.” Text and Performance Quarterly, 36 (2017): 257–69. Print.
  • Bowman, Michael. “Killing Dillinger: A Mystory.” Text and Performance Quarterly 20 (2000): 342–74. Print.
  • Bowman, Ruth Laurion. “Domestic(ating) Excess: Women's Roles in Uncle Tom's Cabin and its Adaptations.” Text and Performance Quarterly 20 (2000): 113–29. Print.
  • Bowman, Michael, and Ruth Laurion Bowman. “Performing the Mystory: A Textshop in Autoperformance.” Teaching Performance Studies. Ed. Nathan Stucky and Cynthia Wimmer. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 2002: 161–74. Print.
  • Brisini, Travis. “The Conference Room Carpet.” Text and Performance Quarterly 36 (2016): 156–65. Print.
  • Brisini, Travis. “The Mystical and the Mundane: The Human/Animal Distinction in Animal Parade.” Text and Performance Quarterly 39 (2019): 173–76. Print.
  • Brisini, Travis. “Phytomorphizing Performance: Plant Performance in an Expanded Field.” Text and Performance Quarterly 39 (2019): 3–21. Print.
  • Brisini, Travis. “Precarity Afoot: Material Performatives as Evolutionary Relations Across Deep Time.” Text and Performance Quarterly 38 (2018): 119–35. Print.
  • Brisini, Travis, and Jake Simmons. “Posthuman Relations in Performance Studies.” Text and Performance Quarterly 36 (2016) 191–99. Print.
  • Broderick, Michael, and Sean Gleason. “We Kill Our Own: Towards a Material Ecology of Farm Life.” Text and Performance Quarterly 36 (2016): 250–64. Print.
  • Brody, Jennifer DeVere. “Queering Racial Reproduction: ‘Unnatural Acts’ in Angelina Weld Grimke’s ‘The Closing Door.’” Text and Performance Quarterly 23 (2003): 205–23. Print.
  • Calafell, Bernadette. “Pro(re-)claiming Loss: A Performance Pilgrimage in Search of Malintzin Tenépal.” Text and Performance Quarterly 25 (2005): 43–56. Print.
  • Calafell, Bernadette, and Shane Moreman. “Envisioning an Academic Readership: Latino/a Performatives per the Form of Publication.” Text and Performance Quarterly 29 (2009): 123–30. Print.
  • Callier, Durell M., and Kimberlee Pérez. “Still Political: Reflections of the Complex Histories, Negotiations, and Significations of Hair.” Text and Performance Quarterly 34 (2014): 390–91. Print.
  • Cameron, Kenneth M. “Paul Robeson, Eddie Murphy, and the Film Text of ‘Africa’.” Text and Performance Quarterly 10 (1990): 282–93. Print.
  • Capo, Kay Ellen. “Review of Reading Women: Essays in Feminist Criticism, by Mary Jacobus.” Literature in Performance 8 (1988): 92–94. Print.
  • Capo, Kay Ellen. “Review of Stealing the Language: The Emergence of Women’s Poetry in America, by Alicia Susan Ostriker.” Literature in Performance 7 (1986): 62–63. Print.
  • Capo, Kay Ellen, and Darlene M. Hantzis. “(En)gendered (and Endangered) Subjects: Writing, Reading, Performing, and Theorizing Feminist Criticism.” Text and Performance Quarterly 11 (1991): 249–66. Print.
  • Carlson, Marvin. Performance: A Critical Introduction. London: Routledge, 2013. Print.
  • Carpenter, Faedra Chatard. “Robert O’Hara’s Insurrection: ‘Que(e)rying’ History.” Text and Performance Quarterly 23 (2003): 186–204. Print.
  • Carr, Tessa W., and Deanna Shoemaker. “Hauntings: Marking Flesh, Time, Memory.” Text and Performance Quarterly 37 (2017): 68–93. Print.
  • Carroll, Lewis. Sylvie and Bruno Concluded. New York: Macmillan, 1894. Print.
