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Non-governmental Organisations as Corporatist Mediator? An Analysis of NGOs in the UNESCO System

Pages 387-404 | Published online: 14 Jul 2010


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  • 2000 . “The focus of such NGOs can easily shift from finding solutions and helping needy recipients to pleasing their donors and winning television coverage” . The Economist, “Sins of the secular missionaries” , 2 February Note, in this respect, that NGOs were overwhelmingly regarded as “positive” in the press until 1991, whereas lately the perception of NGOs has changed and journalists have been ambivalent. Thranhardt analysed 352 newspaper articles between 1986 and 1991 and found only three critical of Greenpeace and four critical of Amnesty. Lately, a different standpoint has been taken in numerous articles on NGOs. Thus, for example, The Economist stated that ironically those who criticised official politics (NGOs) have become the governmental puppets through which aid is now channelled. NGOs are becoming contractors for governments, which simply use NGOs as sources of information (e.g. in the field of human rights), implementing partners or contractors for official politics. Co-operation between NGOs and states is most visible in financial contributions from governments and in the exchange or fluctuation of staff. NGOs, on the other hand, fight for donors and media attraction
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  • Uvin and Weiss, op. cit.; Gordenker and Weiss, op. cit. In particular, case studies on technical issues have shown this in detail
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