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Paid Maternity Leave and Breastfeeding in Urban China

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  • Addati, Laura, Naomi Cassirer, and Katherine Gilchrist. 2014. Maternity and Paternity at Work: Law and Practice Across the World. Geneva: International Labour Office.
  • Anderson, James W., Bryan M. Johnstone, and Daniel T. Remley. 1999. “Breast-feeding and Cognitive Development: A Meta-Analysis.” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 70(4): 525–35.
  • Baker, Michael and Kevin Milligan. 2008. “Maternal Employment, Breastfeeding, and Health: Evidence from Maternity Leave Mandates.” Journal of Health Economics 27(4): 871–87. doi: 10.1016/j.jhealeco.2008.02.006
  • Cook, Sarah and Xiao-yuan Dong. 2011. “Harsh Choices: Chinese Women’s Paid Work and Unpaid Care Responsibilities under Economic Reform.” Development and Change 42(4): 947–66. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-7660.2011.01721.x
  • Croll, Elisabeth. 1983. Chinese Women Since Mao. London: Zed Books.
  • Dennis, Cindy-Lee. 2002. “Breastfeeding Initiation and Duration: A 1990–2000 Literature Review.” Journal of Obstetric Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing 31(1): 12–32. doi: 10.1111/j.1552-6909.2002.tb00019.x
  • Dong, Xiao-yuan and Lixin Colin Xu. 2009. “Labor Restructuring in China: Toward A Functioning Labor Market.” Journal of Comparative Economics 37(2): 287–305. doi: 10.1016/j.jce.2009.01.002
  • Du, Fenglian and Xiao-yuan Dong. 2009. “Why Do Women Have Longer Durations of Unemployment than Men in Post-Restructuring Urban China?” Cambridge Journal of Economics 33(2): 233–52. doi: 10.1093/cje/ben034
  • Du, Fenglian and Xiao-Yuan Dong. 2013. “Women’s Labor Force Participation and Childcare Choices in Urban China during the Economic Transition.” Economic Development and Cultural Change 62(1): 131–55. doi: 10.1086/671714
  • Fein, Sara B. and Brian Roe. 1998. “The Effect of Work Status on Initiation and Duration of Breast-feeding.” American Journal of Public Health 88(7): 1042–6. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.88.7.1042
  • Guendelman, Sylvia, Jessica Lang Kosa, Michelle Pearl, Steve Graham, Julia Goodman, and Martin Kharrazi. 2009. “Juggling Work and Breastfeeding: Effects of Maternity Leave and Occupational Characteristics.” Pediatrics 123(1): e38–e46. doi: 10.1542/peds.2008-2244
  • Huang, Rui and Muzhe Yang. 2015. “Paid Maternity Leave and Breastfeeding Practice Before and After California’s Implementation of the Nation's First Paid Family Leave Program.” Economics and Human Biology 16: 45–59. doi: 10.1016/j.ehb.2013.12.009
  • Ip, Stanley, Mei Chung, Gowri Raman, Priscilla Chew, Nombulelo Magula, Thomas Trikalinos, and Joseph Lau. 2007. “Breastfeeding and Maternal and Infant Health Outcomes in Developed Countries.” Evidence Report/Technology Assessment (Full Report) 153: 1–186.
  • Jia, Nan and Xiao-Yuan Dong. 2013. “Economic Transition and the Motherhood Wage Penalty in Urban China: Investigation Using Panel Data.” Cambridge Journal of Economics 37(4): 819–44. doi: 10.1093/cje/bes044
  • Lindberg, Laura Duberstein. 1996. “Women's Decisions About Breastfeeding and Maternal Employment.” Journal of Marriage and the Family 58(1): 239–51. doi: 10.2307/353392
  • Liu, Bohong, Yongying Zhang, and Yani Li. 2009. “Reconciling Work and Family: Issues and Policies in China.” Conditions of Work and Employment Series 22, International Labour Organization. http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_protect/---protrav/---travail/documents/publication/wcms_travail_pub_21.pdf.
  • Liu, Lan, Xiao-Yuan Dong, and Xiaoying Zheng. 2010. “Parental Care and Married Women’s Labor Supply in Urban China.” Feminist Economics 16(3): 169–92. doi: 10.1080/13545701.2010.493717
  • Maurer-Fazio, Margaret, Connelly Rachel, Lan Chen, and Lixin Tang. 2011. “Child Care, Eldercare, and Labor Force Participation of Married Women in Urban China, 1982–2000.” Journal of Human Resources 46(2): 261–94. doi: 10.1353/jhr.2011.0011
  • Ogbuanu, Chinelo, Saundra Glover, Janice Probst, Jihong Liu, and James Hussey. 2011. “The Effect of Maternity Leave Length and Time of Return to Work on Breastfeeding.” Pediatrics 127(6): e1414–27. doi: 10.1542/peds.2010-0459
  • Roe, Brian, Leslie A. Whittington, Sara Fein, and Mario F. Teisl. 1999. “Is There Competition Between Breast-feeding and Maternal Employment?” Demography 36(2): 157–71. doi: 10.2307/2648105
  • Rogers Imogen S., Pauline M. Emmett, Jean Golding. 1997. “The Incidence and Duration of Breast Feeding.” Early Human Development 49: S45–S74. doi: 10.1016/S0378-3782(97)00053-4
  • Skafida, Valeria. 2012. “Juggling Work and Motherhood: The Impact of Employment and Maternity Leave on Breastfeeding Duration: A Survival Analysis on Growing Up in Scotland Data.” Maternal and Child Health Journal 16(2): 519–27. doi: 10.1007/s10995-011-0743-7
  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 2011. The Surgeon Generals Call to Action to Support Breastfeeding. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Surgeon General. http://www.surgeongeneral.gov/library/calls/breastfeeding/calltoactiontosupportbreastfeeding.pdf.
  • Vestergaard, Mogens, Carsten Mejer Obel, Tine Brink Henriksen, Henrik Toft Sorensen, Elisabeth Skajaa, and Jeanette Ostergaard. 1999. “Duration of Breastfeeding and Development Milestones During the Latter Half of Infancy.” Acta Paediatrica 88(12): 1327–32. doi: 10.1111/j.1651-2227.1999.tb01045.x
  • Visness, Cynthia M. and Kathy I. Kennedy. 1997. “Maternal Employment and Breast-feeding: Findings from the 1988 National Maternal and Infant Health Survey.” American Journal of Public Health 87(6): 945–50. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.87.6.945
  • Wang, Zhen. 2014. “The Development of China’s Social Security System Under Great Power Strategy.” Unpublished manuscript and sub-project of National Social Science Fund (No.: 11&ZD002).
  • Wooldridge, Jeffrey. 2002. Econometrical Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • World Health Organization. 2003. Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding. Geneva: World Health Organization. http://www.who.int/nutrition/publications/gs_infant_feeding_text_eng.pdf.