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Five potentials of critical realism in management and organization studies



  • Aaltonen, A. , and N. Tempini . 2014. “Everything Counts in Large Amounts: A Critical Realist Case Study on Data-Based Production.” Journal of Information Technology 29 (1): 97–110. doi:10.1057/jit.2013.29.
  • Ahmed, S. , and S. Uddin . 2018. “Toward a Political Economy of Corporate Governance Change and Stability in Family Business Groups: A Morphogenetic Approach.” Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal 31 (8): 2192–2217. doi:10.1108/AAAJ-01-2017-2833.
  • Al-Amoudi, Ismael , and Hugh Willmott . 2011. “Where Constructionism and Critical Realism Converge: Interrogating the Domain of Epistemological Relativism.” Organization Studies 32 (1): 27–46. doi:10.1177/0170840610394293.
  • Alvesson, Mats , and Kaj Sköldberg . 2009. Reflexive Methodology: New Vistas for Qualitative Research . 2nd ed. London: Sage.
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  • Ashraf, M. Junaid , and Shahzad Uddin . 2013. “A Consulting Giant; a Disgruntled Client: A “Failed” Attempt to Change Management Controls in a Public Sector Organisation.” Financial Accountability & Management 29 (2): 186–205.
  • Barker, L. , T. McKeown , J. Wolfram Cox , and M. Bryant . 2018. “More of the Same? A Dual Case Study Approach to Examining Change Momentum in the Public Sector.” Australian Journal of Public Administration 77 (2): 253–271. doi:10.1111/1467-8500.12306.
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  • Bhaskar, Roy. 2008. A Realist Theory of Science. 2nd Edition. Classical Texts in Critical Realism . London, New York: Routledge.
  • Bhaskar, Roy. 2014. “Foreword.” In Studying Organizations Using Critical Realism: A Practical Guide , edited by Paul K. Edwards , Joe O’Mahoney , and Steve Vincent , v–xv. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Buch-Hansen, Hubert. 2005. “Critical Realism in the Social Sciences.” Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory 6 (2): 59–69. doi:10.1080/1600910X.2005.9672913.
  • Bygstad, Bendik , Bjørn Erik Munkvold , and Olga Volkoff . 2016. “Identifying Generative Mechanisms Through Affordances: A Framework for Critical Realist Data Analysis.” Journal of Information Technology 31 (1): 83–96.
  • Contu, Alessia , and Hugh Willmott . 2005. “You Spin Me Round: The Realist Turn in Organization and Management Studies*.” Journal of Management Studies 42 (8): 1645–1662. doi:10.1111/j.1467-6486.2005.00560.x.
  • Danermark, Berth. 2019. “Applied Interdisciplinary Research – a Critical Realist Perspective.” Journal of Critical Realism 0 (0): 1–15. doi:10.1080/14767430.2019.1644983.
  • Dobson, P. J. 2003. “Business Process Reengineering (BPR) Versus Outsourcing - Critical Perspectives.” Systemic Practice and Action Research 16 (3): 225–233. doi:10.1023/A:1023863906650.
  • Dubois, Anna , and Lars-Erik Gadde . 2002. “Systematic Combining: An Abductive Approach to Case Research.” Journal of Business Research, Markets as Networks 55 (7): 553–560. doi:10.1016/S0148-2963(00)00195-8.
  • Easton, Geoff. 2010. “Critical Realism in Case Study Research.” Industrial Marketing Management 39 (1): 118–128. doi:10.1016/j.indmarman.2008.06.004.
  • Eisenhardt, Kathleen M. 1989. “Building Theories from Case Study.” The Academy of Management Review 14 (4): 532–550.
  • Elder-Vass, Dave. 2010. The Causal Power of Social Structures: Emergence, Structure and Agency . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Fleetwood, Stephen. 2005. “Ontology in Organization and Management Studies: A Critical Realist Perspective.” Organization 12 (2): 197–222. doi:10.1177/1350508405051188.
  • Fletcher, Amber J. 2017. “Applying Critical Realism in Qualitative Research: Methodology Meets Method.” International Journal of Social Research Methodology 20 (2): 181–194. doi:10.1080/13645579.2016.1144401.
