CrossRef citations to date
Part One, ‘Remapping the Nineteenth Century’

The Laboratorium: Nineteenth-Century French Studies in the Anglophone Sphere


  • Abbott, Helen. 2009. Between Baudelaire and Mallarmé: Voice, Conversation, and Music. Farnham: Ashgate.
  • Ackerman, Evelyn Bernette. 1996. “The Intellectual Odyssey of a French Colonial Physician: Jules Regnault and Far Eastern Medicine.” French Historical Studies 19 (4): 1083–1102.
  • Agulhon, Maurice, Georges Duby, and Michèle Perrot. 1987. Essais d’ego-histoire. Paris: Gallimard.
  • Andersson, Peter. 2018. “The Walking Stick in the Nineteenth-Century City: Conflicting Ideals of Urban Walking.” Journal of Transport History 39 (3): 275–291.
  • Apter, Emily. 2010. “Speculation and Economic Xenophobia as Literary World Systems: The Nineteenth-Century Business Novel.” In French Global: A New Approach to Literary History, edited by Christie McDonald, and Susan Rubin Suleiman, 388–403. New York, NY: Columbia University Press.
  • Baguley, David. 2000. Napoleon III and his Regime: An Extravaganza. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press.
  • Bales, Richard. 2001. The Cambridge Companion to Proust. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Balzac, Honoré de. 2006–17. Correspondance. Edited by Roger Pierrot and Hervé Yon. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, vols 1–3. Paris: Gallimard.
  • Beizer, Janet. 2009. Thinking Through the Mothers: Reimagining Women’s Biographies. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
  • Beizer, Janet. 2010. “The Voyage and its Others: Nineteenth-Century Inscriptions of Mobility.” In French Global: A New Approach to Literary History, edited by Christie McDonald, and Susan Rubin Suleiman, 257–272. New York, NY: Columbia University Press.
  • Bell, Michael, ed. 2012. The Cambridge Companion to European Novelists. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Bell, Dorian. 2018. “If Fossils Could Talk: Balzac, Napoleon, and North Africa.” The Balzac Review/Revue Balzac 1: 87–98.
  • Berrong, Richard M. 2018. Pierre Loti. London: Reaktion.
  • Bielecki, Emma. 2018. “On Fathers and feuilletonistes: Creativity and Paternity in Balzac’s La Muse du département.” French Studies 72 (4): 521–538.
  • Bird, Dúnlaith. 2012. Travelling in Different Skins: Gender Identity in European Women’s Oriental Travelogues, 1850–1950. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Bishop, Cécile. 2019. “Seeing Race, Seeing Ghosts: Zamor, Ourika, and the Specter of Blackness.” L’Esprit créateur 59 (2): 56–71.
  • Blix, Göran. 2008. From Paris to Pompeii: French Romanticism and the Cultural Politics of Archaeology. University Park, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press.
  • Blix, Göran. 2015. “Nature’s Witness: Allegory and Sensation in Leconte de Lisle’s Animal Poems.” Dix-Neuf 19 (3): 210–227.
  • Blix, Göran. 2019. “Natural Pedagogy in Elisée Reclus’s, « Histoire d’un ruisseau ».” Dix-Neuf 23 (3-4): 220–230.
  • Bootle, Sam. 2016. “The Body Poetic: Laforgue’s Translations of Whitman.” Dix-Neuf 20 (1): 25–44.
  • Borloz, Sophie-Valentine. 2017. “Plaidoyer en faveur des renifleurs d’odeurs littéraires: pour une mise à profit.” Littérature 185: 97–108.
  • Boutin, Aimee, ed. 2012. Rethinking the Flâneur: Flânerie and the Senses, special number. Dix-Neuf 16 (2).
  • Boutin, Aimee. 2015. City of Noise: Sound and Nineteenth-Century Paris. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press.
  • Boutin, Aimee. 2019. “How to Do Urban Sensory History.” Journal of Urban History 45 (2): 409–415.
  • Braun, Marta. 2010. Eadweard Muybridge. London: Reaktion.
  • Brooks, Peter. 1993. Bodywork: Objects of Desire in Modern Narrative. Cambridge: Mass.: Harvard University Press.
  • Carrico, Abbey. 2012. “Pour une écopoétique de l’eau dans les œuvres de Gustave Flaubert et de Guy de Maupassant.” Unpublished PhD dissertation, Emory University.
  • Carrico, Abbey. 2019. “Progressive Waters: Memory, Narrative and Localism in Émile Zola’s L’Inondation.” Dix-Neuf 23 (3–4): 231–238.
