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A chronology of the missile technology control regime

Pages 66-93 | Published online: 05 Feb 2008


  • Scheffran , Jürgen and Karp , Aaron . 1992 . “The National Implementation of the Missile Technology Control Regime – The US and German Experiences,” . In Controlling the Development and Spread of Military Technology , Edited by: Brauch , Hans Gunter . 240 Amsterdam : Vu University Press .
  • U.S. Government . 4/16 1987 . “Missile Technology Control Regime,” . Fact Sheet To Accompany Public Announcement 4/16 ,
  • Government of Canada . April 16 1987 . Missile Technology Control Regime , Background Paper April 16 ,
  • Government of Japan . 11/29 1992 . Press Release 11/29 ,
  • McCarthy , Timothy V. 1993 . “India: Emerging Missile Power,” . In ‘The International Missile Bazaar: The New Suppliers’ Network , Edited by: Potter , William C. and Jencks , Harlan W. 220 – 221 . Boulder : Westview Press .
  • Karp , Aaron . 1989 . The United States and the Soviet Union and the Control of Ballistic Missile Proliferation to the Middle East , 13 – 15 . Boulder : Westview Press .
  • Karp . op. cit. 15
  • Henshaw , John H. 1993 . The Origins of COCOM: Lessons for Contemporary Proliferation Control Regimes , 24 Washington, D.C. : The Henry L. Stimson Center .
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  • Karp , Aaron . 1992 . “Ballistic Missiles and the MTCR,” . In Limiting the Proliferation of Weapons: The Role of Supply‐Side Strategies , Edited by: Rioux , Jean‐François . 113 – 126 . Ottawa : Carleton University Press .
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  • Karp , Aaron . 1984/85 . “Ballistic Missiles in the Third World,” . International Security , 9 ( 3 ) Winter : 178 – 179 .
  • Scheffran , Jürgen and Karp , Aaron . 1992 . “The National Implementation of the Missile Technology Control Regime ‐ The US and German Experiences,” . In Controlling the Development and Spread of Military Technology , Edited by: Brauch , Hans Günter . 236 Amsterdam : Vu University Press .
  • Fialka , John J. 1987 . “Allies to Curb Flow of Missile Technology,” . Wall Street Journal , 4 ( 17 ) : 11
  • Karp , Aaron . 1989 . The United States and the Soviet Union and the Control of Ballistic Missile Proliferation to the Middle East , 13 Boulder : Westview Press .
  • Government of Canada . Missile Technology Control Regime , Background Paper, 4/16/87 240 Scheffran and Karp . (note 2)
  • Karp , Aaron . 1989 . The United States and the Soviet Union and the Control of Ballistic Missile Proliferation to the Middle East , 13 – 14 . New York : Institute for East‐West Security Studies .
  • Speier , Richard H. 1991 . “The Missile Technology Control Regime,” . In Chemical Weapons and Missile Proliferation , Edited by: Findlay , Trevor . 115 Boulder : Lynne Rienner Publishers .
  • Government of Canada . 4/16 1987 . Missile Technology Control Regime , Background Paper 4/16 ,
  • Government of Canada, Department of External Affairs . 4/16 1987 . Communique , No. 069 4/16 , 15 Karp (note 3)
  • Wyles , John . 7/31 1989 . “Fiat Link Suspected in Condor Missile Probe,” . In Financial Times 7/31 , 2
  • 9/26 1988 . FBIS‐WEU‐88–156 9/26 , 13
  • Tollefson , Scott D. 3 1990 . Brazil, The United States, and the Missile Technology Control Regime , NPS‐56–90–006 3 , 34 Monterey, California : Naval Postgraduate School .
  • 9/26 1988 . FBIS‐WEU‐88–156 9/26 , 13
  • The Arms Control Association . 3 1992 . “The Missile Technology Control Regime,” . In Fact Sheet 3 , 19 Karp (note 3)
  • Potter , William C. and Stulberg , Adam . November/December 1990 . “The Soviet Union and the Spread of Ballistic Missiles” . In Survival November/December , 547
  • 1988 . “Soviet Foreign Minister Visits Washington,” . Department of State Bulletin , 88 ( 2140 ) 11 : 28 – 31 .
  • 6/1 1990 . U.S. Efforts to Control the Transfer of Nuclear‐Capable Missile Technology , NSIAD‐90–176 6/1 , 16 General Accounting Office .
