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Debating Human Rights: The United States and Asia, Part 1

Development and political repression: China's human rights policy since 1989

Pages 24-39 | Published online: 05 Jul 2019


  • 1992. "CPC Takes Offensive on Human Rights Issue". In: Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) Daily Report/China . 1992. pp. 15–15, Dangdai, no. 16 (15 July 1992), in.
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  • Gilley, Bruce , 1995. "Judge Denounces Dissident for ‘Anti-Social’ Behavior". In: Eastern Express . 1995. pp. 8–8, in FBIS.
  • 1991. "A Statement on Human Rights Issue in China". In: Ming Rao . 1991. pp. 6–6, translated in FBIS, 18 Nov. 1991, p. 22; Wei-chin Lee, “With Open Arms? China and Human Rights in the United Nations,” Pacifica: A Journal of Pacific and Asian Studies, vol. 2, no. 1 (Jan. 1990), p. 31; and Roberta Cohen, “People's Republic of China: The Human Rights Exception,” Human Rights Quarterly, no. 9 (1987), p. 491.
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  • Human Rights in China , and China Society for Human Rights Studies, “Comments on US State Department Human Rights Report on China,” Beijing Review, 13–19 June 1994, pp. 8-13.
  • 1991. "Italian Group Finds Wan Li Remarks ‘Shocking,’". In: FBIS . 1991. pp. 24–24.
  • Foucault, Michel , 1989. Foucault Live (Interviews, 1966–1984) . New York: Semiotext[e]; 1989. pp. 129–129.
  • 1992. "Confidential Document on Study of Human Rights Issue, Part 1". In: FBIS . 1992. pp. 32–36, Dangdai, no. 15, in.
  • Wei, Zhou , 1995. "The Study of Human Rights in the People's Republic of China". In: Tang, James , , ed. Human Rights and International Relations in the Asia-Pacific Region . New York: Pinter; 1995. pp. 83–96, in.
  • Schram, Stuart , 1994. "Mao Zedong a Hundred Years on: The Legacy of a Ruler". In: China Quarterly . 1994. pp. 143–143, no. 137, For alternative perspectives on the human costs of Mao's “joyful enthusiasm,” see Edward Friedman, National Identity and Democratic Prospects in Socialist China (Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1995); and Orville Schell, “Dragons and Dungeons,” China Quarterly, no. 139 (Sept. 1994), pp. 783-93.
  • 1994. "Universality vs. Relativism in Human Rights". In: Kelsay, John , Twiss, Sumner , , ed. Religion and Human Rights . New York: The Project on Religion and Human Rights; 1994, in.
  • 1995. Friedman, Edward , , ed. The Politics of Democratization: Generalizing East Asian Experiences . Boulder, CO: Westview Press; 1995, Wei-chin Lee, “Heaven Can Wait? Rethinking the Chinese Notion of Human Rights,” Asian Thought and Society, vol. 16, no. 46 (Jan.-Apr. 1991), pp. 28-39; and W. Theodore de Bary, “Neo-Confucianism and Human Rights,” in Human Rights and the World's Religions, ed. Leroy S. Rouner (South Bend, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1988), pp. 183-98.
  • 1985. Hsiung, James , , ed. Human Rights in East Asia: A Cultural Perspective . New York: Paragon House Publishers; 1985, For Marxist perspectives, see Leszek Kolakowski, “Marxism and Human Rights,” Daedalus, vol. 112, no. 4 (1983), pp. 81-92; and Xu Zhongdao and He Deliang, “Drawing a Clear Line Between Two Different Concepts of Human Rights,” Sichuan Ribao, 24 May 1991, p. 4, in FBIS, 26 June 1991, pp. 30-31.
  • Xinhua, , 1995. FBIS . 1995. pp. 3–3, in.
  • Friedman, Edward , 1996. "The Challenge of a Rising China: Another Germany". In: Lieber, Robert , , ed. Eagle Adrift . New York: Norton; 1996, in.
  • Arase, David , 1993. "Japanese Policy toward Democracy and Human Rights in Asia". In: Asian Survey . 1993. pp. 93–152, no. 33, Yasunobu Sato, “New Directions in Japanese Foreign Policy: Promoting Human Rights and Democracy in Asia-ODA Perspective,” in The Politics of Democratization, ed. Friedman, pp. 102-24; and “Showing Disapproval,” South China Morning Post, 10 Mar. 1995, p.22, in FBIS, 10 Mar. 1995, p. 4. For the important role of Asian NGOs, see James V. Riker, “Redefining Civil Society in the Global Political Economy,” paper presented at the thirty-sixth annual meeting of the International Studies Association, Chicago, 21–25 Feb. 1995; Nobleen Heyzer, James V. Riker, and Antonio B. Quizon, eds., Government-NGO Relations in Asia (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1995); and Lawrence T. Woods, Asian-Pacific Diplomacy: Nongovernmental Organizations and International Relations (Vancouver, BC, Canada: UBC Press, 1993).
