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Research Article

The role of communities in preserving, using and remembering heritage: archaeological monuments and dark heritage sites in Estonia

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Pages 195-209 | Received 23 Jun 2023, Accepted 14 Nov 2023, Published online: 23 Nov 2023


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  • Interview 1. Ennuksemäe, Community of Engagement and Local People, Group Interview, October 26, 2022a.
  • Interview 2. Ennuksemäe, Tarvastu Former Local Governance, Group Interview, October 26, 2022b.
  • Interview 3. Asva, Saare local governance, group interview, December 22, 2022c.
  • Interview 4. Asva, Community of Engagement, December 22, 2022d.
  • Interview 5. Asva, Local People, Group Interview, December 29, 2022e.
  • Interview 6. Asva, Saaremaa Museum, December 29, 2022f.
  • Interview 7. Tiduvere, Community of Engagement, January 6, 2023a.
  • Interview 8. Tiduvere, community of engagement, group interview, January 10, 2023b.
  • Interview 9. Tiduvere, Community of Engagement, January 11, 2023c.
  • Interview 10. Tiduvere, Local People, Group Interview, January 15, 2023d.
  • Interview 11. Iru Ämm Club, local people, group interview, January 11, 2023e.
  • Interview 12. Iru local, January 13, 2023f.