  • 2/9 1989 . Congressional Record 2/9 , E354 – E355 .
  • Schmidt , Rachel . 1 1990 . U.S. Export Control Policy and The Missile Technology Control Regime , 1 , 41 – 42 . Santa Monica : The RAND Corporation .
  • U.S. Congress . 5/2 1989 . Ballistic and Cruise Missile Proliferation in the Third World , Hearing before the Subcommittee on Defense Industry and Technology, Committee on Armed Services, Senate 5/2 , 12 29 – 30 . H. Allen Holmes testimony .
  • 1/29–2/4 1990 . “Iraq Heavy Missile Launch ‘Definitely’ not Condor II,” . In Defense & Foreign Affairs Weekly 1/29–2/4 , 1 (DOC 62)
  • 8/4 1989 . Congressional Record 8/4 , S10231
  • 10/31 1989 . U.S. Congress, Hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations United States Senate 10/31 , 32 – 33 .
  • 10/7 1989 . Congressional Record 10/7 , S12992 – S12995 .
  • Couto , Veronica . 10/25 1989 . FBIS‐LAT‐89–205 10/25 , 42
  • 9/23 1989 . Gazeta Mercantil 9/23 , 16
  • Gordon , Michael R. 10/19 1989 . “U.S. Tries to Stop Brazil's Missile Technology Deal,” . In New York Times 10/19 , A6
  • Dawnay , Ivo . 10/24 1989 . Financial Times 10/24 , 8
  • 8/3 1989 . Congressional Record 8/3 , 12074
  • 8/4 1989 . Congressional Record 8/4 , 10231
  • Ehrmann , Eric and Barton , Christopher . 3/19 1991 . The Christian Science Monitor 3/19 , 19
  • 8/8 1989 . FBIS‐WEU‐89–151 8/8 , 6
  • 7/30 1989 . L'Unita 7/30 , 6
  • 11/2 1989 . Congressional Record 11/2 , S14603
  • Congressional Research Service . Congressional Research Bill Digest , 101 Congress, 1st Session 1989 Vol. 1 of 2 , A – 203 . A – 403 . Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office .
  • Gordon , Michael R. 11/1 1989 . “Clash Erupts on Ways to Halt Spread of Missiles,” . In New York Times 11/1 , 10
  • 10/26 1989 . Nuclear Developments 10/26 , 43 – 44 .
  • 10/8 1989 . The Sunday Correspondent 10/8 , 1 (DOC 1110)
  • Gordon , Michael R. 10/19 1989 . “U.S. Tries to Stop Brazil's Missile Technology Deal,” . In New York Times 10/19 , A6
  • Ackerman , Robert K. 11 1989 . “French Rocket Technology Transfer,” . In Signal 11 ,
  • 10/7 1989 . Congressional Record 10/7 , S12992
  • 10/7 1989 . Congressional Record 10/7 , S12992 – S12995 .
  • Couto , Veronica . 10/25 1989 . FBIS‐LAT‐89–205 10/25 , 42
  • 9/23 1989 . Gazeta Mercantil 9/23 , 16 8 Dawnay (note 22)
  • Freedman , Alan and Mallet , Victor . 10/6 1989 . “United States Seeks Full EC Membership of Missile Treaty,” . In Financial Times , Congressional Record 10/6 , S12994
  • Graybeal , Sidney and McFate , Patricia . 5/18 1992 . “Space Vehicles Pose Ballistic Threat,” . In Defense News 5/18 , 31 (DOC 1432)
  • Vasilev , Aleksandr . 5/14 1992 . Proliferation Issues 5/14 , 32 – 33 .
  • 4/18 1992 . Komsomolskava Pravda 4/18 , 5 (DOC 2206)
  • 11/19 1989 . Congressional Record 11/19 , S16225
  • Karp , Aaron . 1990 . SIPRI Yearbook 1990: World Armaments and Disarmament , 369 – 391 . New York : Oxford University Press .
  • 3/30 1991 . “MTCR List to be Revised,” . In Jane's Defence Weekly 3/30 , 470
  • 2/26 1990 . “Soviets to Adhere to MTCR Limits Except in Afghanistan,” . In Defense & Foreign Affairs Weekly 2/26 , 2 (DOC 199)
  • 2/12 1990 . FBIS‐SOV‐90–029 2/12 , 20 – 22 .