  • Seymour, James , 1993. The Crux of the Struggle: Human Rights in Chinese Foreign Relations . 1993, paper presented at the University Seminar on Modern China, Columbia University, and He Baogang, “Chinese Dissidents' Ideas of Human Rights: AConstructivist Critique,” Thesis Eleven, no. 30 (1991), pp. 56-74.
  • Crystal, Jill , 1994. "Authoritarianism and Its Adversaries in the Arab World". In: World Politics . 1994. pp. 262–289, no. 46.
  • 1991. "Modified, Supplemented Version of Thesis by Gu Chende, Submitted to 1990 Beijing World Law Conference: ‘China Safeguards, Protects Human Rights,’". In: FBIS . 1991. pp. 19–19, in.
  • Tongxun, Zhongguo , 1991. Scholars Discuss Concepts of Human Rights . 1991. pp. 35–35, in FBIS.
  • Ding, Yi , 1989. "Fandui liyong renquan ganshe bieguoneizheng: bo suowei ‘renquanwuguojie’". In: Qiushi . 1989. pp. 16–19, Oppose the use of human rights to violate domestic sovereignty: A refutation of “Human Rights Knows No Boundaries”, no. 20.
  • Jisi, Guo , 1991. "Fazhanquan shi yixian buke boduo de renquan". In: Qiushi . 1991. pp. 20–20, Development is an inalienable right; no. 14.
  • Jisi, Guo , 1991. "China Promotes Human Rights". In: Beijing Review . 1991. pp. 17–17.
  • Xinhua, , 1994. FBIS . 1994. pp. 2–2, in, and “Qian Qichen's Two Speeches in the United States,” Hsin Wan Pao, 28 Sept. 1991, p. 1, in FBIS, 30 Sept. 1991, pp. 1-2.
  • 1991. "Top Leaders on Human Rights Issues". In: Beijing Review . 1991. pp. 8–8.
  • Qian, Shi , 1994. "Cultural Traditions and the Concept of Human Rights". In: Renmin Ribao . 1994. pp. 6–6, in FBIS, 15 Feb. 1994, p. 9.
  • Renmin Ribao .
  • Sullivan, Michael , 1994. "The 1988–1989 Nanjing Anti-African Protests: Racial Nationalism or Nationalist Racism?". In: China Quarterly . 1994. pp. 438–457, no. 138.
  • Guo, , China Promotes Human Rights . pp. 21–21, see n. 35 above.
  • Fan-chih, Lu , 1991. "United States' So-Called Human Rights Diplomacy Is Violation of Others' Sovereignty". In: Wen Wei Po . 1991. pp. 7–7, in FBIS, 20 May 1991, pp. 9-10.
  • Meilai, Huang , and Feijin, Du , 1991. "A Meeting of Theoretical Workers in Beijing Proposes Strengthening the Theoretical Study of the Human Rights Issue". In: Renmin ribao . 1991, in FBIS, 28 Mar. 1991, p. 27.
  • CPC Takes Offensive on Human Rights Issue . pp. 17–17, see n. 1; Also see comments made by Nie Dajiang, deputy head of the Central Propaganda Department, in Dou Guangsheng, “CPC Official Views Rights Question, Theories,” Xinhua, 8 Nov. 1991, in FBIS, Nov. 1991, pp. 25-26.
  • Confidential Document on Study of Human Rights Issue, Part 1 . pp. 36–36, see n. 19 above.
  • 1991. "Another Talk on Human Rights". In: Ban yue tan . 1991, in FBIS, 29 Aug. 1991, pp. 1-4; Wei Ming, “Performance of U.S. Human Rights Diplomacy in Latin America,” Wen Wei Po, 26 Nov. 1994, p. A7, in FBIS, 13 Dec. 1994, pp. 6-9; Xinhua, 2 Mar. 1995, in FBIS, 2 Mar. 1995, pp. 3-4; “It is Unpopular to Interfere with Other Countries' Internal Affairs Under the Pretext of Human Rights, “Renmin Ribao, 12 Mar, 1993, p. 1, in FBIS, 15 Mar. 1993, pp. 3-4; and Ku Lu-chieh, “Brief Discussion of Human Rights,” Tzu Ching, vol. 8, no. 5 (May 1991), in FBIS, 14 May 1991, pp. 38-39.