  • Cézanne, Paul, and Emile Zola. 2016. Lettres croisées: 1858–1887. Edited by Henri Mitterand. Paris: Gallimard.
  • Chambers, Ross. 2015. An Atmospherics of the City: Baudelaire and the Poetics of Noise. New York, NY: Fordham University Press.
  • Church, Christopher M. 2017. Paradise Destroyed: Catastrophe and Citizenship in the French Caribbean. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.
  • Classen, Constance. 2012. The Deepest Sense: A Cultural History of Touch. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press.
  • Code, David J. 2010. Claude Debussy. London: Reaktion.
  • Constant, Benjamin. 2018–19 Correspondance générale de Benjamin Constant. Edited by Paul Rowe and Cecil P. Courtney. Vols. xi and ii. Berlin: De Gruyter.
  • Corbin, Alain, Jean-Jacques Courtine, and Georges Vigarello, eds. 2011. Histoire de la virilité, vol. 2 Le triomphe de la virilité. Le XIXe siècle. Paris: Seuil.
  • Counter, Andrew. 2010. Inheritance in Nineteenth-Century French Culture: Knowledge, Wealth and the Family. Oxford: Legenda.
  • Counter, Andrew. 2014. “Mingrat: Anatomy of a Restoration cause célèbre.” French History 29 (2): 225–246.
  • Cox, Fiona. 2002. “The Dawn of a Hope so Horrible: Javert and the Absurd.” In Victor Hugo, Romancier de l’abîme: New Studies on Hugo’s Novels, edited by J. A. Hiddleston, 79–94. Oxford: Legenda.
  • Cropper, Corry. 2008. Playing at Monarchy: Sport as Metaphor in Nineteenth-Century France. Lincoln NE: University of Nebraska Press.
  • Cross, Máire. 2004. The Letter in Flora Tristan's Politics, 1835–1844. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Cross, Máire. 2020. In the Footsteps of Flora Tristan: A Political Biography. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.
  • Crossley, Ceri. 2005. Consumable Metaphors: Attitudes Towards Animals and Vegetarianism in Nineteenth-Century France. Bern: Peter Lang.
  • Daly, Nicholas. 2011. “The Volcanic Disaster Narrative: From Pleasure Garden to Canvas, Page, and Stage.” Victorian Studies 53 (2): 255–285.
  • Davis, Mary E. 2007. Eric Satie. London: Reaktion.
  • Diaz, José-Luis. 2011. L’Homme et l’œuvre. Paris: PUF.
  • Dickson, Polly. 2017. “Figures of Feeling in Honoré de Balzac’s La Peau de chagrin.” Nineteenth-Century French Studies 45 (3–4): 149–162.
  • Downing, Lisa. 2003. Desiring the Dead: Necrophilia and Nineteenth-Century French Literature. Oxford: Legenda.
  • Downing, Lisa. 2005. “The Birth of the Beast: Death-Driven Masculinity in Monneret, Zola, and Freud.” Dix-Neuf 5 (1): 28–46.
  • Downing, Lisa. 2013. The Subject of Murder: Gender, Exceptionality, and the Modern Killer. Chicago, IL: Chicago University Press.
  • Duffy, Larry. 2015. Flaubert, Zola, and the Incorporation of Disciplinary Knowledge. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Effros, Bonnie. 2018. Incidental Archaeologists: French Officers and the Rediscovery of Roman North Africa. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
  • Emery, Elizabeth. 2012. Photojournalism and the French Writer House Museum (1881–1904). Aldershot: Ashgate.
  • Emery, Elizabeth. 2017. “Le Voile du bonheur: le brûle-parfum, objet de sociabilité à la fin du XIXe siècle en France.” Littérature 185: 91–96.
  • Emery, Elizabeth. 2020. Reframing Japonisme: Women and the Asian Art Market in Nineteenth-Century France, 1853–1914. London: Bloomsbury.
  • Emery, Elizabeth, and Jennifer Forrest, eds. 2017. “‘Matter Pools: Fluidity and Containment in French Decadent Literature’, special number in honour of Robert Ziegler.” Dix-Neuf 21 (2–3).
  • Ender, Evelyne. 2010. “Homesickness in an Expanding World: the Case of the Nineteenth-Century Lyric.” In French Global: A New Approach to Literary History, edited by Christie McDonald, and Susan Rubin Suleiman, 110–126. New York, NY: Columbia University Press.
