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The digital ‘turn’ in music education (editorial)



  • al-Rodhan, N. 2020. Social Distancing: A Neurophilosophical Perspective. Areo, April. https://areomagazine.com/2020/04/07/social-distancing-a-neurophilosophical-perspective/.
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  • Brändström, S., C. Wiklund, and E. Lundström. 2012. “Developing Distance Music Education in Arctic Scandinavia: Electric Guitar Teaching and Master Classes.” Music Education Research 14 (4): 448–456. doi:10.1080/14613808.2012.703173.
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  • Buhl, M., R. Ørngreen, and K. Levinsen. 2014. “Teaching Performance in Performing Arts: Videoconferencing at the Highest Level of Music Education.” In Performativity, Materiality and Time: Tacit Dimensions of Pedagogy. European Studies on Educational Practice (Vol. 4, edited by A. Kraus, M. Buhl, and G.-B. von Carlsburg, 21–40. Denmark: Waxmann.
  • Camlin, D. A., H. Daffern, and K. Zeserson. 2020. “Group Singing as a Resource for the Development of a Healthy Public: A Study of Adult Group Singing.” Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 7 (1): 1–15. doi:10.1057/s41599-020-00549-0.
  • Camlin, D. A. in pressa. “Encounters with Participatory Music.” In The Chamber Musician in the Twenty-First Century, edited by M. Dogantan-Dack. OUP. https://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/edition/1082.
  • Camlin, D. A.. in press. “Recovering our Humanity—What’s Love (and Music) Got to Do With It?” In Authentic Connection: Music, Spirituality, and Wellbeing, edited by J. Boyce-Tillman and K. Hendricks. Switzerland: Peter Lang.
  • Camlin, D. A. in pressb. “Mind the Gap!.” In Community Music at the Boundaries, edited by L. Willingham. Wilfrid Laurier University Press. https://www.wlupress.wlu.ca/Books/C/Community-Music-at-the-Boundaries.
  • Camlin, D. A. in pressc. “Organisational Dynamics in Community Ensembles.” In Together in Music, edited by H. Daffern, F. Bailes, and R. Timmers. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  • Draper, J. V., D. B. Kaber, and J. M. Usher. 1998. “Telepresence.” Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 40 (3): 354–375. doi:10.1518/001872098779591386.
  • Elliott, D. J. 1995. Music Matters: A New Philosophy of Music Education. New York: OUP USA.
  • Elliott, D. J., and M. Silverman. 2014. Music Matters: A Philosophy of Music Education. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Hodges, C., S. Moore, B. Lockee, T. Trust, and A. Bond. n.d. “The Difference Between Emergency Remote Teaching and Online Learning.” Educause Review. Retrieved 17 February 2021, from https://er.educause.edu/articles/2020/3/the-difference-between-emergency-remote-teaching-and-online-learning.
  • Huhtinen-Hildén, L., and J. Pitt. 2018. Taking a Learner-Centred Approach to Music Education: Pedagogical Pathways. 1st ed. Abingdon / New York: Routledge.
  • Jenkins, H. 2008. Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide. Revised ed. New York: New York University Press.
  • Johnson, C. 2017. “Teaching Music Online: Changing Pedagogical Approach When Moving to the Online Environment.” London Review of Education 15 (3): 439–456. doi:10.18546/LRE.15.3.08.
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  • Lisboa, T., P. Jonasson, and C. Johnson. in press. “Synchronous Online Learning, Teaching and Performance.” In The Oxford Handbook of Music Performance (Vol. 2), edited by G. McPherson. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Mason, P. 2016. PostCapitalism: A Guide to Our Future. London: Penguin.
  • Mayadas, F., G. Miller, and J. Sener. 2015, July 7. E-Learning Definitions. OLC. https://onlinelearningconsortium.org/updated-e-learning-definitions-2/.
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  • Regelski, T. 2009. “The Ethics of Music Teaching as Professon and Praxis.” Visions of Research in Music Education 11.
  • Small, C. 1998. Musicking: The Meanings of Performing and Listening. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press.
  • Turino, T. 2008. Music as Social Life: The Politics of Participation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • UN Environment. 2020. Preventing the Next Pandemic: Zoonotic Diseases and how to Break the Chain of Transmission. UN Environment, June 7. http://www.unenvironment.org/news-and-stories/statement/preventing-next-pandemic-zoonotic-diseases-and-how-break-chain.
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  • van Manen, M. 2008. “Pedagogical Sensitivity and Teachers Practical Knowing-in-Action.” Peking University Education Review 1 (1): 1–23.
  • Waldron, J. L., S. Horsley, and K. K. Veblen, eds. 2020. The Oxford Handbook of Social Media and Music Learning. New York: OUP USA.
  • Wegerif, R. 2012. Dialogic: Education for the Internet Age. Abingdon: Routledge.