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Environmental Regionalism and International Organizations: Implications for Post-Communism



  • Agostinis, Giovanni, and Francisco Urdinez. 2021. “The Nexus between Authoritarian and Environmental Regionalism: An Analysis of China’s Driving Role in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.” Problems of Post-Communism 1–15. doi:10.1080/10758216.2021.1974887.
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  • Iman, Adrita, Zafar Nazarov, and Anastassia Obydenkova. 2022. “Female Leadership, Democratization, and Firm Innovation: Social Inequalities and Gender Issues in Post-Communist Economies.” Eastern European Economics 1–22. Advance online publication. doi:10.1080/00128775.2021.2024440.
  • Izotov, V. S., and A. V. Obydenkova. 2021. “Geopolitical Games in Eurasian Regionalism: Ideational Interactions and Regional International Organisations.” Post-Communist Economies 33 (2–3): 150–74. doi:10.1080/14631377.2020.1793584.
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  • Lankina, T., A. Libman, and A. Obydenkova. 2016a. “Authoritarian and Democratic Diffusion in Post-communist Regions.” Comparative Political Studies 49 (12): 1599–629. doi:10.1177/0010414016628270.
  • Lankina, T. V., A. Libman, and A. Obydenkova. 2016b. “Appropriation and Subversion.” World Politics 68 (2): 229–74. doi:10.1017/S0043887115000428.
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  • Libman, A., and A. V. Obydenkova. 2018a. “Understanding Authoritarian Regionalism.” Journal of Democracy 29 (4): 151–65. doi:10.1353/jod.2018.0070.
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  • Nazarov, Z., and A. Obydenkova. 2020. “Democratization and Firm Innovation: Evidence from the European and Central Asian post-Communist States.” Post-Communist Economies 32 (7): 833–59. doi:10.1080/14631377.2020.1745565.
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