  • Carver, M. Heather. “Beckoning: Communicating Performance Studies as Communication.” Text and Performance Quarterly 33 (2013): 227–28. Print.
  • Carver, M. Heather, and Bryant Keith Alexander. “Introduction: Oral Interpretation and Ethnography in Performance: (Re)Examining the Dangerous Shores 2012.” Text and Performance Quarterly 32 (2012): 187–91. Print.
  • Chambers-Letson, Joshua. “The Queer of Color's Mother: Ryan Rivera, Audre Lorde, Martin Wong, Danh Vō.” TDR: The Drama Review 62.1 (2018): 46–59. Print.
  • Chávez, Karma. “Remapping Latinidad: A Performance Cartography of Latina/o Identity in Rural Nebraska.” Text and Performance Quarterly 29 (2009): 165–82. Print.
  • Cherry-Chandler, Eileen. “After the Reapers: Place Settings of Race, Class, and Food Insecurity.” Text and Performance Quarterly 29 (2009): 44–59. Print.
  • Cherwitz, Richard A. and Thomas J. Darwin. “Why the ‘Epistemic’ in Epistemic Rhetoric? The Paradox of Rhetoric as Performance.” Text and Performance Quarterly 15 (1995): 189–205. Print.
  • Chesebro, James W. “Text, Narration, and Media.” Text and Performance Quarterly 9 (1989): 1–23. Print.
  • Chung, Kelly I. “Review of The Racial Mundane: Asian American Performance and the Embodied Everyday, by Ju Yon Kim.” Text and Performance Quarterly 37 (2017): 281–83. Print.
  • Chvasta, Marcyrose. “Remembering Praxis: Performance in the Digital Age.” Text and Performance Quarterly 25 (2005): 156–70. Print.
  • Coleman, Daniel B. “Performing the Border: A Queer of Color Artist-Scholar and Ally Response to Tortilla Curtain.” Text and Performance Quarterly 33 (2013): 184–90. Print.
  • Collins, Christopher C. “Animal Parade.” Text and Performance Quarterly 39 (2019): 160–72. Print.
  • Colson, Ted. “Introduction.” Renewal and Revision: The Future of Interpretation. Ed. Ted Colson. Denton, TX: NB Omega, 1986. 1–7. Print.
  • Colson, Ted. “Untitled.” Literature in Performance 5.1 (1984): 84–86. Print.
  • Conquergood, Dwight. “Boasting in Anglo-Saxon England: Performance and the Heroic Ethos.” Literature in Performance 1.2 (1981): 24–35. Print.
  • Conquergood, Dwight. “Homeboys and Hoods: Gang Communication as Cultural Space.” Cultural Struggles: Performance, Ethnography, Praxis. Ed E. Partick Johnson. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 2013. 224–63. Print.
  • Conquergood, Dwight. “Performing as a Moral Act: Ethical Dimensions of the Ethnography of Performance.” Literature in Performance 5.2 (1985): 1–13. Print.
  • Conquergood, Dwight. “Response to Wendt.” Text and Performance Quarterly 10 (1990): 256–59. Print.
  • Conquergood, Dwight. “Rethinking Elocution: The Trope of the Talking Book and Other Figures of Speech.” Text and Performance Quarterly 20 (2000): 325–41. Print.
  • Conquergood, Dwight. “Storied Worlds and the Work of Teaching.” Communication Education 42 (1993): 337–48. Print.
  • Corey, Frederick C. “Performing Sexuality in an Irish Pub.” Text and Performance Quarterly 16 (1996): 146–60. Print.
  • Corey, Frederick C. “Tim Miller’s Body (of Work).” Text and Performance Quarterly 23 (2003): 253–70. Print.
  • Corey, Frederick C., and Thomas K. Nakayama. “Sextext.” Text and Performance Quarterly 17 (1997): 58–68. Print.
  • Craig, Robert T. “Communication Theory as a Field.” Communication Theory 9.2 (1999): 119–61. Print.