  • Evans, David E. 2016. “Malfunctioning Music and the Art of Noise: the Prepared Pianos of Jules Laforgue.” Dix-Neuf 20 (1): 45–65.
  • Evans, David E. 2017. “Towards an Eco-Poetics of French Free Verse: Marie Krysinska’s Rythmes pittoresques.” In French Eco-Criticism: From the Early Modern Period to the Twenty-First Century, edited by Daniel Finch-Race, and Stephanie Posthumus, 115–134. Bern and Frankfurt-am-Main: Peter Lang.
  • Fauvel, Aude. 2016. “De la création à la mutilation: Les récits d’Adèle Lauzier, femme, artiste et folle au XIXe siècle.” L’Esprit créateur 56 (2): 12–24.
  • Fell, Jill. 2010. Alfred Jarry. London: Reaktion.
  • Ferguson, Priscilla Parkhurst. 1998. “A Cultural Field in the Making: Gastronomy in Nineteenth-Century France.” American Journal of Sociology 103 (3): 597–641.
  • Ferguson, Priscilla Parkhurst. 2003. “Bellytalk; gastronomie, gastrolâtrie, and gourmandise in the nineteenth-century.” Dix-Neuf 1: 1–15.
  • Ferguson, Priscilla Parkhurst. 2004. Accounting for Taste: The Triumph of French Cuisine. Chicago, IL: Chicago University Press.
  • Finch, Alison. 2000. Women's Writing in Nineteenth-Century France. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Finch-Race, Daniel, and P. Stephanie, eds. 2017. French Eco-Criticism: From the Early Modern Period to the Twenty-First Century. Bern and Frankfurt-am-Main: Peter Lang.
  • Finn, Michael. 2011. Hysteria, Hypnotism, the Spirits, and Pornography Fin-de-Siècle Cultural Discourses in the Decadent Rachilde. Newark, DE: University of Delaware Press.
  • Flaubert, Gustave. 2007. Gustave Flaubert: Correspondance. Vol. 5, edited by Jean Bruneau and Yvan Leclerc. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade. Paris: Gallimard.
  • Flaubert, Gustave. 2017. Gustave Flaubert, Correspondance: édition électronique. Edited by Yves Leclerc and Danielle Girard. https://flaubert.univ-rouen.fr/correspondance/edition/.
  • Forgione, Nancy. 2005. “Everyday Life in Motion: The Art of Walking in Late-Nineteenth-Century Paris.” The Art Bulletin 87 (4): 664–687.
  • Forsdick, Charles, and Jennifer Yee, eds. 2018. Towards a Postcolonial Nineteenth Century, special issue. French Studies 72 (2).
  • Freed-Thall, Hannah. The Beach Effect (forthcoming with Columbia University Press).
  • Garval, Michael. 2004. ‘A Dream of Stone’: Fame, Vision, and Monumentality in Nineteenth-Century French Literary Culture. Newark, NJ: University of Delaware Press.
  • Garval, Michael. 2015. “Visions of Pork Production, Past and Future, on French Belle Epoque Pig Postcards.” Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide 14 (1): n.p.
  • Gill, Miranda. 2009. Eccentricity and the Cultural Imagination in Nineteenth-Century Paris. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Glaumaud-Carbonnier, Marion. 2019. “La pluie et le beau temps: l’inclinaison du ciel dans les Lettres à Alexandrine.” In Mélanges pour Alain Pagès, edited by Olivier Lumbroso, Jean-Sébastien Macke, and Jean-Michel Pottier, 97–106. Paris: Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle.
  • Goellner, Sage. 2018. French Orientalist Literature in Algeria, 1845–1882: Colonial Hauntings. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
  • Goldstein, Jan. 2010. Hysteria Complicated by Ecstasy: The Case of Nanette Leroux. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • Goodden, Angelica. 2015. Madame de Staël: The Dangerous Exile. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Gordon, Rae Beth. 2009. Dances with Darwin, 1875–1910: Vernacular Modernity in France. Farnham: Ashgate.
  • Goulet, Andrea. 2006. Optiques: The Science of the Eye and the Birth of Modern Fiction. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press.
  • Goulet, Andrea. 2016. Legacies of the Rue Morgue: Space and Science in French Crime Fiction. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press.
  • Green, Anne. 2017. Gustave Flaubert. London: Reaktion.
  • Greenhalgh, Michael. 2015. Destruction of Cultural Heritage in 19th-Century France: Old Stones Versus Modern Identities. Leiden: Brill.
