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The Maastricht Treaty and public debates about European integration: the emergence of a European public sphere?Footnote



  • Bijsmans, P. , C. Galpin , and B. Leruth . 2017. “‘Brexit’ in Transnational Perspective: An Analysis of Newspapers in France, Germany and the Netherlands.” Comparative European Politics : 1–18. doi:10.1057/s41295-017-0104-z.
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  • Koopmans, R. , and P. Statham . 2010. “Theoretical Framework, Research Design, and Methods.” In THE MAKing of a European Public Sphere: Media Discourse and Political Contention , edited by R. Koopmans and P. Statham , 34–60. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.10.1017/CBO9780511761010
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