  • Crenshaw, Kimberle. “Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist theory and Antiracist politics.” University of Chicago Legal Forum 1989 (1989): 139–67. Web. 11 Nov. 2017.
  • Dailey, Sheron J. “Response.” Text and Performance Quarterly 10 (1990): 259–61. Print.
  • Darnell, Amy L. “Review of Mean Little Deaf Queer, by Terry Galloway.” Text and Performance Quarterly 30 (2010): 480–82. Print.
  • Davis, Patricia G. “The Other Southern Belles: Civil War Reenactment, African American Women, and the Performance of Idealized Femininity.” Text and Performance Quarterly 32 (2012): 308–11. Print.
  • DeChaine, D. Robert. “Affect and Embodied Understanding in Musical Experience.” Text and Performance Quarterly 22 (2002): 79–98. Print.
  • Delgado, Fernando. “All Along the Border: Kid Frost and the Performance of Brown Masculinity.” Text and Performance Quarterly 20 (2000): 388–401. Print.
  • Delgado, Fernando. “Reflections on Being/Performing Latino Identity in the Academy” Text and Performance Quarterly 29 (2009): 149–64. Print.
  • Denzin, Norman K. Interpretive Ethnography: Ethnographic Practices for the 21st Century. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1997. Print.
  • Dillard, Scott “Breathing Darrell: Solo Performance as a Contribution to a Useful Queer Mythology.” Text and Performance Quarterly 20 (2000): 74–83. Print.
  • Dow, Bonnie J. “Performance of Feminine Discourse in Designing Women.” Text and Performance Quarterly 12 (1992): 125–45. Print.
  • Edwards, Paul C. “Performance of and Beyond Literature.” The SAGE Handbook of Performance Studies. Ed. D. Soyini Madison and Judith Hamera. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2006. 143–50. Print.
  • Edwards, Paul C. “Six Questions about the ‘Other’ Nickleby.” Literature in Performance 7.2 (1987): 79–81. Print.
  • Edwards, Paul C. “Unstoried: Teaching Literature in the Age of Performance Studies.” Theatre Annual 52 (1999): 1–147. Print.
  • Eguchi, Shinsuke. “Review of Sexual Discretion: Black Masculinity and the Politics of Passing, by Jeffery Q. McCune Jr.” Text and Performance Quarterly 36 (2016): 180–82. Print.
  • Eguchi, Shinsuke, and Myra N. Roberts. “Gay Rapping and Possibilities: A Quare Reading of ‘Throw that Boy P***y.” Text and Performance Quarterly 35 (2015): 142–57. Print.
  • Engler, Balz. “Vachel Lindsay and the Town of American Visions.” Literature in Performance 3 (1982): 27–34. Print.
  • Evans, Nicola. “Games of Hide and Seek: Race, Gender and Drag in the Crying Game and the Birdcage.” Text and Performance Quarterly 18 (1998): 199–216. Print.
  • Feldman, Alice E. “Dances with Diversity: American Indian Self-Presentation within the Representative Contexts of a Non-Indian Museum.” Text and Performance Quarterly 14 (1994): 210–21. Print.
  • Fenske, Mindy. “The Aesthetic of the Unfinished: Ethics and Performance.” Text and Performance Studies 24 (2004): 1–19. Print.
  • Fenske, Mindy. “The Movement of Interpretation: Conceptualizing Performative Encounters with Multimediated Performance.” Text and Performance Quarterly 26 (2006): 138–61. Print.
  • Fletcher, John. “Of Minute Men and Rebel Crown Armies: Reconsidering Transformative Citizenship.” Text and Performance Quarterly 29 (2009): 222–38. Print.
  • Foucault, Michel. Discipline and Punish. Trans. Alan Sheridan. New York: Vintage, 1991. Print.
  • Foucault, Michel. Fearless Speech. Ed. Joseph Pearson. Los Angeles, CA: Semiotext(e), 2001. Print.
