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Articles from Indonesian Film Workshop 2013




  • Ardan, S.M. 1985. In memoriam: Sjuman Djaya (1934–1985). Indonesia 40 (October): 122–26.
  • Barker, Thomas. 2011. A cultural economy of the contemporary Indonesian film industry. PhD thesis, National University of Singapore.
  • Baudry, Jean-Louis. 1974–75. Ideological effects of the basic cinematographic apparatus. Film Quarterly 28 (2): 39–47. doi: 10.2307/1211632
  • Benjamin, Walter. 1968. Theses on the philosophy of history. In Hannah Arendt (ed.), Illuminations. New York: Schocken Books, pp. 253–64.
  • Biran, Misbach Yusa. 1971. Keadjaiban di Pasar Senen [The miracle in Senen]. Jakarta: Pustaka Jaya.
  • Biran, Misbach Yusa. 2008. Kengang-kenangan Orang Bandel [The life and times of a rebel]. Jakarta: Komunitas Bamboo.
  • Chisaan, Choirotun. 2008. LESBUMI: strategi politik kebudayaan [LESBUMI: strategising the politics of culture]. Yogyakarta: LKIS.
  • Clark, Marshall. 2010. Maskulinitas: culture, gender and politics in Indonesia. Melbourne: Monash University Publishing.
  • Darmawan, Hikmat. 2007. Dosa Film Indonesia. Rumahfilm.org. <http://new.rumahfilm.org/artikel-feature/dosa-film-indonesia/> Accessed 10 January 2013.
  • Dwyer, Leslie K. 2014. Picturing violence: anti-politics and The act of killing. Critical Asian Studies 46 (1): 183–88. doi: 10.1080/14672715.2014.863591
  • filmindonesia.or.id. Kuldesak (review/synopsis). <http://filmindonesia.or.id/movie/title/lfk00897555875_kuldesak#.Uz8WGsd0H4> Accessed 10 January 2014.
  • Friend, Theodore. 2003. Indonesian destinies. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Hanan, David. 1988. Film and cultural difference: ‘November 1828’. In Krishna Sen (ed.), Histories and stories: cinema in new order Indonesia. Monash: Monash University, pp. 25–47.
  • Hanan, David. 1997. Regionalism and politics in the Indonesian cinema of the 1950s and 1960s. Cinemaya 38: 39–44.
  • Hanan, David. 2009. A tradition of political allegory and political satire in Indonesian cinema. In Yvonne Michalik and Laura Coppens (eds), Asian hot shots: Indonesian cinema. Marburg: Schuren, pp. 14–46.
  • Hanan, David. 2010. Innovation and tradition in Indonesian cinema. Third Text 24 (1): 107–21. doi: 10.1080/09528820903488984
  • Heeren, Katinka van. 2002. Revolution of hope: independent films are young, free and radical. Inside Indonesia 70 (April–June). <http://www.insideindonesia.org/featuer-editions/revolutionofhope> Accessed 10 January 2014.
  • Heeren, Katinka van. 2012. Contemporary Indonesian film: spirits of reform and ghosts from the past. Leiden: KITLV Press.
  • Heryanto, Ariel. 1999. Where communism never dies: violence, trauma and narration in the last Cold War capitalist authoritarian state. International Journal of Cultural Studies 2: 147–77. doi: 10.1177/136787799900200201
  • Hughes-Freeland, Felicia. 2011. Women's creativity in Indonesian cinema. Indonesia and the Malay World 39 (115): 417–44. doi: 10.1080/13639811.2011.614089
  • Imanjaya, Ekky. 2009a. The curious cases of Salma, Siti, and Ming: representations of Indonesia's polygamous life in Love for share. Jumpcut 51 (Spring). <http://www.ejumpcut.org/archive/jc51.2009/LoveforShare/index.html> Accessed 10 January 2013.
  • Imanjaya, Ekky. 2009b. Idealism versus commercialism in Indonesian cinema: a neverending battle? Rumahfilm.org. March. <http://old.rumahfilm.org/artikel/artikel_neverending_6.htm> Accessed 10 January 2013.
  • Ismail, Usmar. 1953. Dibutuhkan: Film jang bernilai [Needed: quality films]. Aneka 4 (1): 25.
  • Jakarta Globe. 2013. ‘Kuldesak’ marks 15 years of independent filmmaking. 21 March.