  • Griffiths, Kate, and David Evans, eds. 2009. Haunting Presences: Ghosts in French Literature and Culture. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
  • Grossman, Kathryn M. 2002. “Pleine mer, Plein ciel: The Wave of the Future in Les Travailleurs de la mer.” In Victor Hugo, Romancier de l’abîme. New Studies on Hugo’s Novels, edited by J. A. Hiddleston, 119-36. Oxford: Legenda.
  • Guentner, Wendelin (ed.), with Heather Belnap Jensen and Véronique Chagnon-Burke. 2013. Women Art Critics in Nineteenth-Century France: Vanishing Acts. Newark, NJ: University of Delaware Press.
  • Guest, Bertrand. 2014. “L’Essai, forme-sens de l'écologie littéraire naissante? Humboldt, Thoreau, Reclus.” Romantisme 64: 63–73.
  • Guyon, Loïc. 2010. Les Martyrs de la veuve: Romantisme et peine de mort. Bern and Frankfurt-am-Main: Peter Lang.
  • Hadlock, Philip G. 2003. “Telling Madness and Masculinity in Maupassant’s “Le Horla”.” L’Esprit créateur 43 (3): 47–56.
  • Hamon, Philippe. 2007. Imageries: littérature et image au XIXe siècle. Paris: José Corti.
  • Hannoosh, Michèle. 2019. Delacroix’s Journal. 2 vols. Paris: José Corti.
  • Harkness, Nigel. 2007. Men of Their Words: The Poetics of Masculinity in George Sand’s Fiction. Oxford: Legenda.
  • Harkness, Nigel. 2012. “‘Textes fossiles’: The Metatextual Geology of Verne’s Voyage au centre de la Terre.” Modern Language Review 107 (4): 1047–1063.
  • Harrow, Susan. 2010. Zola, the Body Modern: Pressures and Prospects of Representation. Oxford: Legenda.
  • Harrow, Susan. 2015. “Living Alone Together: Barthes, Zola, and the Work of Letters.” L’Esprit créateur 55 (4): 21–38.
  • Harrow, Susan. 2016. “‘Je suis de race inférieure de toute éternité … ’: Towards a Postcolonial Reading of Rimbaud.” Modern Language Review 111 (4): 956–974.
  • Hartford, Jason. 2018. Sexuality, Iconography, and Fiction in French: Queering the Martyr. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Hawthorne, Melanie C. 2013. Finding the Woman Who Didn’t Exist: The Curious Life of Gisèle D’Estoc. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.
  • Heathcote, Owen. 2007. Balzac and Violence: Representing History, Space, Sexuality and Death in La Comédie Humaine. Bern and Frankfurt-am-Main: Peter Lang.
  • Heathcote, Owen, and Andrew Watts, eds. 2017. Cambridge Companion to Balzac. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hunter, Mary. 2016. The Face of Medicine: Visualising Medical Masculinities in Late Nineteenth-Century Paris. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
  • Hunter, Mary. 2019. “The Waiting Time of Prostitution: Gynaecology and Temporality in Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec’s Rue des Moulins, 1894.” Art History 42 (1): 68–93.
  • Hunter, Mary. 2019. “White Collars and Working Bodies in the Age of Industry.” In Impressionism in the Age of Industry, edited by Caroline Shields, Stefan Jost, and Henry James Rubin, 68–93. New York, NY: Del Monico Books–Prestel.
  • Jack, Belinda. 2001. George Sand: A Woman’s Life Writ Large. London: Vintage.
  • Jacobus, Mary. 2012. Romantic Things: A Tree, a Rock, a Cloud. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
  • Jarasse, Bénédicte. 2018. Les Deux Corps de la danse: imaginaire et représentations à l’âge romantique. Paris: Centre National de la Danse.
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  • Jay, Martin. 1993. Downcast Eyes: The Denigration of Vision in Twentieth-Century French Thought. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
  • Jefferson, Ann. 2007. Biography and the Question of Literature in France. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Jefferson, Ann. 2015. Genius in France: An Idea and its Uses. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • Kadish, Doris Y. 2012. Fathers, Daughters and Slaves: Women Writers and French Colonial Slavery. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.
  • Kear, Jon. 2016. Paul Cézanne. London: Reaktion.
  • Kelly, Dorothy. 2004. Reconstructing Woman: From Fiction to Reality in the Nineteenth-Century French Novel. University Park, PA: Penn State University Press.