  • Forrest, John. “Abstract of “Why Do They Laugh? An Interactional Approach to Humor in Iranian Improvisatory Theatre,” by William O. Beeman.” Literature in Performance 3.2 (1983): 98–99. Print.
  • Forrest, John. “Meditation for the Performer: A Brief, Replicable Introduction.” Literature in Performance 6.1 (1985): 12–23. Print.
  • Fuoss, Kirk. “Performance as Contestation: An Agonistic Performance on the Insurgent Assembly.” Text and Performance Quarterly 13 (1994): 331–49. Print.
  • Fuoss, Kirk, Cindy J. Kistenberg, and Lawrence B. Rosenfield. “‘OUT ART’: Reducing Homophobia on College Campuses Through Artistic Intervention.” Text and Performance Quarterly 12 (1992): 349–61. Print.
  • Fox, Ragan. “Tales of a Fighting Bobcat: An ‘Auto-Archaeology’ of Gay Identity Formation and Maintenance.” Text and Performance Quarterly 30 (2010): 122–24. Print.
  • Fuentes, Marcela A. “Performance Constellations: Memory and Event in Digitally Enabled Protests in the Americas.” Text and Performance Quarterly 35 (2015): 24–42. Print.
  • Gallie, Walter Bryce. Philosophy and the Historical Understanding. New York: Schocken, 1964. Print.
  • Galloway, Terry. “Taken: The Philosophically Sexy Transformation in a Woman by Playing Male Roles in Shakespeare.” Text and Performance Quarterly 17 (1997): 94–100. Print.
  • Garland, David. “‘What is a History of the Present?’ On Foucault’s Genealogies and their Critical Preconditions.” Punishment and Society 16 (2014): 365–84. Print.
  • Gendzel, Glen. “The Tortilla Curtain and California’s Nativist Heritage.” Text and Performance Quarterly 33 (2013): 175–83. Print.
  • Gentleman, Rye. “Review of Performance and Media: Taxonomies for a Changing Field, by Sarah Bay-Cheng, Jennifer Parker-Starbuck, and Davd Z. Saltz.” Text and Performance Quarterly 39 (2019): 263–65. Print.
  • Gingrich-Philbrook, Craig. “Autobiographical Performance and Carnivorous Knowledge: Rae C. Wright’s Animal Instincts.” Text and Performance Quarterly 18 (1998): 63–79. Print.
  • Gingrich-Philbrook, Craig. “Autoethnography’s Family Values: Easy Access to Compulsory Experiences.” Text and Performance Quarterly 25 (2005): 297–314. Print.
  • Gingrich-Philbrook, Craig. “Disciplinary Violation as Gender Violation: The Stigmatized Masculine Voice of Performance Studies.” Communication Theory 8 (1998): 203–20. Print.
  • Gingrich-Philbrook, Craig. “‘Good Vibration’ or Domination: Stylized Repetition in Mythopoetic Performance of Masculinity.” Text and Performance Quarterly 14 (1994): 21–45. Print.
  • Gingrich-Philbrook, Craig. “On the Execution of the Young Giraffe, Marius, by the Copenhagen Zoo: Conquergood’s ‘Lethal Theatre’ and Posthumanism.” Text and Performance Quarterly 36 (2016): 200–11. Print.
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  • Gingrich-Philbrook, Craig. “The Unnatural Performative: Resisting Phenomenal Closure.” Text and Performance Quarterly 17 (1997): 123–29. Print.
  • Gingrich-Philbrook, Craig, and Jake Simmons. “Reprogramming the Stage: A Heuristic for Posthuman Performance.” Text and Performance Quarterly 35 (2015): 323–44. Print.
  • Gharavi, Lance. “Dancing on the Emerald Table: (Mis)Adventures in Performance and Esoterica.” Text and Performance Quarterly 24 (2014): 348–63. Print.
  • Goltz, Dustin. “Invitation to Participate: ‘Critical Performance Dialogues: Skepticisms and Imaginaries’ Summer 2016.” Received by Jake Simmons. 11 May 2015.
