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Zoo Animal Welfare: The Human Dimension



  • Andersen, I. L., Tajet, G. M., Haukvik, I. A., Kongsrud, S., & Bøe, K. E. (2007). Relationship between postnatal piglet mortality, environmental factors and management around farrowing in herds with loose-housed, lactating sows. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, 57(1), 38–45.
  • Andrade, S. B., & Anneberg, I. (2014). Farmers under pressure: Analysis of the social conditions of cases of animal neglect. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 27(1), 103–126.
  • Baker, K. C. (2004). Benefits of positive human interaction for socially housed chimpanzees. Animal Welfare, 13(2), 239–245.
  • Barber, J. C. E. (2009). Programmatic approaches to assessing and improving animal welfare in zoos and aquariums. Zoo Biology, 28(6), 519–530.
  • Bassett, L., & Buchanan-Smith, H. M. (2007). Effects of predictability on the welfare of captive animals. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 102(3), 223–245.
  • Bertenshaw, C., & Rowlinson, P. (2009). Exploring stock managers’ perceptions of the human-animal relationship on dairy farms and an association with milk production. Anthrozoös, 22(1), 59–69.
  • Boivin, X., Lensink, J., Tallet, C., & Veissier, I. (2003). Stockmanship and farm animal welfare. Animal Welfare, 12(4), 479–492.
  • Breuer, K., Hemsworth, P., & Coleman, G. J. (2003). The effect of positive or negative handling on the behavioural and physiological responses of nonlactating heifers. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 84(1), 3–22.
  • Breuer, K., Hemsworth, P. H., Barnett, J. L., Matthews, L. R., & Coleman, G. J. (2000). Behavioural response to humans and the productivity of commercial dairy cows. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 66(4), 273–288.
  • Burton, R., Peoples, S., & Cooper, M. (2012). Building “cowshed cultures”: A cultural perspective on the promotion of stockmanship and animal welfare on dairy farms. Journal of Rural Studies, 28(2), 174–187.
  • Carlstead, K. (2009). A comparative approach to the study of keeper-animal relationships in the zoo. Zoo Biology, 28(6), 589–608.
  • Carlstead, K., & Brown, J. L. (2005). Relationships between patterns of fecal corticoid excretion and behavior, reproduction, and environmental factors in captive black (Diceros bicornis) and white (Ceratotherium simum) rhinoceros. Zoo Biology, 24(3), 215–232.
  • Carlstead, K., Fraser, J., Bennett, C., & Kleiman, D. G. (1999). Black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) in US zoos: II. Behavior, breeding success, and mortality in relation to housing facilities. Zoo Biology, 18(1), 35–52.
  • Chelluri, G. I., Ross, S. R., & Wagner, K. E. (2013). Behavioral correlates and welfare implications of informal interactions between caretakers and zoo-housed chimpanzees and gorillas. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 147(3–4), 306–315.
  • Choo, Y., Todd, P. A., & Li, D. (2011). Visitor effects on zoo orangutans in two novel, naturalistic enclosures. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 133(1–2), 78–86.
  • Claxton, A. M. (2011). The potential of the human–animal relationship as an environmental enrichment for the welfare of zoo-housed animals. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 133(1–2), 1–10.
  • Coe, J. (1999). Increasing affiliative behavior between zoo animals and zoo visitors. Presented at the 1999 AZA Convention (pp. 216–220). Silver Spring, MD: Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA).
  • Coleman, G. J., Hemsworth, P. H., & Hay, M. (1998). Predicting stockperson behaviour towards pigs from attitudinal and job-related variables and empathy. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 58(1), 63–75.
  • Davey, G. (2007). Visitors’ effects on the welfare of animals in the zoo: A review. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 10(2), 169–183.
  • Dawkins, M. S., Donnelly, C. A., & Jones, T. A. (2004). Chicken welfare is influenced more by housing conditions than by stocking density. Nature, 427(6972), 342–344.
  • Devitt, C., Kelly, P., Blake, M., Hanlon, A., & More, S. J. (2015). An investigation into the human element of on-farm animal welfare incidents in Ireland: Human elements of farm animal neglect. Sociologia Ruralis, 55(4), 400–416.
  • Estep, D. Q., & Hetts, S. (1992). Interactions, relationships, and bonds: The conceptual basis for scientist-animal relations. In H. Davis & D. Balfour (Eds.), The inevitable bond: Examining scientist-animal interactions. Cambridge & New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Fernandez, E. J., Tamborski, M. A., Pickens, S. R., & Timberlake, W. (2009). Animal–visitor interactions in the modern zoo: Conflicts and interventions. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 120(1), 1–8.
  • Fraser, D. (2014). Could animal production become a profession? Livestock Science, 169, 155–162.