  • 2/10 1990 . Tass 2/10 , Moscow
  • Government of Belgium . 4/25 1990 . Communique de Presse du Benelux Relatif au MTCR 4/25 ,
  • U.S. Department of State . 12/24 1990 . Heat Treatment of Brazilian Rocket Motors , 12/24 , Press Release . (DOC 820)
  • Sotero , Paulo . 10/15 1990 . Proliferation Issues 10/15 , 17
  • 9/8 1990 . Estado de Sao Paulo 9/8 , 9 (DOC 811)
  • Testimony , James A. Baker and U.S. Congress . 6/13 1990 . First Post‐Cold War Superpower Summit, May 1990 , 6/13 , 95 Hearing before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs .
  • 2/17 1992 . “Prevent a Ballistic Missile Fire Sale,” . In Defense News 2/17 , 31 – 32 . (DOC 1624)
  • Wemple , Erik . 10/25 1990 . “Fighting an Uphill Battle: Missile Technology Export Controls,” . In Export Control News 10/25 , 9
  • 7/16 1990 . Xinhua General Overseas News Service 7/16 ,
  • Fall 1990 . “Canada Hosts MTCR Meeting,” . In The Disarmament Bulletin Fall , 27
  • Sotero , Paulo . 10/15 1990 . Proliferation Issues 10/15 , 17
  • 9/8 1990 . O Estado de Sao Paulo 9/8 , 9 (DOC 811)
  • 9/19 1990 . Congressional Record 9/19 , H7830 – H7843 .
  • Covault , Craig . 10/1 1990 . “Israeli Rocket Proposed to NASA for U.S. Commercial Booster Project,” . In Aviation Week & Space Technology 10/1 , 100 – 101 .
  • Chanda , Nayan . 5/1 1991 . Wall Street Journal 5/1 , A10 (DOC 612)
  • Milhollin , Gary and White , Gerard . 3 1991 . “Tug of war over High‐Tech Exports,” . In Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 3 , 7 – 8 . (DOC 202)
  • 10/19 1990 . Wall Street Journal 10/19 , A1
  • Congressional Information Service . 1991 . CIS/Index Legislative Histories, January‐December 1990 , 342 – 344 . Betheseda : Congressional Information Service .
  • 9/19 1990 . Congressional Record 9/19 , H7830
  • Royal Government of Denmark, Ministry of Foreign Affairs . 11/15 1990 . Press Release 11/15 ,
  • Royal Government of Denmark . 1/29 1993 . “Udvidet Kontrol Med Missilteknologi,” . In Export 1/29 ,
  • 9/5 1993 . “Increase in Egypt's ‘Scuds’ Leads to BAe Pullout,” . In Jane's Defence Weekly 9/5 , 31 (DOC 2421)
  • Government of New Zealand, Minister for Disarmament and Arms Control . 1/29 1991 . New Zealand Adopts Missile Controls , 1/29 , Press Statement .
  • Government of Norway, Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs . 11/12 1990 . Press Release 11/12 ,
  • 5/20 1991 . Nuclear Developments 5/20 , 24
  • 4/18 1991 . Wiener Zeitung 4/18 , 4 Vienna (DOC 454)
  • Dantes , Edmond . 2/ 25 1991 . “Missiles in Gulf Buoy India's Development Drive,” . In Defense News 2/ 25 , 3 (DOC 452)
  • Findlay , Trevor . 5 1991 . “Defending Mother India,” . In Pacific Research 5 , 13 – 14 . (DOC 564)
  • Leopold , George . 2/25 1991 . “Arms Control Experts Eye Multinational Effort to Stabilize Gulf,” . In Defense News 2/25 , 30 (DOC 469)
  • Friedman , Alan . 3/28 1991 . “The Middle East: Washington Gave Green Light to Iraq Sales,” . In Financial Times 3/28 , 86 – 91 . (DOC 614)
  • Milhollin , Gary . 6 1991 . Licensing Mass Destruction, US Exports to Iraq: 1985–1990 , 6 , 1 – 26 . Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control . (DOC 634)
  • Leopold , George . 4/8 1991 . “China Markets Missile To Middle East Buyers,” . In Defense News 4/8 , 1 29
  • Tyson , James L. 3/29 1991 . “China Will Ignore US Pressure to Stop Selling its Missiles,” . In Christian Science Monitor 3/29 , 6 (DOC 318)
  • 6 1991 . Arms Control Reporter 6 , 706.B.56 (DOC 631)
  • Spring 1991 . “MTCR Partners Meet in Tokyo,” . In The Disarmament Bulletin Spring , 10
  • Government of Japan . 11/29 1992 . Press Release 11/29 ,
  • Porteous , Holly . 3/30 1991 . Jane's Defence Weekly 3/30 , 470 (DOC 673)
  • Kiselev , Ilya . 5/2 1991 . FBIS‐SOV‐91–085 5/2 , 1
  • 4/23 1991 . IAN Press Release 4/23 ,
  • 5/31 1991 . Nuclear Developments 5/31 , 17 – 18 .
