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Building bridges over troubled waters: Administrative change at the regional level in European, multilevel water management


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  • Interviews
  • #3 The Norwegian Environment Agency, 11.09.2012.
  • #4 The Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment, 06.01.2014.
  • #5 The Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment, 07.01.2014.
  • #6 The Norwegian Ministry of Energy and Petroleum, 14.01.2013.
  • #8 The Norwegian Water Resources Directorate, regional office, 21.01.2015.
  • #10 The Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries, 20.04.2013.
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  • #17 RBA of Glomma , 31.05.2016.
  • #32 The Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management, 15.03.2013.
  • #34 Swedish Board of Agriculture, 06.05.2014.
  • #35 The Federation of Swedish Farmers, 05.05.2014.
  • #39 Swedish Energy Agency, 08.05.2014.
  • #40 Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, 06.05.2014.
  • #41 Swedish Water, 08.05.2014.
  • #44 RBA of the Northern Baltic, 09.05.2014.
  • #51 Swedish Ministry of the Environment and Energy, 06.12.2016.
  • #52 Swedish Ministry of the Environment and Energy, 06.12.2016.

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