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Transforming power/knowledge apparatuses: the smart grid in the German energy transition

Pages 262-284 | Received 02 Oct 2015, Accepted 12 Feb 2016, Published online: 17 Mar 2016


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  • Quoted Interview-Partners (Anonymised).
  • (All interviews were made in spring and summer 2013).
  • Consumer Protection Association/NGO (2013) = Spokesperson of a German Consumer Protection Association.
  • Economist/Academia (2013) = Economist from a German University Department.
  • Energy Supply Company (2013) = Head of an Innovation Group of One of the Big German Energy Supply Companies.
  • Environmental Association/NGO (2013) = Leading Expert for Renewable Energies from a German Environmental Association.
  • Industry Association (2013) = Expert for Smart Grids, Smart Markets and Regulation from One of the Big Industry Associations in Germany in the Energy Sector.

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