  • Flyvbjerg, Bent. 2006. “Five Misunderstandings About Case-Study Research.” Qualitative Inquiry 12 (2): 219–245. doi:10.1177/1077800405284363.
  • Frederiksen, Dennis Jim. 2018. “We Are in This Together: A Qualitative Exploration of Organisational, Relational and Personally Experienced Differences between Paid Public Sector Work and Volunteer Third Sector Work.” PhD dissertation, Aalborg: Aalborg University.
  • Hales, Colin. 2007. “Structural Contradiction and Sense-Making in the First-Line Manager Role.” Irish Journal of Management 28 (1): 147–179.
  • Healy, Marilyn , and Chad Perry . 2000. “Comprehensive Criteria to Judge Validity and Reliability of Qualitative Research Within the Realism Paradigm.” Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal 3 (3): 118–126. doi:10.1108/13522750010333861.
  • Hines, Peter , Darrin Taylor , and Aidan Walsh . 2018. “The Lean Journey: Have We Got It Wrong?” Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 0 (0): 1–18. doi:10.1080/14783363.2018.1429258.
  • Kempster, Stephen. 2006. “Leadership Learning Through Lived Experience: A Process of Apprenticeship?” Journal of Management and Organization 12 (1): 4–22. doi:10.5172/jmo.2006.12.1.4.
  • Keränen, T. 2012. “Change in Organization – Emerging Situations, Character and Praxis.” Advances in the Human Side of Service Engineering , 193–199. doi:10.1201/b12315.
  • Kringelum, Louise Brøns. 2017. “Transcending Organizational Boundaries – Exploring Intra- and Inter-Organizational Processes of Business Model Innovation in a Port Authority.” PhD dissertation, Aalborg: Aalborg University.
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  • Lundgren-Resenterra, Mariangela , and Peter E. Kahn . 2019. “The Organisational Impact of Undertaking a Professional Doctorate: Forming Critical Leaders.” British Educational Research Journal 2007, doi:10.1002/berj.3503.
  • Madsen, Christian Uhrenholdt , and Susanne Boch Waldorff . 2019. “Between Advocacy, Compliance and Commitment: A Multilevel Analysis of Institutional Logics in Work Environment Management.” Scandinavian Journal of Management 35 (1): 12–25. doi:10.1016/j.scaman.2018.11.002.
  • Massingham, P. R. 2018. “Measuring the Impact of Knowledge Loss: A Longitudinal Study.” Journal of Knowledge Management 22 (4): 721–758. doi:10.1108/JKM-08-2016-0338.
  • McAvoy, John , and Tom Butler . 2018. “A Critical Realist Method for Applied Business Research.” Journal of Critical Realism 17 (2): 160–175. doi:10.1080/14767430.2018.1455477.
  • McGhee, P. , and P. Grant . 2017. “Applying Critical Realism in Spirituality at Work Research.” Management Research Review 40 (8): 845–869. doi:10.1108/BIJ-10-2012-0068.
  • Mingers, John. 2011. “The Contribution of Systemic Thought to Critical Realism.” Journal of Critical Realism 10 (3): 303–330. doi:10.1558/jcr.v10i3.303.
  • Mingers, J. , and C. Standing . 2017. “Why Things Happen – Developing the Critical Realist View of Causal Mechanisms.” Information and Organization 27 (3): 171–189. doi:10.1016/j.infoandorg.2017.07.001.
  • Mirani, Rajesh. 2013. “A Case Study of Morphogenetic Change in Long-Term Offshoring.” International Journal of Information Management 33 (4): 663–673. doi:10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2013.03.006.
  • Mutiganda, Jean Claude. 2013. “Budgetary Governance and Accountability in Public Sector Organisations: An Institutional and Critical Realism Approach.” Critical Perspectives on Accounting 24 (7–8): 518–531. doi:10.1016/j.cpa.2013.08.003.
  • Nach, H. 2015. “‘Identity Under Challenge: Examining User’s Responses to Computerized Information Systems’.” Management Research Review 38 (7): 703–725. doi:10.1108/MRR-02-2014-0031.