  • Gratch, Lindsey Michalik. “How I Learned to Swede (and You Can Too!): In Praise of Amateur Aesthetics.” Text and Performance Quarterly 38 (2018): 109–14. Print.
  • Gray, Jonathan. “Trail Mix: A Sojourn on the Muddy Divide Between Nature and Culture.” Text and Performance Quarterly 30 (2010): 201–19. Print.
  • Gray, Jonathan. “Web 2.0 and Collaborative Online Performance.” Text and Performance Quarterly 32 (2012): 65–72. Print.
  • Gray, Paul H. “Calling the Cops.” American Communication Journal 1.2 (1998): n. pag. Web. 1 Nov. 2017.
  • Gray, Paul H. “Cast Down Your Bucket Where You Are.” The Future of Performance Studies: Visions and Re-Visions. Ed. Sheron J. Dailey. Annandale, VA: NCA, 1988. 320–24. Print.
  • Gray, Paul H. “On Naming the Rose: A Response.” Text and Performance Quarterly 10 (1990): 262–64. Print.
  • Gutierrez, Robert. “Review of Latina/o Communication Studies: Theorizing Performance, by Bernadette Marie Calafell.” Text and Performance Quarterly 31 (2011): 455–56. Print.
  • Gutierrez-Perez, Robert, and Luis Andrade. “Queer of Color Worldmaking: <Marriage> in the Rhetorical Archive and the Embodied Repertoire.” Text and Performance Quarterly 38 (2018): 1–18. Print.
  • Haas, Benjamin. “Hopeless Activism: Performance in the Anthropocene.” Text and Performance Quarterly 36 (2016): 279–96. Print.
  • Hamera, Judith. “Loner on Wheels as Gaia: Identity, Rhetoric, and History in the Angry Art of Rachel Rosenthal.” Text and Performance Quarterly 11 (1991): 35–45. Print.
  • Hamera, Judith. “A Post-Jungian Perspective on Repetition and Violence in the Tanztheater of Pina Bausch.” Text and Performance Quarterly 9 (1989): 107–12. Print.
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  • Hamera, Judith. “Silence that Reflects: Butoh, Ma, and the Crosscultural Gaze.” Text and Performance Quarterly 10 (1990): 53–60. Print.
  • Haraway, Donna. The Companion Species Manifesto: Dogs, People, and Significant Otherness. Chicago: Prickly Paradigm, 2003. Print.
  • Haraway, Donna. “Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective.” Feminist Studies 14 (1988): 575–99. Print.
  • Hasian, Marouf, Jr. “Performative Law and the Maintenance of Interracial Social Boundaries: Assuaging Antebellum Fears of ‘White Slavery’ and the Case of Sally Miller/Salome Müller.” Text and Performance Quarterly 23 (2003): 55–86. Print.
  • Hawes, Leonard. “Becoming-Other-Wise: Conversational Performance and the Politics of Experience.” Text and Performance Quarterly 18 (1998): 273–99. Print.
  • Henderson, Mae. “Josephine Baker and La Revue Negre: From Ethnography to Performance.” Text and Performance Quarterly 23 (2003): 107–33. Print.
  • Heston, Lilla A. “The Very Oral Henry James.” Literature in Performance 1.2 (1980): 1–12. Print.
  • Hill, Randall T. “Legitimizing Colonial Privilege: Native Americans at a Quincentenary of Discourse.” Text and Performance Quarterly 16 (1996): 92–101. Print.
  • Holling, Michelle A., and Bernadette Marie Calafell. “Identities on Stage and Staging Identities: Chicano Brujo Performances as Emancipatory Practices.” Text and Performance Quarterly 27 (2007): 58–83. Print.
  • Hollwitz, John C. “Steele MacKaye and the Origins of Performer Training in America.” Literature in Performance 2.1 (1981): 50–55. Print.
  • HopKins, Mary Francis. “Performance of Literature and the Core.” Renewal and Revision: The Future of Interpretation. Ed. Ted Colson. Denton: NB Omega, 1986. 100–14. Print.
