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Gendering Macroeconomic Analysis and Development Policy: A Theoretical Model

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  • Agenor, Pierre R. and Madina Agenor. 2014. “Infrastructure, Women’s Time Allocation, and Economic Development.” Journal of Economics 113: 1–30.
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  • Antonopoulos, Rania and Kijong Kim. 2008. Scaling Up South Africa’s Expanded Public Works Programme: A Social Sector Intervention Proposal. New York: Levy Economics Institute.
  • Antonopoulos, Rania, Kijong Kim, Thomas Masterson, and Ajit Zacharias. 2010. “Investing in Care: A Strategy for Effective and Equitable Job Creation.” Working Paper No. 610, Levy Economics Institute.
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  • Braunstein, Elissa, Irene van Staveren, and Daniele Tavani. 2011. “Embedding Care and Unpaid Work in Macroeconomic Modelling: A Structuralist Approach.” Feminist Economics 17(4): 5–31.
  • De Henau, Jerome, Susan Himmelweit, Zofia Łapniewska, and Diane Perrons. 2016. “Investing in the Care Economy: A Gender Analysis of Employment Stimulus in Seven OECD countries.” Report by the UK Women’s Budget Group for the International Trade Union Confederation, Brussels. https://wbg.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/De_Henau_Perrons_WBG_CareEconomy_ITUC_briefing_final.pdf.
  • Doepke, Matthias and Michele Tertilt. 2016. “Families in Macroeconomics.” In Handbook of Macroeconomics, Volume 2, edited by J. B. Taylor and U. Harald, 1789–891. Amsterdam: North Holland.
  • Elson, Diane. 2016. “Gender Budgeting and Macroeconomic Policy.” In Feminist Economics and Public Policy: Reflections on the Work and Impact of Ailsa Mckay, edited by Morag Gillespie, 25–35. Oxon: Taylor Francis Limited.
  • Elson, Diane.. 2017. “A Gender-Equitable Macroeconomic Framework for Europe.” In Economics and Austerity in Europe: Gendered Impacts and Sustainable Alternatives, edited by Hannah Bargawi, Giovanni Cozzi, and Susan Himmelweit, 15–26. London: Routledge.
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  • Fukui, Masao, Emi Nakamura, and Jón Steinsson. 2019. “Women, Wealth Effects, and Slow Recoveries.” NBER Working Paper No. 25311, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA.
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  • İlkkaracan, İpek and Kijong Kim. 2019. The Employment Generation Impact of Meeting SDG Targets in Early Childhood Care, Education, Health and Long-Term Care in 45 Countries. Geneva: ILO.
  • İlkkaracan, İpek, Kijong Kim, and Tolga Kaya. 2015. “The Impact of Public Investment in Social Care Services on Employment, Gender Equality, and Poverty: The Turkish Case.” Research Project Report, Istanbul Technical University Women’s Studies Center in Science, Engineering and Technology and the Levy Economics Institute, in partnership with ILO and UNDP Turkey, and the UNDP and UN Women Regional Offices for Europe and Central Asia.
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  • Onaran, Özlem and Thomas Obst. 2016. “Wage-Led Growth in the EU15 Member-States: The Effects of Income Distribution on Growth, Investment, Trade Balance and Inflation.” Cambridge Journal of Economics 40(6): 1517–51.
  • Onaran, Özlem, Cem Oyvat, and Eurydice Fotopoulou. 2019. “The Effects of Income, Gender and Wealth Inequality and Economic Policies on Macroeconomic Performance in the UK.” Greenwich Papers in Political Economy No. 71, University of Greenwich.
  • Oyvat, Cem and Özlem Onaran. 2020. “The Effect of Gender Equality and Fiscal Policy on Growth and Employment: The Case of South Korea.” CWE-GAM Working Paper.
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  • Yılmaz, Ensar. 2015. “Wage or Profit-Led Growth? The Case of Turkey.” Journal of Economic Issues 49(3): 814–34.