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Living Maoist gender ideology: experiences of women ex-combatants in Nepal



  • Adhikari, Monalisa. 2018. “Ending the Political Transition? Analysing the Nepal Elections from an Inclusive Prespective.” Political Settlement Reaserch Programme (PRSP). http://www.politicalsettlements.org/2018/01/18/ending-the-political-transition-analysing-the-nepal-elections-from-an-inclusion-perspective/.
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  • Bhandari, Chiranjivi. 2015. “The Reintegration of Maoist Ex-Combatants in Nepal.” Economic & Political Weekly L (9): 63–68.
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  • Dahal, Swechchha. 2015. “Challenging The Boundaries The Narratives of the Female Ex-Combatants.” In Female Combatants in Conflict and Peace: Challenging Gender in Violence and Post-Conflict Reintegration, edited by Seema Shekhawat, 185–199. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
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  • Goswami, Roshmi. 2015. UNSCR 1325 and Female Ex-Combatants-Case Study of the Moiast Women of Nepal. New York: UN Women.
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  • Ramnarain, Smita. 2014. “Universalized Categories, Dissonant Realities: Gendering Postconflict Reconstruction in Nepal.” Gender, Place & Culture 22 (9): 1305–1322. Routledge. doi:10.1080/0966369X.2014.958062.
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  • Sjoberg, Laura, and Jessica Peet. 2011. “A(Nother) Dark Side of the Protection Racket.” International Feminist Journal of Politics 13 (2): 163–182. doi:10.1080/14616742.2011.560751.
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