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The European Legacy
Toward New Paradigms
Volume 5, 2000 - Issue 1
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Receptiveness to an Idea: A Search for Relatively Positive Representations of the Jew in Enlightenment France

Pages 7-27 | Published online: 02 Jul 2010


  • 1990 . "Pourquoi je suis dix-huitiémiste" and "La pensée des Lumières, ou 'suivre dans le silence les traces de la raison humaine'," ” . In Le Cur et la Raison , 1 – 9 . 13 – 25 . Oxford and Paris : Voltaire foundation and universitas . This is a theme in the many articles and books by Roland Mortier, certainly one of the most gifted and learned dix-huitiémistes of our day. See, for example, his
  • Cobban , Alfred . 1967 . "The Enlightenment and the French Revolution," ” . In Aspects of the Eighteenth Century , Edited by: Wasserman , Earl R. 305 – 16 . Baltimore , MD : Johns Hopkins Press . This was the point of view of
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  • 1998 . "Myth, Origins, Identity: Voltaire, the Jews and die Enlightenment Notion of Toleration" . Eighteenth century theory and interpretation , 39 ( 2 ) : 107 – 126 . Also see his
  • Schwarzbach . 1997 . "Voltaire et les Juifs. Bilan et Plaidoyer," . Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century , 358 : 37 – 101 .
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  • Torrey , Norman L. 1930 . Voltaire and the English Deists , 122 – 4 . New Haven , CT : Yale University Press .
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  • Hess , Jonathan M. 1998 . "Sugar Island Jews? Jewish Colonialism and the Rhetoric of 'Civic Improvement' in Eighteenth-Century Germany," . Eighteenth-Century Studies , 32 ( 1 ) : 92 – 100 .
  • Ferorelli , Nicola . 1990 . GIi Ebrei nell'Italia meridionale dell' Et là Romana al secolo XVIII , 239 – 47 . Naples : Dick Peerson . Several Italian studies of the Jews in the realm of Naples have very kindly been brought to my attention by Nicolo Bucaria. They see nothing but opportunism in Charles's Lettre patente, and Church opposition obliged him to withdraw the privileges he had offered very swiftly. See
  • Giura , Vincenzo . 1987 . Stone di Minoranze: Ebreui, Greet, Albanesi nel Regno di Napoli , 89 – 91 . Naples : Edizioni Scientifiche Italiani .
  • Szajkowski , Zosa . 1959 . Autonomy and Jewish Communal Debts during the French Revolution of 1789 , New York : Alexander Kohnt Foundation .
  • Feuerwerker , Voir David . 1976 . L'Emancipation des Juifs en France , 565 – 650 . Paris : Albin Michel . for the history of the definitive abolition of this medieval relic
  • Schwarzfuchs , Simon . 1979 . Napoléon, the Jews and the Sanhedrin , London : Routledge and Reagan .
  • Hermon-Belot , Rita . 1992 . "L'abbé Grégoire et la Conversion des Juifs," ” . In Les Juifs et la Révolution française. Histoire et Mentalités , Edited by: Hadas-Lebel , Mireille and Grausz , Evelyne Oliol . 21 – 7 . Louvain, Paris : Pecters .
  • Poliakov, 181-97
  • Ages , Arnold . 1986 . The Image of Jews and Judaism in the Prelude of the French Enlightenment , Sherbrooke : Editions Naaman . For the crudity of preaching regarding the Jews early in the century, Catholic and Protestant, see
  • Kahn , Léon . 1898 . Les Juifs de Paris pendant la Révolution , 70 84 – 5 . 111 Paris : P. ollendorff . which studies the Catholic and monarchist press; Poliakov, 334-5
  • Elyada , Ouzi . 1994 . "La presse parisienne de droite et la question juive sous la Révolution francaise," ” . In Juifs en France au xviii' siècle , Edited by: Blumenkranz , Bernhard . 223 – 38 . Paris : Commission française des Archives juives .
  • Schwarzfuchs , Simon . "Les Juifs et la Grande Peur," ” . In Les Juifs et la Révolution Française 53 – 9 . and Poliakov, 239-41
  • Morin , Edgar . 1969 . La Rumeur d'Orléans , Paris : Seui .
  • Labrousse , Elisabeth . 1975 . "Note sur la Théorie de la Tolérance chez Pierre Bayle," . Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture , 4 : 205 – 8 .
  • O'Cathasaigh , Sean . 1996 . "Bayle and Locke on Toleration," ” . In De l'Humanisme aux Lumières, Bayle et le Protestantisme. Mélanges en l'Honneur d'Elisabeth Labrousse , Edited by: Magdelaine , Michelle , Pitassi , Maria-Cristina , Whelan , Ruth and McKenna , Antony . 679 – 92 . Paris, Oxford : Universitas and Voltaire Foundation .
