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Help and support for bereaved persons who use drugs: a qualitative study

Hjelp og støtte til etterlatne som bruker illegale rusmiddel. Ein kvalitativ studie



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  • Titlestad, K. B., Mellingen, S., Stroebe, M., & Dyregrov, K. (2021). Sounds of silence. The “special grief” of drug-death bereaved parents: A qualitative study. Addiction Research & Theory, 29(2), 155–165. https://doi.org/10.1080/16066359.2020.1751827
  • Titlestad, K. B., Schmid, M. T., & Dyregrov, K. (2021). Prevalence and predictors of prolonged grief symptoms among those bereaved from a drug-related death in a convenience sample of Norwegian parents: A cross-sectional study. Death Studies, 46(6), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.1080/07481187.2020.1867255
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