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WAW, No Women? Foucault’s Reverse Discourse and Gendered Subjects in Diplomatic Networks



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  • Aggestam, Karin, and Isak Svensson. 2018. “Where Are the Women in Peace Mediation?” In Gendering Diplomacy and International Negotiation, Studies in Diplomacy and International Relations, edited by Karin Aggestam, and Ann Towns, 149–168. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • Aggestam, Karin, and Ann Towns. 2019. “The Gender Turn in Diplomacy: A New Research Agenda.” International Feminist Journal of Politics 21 (1): 9–28.
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  • Standfield, Catriona. 2020. “Gendering the Practice Turn in Diplomacy.” European Journal of International Relations 26 (Suppl. 1): 140–165.
  • Towns, Ann E. 2010. Women and States: Norms and Hierarchies in International Society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Towns, Ann E. 2012. "Norms and Social Hierarchies. Understanding Policy Diffusion 'From Below'". International Organization 66 (2): 179--209.
  • Towns, Ann. 2020. “Diplomacy is a Feminine Art: Feminised Figurations of the Diplomat.” Review of International Studies 46: 573–593.
  • Towns, Ann, and Birgitta Niklasson. 2017. “Gender, International Status, and Ambassador Appointments.” Foreign Policy Analysis 13: 521–540.