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Mumbling Beauty: Louise Bourgeois—portraits of the artist as a much older woman


  • Barthes, Roland. 1980–81. Camera Lucida. Translated by Richard Howard. New York: Hill and Wang.
  • Betterton, Rosemary. 2009. “Louise Bourgeois, Ageing, and Maternal Bodies.” Feminist Review 93 (1): 27–45.10.1057/fr.2009.25
  • Boden, Margaret A. (1990) 2004. The Creative Mind: Myths and Mechanisms. London: Routledge.
  • Butler, Judith. 1990. Gender Trouble. Chapman & Hall: Routledge.
  • Butler, Judith. 2004. “Beside Oneself: On the Limits of Sexual Autonomy.” In Undoing Gender, 17–40. New York: Routledge.
  • Chadwick, Whitney. 1998. Mirror Images: Women, Surrealism, and Self-Representation. Cambridge: MIT.
  • Cristofovici, Anca. 2009. Touching Surfaces: Photographic Aesthetics, Temporality, Aging. New York: Rodopi.
  • Dohmen, Joep. 2013. “My Own Life: Ethics, Ageing, and Life Style.” In Ageing, Meaning, and Social Structure: Connecting Critical and Humanistic Gerontology, edited by Jan Baars, Joseph Dohmen, Amanda Grenier and Chris Phillipson, 31–54. Bristol: Policy Press.10.1332/policypress/9781447300908.001.0001
  • Dolan, Josephine, and Estella Tincknell. 2012. “Introduction.” In Aging Femininities: Troubling Representations, edited by Josephine Dolan and Estella Tincknell, vii–xxi. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Duyndam, Joachim. 2017. “Humanism as a Possible Outcome of Secularism.” In The Oxford Handbook of Secularism, edited by Phil Zuckerman and John R. Shook, 706–720. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Garland-Thomson, Rosemarie. 2009. Staring: How We Look. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Gilleard, Chris, and Paul Higgs. 2011. “Ageing Abjection and Embodiment in the Fourth Age.” Journal of Aging Studies 25 (2): 135–142.
  • Herkenhoff, Paulo. 2003. “Interview with Louise Bourgeois.” In Louise Bourgeois, edited by Robert Storr, Paulo Herkenhoff and Allan Schwartzman, 8–25. New York: Phaidon.
  • Hutcheon, Linda, and Michael Hutcheon. 2012. “Late Style(S): the Ageism of the Singular.” Occasion: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities 4. Accessed October 13, 2016. http://arcade.stanford.edu/occasion/late-styles-ageism-singular.
  • Jones, Amelia. 2002. “The ‘Eternal Return’: Self-Portrait Photography as a Technology of Embodiment.” Signs 27 (4): 947–978.10.1086/339641
  • Kampmann, Sabine. 2016. “Visual Aging Studies: Exploring Images of Aging in Art History and Other Disciplines.” Age, Culture, Humanities 2: 279–291.
  • Katz, Stephen, and Erin Campbell. 2005. “Creativity across the Life Course? Titian, Michelangelo and Older Artist Narratives.” In Cultural Aging: Life Course, Lifestyle, and Senior Worlds, edited by Stephen Katz, 101–117. Peterborough: Broadview Press.
  • Kristeva, Julia. 1982. Powers of Horror: An Essay on Abjection. New York: Columbia University Press.
  • Küster, Ulf. 2013. Louise Bourgeois. Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz.
  • Laceulle, Hanne, and Jan Baars. 2014. “Self-Realization and Cultural Narratives about Later Life.” Journal of Aging Studies 31: 34–44.10.1016/j.jaging.2014.08.005
  • Marshall, Leni. 2012. “Through (with) the Looking Glass: Revisiting Lacan and Woodward in ‘Méconnaissane’, the Mirror Stage of Old Age.” Feminist Formations 24 (2): 52–76.10.1353/ff.2012.0022
  • Marshall, Leni, and Valerie Lipscomb. 2010. “Introduction.” In Staging Age: The Performance of Age in Theatre, Dance, and Film, edited by Valerie Lipscomb and Leni Marshall, 1–7. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
  • Meyers, Diana Tietjens. 2002. Gender in the Mirror: Cultural Imagery and Women’s Agency. Oxford: Oxford University Press.10.1093/0195140419.001.0001
  • Nochlin, Linda. (2007) 2015. “Old-Age Style: Late Louise Bourgeois.” In Women Artists: The Linda Nochlin Reader, edited by Maura Reilly, 383–394. London: Thames & Hudson.
  • Pollock, Griselda. 1999. “Old Bones and Cocktail Dresses: Louise Bourgeois and the Question of Age.” Oxford Art Journal 22 (2): 73–100.
  • Ribbat, Christophe. 2011. “‘out of It’? Old Age and Photographic Portraiture.” Amerikastudien/American Studies 56 (1): 67–84.
  • Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky. 2003. Touching Feeling: Affect, Pedagogy, Performativity. Durham: Duke University Press.
  • Schwartzman, Allan. 2003. “Focus.” In Louise Bourgeois, edited by Robert Storr, Paulo Herkenhoff and Allan Schwartzman, 95–103. New York: Phaidon.
  • Swinnen, Aagje. 2016. “The Performativity of Age: (Not) Acting One’s Age in Benidorm Bastards.” In Age, from Anatomy of Life to the Architecture of Living, edited by Marleen Wynants and Goedele Nuyttens, 48–56. Brussels: Academic and Scientific.
  • Swinnen, Aagje. 2012. “To Pin up or Pin down Women of Age?! the Representation of the Ageing Woman’s Body in the Photography of Erwin Olaf.” In Aging, Performance, and Stardom: Doing Age on the Stage of Consumerist Culture, edited by Aagje Swinnen and John A. Stotesbury, 177–195. Berlin: Lit Verlag.
  • Tincknell, Estella. 2011. “Scourging the Abject Body: Ten Years Younger and Fragmented Femininity under Neoliberalism.” In New Femininities: Postfeminism, Neoliberalism and Subjectivity, edited by Rosalind Gill and Christina Scharff, 83–95. London: Palgrave Macmillan.10.1057/9780230294523
  • Twigg, Julia, and Wendy Martin. 2015. “The Challenge of Cultural Gerontology.” The Gerontologist 55 (3): 353–359.10.1093/geront/gnu061
  • van Alphen, Ernst. 1997. “The Portrait’s Dispersal: Concepts of Representation and Subjectivity in Contemporary Portraiture.” In Portraiture: Facing the Subject, edited by Joanna Woodall, 239–258. Manchester, NH: Manchester University Press.
  • Van Gelder, Alex. 2015. Mumbling Beauty: Louise Bourgeois. New York: Thames & Hudson.
  • Westley, Hannah. 2008. “From the Informe to the Abject: Shifting Morphologies in the Art of Louise Bourgeois and Orlan.” In The Body as Medium and Metaphor, 161–199. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
  • Woodward, Kathleen. 1991. Aging and Its Discontents: Freud and Other Fictions. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
  • Woodward, Kathleen. 2006. “Performing Age, Performing Gender.” NWSA Journal 18 (1): 162–189.10.2979/nws.2006.18.issue-1
  • Xenakis, Makhi. 1998. Louise Bourgeois, l’aveugle guidant l’aveugle [Louise Bourgeois: The Blind Leading the Blind]. Paris: Galerie Lalong.