  • Kartika, Sandra. 2010. Selamat Ultah ke-12 ‘Kuldesak’! [Happy 12th birthday ‘Kuldesak’!]. tabloid bintang.com. 16 December. <http://www.tabloidbintang.com/extra/nostalgia/7484-selamat-ultah-ke-12-qkuldesakq.html> Accessed 10 January 2013. Also: <http://hiburan.plasa.msn.com/film/tabloidbintang/selamat-ultah-ke-12-kuldesak>.
  • Kristanto, J.B. 2004. Nonton film Nonton Indonesia. Jakarta: Kompas Press.
  • Kristanto, J.B. 2007. Katalog film Indonesia 1926–2007. Jakarta: Nalar.
  • Lacan, Jacques. 1998. The seminar of Jacques Lacan. Edited by Jacques-Alain Miller and translated by Alan Sheridan. Book 9 (The four fundamental concepts of psychoanalysis). New York: Norton & Company.
  • Larasati, Rachmi Diyah. 2013. The dance that makes you vanish: cultural reconstruction in post-genocide Indonesia. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  • Lev, Daniel S. 1966. Indonesia 1965: the year of the coup. Asian Survey 6 (2): 103–10. doi: 10.2307/2642105
  • Murtagh, Ben. 2008. Chocolate strawberry: an Indonesian film breaks new ground on the subject of teenage sexuality. Inside Indonesia 93 (July–Sept). <http://www.insideindonesia.org/weekly-articles/chocolate-strawberry> Accessed 1 October 2013.
  • Murtagh, Ben. 2011. Gay, lesbi and waria audiences in Indonesia: watching homosexuality on screen. Indonesia and the Malay World 39 (115): 391–415. doi: 10.1080/13639811.2011.614088
  • Murtagh, Ben. 2012. The new homonormativity in Indonesian cinema? Anais do Congresso Internacional de Estudos sobre a Diversidade Sexual e de Gênero da ABEH 1(1). Salvador: Universidade Federal da Bahia. <http://www.abeh.org.br/anais/B/B002.pdf> Accessed 1 October 2013.
  • Murtagh, Ben. 2013. Genders and sexualities in Indonesian cinema: constructing gay, lesbi, and waria identities on screen. New York: Routledge.
  • Paramaditha, Intan. 2007a. Like a Rolling Stone: imagining America in contemporary Indonesian films. 15 March. Rumah Film.org. <http://new.rumahfilm.org/artikel-feature/dosa-film-indonesia/> Accessed 1 October 2013.
  • Paramaditha, Intan. 2007b. Contesting Indonesian masculinity and nationalism in cinema. Asian Cinema 18 (2): 40–61. doi: 10.1386/ac.18.2.41_1
  • Paramaditha, Intan. 2011. City and desire in Indonesian cinema. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 12 (4): 500–12. doi: 10.1080/14649373.2011.603915
  • Paramaditha, Intan. 2014. Tracing frictions in The act of killing. Film Quarterly 67 (2): 44–49. doi: 10.1525/fq.2014.67.2.44
  • Pedoman. 1970. Apa jang kau tontonkan Palupi [What are you watching Palupi]. 9 April.
  • Purdey, Jemma. 2006. Anti-Chinese violence in Indonesia, 1996–1999. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
  • Purnama. 1970. Mau kemana engkau, Palupi [Where do you think you're going, Palupi]. 19 April.
  • Ratna, Lulu. 2007. Indonesian short films after Reformasi 1998. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 8 (2): 304–07. doi: 10.1080/14649370701238805
  • Robinson, Geoffrey. 1995. The dark side of paradise: political violence in Bali. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
  • Said, Salim. 1991. Shadows on the silver screen: a social history of Indonesian film. Jakarta: Lontar Foundation.
  • Salim H.S., Hairus. 2012. Indonesian Muslims and cultural networks. In Jennifer Lindsay and Maya H.T. Liem (eds), Heirs to world culture: being Indonesian 1950–1965. Leiden: KITLV Press, pp. 75–119.
  • Sen, Krishna. 1993. Politics of melodrama in Indonesian cinema. In Wimal Dissanayake (ed), Melodrama and Asian cinema. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 205–17.
  • Sen, Krishna. 1994. Indonesian cinema: framing the New Order. London: Zed Books.
  • Setiyawan, Dahlia Gratia. 2009. Kuldesak: popular culture, urban youth identity, and social change in late-20th century Indonesia. In Y. Michalik and L. Coppens (eds), Asian hotshots: Indonesian cinema. Marburg: Schuren, pp. 98–112.
  • Sinar Harapan. 1970. Soekarno M. Noor Kontra A. Gafur: Jangan Meracuni Film Nasional [Sukarno M. Noor counters A. Gafur: Don't poison national film]. 13 June.