  • Xinwen, Zhongguo , 1995. FBIS . 1995, in; Also see Yi Ding, “Oppose the Use of Human Rights,” no. 16; and Guo Jisi, “On Human Rights and Development Right,” Beijing Review, 11–17 Feb. 1991, p. 18.
  • Chunde, Gu , 1991. "Right to Development: ABasic Human Right". In: Beijing Review . 1991. pp. 10–11.
  • 1994. "Western Anti-China Draft Rejected". In: Beijing Review . 1994. pp. 37–37.
  • Xinhua, , 1995. FBIS . 1995. pp. 4–4, in; Also see Ma Jun, “Human Rights: China's Perspective,” Beijing Review, 28 Apr.-4 Dec. 1988, pp. 21-22.
  • Arrigo, Linda Gail , 1993. "A View of the United Nations Conference on Human Rights, June 1993". In: Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars . Vol. 25. 1993. pp. 69–72, no. 3.
  • Modified, Supplemented Version of Thesis by Gu Chunde . pp. 19–19, see n. 30 above.
  • Huang, , and Du, , A Meeting of Theoretical Workers . pp. 27–27, see n. 44 above.
  • 1992. "CPC Takes Offensive on Human Rights Issues (Continued)". In: Dangdai . 1992, no. 17; in FBIS, 11 Sept. 1992, p. 28.
  • Nathan, Andrew , 1994. "Human Rights in Chinese Foreign Policy". In: China Quarterly . 1994. pp. 630–630, no. 139. Also see Lang Yihuai, “The Practice of Human Rights in Socialist Society and the International Human Rights Struggle,” Qiushi, no. 1 (1 Jan. 1992), pp. 10-15, in FBIS, 27 Feb. 1992, pp. 33-34.
  • CPC Takes Offensive on Human Rights Issue (Continued) , see n. 55 above.
  • 1991. "Why China Publishes the White Paper on Human Rights". In: Beijing Review . 1991. pp. 23–25.
  • Bian, Xiao , 1995. "U.S. Report on Rights Just ‘Distorts’ Facts". In: China Daily . 1995. pp. 4–4, in FBIS, 8 Mar. 1995, p. 5; and “JusticeMinistry to Set Up Human Rights Center,” FBIS, 17 Feb. 1995, p. 16.
  • Liu, , Chinese Patriotism . pp. 18–18, see n. 2 above.
  • Baoxiang, Shen , 1991. "A Review of the Theories on the Human Rights Issue". In: Jiefang Ribao . 1991. pp. 6–6, in FBIS, 3 Dec. 1991, p. 27; Guo, “Zhongguo zai renquanshang” (see n. 14 above); “It is Unpopular to Interfere with Other Countries' Internal Affairs under the Pretext of Human Rights” (see n. 47 above), pp. 3-4; Wu Xiongcheng, “Several Questions on Human Rights,” Renmin Ribao, 8 Nov. 1991, p. 5, in FBIS, 12 Nov. 1991, pp. 23-25; and Sun Qimeng, “Socialism Has Thoroughly Changed Human Rights Situation in China,” Renmin Ribao, 2 Dec. 1991, p. 5, in FBIS, 11 Dec. 1991, pp. 24-25.
  • Shen, , A Review of the Theories , see n. 61.
  • Sullivan, Michael , 1995. Democracy and Developmentalism: Contending Political Struggles over Political Change in Dengist China, 1978–1995 . Ph.D. diss., University of Wisconsin-Madison; 1995.
  • Sullivan, Michael , 1994. The Impact of Western Political Thought on Chinese Political Discourse on Transitions from Leninism, 1986–1992 , World Affairs 157 (2) (1994), pp. 79–91, fall.
  • Seymour, , The Crux of the Struggle . pp. 3–3, see n. 46 above, and “Confidential Document on Study of Human Rights Issue, Part 1” (see n. 19 above), p. 34.
  • Jisi, Guo , Fazhanquan shi yixian buke boduo de renquan . pp. 19–20, see n. 34 above.
  • Another Talk on ‘Human Rights’ . pp. 3–3, see n. 47 above.
  • Xinhua, , 1991. FBIS . 1991. pp. 37–37, in.
  • Shan, Guo , 1987. "China's Role in the Human Rights Field". In: Beijing Review . 1987. pp. 23–23.
  • Why China Publishes the White Paper on Human Rights . pp. 24–24, see n. 58, Dong Yunhu, “The Right to Subsist Remains the Most Important Human Right for China and the Developing Countries at Present,” Renmin Ribao, 15 Jan. 1993, p. 5, in FBIS, 10 Feb. 1993, pp. 19-20; and Cheng Xiaoxia and Zhang Junli, “Defend State Sovereignty: Oppose Interference in Internal Affairs,” Fazhi Ribao, 17 June 1992, p. 4, in FBIS, 22 July 1992, pp. 17-18.