  • García Pinillos, R., Appleby, M. C., Manteca, X., Scott-Park, F., Smith, C., & Velarde, A. (2016). One welfare—A platform for improving human and animal welfare. Veterinary Record 179, 412–413.
  • Gold, K. C., & Maple, T. L. (1994). Personality-assessment in the gorilla and its utility as a management tool. Zoo Biology, 13(5), 509–522.
  • Gonyou, H. W., Hemsworth, P. H., & Barnett, J. L. (1986). Effects of frequent interactions with humans on growing pigs. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 16(3), 269–278.
  • Gosling, S. D. (1998). Personality dimensions in spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta). Journal of Comparative Psychology, 112, 107–118.
  • Gosling, S. D. (2001). From mice to men: What can we learn about personality from animal research? Psychological Bulletin, 127(1), 45–86.
  • Gosling, S. D., & John, O. P. (1999). Personality dimensions in non-human animals: A cross-species review. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 8, 69–73.
  • Greco, B. J., Meehan, C. L., Hogan, J. N., Leighty, K. A., Mellen, J., Mason, G. J., & Mench, J. A. (2016). The days and nights of zoo elephants: Using epidemiology to better understand stereotypic behavior of African elephants (Loxodonta africana) and Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in North American zoos. PLoS One, 11(7), e0144276.
  • Hemsworth, P. H. (2003). Human–animal interactions in livestock production. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 81(3), 185–198.
  • Hemsworth, P. H., & Barnett, J. L. (1991). The effects of aversively handling pigs, either individually or in groups, on their behaviour, growth and corticosteroids. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 30(1), 61–72.
  • Hemsworth, P. H., Barnett, J. L., & Coleman, G. J. (1993). The human-animal relationship in agriculture and its consequences for the animal. Animal Welfare, 2(1), 33–51.
  • Hemsworth, P. H., Barnett, J. L., Coleman, G. J., & Hansen, C. (1989). A study of the relationships between the attitudinal and behavioural profiles of stockpersons and the level of fear of humans and reproductive performance of commercial pigs. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 23(4), 301–314.
  • Hemsworth, P. H., Barnett, J. L., & Hansen, C. (1981). The influence of handling by humans on the behavior, growth, and corticosteroids in the juvenile female pig. Hormones and Behavior, 15(4), 396–403.
  • Hemsworth, P. H., Barnett, J. L., & Hansen, C. (1986). The influence of handling by humans on the behaviour, reproduction and corticosteroids of male and female pigs. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 15(4), 303–314.
  • Hemsworth, P. H., Barnett, J. L., & Hansen, C. (1987). The influence of inconsistent handling by humans on the behaviour, growth and corticosteroids of young pigs. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 17(3–4), 245–252.
  • Hemsworth, P. H., & Coleman, G. J. (2011). Human-livestock interactions: The stockperson and the productivity and welfare of intensively farmed animals (2nd ed. ed.). Wallingford, UK: CABI.
  • Hemsworth, P. H., Coleman, G. J., Barnett, J. L., & Borg, S. (2000). Relationships between human-animal interactions and productivity of commercial dairy cows. Journal of Animal Science, 78(11), 2821–2831.
  • Hosey, G. (2008). A preliminary model of human–animal relationships in the zoo. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 109(2–4), 105–127.
  • Hosey, G. (2013). Hediger revisited: How do zoo animals see us? Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 16(4), 338–359.
  • Hosey, G., & Melfi, V. (2010). Human-animal bonds between zoo professionals and the animals in their care: Human-animal bonds in zoos. Zoo Biology, 31(1), 13–26.
  • Hosey, G., & Melfi, V. (2015). Are we ignoring neutral and negative human-animal relationships in zoos? Zoo Biology, 34(1), 1–8.
  • Hosey, G. R. (2000). Zoo animals and their human audiences: What is the visitor effect? Animal Welfare, 9(4), 343–357.
  • Kauppinen, T., Vainio, A., Valros, A., Rita, H., & Vesala, K. M. (2010). Improving animal welfare: Qualitative and quantitative methodology in the study of farmers’ attitudes. Animal Welfare, 19(4), 523.
  • Kelling, N. J., Gaalema, D. E., & Kelling, A. S. (2014). A modified operational sequence methodology for zoo exhibit design and renovation: Conceptualizing animals, staff, and visitors as interdependent coworkers. Zoo Biology, 33(4), 336–348.
  • Kolstrup, C. L., & Hultgren, J. (2011). Perceived physical and psychosocial exposure and health symptoms of dairy farm staff and possible associations with dairy cow health. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, 17(2), 111–125.
  • Kuhar, C. W., Stoinski, T. S., Lukas, K. E., & Maple, T. L. (2006). Gorilla Behavior Index revisited: Age, housing and behavior. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 96(3–4), 315–326.