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  • Holton, Kimberly DaCosta. “Like Blood in Your Mouth: Topograhies of Flamenco Voice and Pedagogy in Diaspora.” Text and Performance Quarterly 18 (1998): 300–18. Print.
  • Houston Grey, Stephanie. “Writing Redemption: Trauma and the Authentication of the Moral Order in Hibakusha Literature.” Text and Performance Quarterly 22 (2002): 1–23. Print.
  • Inslee, L. Forrest. “Review of Why Suya Sing: A Musical Anthropology of an Amazonian People, by Anthony Seeger, and Dried Millet Breaking: Time, Words, and Song in the Woi Epic of the Kpelle, by Ruth M. Stone.” Text and Performance Quarterly 11 (1991): 159–61. Print.
  • Jackson, Shannon. “Rhetoric in Ruins: Performing Literature and Performance Studies.” Performance Research 14.1 (2009): 6–16. Print.
  • Johnson, Amber. “Confessions of a Video Vixen: My Autocritography of Sexuality, Desire, and Memory.” Text and Performance Quarterly 34 (2014): 182–200. Print.
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  • Jones, Joni L. “Improvisation as a Performance Strategy for African-based Theatre.” Text and Performance Quarterly 13 (1993): 233–51. Print.
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  • Khader, Allison R. “Review of From Bourgeois to Boojie: Black Middle-Class Performances, by Vershawn Ashanti Young with Bridget Harris Tsemo, eds.” Text and Performance Quarterly 32 (2012): 254–58. Print.
  • Kirkwood, William G. “Shiva's Dance at Sundown: Implications of Indian Aesthetics for Poetics and Rhetoric.” Text and Performance Quarterly 10 (1990): 93–110. Print.
  • Kleinau, Marion. “Oral Performance and the Mind’s Images.” Literature in Performance 1.2 (1981): 45–57. Print.
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  • Krell, Elias D. “‘Who’s the Crack Whore at the End?’ Performance, Violence, and Sonic Borderlands in the Music of Yva las Vegass.” Text and Performance Quarterly 32 (2012): 254–58. Print.
  • Lane-Ewart. Janice. “Interview with Sekou Sundiata.” Text and Performance Quarterly 29 (2009): 276–78. Print.
  • Langellier, Kristin M. “Doing Deconstruction: Sexuality and Interpretation.” Literature in Performance 4.1 (1983): 45–50. Print.
  • Langellier, Kristin M. “From Text to Social Context.” Literature in Performance 6.2 (1986): 60–70. Print.
  • Langellier, Kristin M. “Personal Narratives: Perspectives on Theory and Research.” Text and Performance Quarterly 9 (1989): 243–76. Print.
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  • Langellier, Kristin M. “Storytelling, Turning Points, and Wicked Problems in Performance Studies.” Text and Performance Quarterly 33 (2013): 214–19. Print.
  • Latham, Angela J. “Performance, Ethnography, and History: An Analysis of Displays by Female Bathers in the 1920s.” Text and Performance Quarterly 17 (1997): 170–81. Print.
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  • Lentz, Tony M. “The Rhapsodes Revisited: Notes Regarding Their Divine Inspiration, Success, and Recognition.” Literature in Performance 1.1 (1980): 45–50. Print.
  • LeVan, Michael. “Digital Proximities.” Text and Performance Quarterly 33 (2013): 246–47. Print.
  • LeVan, Michael, and Marcyrose Chvasta. “Of Many Distributions.” Text and Performance Quarterly 32 (2012): 61–64. Print.
  • Lindeman, Kurt. “Live(s) Online: Narrative Performance, Presence, and Community in Livejournal.com.” Text and Performance Quarterly 24 (2005): 354–72. Print.
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  • Loesch, Katherine. “Review of Southwestern Indian Ritual Drama, ed. Charlotte J. Frisbe.” Literature in Performance 3.2 (1983): 88–98. Print.
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