  • Kelly, Dorothy. 2021. The Living Death of Modernity: Balzac, Baudelaire, Zola. Oxford: Legenda.
  • Kerr, Greg. 2013. Utopia and Prose by Poets in Nineteenth-Century France. Oxford: Legenda.
  • Kessler, Marni. 2021. Discomfort Food: The Culinary Imagination in Late Nineteenth-Century French Art. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.
  • Knight, Diana. 2003. “Skeletons in the Closet: Homosocial Secrets in Balzac’s Comédie humaine.” French Studies 57 (2): 167–180.
  • Knight, Diana. 2017. Balzac and the Model of Painting. Oxford: Legenda.
  • Krueger, Cheryl. 2007. Baudelaire and Procrastination. Newark, DE: University of Delaware Press.
  • Krueger, Cheryl. 2014. “Decadent Perfume: Under the Skin and Through the Page.” Modern Languages Open 1: n.p.
  • Krueger, Cheryl. 2017. “Lettres parfumées, correspondances fatales.” Littérature 18: 39–54.
  • Ladenson, Elizabeth. 2007. Dirt for Art’s Sake: Literary Trials from Madame Bovary to Lolita. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
  • Le Calvez, Eric, ed. 2017. Dictionnaire Gustave Flaubert. Paris: Garnier.
  • Léchot, Timothée. 2020. “Les entrailles de la célébrité: le cadavre de Jacques Delille en 1813.” Nineteenth-Century French Studies 49 (1–2): 114–130.
  • Legacey, Erin-Marie. 2019. Making Space for the Dead: Catacombs, Cemeteries, and the Reimagining of Paris, 1780–1830. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
  • Leroy, Sophie. 2016. “Encountering the Sahara: French Literary Geographies and Visual Representations of the Nineteenth-century Desert.” PhD dissertation, University of Bristol.
  • Lethbridge, Robert. 2016. “Rethinking Zola and Cézanne: Biography, Politics, and Art Criticism.” Journal of European Studies 46 (2): 126–142.
  • Lethbridge, Robert. 2021. Émile Zola, Critique littéraire et artistique : tome I Écrits sur l’art. Paris: Classiques Garnier.
  • Lhuissier, Anne. 2012. “Frugality as a Way of Life: French Rural Workers and Food During the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century.” Food and Foodways 20 (1): 31–52.
  • Lindsay, Suzanne Glover. 2012. Funerary Arts and Tomb Cult: Living with the Dead in France, 1750–1870. Farnham: Ashgate.
  • Lionnet, Françoise. 2000. “Reframing Baudelaire: Literary History, Biography, Postcolonial Theory, and Vernacular Languages.” In French Cultural Studies at the Crossroads, edited by Marie-Pierre Le Hir, and Dana Strand, 153–184. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
  • Lionnet, Françoise. 2010. “Critical Conventions, Literary Landscapes, and Postcolonial Eco-Criticism.” In French Global: A New Approach to Literary History, edited by Christie McDonald, and Susan Rubin Suleiman, 127–144. New York, NY: Columbia University Press.
  • Lloyd, Rosemary. 2002. Baudelaire’s World. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
  • Lloyd, Rosemary. 2005. Mallarmé: The Poet and his Circle. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
  • Lloyd, Rosemary. 2005. “Reinventing Pegasus: Bicycles and the Fin-de-siècle Imagination.” Dix-Neuf 4: 52–60.
  • Lloyd, Rosemary, ed. 2006. The Cambridge Companion to Baudelaire. Cambridge: Cambridge University.
  • Lloyd, Rosemary. 2008. Charles Baudelaire. London: Reaktion.
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  • Maillet, Arnaud. 2020. “Des instruments d’optique comme pièges. De l’anthropologie historique du regard à sa politisation.” Romantisme 187 (1): 79–89.
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  • Manzini, Francesco. 2019. Stendhal. London: Reaktion.
  • Margadant, Jo Burr. 1996. “The New Biography in Historical Practice.” French Historical Studies 19 (4): 1045–1058.
  • Margadant, Jo Burr, ed. 2000. The New Biography: Performing Femininity in Nineteenth-Century France. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
  • Mathias, Manon. 2016. Vision in the Novels of George Sand. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Mathias, Manon. 2018. “Recycling Excrement in Flaubert and Zola.” Forum for Modern Languages Studies 54 (2): 224–243.
  • McCaffrey, Enda, and Steven Wilson, eds. 2021. “Special Issue on Thanatology in French Culture.” L’Esprit créateur 61 (1).
