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Symposium on Mixed and Hybrid Models of Public Service Delivery

Concurrent Sourcing in the Public Sector: A Strategy to Manage Contracting Risk


  • Amirkhanyan , A. A. 2010 . “Monitoring across Sectors: Examining the Effect of Nonprofit and For-Profit Contractor Ownership on Performance Monitoring in State and Local Contracts.” Public Administration Review 70 ( 5 ): 742 – 755 .
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  • Hefetz , A. , M. E. Warner , and E. Vigoda-Gadot . 2012 . “Privatization and Inter-municipal Contracting: US Local Government Experience 1992–2007.” Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 30 ( 4 ): 675 – 692 .
  • Hefetz , A. , M. E. Warner , and E. Vigoda-Gadot . Forthcoming. “Professional Management and Local Government service Delivery: Strategic Decisions Across Alternative Markets.” Public Performance & Management Review .
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