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The ecosystem concept: a holistic approach to privacy protection



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  • Legislation
  • UN General Assembly, Universal Declaration of Human Rights (10 December 1948) Res. 217 A(III).
  • United Nations, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (16 December 1966) UNTS vol.999, pg.171.
  • Council of Europe, Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, as amended by Protocols Nos. 11 and 14 (4 November 1950) ETS 5.
  • European Union, Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (26 October 2012), 2012/C326/02.
  • Case Law (ECtHR )
  • Handyside v United Kingdom [1976] ECHR 5
  • The Sunday Times v United Kingdom (No.1) [1979] ECHR 1
  • Dudgeon v United Kingdom [1981] ECHR 5
  • Silver and Others v United Kingdom [1983] ECHR 5
  • X and Y v Netherlands [1985] ECHR 4
  • Olsson v Sweden (No.1) (1988) 11 EHRR 259
  • Gaskin v United Kingdom [1989] ECHR 13
  • Soering v United Kingdom [1989] ECHR 14
  • Niemietz v Germany [1992] ECHR 80
  • Keegan v Ireland [1994] 18 EHRR 342
  • Z v Finland [1997] ECHR 10
  • X, Y and Z v United Kingdom [1997] ECHR 20
  • Christine Goodwin v United Kingdom [2002] ECHR 588
  • Peck v United Kingdom [2003] ECHR 44
  • Odièvre v France [2003] ECHR 86.
  • Segerstedt-Wiberg and Others v Sweden [2006] ECHR 597
  • S and Marper v United Kingdom [2008] ECHR 178
  • Gardel v France [2009] ECHR 16428/05
  • Hämäläinen v Finland [2014] ECHR 877
  • Mozer v Republic of Moldova and Russia [2016] ECHR 213
  • Bărbulescu v Romania [2017] ECHR 742
  • Libert v France (2018) ECHR 185
  • Case Law (CJEU)
  • Joined Cases C-293/12 Digital Rights Ireland and C-594/12 Seitlinger and Others [2014] ECLI:EU:C:2014:238
  • Joined Cases C-203/15 Tele2 Sverige and C-698/15 Watson and Others [2016] ECLI:EU:C:2016:970