  • McCallam, David. 2019. Volcanoes in Eighteenth-Century Europe: An Essay in Environmental Humanities. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • McDonald, Christie, and Susan Suleiman, eds. 2010. French Global: A New Approach to Literary History. New York, NY: Columbia University Press.
  • McGuinness, Patrick. 2015. Poetry and Radical Politics in Fin-de-Siècle France. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Mentz, Steve, and Martha Elena Rojas, eds. 2016. The Sea and Nineteenth-Century Anglophone Literary Culture. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Mesch, Rachel. 2013. Having it All in the Belle Epoque: How French Women’s Magazines Invented the Modern Woman. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  • Mesch, Rachel. 2020. Before Trans: Three Gender Stories from Nineteenth-Century France. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  • Miller, Christopher L. 2008. The French Atlantic Triangle: Literature and Culture of the Slave Trade. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
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  • Mitchell, Robin. 2020. Vénus Noire: Black Women and Colonial Fantasies in Nineteenth-Century France. Athens, GA: University of Georgia, Press.
  • Moran, Claire. 2017. Staging the Artist: Performance and the Self-Portrait from Realism to Expressionism. New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Morisi, Eve. 2020. Capital Letters: Hugo, Baudelaire, Camus, and the Death Penalty. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press.
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  • Nettleton, Claire. 2019. The Artist as Animal in Nineteenth-Century French Literature. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Nochlin, Linda. 2018. Bathtime: Renoir, Cézanne, Daumier, and the Practices of Bathing in Nineteenth-Century France. Gröningen: University of Gröningen Press.
  • Noiray, Jacques. 2019. “‘L’heureuse conquête’: Zola, romancier de la bicyclette dans Paris.” In Emile Zola et le naturalisme, en tous genres. Mélanges offerts à Alain Pagès, edited by Oliver Lumbroso, Jean-Sébastien Macke, and Jean-Michel Pottier, 187–198. Paris: Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle.
  • O’Donovan, Patrick. 2019. “Against Nature? Vigny’s Stones.” Dix-Neuf 23 (3-4): 196–207.
  • Orr, Mary. 2000. Flaubert: Writing the Masculine. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Orr, Mary. 2015. “The Stuff of Translation and Independent Female Scientific Authorship: The Case of Taxidermy … , Anon. (1820).” Journal of Literature and Science 8 (1): 27–47.
  • Osborne, Michael A. 2014. The Emergence of Tropical Medicine in France. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
  • Paliyenko, Adrianna M. 2015. “On the Physiology of Genius: Pro/Creativity in Nineteenth-Century France.” L’Esprit créateur 55 (2): 89–101.
  • Park, Sun-Young. 2018. Ideals of the Body: Architecture, Urbanism, and Hygiene in Postrevolutionary Paris. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press.
  • Pearson, Roger. 2010. Stéphane Mallarmé. London: Reaktion.
  • Pelletier, Sophie. 2016. Le Roman du bijou fin-de-siècle: esthétique et société. Paris: Honoré Champion.
  • Perras, Jean-Alexandre, and Erika Wicky, ed. 2017. Sociabilités du parfum (XVIIIe – XIXe siècles). Littérature 185.
  • Perrot, Michèle. 2006. Mon histoire des femmes. Paris: Seuil.
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  • Przyboś, Julia. 2012. Les Aventures du corps masculin. Paris: José Corti.
  • Putnam, Walter. 2012. “‘Please, Don’t Feed the Natives’: Human Zoos, Colonial Desire, and Bodies on Display.” French Literature Studies 39: 55–68.
  • Quandt, Karen. 2019. “Alpine Ecology in Stendhal’s Mémoires d’un touriste.” Dix-Neuf 23 (3–4): 183–195.
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  • Rubino, Nancy. 2000–01. “Impotence and Excess: Male Hysteria and Androgny in Flaubert’s Salammbô.” Nineteenth-Century French Studies 29 (1-2): 78–89.
  • Saminadayar-Perrin, Corinne, ed. 2012. L’Invention littéraire de la Méditerranée dans la France du XIXe siècle. Paris: Editions Geuthner.
  • Samuels, Maurice. 2010. “Jews and the Construction of French Identity from Balzac to Proust.” In French Global: A New Approach to Literary History, edited by Christie McDonald, and Susan Rubin Suleiman, 404–418. New York, NY: Columbia University Press.
  • Sanyal, Debarati. 2006. The Violence of Modernity: Baudelaire, Irony and the Politics of Form. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
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