  • 5/5 1991 . La Prensa 5/5 , 1 4 Buenos Aires (DOC 526)
  • Chanda , Nayan . 5/1 1991 . “As U.S.‐China Relations Deteriorate, Bush Sends Envoy on Salvage Mission,” . In Wall Street Journal 5/1 , A10 (DOC 612)
  • Smith , R. Jeffrey . 6/11 1991 . “U.S. to Press China to Halt Missile Saks,” . In Washington Post 6/11 , A14 (DOC 678)
  • Rosenthal , Andrew . “Bush Renewing Trade Privileges for China, but Adds Missile Curbs,” . In New York Times A1 A4 (DOC 683)
  • Sciolino , Elaine . 2/22 1992 . “U.S. Lifts its Sanctions on China over High‐Technology Transfers,” . In New York Times 2/22 , 1 5 (DOC 1692)
  • Seib , Gerald F. 5/28 1991 . “Bush to Renew Favored Status for China Trade,” . In Wall Street Journal 5/28 , A3 A6 (DOC 609)
  • Smith , Jeffrey . 6/11 1991 . “U.S. to Press China to Halt Missile Sales,” . In The Washington Post 6/11 , A14 (DOC 678)
  • U.S. Government . 1992 . Federal Register , 57 ( 67 ) 4/7 : 11768 (DOC 2241)
  • Spring 1992 . Missile Monitor Spring , 10 – 11 .
  • 5/30 1991 . FBIS‐LA‐91–104 5/30 , 25 – 29 .
  • Televisora , Argentina . 5/28 1991 . “ (Buenos Aires) ” . 5/28 ,
  • Prensa , La . 5/5 1991 . “ (Buenos Aires) ” . 5/5 , 1 4
  • Government of France . 6/3 1991 . Plan for Arms Control and Disarmament 6/3 ,
  • 6/19 1991 . “China Weighs Signing 2 Pacts,” . In New York Times 6/19 , A6 (DOC 503)
  • Government of Sweden, Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs . 1992 . Documents on Swedish Foreign Policy, 1991 Stockholm
  • 1991 . Federal Register , 56 ( 137 ) 7/17 : 32601
  • Bnayahu , Avi . 10/29 1991 . Proliferation Issues 10/29 , 39 – 40 .
  • 10/3 1991 . Al Hamishmar 10/3 , 1 4 Tel Aviv (DOC 719)
  • Diehl , Jackson . 10/4 1991 . “Israel, Pressed by U.S. Puts Limits on its Export of Missile Technology,” . In Washington Post 10/4 , A21 (DOC 742)
  • 11 1991 . Milavnews 11 , 19 (DOC 713)
  • Sandler , Neal . 10/12 1991 . “USA Brings Israel into Line on MTCR,” . In Jane's Defence Weekly 10/12 , 644 (DOC 728)
  • 1991 . Federal Register , 56 ( 199 ) 10/15 : 51734 (DOC 1350)
  • 11 1991 . Milavnews 11 , 18 – 19 . (DOC 713)
  • Diehl , Jackson . 10/4 1991 . “Israel, Pressed by U.S. Puts Limits on its Export of Missile Technology,” . In Washington Post 10/4 , A21 (DOC 742)
  • 10/3 1991 . “Israel ‘Accepte’ le Report par le Congres du Debat sur les Garanties Bancaires,” . In Agence France Presse 10/3 ,
  • Strich , Jo . 10/12 1991 . “Les Relations Israelo‐Americaines sous le Signe de la Defiance,” . In Agence France Presse 10/12 ,
  • Williams , Daniel . 10/4 1991 . “Israel Agrees to Limit Missile Data Transfers,” . In Los Angeles Times 10/4 , A4 (DOC 723)
  • Wolfsthal , Jon . 11 1991 . “Israel Accepts MTCR Guidelines,” . In Arms Control Today 11 , 20 (DOC 1113)
  • Carlisle , Adrienne . 10/29 1991 . “Further on Botha's Remarks,” . In Proliferation Issues 10/29 , 2
  • Swart , Freek . 3/4 1992 . Beeld 3/4 , 6 Johannesberg
  • Holzer , Robert and Munro , Neil . 10/14 1991 . “MTCR Does Not Block Israeli Warhead Sales,” . In Defense News 10/14 , 4 (DOC 1296)
