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How Does an Incumbent News Media Organization Become a Platform? Employing Intra-Firm Synergies to Launch the Platform Business Model in a News Agency



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  • Interviewees Cited
  • Alexander Falchetto. 2018. CTO & Managing Director, APA-IT.
  • Clemens Pig. 2018 and 2019. Managing Director 2014-2016 and CEO 2016-, APA.
  • Hans Gasser. 2020. Publisher of Wirtschafts Blatt 2006-2012.
  • Hans-Peter Petutschnig. 2020. Head of Media, Ärztekammer für Wien.
  • Karin Thiller. 2018. Managing Director, APA.
  • Karl Pachner. 2020. Managing Director, ORF Online und Teletext GmbH & Co KG.
  • Klemens Ganner. 2018. Managing Director, APA-DeFacto.
  • Konrad Tretter. 2020. Managing Director 2009-2013, APA.
  • Peter Kropsch. 2020. CEO 2009-2016, APA.
  • Reinhard Christl. 2020. former Editor in Chief, Industriemagazin.
  • Walter Hämmerle. 2020. Editor-in-Chief, Wiener Zeitung.
  • Werner Schrotta. 2020. Publishing Director 1981-1998, Oberösterreichische Nachrichten.
  • Wolfgang Bergmann. 2020. Managing Manager 2000-2016, Der Standard.
  • Wolfgang Vyslozil. 2018 and 2019. CEO 1982–2008, APA.

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