  • Main, D. C. J., Whay, H. R., Green, L. E., & Webster, A. J. F. (2003). Effect of the RSPCA Freedom Food scheme on the welfare of dairy cattle. Veterinary Record, 153, 227–231.
  • Main, D. C. J., Whay, H. R., Leeb, C., & Webster, A. J. F. (2007). Formal animal-based welfare assessment in UK certification schemes. Animal Welfare, 16, 233–236.
  • Manciocco, A., Chiarotti, F., & Vitale, A. (2009). Effects of positive interaction with caretakers on the behaviour of socially housed common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus). Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 120(1–2), 100–107.
  • Martin, R. A., & Melfi, V. (2016). A comparison of zoo animal behavior in the presence of familiar and unfamiliar people. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 19(3), 234–244.
  • McKay, S. (2003). Personality profiles of the cheetah in the UK and Ireland, in relation to environmental factors and performance variables. In Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Symposium on Zoo Research (p. 156).
  • Melfi, V., & Thomas, S. (2005). Can training zoo-housed primates compromise their conservation? a case study using Abyssinian colobus monkeys (Colobus guereza). Anthrozoös, 18(3), 304–317.
  • Mellen, J. D. (1991). Factors influencing reproductive success in small captive exotic felids (Felis spp) - a multiple-regression analysis. Zoo Biology, 10(2), 95–110.
  • Phillips, C., & Peck, D. (2007). The effects of personality of keepers and tigers (Panthera tigris tigris) on their behaviour in an interactive zoo exhibit. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 106(4), 244–258.
  • Rouha-Mülleder, C., Iben, C., Wagner, E., Laaha, G., Troxler, J., & Waiblinger, S. (2009). Relative importance of factors influencing the prevalence of lameness in Austrian cubicle loose-housed dairy cows. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 92(1–2), 123–133.
  • Rushen, J., De Passillé, A. M., & Munksgaard, L. (1999). Fear of people by cows and effects on milk yield, behavior, and heart rate at milking. Journal of Dairy Science, 82(4), 720–727.
  • Rushen, J., Taylor, A. A., & De Passillé, A. M. (1999). Domestic animals’ fear of humans and its effect on their welfare. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 65(3), 285–303.
  • Seabrook, M. F. (1980). The psychological relationship between dairy cows and dairy cowmen and its implications for animal welfare. International Journal for the Study of Animal Problems, 1, 295–300.
  • Seabrook, M. F. (1984). The psychological interaction between the stockman and his animals and its influence on performance of pigs and dairy cows. Veterinary Record, 115(4), 84–87.
  • Shepherdson, D., Lewis, K. D., Carlstead, K., Bauman, J., & Perrin, N. (2013). Individual and environmental factors associated with stereotypic behavior and fecal glucocorticoid metabolite levels in zoo housed polar bears. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 147(3–4), 268–277.
  • Smith, J. J. (2014). Human-animal relationships in zoo-housed orangutans (P. abelii) and gorillas (G. g. gorilla): The effects of familiarity. American Journal of Primatology, 76(10), 942–955.
  • Stoinski, T. S., Jaicks, H. F., & Drayton, L. A. (2012). Visitor effects on the behavior of captive western lowland gorillas: The importance of individual differences in examining welfare. Zoo Biology, 31(5), 586–599.
  • Szokalski, M. S., Litchfield, C. A., & Foster, W. K. (2013). What can zookeepers tell us about interacting with big cats in captivity? Zoo Biology, 32(2), 142–151.
  • Waiblinger, S., Boivin, X., Pedersen, V., Tosi, M.-V., Janczak, A. M., Visser, E. K., & Jones, R. B. (2006). Assessing the human–animal relationship in farmed species: A critical review. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 101(3–4), 185–242.
  • Waiblinger, S., Menke, C., & Coleman, G. (2002). The relationship between attitudes, personal characteristics and behaviour of stockpeople and subsequent behaviour and production of dairy cows. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 79(3), 195–219.
  • Ward, S. J., & Melfi, V. (2013). The implications of husbandry training on zoo animal response rates. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 147(1–2), 179–185.
  • Ward, S. J., & Melfi, V. (2015). Keeper-animal interactions: Differences between the behaviour of zoo animals affect stockmanship. PLoS One, 10(10), e0140237.
  • Whitham, J., & Wielebnowski, N. (2013). New directions for zoo animal welfare science. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 147(3–4), 247–260.
  • Wielebnowski, N. C. (1999). Behavioral differences as predictors of breeding status in captive cheetahs. Zoo Biology, 18(4), 335–349.
  • Wielebnowski, N. C., Fletchall, N., Carlstead, K., Busso, J. M., & Brown, J. L. (2002). Noninvasive assessment of adrenal activity associated with husbandry and behavioral factors in the North American clouded leopard population. Zoo Biology, 21(1), 77–98.