  • Bartholomew , Reginald . Summer 1992 . “Curbing Destabilizing Arms Transfers,” . In The DISARM Journal Summer , 45
  • Spring 1992 . Missile Monitor Spring , 10 – 11 . 76
  • Winter 1991/92 . “MTCR Partners Meet in Washington,” . In Disarmament Bulletin , No 18 Winter , 13
  • U.S. Department of State . 11/8 1991 . The Washington MTCR Plenary: Press Line 11/8 ,
  • Wolfsthal , Jon . 11 1991 . “Israel Accepts MTCR Guidelines,” . In Arms Control Today 11 , 20 (DOC 1113)
  • 2/17 1992 . “Prevent a Ballistic Missile Fire Sale,” . In Defense News 2/17 , 31 – 32 . (DOC 1624)
  • 11/25/91–12/1 1991 . Beijing Review 11/25/91–12/1 , 7
  • 1/11 1992 . “China Poised to Sign Treaty,” . In Jane's Defence Weekly 1/11 , 44 (DOC 910)
  • Friedman , Thomas L. 11/18 1991 . “Baker's China Trip Fails to Produce Pledge on Rights,” . In New York Times 11/18 , Al A5 (DOC 1060)
  • 12 1991 . Milavnews 12 , 2 (DOC 1162)
  • Oberdorfer , Don . 1/17 1992 . “Bush to Meet Chinese Premier at U.N. ” . In Washington Post 1/17 , A24 (DOC 1699)
  • Wolfsthal , Jon . 12 1992 . “Suspected Chinese Missile Sale Overshadows U.S. Trade Visit,” . In Arms Control Today 12 , 22
  • 12/23 1991 . “China May be Able to Get U.S. Missile Technology,” . In Wall Street Journal 12/23 , A6 (DOC 1005)
  • Levi , On . 1/31 1992 . Proliferation Issues 1/31 , 23
  • 12/25 1991 . Davar 12/25 , 1 (DOC 1759)
  • 1–2 1992 . Arms Sales Monitor , No. 11–12 1–2 , 4 (DOC 1521)
  • Spring 1992 . “Argentina's Perspectives on Missile Proliferation: An Interview with Felix Menicocci,” . In Missile Monitor Spring , 10 – 11 .
  • Lawler , Andrew . 2/16 1992 . “Congress Cautious on Lifting Satellite Ban Against China,” . In Space News 2/16 , 1 29 (DOC 1109)
  • Sciolino , Elaine . 2/22 1992 . “U.S. Lifts Its Sanctions on China Over High‐Technology Transfers,” . In New York Times 2/22 , 1 5 (DOC 1692)
  • 2/21 1992 . Proliferation Issues 2/21 , 6
  • 2/7 1992 . Telam 2/7 , (DOC 1368)
  • Government of South Africa, Embassy of South Africa . 5/26 1992 . Press Release 5/26 , (DOC 1351)
  • Government of Switzerland . 2/17 1992 . “Exporfkontrollen gegen Weiterverbreitung von ABC‐Massenvernichtungswaffen,” . In Press Release 2/17 , Bern
  • Government of Switzerland . 2/18 1992 . “Verordnung über die Aus‐ und Durchfuhr von Waren und Technologien im Bereich der ABC‐Waffen und Raketen,” . In Amtliche Sammlung des Bundesrechts , No. 6 2/18 , 2/12 1992
  • 1–2 1992 . Arms Sales Monitor , No. 11–12 1–2 , 5 (DOC 2199)
  • 4/7 1992 . Federal Register 4/7 , 11767 – 11768 . (DOC 1514)
  • Government of Finland . 1/26 1993 . Press Release 1/26 ,
  • February‐March 1993 . “MTCR Expands Role and Membership,” . In Disarmament Newsletter February‐March ,
  • 5 1992 . “MTCR,” . In Pacific Research 5 , 28 (DOC 2293)
  • 1992 . Federal Register , 57 ( 116 ) 6/16 : 26773 (DOC 2004)
  • Lewis , Paul . 4/6 1992 . Defense News 4/6 , 3 44 (DOC 1850)
  • 6/3 1992 . FBIS‐LAT‐92–1078 6/3 , 22 – 23 .
