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Patient-focused and feedback research in psychotherapy: Where are we and where do we want to go?

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  • Shimokawa, K., Lambert, M. J., & Smart, D. W. (2010). Enhancing treatment outcome of patients at risk of treatment failure: Meta-analytic and mega-analytic review of a psychotherapy quality assurance system. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 78(3), 298–311. doi: 10.1037/a0019247
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  • Whipple, J. L., Lambert, M. J., Vermeersch, D. A., Smart, D. W., Nielsen, S. L., & Hawkins, E. J. (2003). Improving the effects of psychotherapy: The use of early identification of treatment and problem-solving strategies in routine practice. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 50(1), 59–68. doi: 10.1037/0022-0167.50.1.59
  • White, M. M., Lambert, M. J., Ogles, B. M., Mclaughlin, S. B., Bailey, R. J., & Tingey, K. M. (2015). Using the assessment for signal clients as a feedback tool for reducing treatment failure. Psychotherapy Research. Advance online publication. doi:10.1080/10503307.2015.1009862

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