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The Family and Child Welfare System in Poland: Family Assistantship as a New Solution in Social Work with Families



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Legal acts

  • Report of the Functioning of Family Assistants as defined in the Act on Family Support and Foster Care of June 9th 2011, Supreme Audit Office, KPS-4101-004-00/2014.
  • Report the Council of Ministers about realising the Act on Family Support and Foster Care of June 9th 2011, Dz. U. from 2015, point 332, pp. 1–47.
  • The Act of the Introduction of the Three-tier Division of the Country of July 24th 1998, Dz.U.1998, No 96, point 603.
  • The Act on Family Support and Foster Care of June 9th 2011, Dz. U. 2011, No 149, point 887.
  • The Act of Social Welfare of November 29th 1990, Dz.U.1990, No 87, point 506.
  • The Act of Social Welfare of March 12th 2004, Dz.U. 2004, No 64, point 593.

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