  • 6/2 1992 . Clarin 6/2 , 4 (DOC 2291)
  • 5/14 1992 . Proliferation Issues 5/14 , 10 – 11 .
  • 4/27 1992 . Noticias Argentinas 4/27 , (DOC 2125)
  • 3 1993 . Arms Control Reporter 3 , 706.B.111
  • 5/13 1992 . Executive New Service 5/13 ,
  • Mayorov , Mikail and Proshnev , Igor . 5/20 1992 . Proliferation Issues 5/20 , 11 – 12 .
  • 5/8 1992 . Interfax 5/8 , (DOC 2172)
  • 5/20 1992 . Proliferation Issues 5/20 , 10 – 11 .
  • 5/8 1992 . Rossiyskiye Vesti 5/8 , 3 Moscow (DOC 2223)
  • Skosyrev , Vladimir . 5/14 1992 . Proliferation Issues 5/14 , 33 – 34 .
  • 5/6 1992 . Izvestiya 5/6 , 1 6 (DOC 1738)
  • 5/23 1992 . “We Will Develop Technology: ISRO Chief,” . In HINDU 5/23 , 5 (DOC 1962)
  • 4/28/92–5/4 1992 . Preliminary Report: Carnegie Endowment Delegation Visit to Pyongyang, DPRK 4/28/92–5/4 , (DOC 1920)
  • 7/30 1992 . “Hungarian Control System Modeled on Western Structure,” . In Export Control News 7/30 , 8 10 (DOC 2585)
  • 8–9 1992 . Disarmament Newsletter 8–9 , 5 (DOC 2292)
  • 5/20 1992 . Proliferation Issues 5/20 , 10 – 11 .
  • 5/8 1992 . Rossiyskiye Vesti 5/8 , 3 Moscow (DOC 223)
  • Shchedrov , Oleg . 5/27 1992 . “Russian Parliament Chief Seeks Rocket Deal Compromise,” . In Executive News Service 5/27 ,
  • 5/27 1992 . Reuter 5/27 ,
  • U.S. Department of State, Office of the Assistant Secretary . 5/11 1992 . Statement by Richard Boucher/Deputy Spokesman 5/11 , (DOC 1352)
  • 5/23 1992 . “Rocket Deal ‘Does Not Violate MTCR’,” . In Hindu 5/23 , 9 (DOC 2078)
  • Giacomo , Carol . 6/1 1992 . “US Says Arms Talks May Make Only Modest Gains,” . In Executive News Service 6/1 ,
  • 5/29 1992 . Reuter 5/29 , (DOC 2075)
  • Feinstein , Lee . 6 1992 . “Third Round of Arms Sales Talks Fails to Resolve Notification Issue,” . In Arms Control Today 6 , 21
  • 1992 . Federal Register , 57 ( 116 ) 6/16 : 26773 (DOC 2004)
  • 5 1992 . “MTCR,” . In Pacific Research 5 , 28 (DOC 2293)
  • February/March 1993 . “MTCR Expands Role and Membership,” . In Disarmament Newsletter February/March , 13
  • 7/30 1992 . “MTCR Adjusts Scope of Regime Controls,” . In Export Control News 7/30 , 5 – 6 . (DOC 2284)
  • Autumn 1992 . “MTCR Plenary Meeting 6/29/ 92–7/2/92,” . In PPNN Newsbrief Autumn , 15 (DOC 2283)
  • 7/7 1992 . Federal Register 7/7 , 29924 – 29925 .
