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From government to governance…to meta-governance: a systematic literature review



  • Abbott, K. W., P. Genschel, D. Snidal, and B. Zangl, eds. 2015. International Organizations as Orchestrators. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9781139979696.
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  • Dixon-Woods, M., S. Agarwal, D. Jones, B. Young, and A. Sutton. 2005. “Synthesising Qualitative and Quantitative Evidence: A Review of Possible Methods.” Journal of Health Services Research & Policy 10 (1): 45–53.
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  • Evans, B. 2007. “The Politics of Partnership: Urban Regeneration in New East Manchester.” Public Policy and Administration 22 (2): 201–215. doi:10.1177/0952076707075896.
  • Faling, M., R. Biesbroek, S. Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen, and K. Termeer. 2019. “Policy Entrepreneurship Across Boundaries: A Systematic Literature Review.” Journal of Public Policy 39 (2): 393–422. doi:10.1017/S0143814X18000053.
  • Fotel, T., and G. S. Hanssen. 2009. “Meta-Governance of Regional Governance Networks in Nordic Countries.” Local Government Studies 35 (5): 557–576. doi:10.1080/03003930903227386.
  • Fransen, L. 2015. “The Politics of Meta-Governance in Transnational Private Sustainability Governance.” Policy Sciences 48 (3): 293–317. doi:10.1007/s11077-015-9219-8.
  • Frantzeskaki, N., J. Wittmayer, and D. Loorbach. 2014. “The Role of Partnerships in ‘realising’ Urban Sustainability in Rotterdam’s City Ports Area, the Netherlands.” Journal of Cleaner Production 65: 406–417. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2013.09.023.
  • Geeraert, A. 2014. “New EU Governance Modes in Professional Sport: Enhancing Throughput Legitimacy.” Journal of Contemporary European Research 10 (3): 302–321.
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  • Gough, D., J. Thomas, and S. Oliver. 2012. “Clarifying Differences between Review Designs and Methods.” Systematic Reviews 1 (1): 28. doi:10.1186/2046-4053-1-28.
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  • Hansson, L. 2013. “Hybrid Steering Cultures in the Governance of Public Transport: A Successful Way to Meet Demands?” Research in Transportation Economics 39 (1): 175–184. doi:10.1016/j.retrec.2012.06.011.
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  • Haveri, A., I. Nyholm, A. Roiseland, and I. Vabo. 2009. “Governing Collaboration: Practices of Meta-Governance in Finnish and Norwegian Local Governments.” Local Government Studies 35 (5): 539–556. doi:10.1080/03003930903227360.
  • Holmen, A. K. T. 2011. “Governance Networks in City-Regions: In the Spirit of Democratic Accountability?” Public Policy and Administration 26 (4): 399–418. doi:10.1177/0952076710375773.
  • Hood, C. C., and H. Z. Margetts. 2007. The Tools of Government in the Digital Age. London: Macmillan.
  • Howard, C., and H. Bakvis. 2016. “Conceptualizing Interagency Coordination as Metagovernance: Complexity, Dynamism, and Learning in Australian and British Statistical Administration.” International Journal of Public Administration 39 (6): 417–428. doi:10.1080/01900692.2015.1018427.
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  • Klijn, E. H., and J. Edelenbos. 2007. “Meta-governance as Network Management.” In Theories of Democratic Network Governance, edited by E. Sørensen and J. Torfing, 199–214. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
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  • Meuleman, L. 2010. “The Cultural Dimension of Metagovernance: Why Governance Doctrines May Fail.” Public Organization Review 10 (1): 49–70. doi:10.1007/s11115-009-0088-5.
  • Meuleman, L. 2019. Metagovernance for Sustainability. A Framework for Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals. New York: Routledge.
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  • Morrison, T. H. 2016. “The Meta-Governance of Regions and the Need for a Political Geography of Planning.” International Planning Studies 21 (3): 298–304. doi:10.1080/13563475.2016.1188686.
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  • Qvist, M. 2017. “Meta-Governance and Network Formation in Collaborative Spaces of Uncertainty: The Case of Swedish Refugee Integration Policy.” Public Administration 95 (2): 498–511. doi:10.1111/padm.12310.
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  • Sehested, K. 2009. “Urban Planners as Network Managers and Metagovernors.” Planning Theory & Practice 10 (2): 245–263. doi:10.1080/14649350902884516.
  • Sørensen, E. 2006. “Metagovernance: The Changing Role of Politicians in Processes of Democratic Governance.” The American Review of Public Administration 36 (1): 98–114. doi:10.1177/0275074005282584.
  • Sørensen, E., and J. Torfing. 2005. “The Democratic Anchorage of Governance Networks.” Scandinavian Political Studies 28 (3): 195–218. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9477.2005.00129.x.
  • Sørensen, E., and J. Torfing. 2009. “Making Governance Networks Effective and Democratic through Metagovernance.” Public Administration 87 (2): 234–258. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9299.2009.01753.x.
  • Stark, A. 2015. “More Micro than Meta? Competing Concepts of Metagovernance in the European Union.” Public Policy and Administration 30 (1): 73–91. doi:10.1177/0952076714543862.
  • Temmerman, C., F. De Rynck, and J. Voets. 2015. “Opening the Black Box of Metagovernance: The Roles of Central Government in Local Multilevel Networks – The Case of the Local Job Centers in Flanders.” International Review of Public Administration 20 (3): 227–242. doi:10.1080/12294659.2015.1039777.
  • Thuesen, A. A. 2013. “Experiencing Multi-Level Meta-Governance.” Local Government Studies 39 (4): 600–623. doi:10.1080/03003930.2012.755463.
  • Torfing, J., E. Sørensen, and T. Fotel. 2009. “Democratic Anchorage of Infrastructural Governance Networks: The Case of the Femern Belt Forum.” Planning Theory 8 (3): 282–308. doi:10.1177/1473095209104827.
  • Torfing, J., and P. Triantafillou, eds. 2011. Interactive Policy Making, Metagovernance and Democracy. Colchester: ECPR Press.
  • Vabo, S. I., and A. Røiseland. 2012. “Conceptualizing the Tools of Government in Urban Network Governance.” International Journal of Public Administration 35 (14): 934–946.
  • Voets, J., K. Verhoest, and A. Molenveld. 2015. “Coordinating for Integrated Youth Care: The Need for Smart Metagovernance.” Public Management Review 17 (7): 981–1001. doi:10.1080/14719037.2015.1029347.
  • Walls, J., T. O’Riordan, T. Horlick-Jones, and J. Niewohner. 2005. “The Meta-Governance of Risk and New Technologies: GM Crops and Mobile Telephones.” Journal of Risk Research 8 (7–8): 635–661. doi:10.1080/13669870500101200.
  • Whitehead, M. 2003. “‘In the Shadow of Hierarchy’: Meta-Governance, Policy Reform and Urban Regeneration in the West Midlands.” Area 35 (1): 6–14. doi:10.1111/1475-4762.00105.
  • Whitehead, M. 2007. “The Architecture of Partnerships: Urban Communities in the Shadow of Hierarchy.” Policy and Politics 35 (1): 3–23. doi:10.1332/030557307779657685.