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Special Section: Visual Intervention and the (Re)enactment of Democracy

Visuality and Parrēsia: Ai Weiwei’s countervisual re-enactment of Alan Kurdi’s image


  • Ai, Weiwei. 2011. Ai Weiwei’s Blog Writings, Interviews, and Digital Rants, 2006–2009. Edited and translated by Lee Ambrozy. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
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  • Humphrey, Michael. 2013. “Migration, Security and Insecurity.” Journal of Intercultural Studies 34 (2): 178–195.
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  • Mortensen, Mette, and Hans-Jörg Trenz. 2016. “Media Morality and Visual Icons in the Age of Social Media: Alan Kurdi and the Emergence of an Impromptu Public of Moral Spectatorship.” Javnost – The Public 23 (4): 343–362.
  • Olesen, Thomas. 2018. “Memetic Protest and the Dramatic Diffusion of Alan Kurdi.” Media, Culture & Society 40 (5): 656–672.
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  • Ponzanesi, Sandra. 2019. “The Art of Dissent: Ai Weiwei, Rebel with a Cause.” In Culture, Citizenship and Human Rights, edited by Rosemarie Buikema, Antoine Buyse, and Antonius Robben, 215–236. London: Routledge.
  • Prøitz, Lin. 2017. “Visual Social Media and Affectivity: The Impact of the Image of Alan Kurdi and Young People’s Response to the Refugee Crisis in Oslo and Sheffield.” Information, Communication & Society 21 (4): 548–563.
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  • Ray, Avishek. 2021. “Remediation, Virality and Affect: A Phenomenological Reading into the Alan Kurdi Image.” Continuum 35 (1): 99–110.
  • Shaw, Annie. 2017. “Ai Weiwei Poses as Drowned Syrian refugee Toddler Once Again.” The Art Newspaper. 31 May. https://www.theartnewspaper.com/2017/05/31/ai-weiwei-poses-as-drowned-syrian-refugee-toddler-once-again.
  • Sohlberg, Jacob, Peter Esaiasson, and Johan Martinsson. 2019. “The Changing Political Impact of Compassion-Evoking Pictures: The Case of the Drowned Toddler Alan Kurdi.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 45 (13): 2275–2288.
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  • Szörényi, Anna. 2006. “The Images Speak for Themselves? Reading Refugee Coffee-table Books.” Visual Studies 21 (1): 24–41.
  • Tagg, John. 2009. The Disciplinary Frame: Photographic Truths and the Capture of Meaning. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.
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  • Vis, Farida, Simon Faulkner, D’Orazio Francesco, and Lin Prøitz. 2015. “The Iconic Image on Social Media: A Rapid Research Response to the Death of Aylan Kurdi.” Visual Social Media Lab. 19 March. http://visualsocialmedialab.org/projects/the-iconic-image-on-social-media.
  • Zimanyi, Eszter. 2022. “Interrogating the Limits of Humanitarian Art: The Uncomfortable Invitations of Ai Weiwei.” Transnational Screens 13 (2): 141–156.


  • Ai, Weiwei, dir. 2009. Little Red Cheeks. China: Ai Weiwei Studio.
  • Ai, Weiwei, dir. 2009. 4851. China: Ai Weiwei Studio.
  • Ai, Weiwei, dir. 2009. Lao ma ti hua/Disturbing the Peace. China: Ai Weiwei Studio.
  • Ai, Weiwei, dir. 2014. Ai Weiwei’s Appeal ¥15,220,910.50. China: Ai Weiwei Studio.
  • Ai, Weiwei, dir. 2017. Human Flow. Germany: 24 Media Production Company/AC Films/Ai Weiwei Studio.
  • Ai, Weiwei, dir. 2020. Cockroach. Hong Kong/Germany: AWW Germany.
  • Ai, Weiwei, dir. 2020. Coronation. Germany: AWW Germany.
  • Klayman, Alison. 2012. Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry. United States: Expressions United Media/MUSE Film and Television/Never Sorry