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Investigating the Gender Wealth Gap Across Occupational Classes



  • Addo, Fenaba R. and Daniel T. Lichter. 2013. “Marriage, Marital History, and Black–White Wealth Differentials among Older Women.” Journal of Marriage and Family 75(2): 342–62.
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  • Sierminska, Eva M., Joachim R. Frick, and Markus M. Grabka. 2010. “Examining the Gender Wealth gap.” Oxford Economic Papers 62(4): 669–90.
  • Sierminska, Eva, Daniela Piazzalunga, and Markus Grabka. 2019. “Transitioning Towards More Equality? Wealth Gender Differences and the Changing Role of Explanatory Factors Over Time.” SOEPpapers on Multidisciplinary Panel Data Research, 1050.
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