  • Government of Japan . 11/29 1992 . Press Release 11/29 ,
  • 7/22 1992 . Proliferation Issues 7/22 , 19
  • 9/1 1992 . Proliferation Issues 9/1 , 17
  • 7/18 1992 . The Statesman 7/18 , 1 Calcutta (DOC 2559)
  • Raj , N. Gopaf . 7/25 1992 . “India Trying to Enter European Space Market,” . In Hindu 7/25 , 9 (DOC 2523)
  • 7/31 1992 . Proliferation Issues 7/31 , 13
  • 7/26 1992 . Ha'Aretz 7/26 , A1 A8 Tel Aviv (DOC 2528)
  • U.S. Office of Press Secretary . 7/15 1992 . White House Non‐Proliferation Initiative Fact Sheet 7/15 , (DOC 2719)
  • 7/30 1992 . Export Control News 7/30 , 5 – 6 . (DOC 2284)
  • 9/1 1992 . Proliferation Issues 9/1 , 15
  • 7/26 1992 . The Sunday Times of India 7/26 , 11 Bombay (DOC 2658)
  • 8–9 1992 . Disarmament Newsletter 8–9 , 5 (DOC 2292)
  • 8/12 1992 . Congressional Record 8/12 , S12652 – S12655 .
  • 9/14 1992 . FBIS‐CHI‐92–178 9/14 , 11
  • Lewis , Paul . 9/28 1992 . “S. African Industry Targets Asia,” . In Defense News 9/28 , 1 34 (DOC 2338)
  • PaulLewis . 9/14–20 1992 . “Chincse Ire at U.S. Could Prompt More Arms Sales to Iran,” . In Defense News 9/14–20 , 19
  • Katyal , K.K. 11/13 1992 . Proliferation Issues 11/13 , 12 – 13 .
  • 10/12 1992 . The Hindu 10/12 , 8 Madras (DOC 2834)
  • 10/1 1992 . Congressional Record 10/1 , S15955 – 15957 . (DOC 2695)
  • 10/9 1992 . Proliferation Issues 10/9 , 1
  • Thurlow , John . 10/31 1992 . “European Export Controls Post 1992,” . In Export Control News 10/31 , 5 – 7 .
  • Starr , Barbara . 10/10 1992 . “MiG Buy May Lead to Chinese Copies,” . In Jane's Defence Weekly 10/10 , 18
  • 1/15 1993 . Proliferation Issues 1/15 , 2
  • 11/25 1992 . Armed Forces 11/25 , 25 Johannesburg
  • 11/6 1992 . Anti‐Ballistic Missile Defence , No. 1339 11/6 , 2 15
  • Lenorovilz , Jeffrey M. 1/4 1993 . “Lockheed, Khrunichev to Market Proton Launcher,” . In Aviation Week & Space Technology 1/4 , 24 – 25 . (3480)
  • Wolfsthal , Jon . 12 1992 . “Suspected Chinese Missile Sale Overshadows U.S. Trade Visit,” . In Arms Control Today 12 , 22
  • 1992 . SIA Newsnotes , 6 ( 4 ) 12 : 3
  • 1/28 1993 . Export Control News 1/28 , 2 – 3 .
  • 1/8 1993 . Executive News Service 1/8 ,
  • 1/8 1993 . Executive News Service 1/8 ,
  • 3/3 1993 . FBIS‐S0V‐93–040 3/3 , 1 – 21 .
  • 1/21 1993 . Rasporvazheniye Prezidenta Rossiyskoy Federatsii 1/21 , 1 – 59 . Moscow
  • 1/26 1993 . FBIS‐SOV‐93–015 1/26 , 31
  • 1/22 1993 . Rossiyskiye Vesti 1/22 , 1
  • 1/27 1993 . Proliferation Issues 1/27 , 18
  • 1/21 1993 . FBIS‐SOV‐93–012 1/21 , 3 – 4 .
  • 3/4 1993 . FBIS‐SOV‐93–041 3/4 , 10 – 11 .
  • 3/3 1993 . Rossiyskiye 3/3 , 2 Vesti
  • 3/11 1993 . Press Release 3/11 ,
  • Summer 1993 . “Missile Technology: Looking beyond supply‐Side Control,” . In The Disarmament Bulletin Summer , 5
  • Government of Australia . 3/11 1993 . Press Release 3/11 ,
  • 5 1993 . “Canberra MTCR Meeting,” . In Pacific Research 5 , 20
  • Leopold , George and Opall , Barbara . 4/12–18 1993 . “Missile Controls Cloud U.S. Ties With Israel,” . In Defense News 4/12–18 , 1 28 (3128)
  • U.S. Government . 4/4 1993 . Joint Statement of the Presidents of the United States and the Russian Federation: Vancouver Declaration , 4/4 , Press Release .
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  • The author would like to express her appreciation to Timothy V. McCarthy for his contribution to this report.

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