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Challenges of the Japanese higher education Amidst population decline and globalization


  • Altbach, P. G., and J. Balán. 2007. World Class Worldwide: Transforming Research Universities in Asia and Latin America. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
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  • Kariya, T., and Y. Honda. 2010. Daisotsu Shushoku no Shakaigaku [The Sociology of Transition from University to Work]. Tokyo: The University of Tokyo Press.
  • Kitamura, Y., and M. Sugimura. 2012. Hendo suru Asia no Daigaku Kaikaku [University Reform in Changing Asia]. Tokyo: Gyosei.
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  • Promotion of Mutual Aid Corporation for Private Schools of Japan. 2014. Shiritsu Daigaku Tanki Daigaku tou Nyugaku Shigan Doko [Trends of Application for the Enrollment for Private Universities and Junior Colleges]. Tokyo: Promotion of Mutual Aid Corporation for Private Schools of Japan.
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  • Umakoshi, T. 2004. “Private Higher Education in Asia: Transitions and Development.” In Asian Universities: Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Challenges, edited by G. A. Philip, and T. Umakoshi, 33–49. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Yonezawa, A. 2007. “Japanese Flagship Universities at a Crossroads.” Higher Education 54 (4): 483–499.
  • Yonezawa, A. 2010. Realizing Mass Higher Education and the Management of Private Universities in Japan. Sendai: Tohoku University Press.
  • Yonezawa, A. 2011. “The Internationalization of Japanese Higher Education. Policy Debates and Realities.” In Higher Education in the Asia-Pacific: Strategic Responses to Globalization, edited by S. Marginson, S. Kaur, and E. Sawir, 329–342. Dordrecht: Springer.
  • Yonezawa, A. 2014. “Japan’s Challenge of Fostering ‘Global Human Resources’: Policy Debates and Practices.” Japan Labor Review 11 (2): 37–52.
  • Yonezawa, A., and T. Kim. 2008. “The Future of Higher Education in the Context of a Shrinking Student Population: Policy Challenges for Japan and Korea.” In Vol. 1 of Higher Education to 2030, edited by OECD, 199–220. Paris: OECD.
  • Yonezawa, A., and R. Kosugi. 2006. “Education, Training, and Human Resources. Meeting Skill Requirements.” In Vol. 1 of Japan: Moving Toward a More Advanced Knowledge Economy, edited by T. Shibata, 105–126. Washington, DC: World Bank Institute.
  • Yonezawa, A., and A. Meerman. 2012. “Multilateral Initiatives in the East Asian Arena and the Challenges for Japanese Higher Education.” Asian Education and Development Studies 1 (1): 57–66.