  • Jisi, Guo , On Human Rights and Development Right . pp. 16–18, see n. 48 above.
  • Dong, , The Right to Subsist . pp. 20–20, see n. 70 above.
  • Jisi, Guo , On Human Rights and Development Right . pp. 16–16, see n. 48 above.
  • Jisi, Guo , Fazhanquan shi yixian buke boduo de renquan . pp. 19–19, see n. 34 above.
  • Ku, , Brief Discussion , see n. 47 above.
  • Jisi, Guo , On Human Rights and Development Right . pp. 17–17, see n. 48 above.
  • On Human Rights and Development Right . pp. 16–16.
  • Gongqin, Xiao , 1990. "Reform and the Open Policy under the Tour Basic Principles". In: Beijing Qingnian Bao . 1990. pp. 4–4, and Ma Fan, “History Opposes Romanticism: Associate Professor Xiao Gongqin Discusses the Radical Mode of Thinking,” Beijing Qingnian Bao, 19 Jan. 1992, p. 6.
  • Jisi, Guo , On Human Right and Development Right . pp. 16–16, see n. 48 above.
  • Schell, , Dragons and Dungeons . pp. 789–789, see n. 21 above.
  • Eftimiades, Nicholas , 1994. Chinese Intelligence Operations . Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press; 1994.
  • Wang, Queenie , 1994. "The Wang Case against Beijing". In: South China Sunday Morning Post . 1994. pp. l9–l9, in FBIS; 12 Dec. 1994, p. 30.
  • South China Sunday Morning Post .
  • Mei-ling, Teng , 1994. "Beijing University Teacher and Student Issue a Letter of Appeal Jointly Signed by People from All Walks of Life, Calling for an End to Encroachment of Civil Rights". In: Lien Ho Pao . Hong Kong. 1994, in FBIS, 28 Jan. 1994, p. 16.
  • 1995. "Second Petition on Human Rights Submitted to NPC". In: FBIS . 1995. pp. 24–24.
  • 1991. A Statement on Human Rights Issue in China . 1991. pp. 22–22, see n. 13 above.
  • A Statement on Human Rights Issue in China .
  • A Statement on Human Rights Issue in China .
  • A Statement on Human Rights Issue in China .
  • 1995. "The Full Text of the Anticorruption Proposal Submitted to the National People's Congress Standing Committee by Twelve Noted Dissidents on 25 February 1995". In: Lien Ho Pao . 1995. pp. 7–7, in FBIS, 1 Mar. 1995, p. 17.
  • Lien Ho Pao .
  • Lien Ho Pao . pp. 18–18.
  • Second Petition On Human Rights Submitted to NPC . pp. 24–24, see n. 86 above.
  • The Full Text of the Anticorruption Proposal . pp. 17–18, see n. 92 above.
  • 1995. FBIS . 1995. pp. 3–3, in.
  • Lampton, David , 1994. America's China Policy in the Age of the Finance Minister: Clinton Ends Linkage , China Quarterly (1994), pp. 616–616.
  • Ness, Peter Van , 1994. Whatever Happened to Bill Clinton's Human Rights Policy , China Rights Forum (1994), pp. 30–30, Dissident Wang Dan recently argued that “Mr. Bush and U.S. Secretary of State Warren Christopher said the human rights situation in China had improved, but actually this is completely not the case. China is moving in an opposite direction by tightening control....” Wang, “The Wang Case” (see n. 83 above).
  • Lieberthal, Kenneth , 1995. A New China Strategy , Foreign Affairs 74 (6) (1995), pp. 35–49, He does make the important argument that U.S. policy should not return to a hardline containment policy.
  • Hornik, Richard , 1994. Bursting China's Bubble: The Muddle Kingdom , Foreign Affairs 73 (3) (1994), pp. 28–42.
  • Tang, James , "Towards an Alternative Approach to International Human Rights Protection in the Asia-Pacific Region". In: Tang, , , ed. Human Rights and International Relations in the Asia-Pacific Region . pp. 187–187, in, see n. 20 above.
  • Lang, , The Practice of Human Rights . pp. 33–33, see n. 56 above.
  • Why China Publishes the White Paper on Human Rights . pp. 24–24, see n. 58 above.
  • Xin, Bao , 1991. "Letter from Beijing: Further on Human Rights". In: Liaowang Overseas Edition . 1991. pp. 2–2, no. 39; in FBIS, 4 Oct. 1991, p. 18.
  • Say No to Politicization of Human Rights . pp. 4–4.

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