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The World Bank, Agricultural Credit, and the Rise of Neoliberalism in Global Development


  • Bair, J., 2009. Taking aim at the new international economic order. In: P. Mirowski, and D. Plehwe, ed. The road from mont pèlerin: The making of the neoliberal thought collective. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 348–385.
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  • Fine, B., and Saad-Filho, A., 2017. Thirteen things You need to know about neoliberalism. Critical Sociology, 43 (4–5), 685–706.
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  • Mirowski, P., 2009. Postface: defining neoliberalism. In: P. Mirowski, and D. Plehwe, eds. The road from mont pellerin: The making of the neoliberal thought collective. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 417–456.
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  • Plehwe, D., 2009. The origins of neoliberal economic development discourse. In: P. Mirowski, and D. Plehwe, ed. The road from mont pèlerin: The making of the neoliberal thought collective. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 238–279.
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  • World Bank, 1981a. Project performance audit report: Senegal - second agricultural credit project (credit 404-SE). Washington: World Bank Group.
  • World Bank, 1981b. Project performance audit report: Costa Rica - second agricultural credit project (loan 827-CR). Washington: World Bank Group.
  • World Bank, 1983a. Report and recommendation of the president of the international bank for reconstruction and development to the executive directors on a proposed loan in an amount equivalent to US$ 70 million to the bank for agriculture and agriculture cooperatives with the guarantee of the kingdom of Thailand for the second agricultural credit project. Washington: World Bank Group.
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  • World Bank, 1988a. Project completion report: Ecuador, agricultural credit project (loan 1459-EC). Washington: World Bank Group.
  • World Bank, 1988b. Project performance audit report: Thailand, agricultural credit project (loan 1816-TH). Washington: World Bank Group.
  • World Bank, 1988c. Project performance audit report: yugoslavia - third agricultural credit project (loan 1801-YU). Washington: World Bank Group.
  • World Bank, 1988d. Project performance audit report: Thailand - agricultural credit project (loan 1816-TH). Washington: World Bank Group.
  • World Bank, 1989a. Project completion report: India - fourth agricultural refinance and development corporation project (ARDC IV) (loan 2095-IN/credit 1209-IN). Washington: World Bank Group.
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  • World Bank, 1990a. Project completion report: Peru, sixth agricultural credit project (loan 2302-PE). Washington: World Bank Group.
  • World Bank, 1990b. Project performance audit report: Zimbabwe, small farm credit project (credit 1291-ZIM). Washington: World Bank Group.
  • World Bank, 1990c. Project completion report: Honduras - third agricultural credit project (loan 2284-HO). Washington: World Bank Group.
  • World Bank, 1990d. Memorandum and recommendation of the president of the international bank for reconstruction and development to the executive directors on a proposed loan in an amount equivalent to US$ 148.5 million and a proposed credit in an amount equivalent to US$ 1.5 million to the islamic republic of Pakistan for an agricultural credit project. Washington: World Bank Group.
  • World Bank, 1990e. Staff appraisal report: Pakistan - agricultural credit project. Washington: World Bank Group.
  • World Bank, 1991b. Project performance audit report: Kenya - fourth agricultural credit project. Washington: World Bank Group.
  • World Bank, 1992a. Performance audit report: Morocco - fifth and sixth agricultural credit projects. Washington: World Bank Group.
  • World Bank, 1993a. Performance audit report: India, NABARD credit project (loan 2653-IN). Washington: World Bank Group.
  • World Bank, 1994. Adjustment in Africa: reforms, results, and the road ahead. Washington: World Bank Group.
  • World Bank, 1995a. Project completion report: Honduras - fourth agricultural credit project (loan 2991-HO). Washington: World Bank Group.
  • World Bank, 1997. Implementation completion report: Pakistan - agricultural credit project (loan 3226-PAK/credit 2153/PAK). Washington: World Bank Group.