  • Stoler, Ann Laura. 2009. Along the archival grain: epistemic anxieties and colonial common sense. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • Suara Pembaruan. 1987. Film kita kebanyakan tampilkan naluri dasar [Most of our films present base desires]. 28 July.
  • Terbit. 1987a. Film Indonesia membuai penonton lewat mimpi2 indah [Indonesian films ply spectators with beautiful dreams]. 29 August.
  • Terbit. 1987b. Film nasional pamer paha dan buah dada [National films put thighs and breasts on display]. 29 October.
  • Terbit. 1987c. Judul film nasional kini banyak yang ‘ngawur’ [The titles of many national films these days are ‘baseless’]. 2 September. Inside Indonesia No. 70 (April–June). <http://www.insideindonesia.org/featuer-editions/revolutionofhope> Accessed 10 January 2014.
  • Wardaya, Baskara T. 2006. Bung Karno menggugat: dari Marhaen, CIA, pembantaian massal ‘65 hingga G30S [Bung Karno accuses: from the working class, the CIA, and the mass killings of ‘65 to G30S]. Yogyakarta: Galang Press.
  • Wieringa, Saskia. 2002. Sexual politics in Indonesia. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Yngvesson, Dag. 2011. Let's get lost: unmapping history and Reformasi in the Indonesian film Tiga hari untuk selamanya. Jump Cut 53(Summer). <http://www.ejumpcut.org/archive/jc53.2011/DagIndonesia/index.html> Accessed 10 January 2014.
  • Yngvesson, Dag. 2014. Memperdebatkan Act of Killing sebagai produk dan siasat politik [Debating Act of killing as product and political tactic]. Tikarpandan.org. 13 February. <http://www.tikarpandan.org/2014/02/memperdebatkan-act-of-killing-sebagai.html> Accessed 13 February 2014.


  • Act of killing. 2012. Dir Joshua Oppenheimer. Copenhagen: Final Cut for Real Productions. DCP/DVD.
  • Ananda. 1970. Dir. Usmar Ismail. Jakarta: Perfini. 35 mm film/DVD.
  • Anjing-anjing Geladak [The dogs of Geladak]. 1972. Dir. Nico Pelamonia. Jakarta: PT Mutia Film. DVD.
  • Apa jang kau tjari, Palupi [What are you looking for, Palupi]. 1969. Dir. Asrul Sani. Jakarta: Dewan Produksi Film Nasional. 35 mm film/DVD.
  • Atheis kafir [Atheist heathen]. 1974. Dir. Sjuman Djaya. Jakarta: PT Matari Film. 35 mm film/DVD.
  • Bernafas dalam lumpur [Breathing in mud/the longest dark]. 1970. Dir. Turino Djunaedy. Jakarta: PT Sarinande Films. VCD.
  • Bumi makin panas [The earth is getting hotter]. 1973. Dir. Ali Shahab. Jakarta: PT Tidar Jaya Film. VCD.
  • Dosa tak berampun [The unforgivable sin]. 1951. Dir. Usmar Ismail. Jakarta: Perfini. 35 mm film/DVD.
  • Kerikil-kerikil tajam [Sharp rocks]. 1984. Dir. Sjuman Djaya. Jakarta: PT Bola Dunia Film. 35 mm film/DVD.
  • Kuldesak. 1998. Dir. Nan Achnas, Mira Lesmana, Rizal Mantovani, Riri Riza. Jakarta: PT Mediatama Inisiatif Lensa Karya. 35 mm film/DVD.
  • Inem pelayan sexy [Inem the sexy maid] I, II, and III. 1976–77. Dir. Nya Abbas Akup. Jakarta: PT Candi Dewi Film. VCD.
  • Istana kecantikan [Palace of beauty]. 1988. Dir. Wahyu Simhombing. Jakarta: PT Tobali Indah Film. DVD.
  • Janur kuning [Yellow coconut leaf]. 1979. Dir. Alam Surawidjaja. Jakarta: PT Metro 77. VCD.
  • Pagar kawat berduri [The barbed wire fence]. 1961. Dir. Asrul Sani. Jakarta: Kedjora Film. 35 mm film/DVD.
  • Pulp fiction. 1994. Dir. Quentin Tarantino. Los Angeles: Miramax Films. 35 mm film/DVD.
  • Taxi driver. 1976. Dir. Martin Scorsese. Los Angeles: Columbia Pictures. 35 mm film/DVD.

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