  • Bost , Hubert . "L'Écriture Ironique et Critique d'un Contre-Révocationnaire," . 665 – 78 . idem
  • Voltaire, Essai sur les Mæurs, chap. ciii.
  • Pappas , John . 1993 . "Le XVIIIe Siècle, de la Charité à la Fraternité," . Autrement , 11 : 66 – 86 .
  • Forrest , Alan . 1981 . The French Revolution and the Poor , vii 17 – 19 . Oxford : Basil Blackwell . where it is described how a decline in alms giving and the inadequacy of traditional charity, financed and administered at parish level, forced a reluctant government to take "the first hesitant steps toward the birth of a modern, secular state-supported system of public assistance for the poor," and the "strong element of [secular] humanitarianism in the intellectual salons of the day [became] so deeply rooted by the time of Turgot that it had come to assume something of the status of a moral absolute."
  • Cracker , Lester . 1963 . Nature and Culture. Ethical Thought in the French Enlightenment , Baltimore , MD : Johns Hopkins Press . chap. v
  • 1674 . Cérémonies et Coustumes qui s'exercent aujourd'huy parmi les Juifs , Paris : L. Billaine .
  • 1681 . Comparaison des cérémonies des juif s et de la discipline de l'Eglise … , Paris : L. Billaine .
  • 1996 . From Christian Hebraism to Jewish Studies. Johannes Buxtorf (1564-1629) and Hebrew Learning in the Seventeenth Century , Leiden : E. J. Brill . chap. iii
  • Schwarzbach . 1989 . "Les Sources Rabbiniques de la Critique Biblique de Richard Simon," ” . In Le Grand Siècle et la Bible. Bible de tous les Temps 6 , Edited by: Armogathe , Jean-Robert . 207 – 31 . Paris : Beauchesne .
  • Auvray , Paul . 1974 . Richard Simon 1638-1712. Etude Bio-Bibliographique… , 182 – 3 . Paris : Presses universitaires de France . nos. 6-6g
  • Fleury , Claude . 1681 . Les murs des Israélites , Paris : Vre G. Clouzier . and many reeditions
  • Prideaux , Humphrey . 1716-18 . The Old and New Testaments Connected in the History of the Jews and Neighboring Nations , London : R. Knaplock . translated as Histoire des Juifs … (Amsterdam: H. Du Sauzet, 1722)
  • Simon , Richard . 1685 . Histoire critique du vieux testament , 535 – 547 . Amsterdam : Les Compagnies des Libraires .
  • Gilboa , A. , eds. 1970 . "Judaism and Jews in the Eyes of Protestant Exiles (1685-1715)," ” . In Papers in the History of the Jewish People and of Israel in Memory of Tzvi Avneri , 163 – 5 . Haifa : University of Haifa . Myriam Yardeni was the first to appreciate Basnage's defense of the Jews. See her, (in Hebrew)
  • Labrousse , Elisabeth . 1964 . Hétérodoxie et Rigorisme , 520 – 43 . The Hague : Martinas Nijhoff . chap, xviii, and the seminar paper of Sutcliffe
  • de Beausobre , Isaac . 1734-39 . Histoire Critique de Manichéé, et du Manichésme , Amsterdam : Jean Frédérre Bernard .
  • Schwarzbach . 1995 . "Politics and Ethics in the Huguenot Diaspora: Isaac de Beausobre in Berlin," ” . In New Essays on the Political Thought of the Huguenots of the Refuge , Edited by: John Christian , Laursen . 109 – 30 . Leiden : E. J. Brill .