  • Newton, Tim , Stan Deetz , and Mike Reed . 2011. “Responses to Social Constructionism and Critical Realism in Organization Studies.” Organization Studies 32 (1): 7–26.
  • O’Mahoney, J. , and S. Vincent . 2014. “‘Critical Realism as an Empirical Project’.” In Studying Organizations Using Critical Realism , edited by P. K. Edwards , J. O’Mahoney , and S. Vincent , 1–20. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Palmer, A. , and A. Bosch . 2017. “What Makes Representation of Executive Women in Business Happen?” Equality, Diversity and Inclusion 36 (4): 306–320. doi:10.1108/EDI-09-2016-0071.
  • Peters, Linda D. , Andrew D. Pressey , Markus Vanharanta , and Wesley J. Johnston . 2013. “Constructivism and Critical Realism as Alternative Approaches to the Study of Business Networks: Convergences and Divergences in Theory and in Research Practice.” Industrial Marketing Management 42 (3): 336–346. doi:10.1016/j.indmarman.2013.02.003.
  • Reed, Michael. 2003. “The Agency/Structure Dilemma in Organization Theory: Open Doors and Brick Walls.” In The Oxford Handbook of Organization Theory , edited by Haridimos Tsoukas , and Christian Knudsen ,, 1st ed, 289–309. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Reed, Michael. 2005. “Reflections on the “Realist Turn” in Organization and Management Studies.” Journal of Management Studies 42 (8): 1621–1644. doi:10.1111/j.1467-6486.2005.00559.x.
  • Rezania, D. , R. Baker , and A. Nixon . 2019. “Exploring Project Managers’ Accountability.” International Journal of Managing Projects in Business 12 (4). doi:10.1108/IJMPB-03-2018-0037.
  • Rossi, P. , P.-H. Rannisto , and J. Stenvall . 2016. “Creating Innovative Public Services by Fostering Conflicts.” South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases 5 (1): 1–12. doi:10.1177/2277977916634219.
  • Runde, Jochen , and Mark de Rond . 2010. “Evaluating Causal Explanations of Specific Events.” Organization Studies 31 (4): 431–450. doi:10.1177/0170840610361836.
  • Sayer, Andrew. 2000. Realism and Social Science . London, Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage.
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  • Snell, D. , D. Schmitt , A. Glavas , and L. Bamberry . 2015. “Worker Stress and the Prospect of Job Loss in a Fragmented Organisation.” Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal 10 (1): 61–81. doi:10.1108/QROM-03-2014-1210.
  • Soininen, Tiina. 2013. “Mechanisms of Change in Public Management Projects.” SAGE Open 3 (2): 1–10. doi:10.1177/2158244013486490.
  • Swanborn, P. G. 2010. Case Study Research: What, Why and How? Los Angeles: SAGE.
  • Torraco, R. J. 2005. “Writing Integrative Literature Reviews: Guidelines and Examples.” Human Resource Development Review 4 (3): 356–367. doi:10.1177/1534484305278283.
  • Tuominen, Tiina M , and Mikko H Lehtonen . 2018. “The Emergence of Transformative Agency in Professional Work.” Organization Studies 39 (11): 1601–1624. doi:10.1177/0170840617717093.
  • Williams, C. K. , and E. Karahanna . 2013. “Causal Explanation in the Coordinating Process: A Critical Realist Case Study of Federated It Governance Structures.” MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems 37 (3): 933–964. doi:10.25300/MISQ/2013/37.3.12.
  • Wynn, Donald , and Clay K Williams . 2012. “Principles for Conducting Critical Realist Case Study Research in Information Systems.” MIS Quarterly 36 (3): 787–810. doi:10.1016/j.ijproman.2012.11.012.
  • Yin, Robert K. 2014. Case Study Research Design and Methods . 5th ed. California: Sage Publications.
  • Zachariadis, M. , S. Scott , and M. Barrett . 2014. “Methodological Implications of Critical Realism for Mixed-Methods Research.” MIS Quarterly 37 (3): 855–879.