  • Basnage . 1710 . Histoire des Juifs , Paris : L. Roullard . 7v. See de Negroni, who makes several very valuable comparisons: while Basnage recognized it to be his duty to denounce the fantastic accusations that had been brought against the Jews and, like Simon, to relate them to the cupidity of their (Catholic) persecutors, Dupin treats those calumnies as functions of a deceiving imagination, refusing to recognize any causation, any relation to the theology, prejudice or rapacity of medieval Catholics. Basnage often compares Jewish doctrines and practices to those of the Roman Church, as had Simon before him, but with the intention of demonstrating a shared religious absurdity that the Reform had abandoned, while, for Dupin, the Jews have a monopoly on religious absurdity
  • Cohen , Richard I. 1998 . Jewish Icons: Art Society in Modem Europe , 43 – 51 . Berkeley , CA : University of California Press . We are not in entire agreement with the interpretation of the Picart engravings proposed in this book. The worldly Christians observing the Jewish rites in Picart's engravings are probably there in part for artistic reasons and in part to represent the benevolent curiosity of the reader of the Cérémonies et coutumes. Anyone who frequents orthodox synagogue services or has attended circumcision ceremonies knows that both are occasions for more socializing than an outsider might consider consistent with the dignity of the rite being performed. Picart was probably being realistic rather than satiric as Cohen argues. He also attributes to Picard certain notions about religion because of his connection with the "Knights of Jubilation" on the strength of Margaret Jacob's characterization of that club as proto-masonic. That characterization has been criticized (and in our opinion, refuted) by Jacques Lebrun and Christine Berkvens-Stevelinck
  • Bots , Hans . "Le Plaidoyer des Journalistes de Hollande pour la Tolérance (1684-1750)," ” . In De l'Humanisme aux Lumières … 547 – 59 .
  • Schwarzbach . 1996 . "A Quo ?--Datation de l'Opinion des Anciens sur les Juifs. Ad Quem?--Une Source des Lettres Persanes," . La Lettre Clandestine , 5 : 31 – 41 .
  • 1997 . "Remarques sur la Date, la Bibliographie et la Réception des Opinions des Anciens sur les Juifs," . La lettre Clandestine , 6 : 51 – 63 . idem
  • Schwarzbach . 1992 . "L'Étude de l'Hébreu en France au XVIIIe Siècle: La grammaire d'Etienne Fourmont," . Revue des Études Juives , CLI : 43 – 75 .
  • Leung-Hang-King , Cécile . 1993 . "The Language of the Other': Etienne Fourmont (1683-1745), Chinese, Hebrew and Arabic in Pre-Enlightenment France" ” . 100 – 114 . University of Chicago . dissertation
  • Leung , Cécile . 1994 . "Voltaire's Jewish Friend--Cardos," . Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century , 319 : 399 – 401 .
  • Hadas-Lebel , Mireille . 1985 . "Les Études Hébraïques en France au XVIIIe Siècle et la Création de la Première Chaire d'Écriture Sainte en Sorbonne," . Revue des Études Juives , CXLIV : 93 – 126 .
  • 1968 . "Some of my Best Friends are Philosophes," . New York Review of Books , 22 Aug. : 11 – 14 . Hertzberg replied, 24 Oct 1968, 37, and Trevor-Roper answered him, 38
  • Schwarzbach . 1992 . "Nicolas-Sylvestre Bergier: Historien Révisionniste du Judaïsme," ” . In La République des Lettres et l'Histoire du Judaïsme Antique, XVIe-XVIIIe siècles , Edited by: Grell , Chantal and Laplanche , François . 163 – 83 . Paris : Presses de l'Université de Paris-Sorbonne .
  • 1988 . "La Comédie Die Juden (1749) de Lessing et le Rôle de la Littérature Allemande dans le Mouvement d'Émancipation des Juifs en France au 18é Siècle," . Revue de Littérature Comparée , 245 : 5 – 22 .
  • Altmann , Alexander and Mendelssohn , Moses . 1973 . A Biographical Study , 40 – 3 . University , AL : University of Alabama Press .
  • Genton , François . 1997 . "Les Périodiques Allemands face à la Réception Française du Théâtre (1780-1789)," ” . In La Réception des Lettres Françaises dans les Revues Allemandes du XVIIIe Siècle , Edited by: Bois , Pierre-André , Krebs , Roland and Moes , Jean . 153 – 76 . Berne : Lang .
  • Altmann, 40.
  • van Cleve , John Walter . 1983 . "Tolerance at a Price: The Jew in Gellert's Schwedische Gräfin," . Seminar (Toronto) , XVIII ( 1 ) : 1 – 13 . We suspect that van Cleve is reading too much into the omissions of this novel with respect to the interior life of his Jewish characters. It is, of course, true that Gellert does not describe their social experience within their community--they have none--or outside it, nor their relation to Jewish religious practice, but the characterization of the Christian characters, and the life and manners in Russia and Siberia is equally superficial, or rather Gellert is no Dickens and his notion of writing a novel does not include such things
  • Mortier , Roland . "Les 'Philosophes' Français du 18e Siècle devant le Judaïsme et la Judéité," ” . In Juifs en France au XVIIIe Siècle 191 – 211 .
  • Hadae-Lebel , Mireille . 1986 . "Florian et les Juifs," ” . In Armand Lunel et les Juifs du Midi , Edited by: lancu , C. 223 – 33 . Montpelliers : Université Paul Valéry .
  • See Poliakov, 181 et seq.

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