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Franklin Roosevelt and the Runciman Mission to Czechoslovakia, 1938: A new perspective on Anglo-American relations in the era of appeasement

Pages 152-174 | Published online: 07 Nov 2008


  • Recent accounts are to be found in Charmley J. Neville Chamberlain and the Lost Peace Hodder and Stoughton London 1989 R. A. C. Parker, Chamberlain and Appeasement: British Policy and the Coming of the Second World War, Macmillan, London, 1993; and P. Shen, The Age of Appeasement: The Evolution of British Foreign Policy in the 1930s, Sutton Publishing, Stroud, Gloucestershire, 1999.
  • Watt , D.C. 1989 . How War Came: The Immediate Origins of the Second World War, 1938–39 , 27 – 28 . London : William Heinemann Ltd .
  • Reynolds , D. 1981 . The Creation of the Anglo-American Alliance, 1937–41: A Study in Competitive Cooperation , London : Europa Publications Ltd . C. A. MacDonald, The United States and British Appeasement, 1936–1939, Macmillan, London, 1981; W. R. Rock, Chamberlain and Roosevelt: British Foreign Policy and the United States, 1937–1940, Ohio State University Press, Columbus, 1988; D. C.Watt, ‘Roosevelt and Chamberlain: Two Appeasers’ International Journal, 28 (1973), pp. 185–204; W. V. Wallace, ‘Roosevelt and British Appeasement in 1938’, Bulletin of the British Association for American Studies, 5 (1952), pp. 4–30
  • Farnham , B.R. 1997 . Roosevelt and the Munich Crisis: A Study of Political Decision-Making , Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press .
  • Watt . How War Came 25 – 29 .
  • 1937–38 . House of Commons Debates , 338 July 261938Neville Chamberlain, cols 2938–2961.
  • 1937–38 . House of Commons Debates , 338 July 261938Neville Chamberlain, cols 2957 – 2958.
  • July 1938 . House of Lords Debates July , 27Lord Halifax
  • Fuchser , L.W. 1982 . Neville Chamberlain and Appeasement: A Study in the Politics of History , 66 – 67 . New York : W W Norton & Co . See also R. Crockett, Twilight of Truth: Chamberlain, Appeasement and the Manipulation of the Press, St Martin's Press, New York, 1989 and A. Adamthwaite, ‘The British Government and the Media, 1937–38’, Journal of Contemporary History, 18 (1983), pp. 281–93.
  • See Parker Chamberlain and Appeasement Watt, How War Came; and J. W. Bruegel, Czechoslovakia before Munich: The German Minority Problem and British Appeasement Policy, Cambridge University Press, 1973.
  • Parker . Chamberlain and Appeasement 134 – 139 .
  • Parker . Chamberlain and Appeasement 139 – 151 .
  • FO 371 Vol. 21723, C5297/1941/18. Berlin tel. 254 from Henderson to Halifax, 1 June 1938.
  • FO 371 Vol. 21723, C5297/1941/18. FO minutes by Halifax, 9 June 1938.
  • June 1938 . PREM 1/265 June , Horace Wilson to Halifax, 22
  • FO 800/309 Runciman to Halifax, 30 June 1938; Halifax to Runciman, 1 July 1938; Runciman tel. to Halifax, no date; Runciman tel. to Halifax, no date. FO 371, Vol. 21728, C7273/1941/18. FO minutes by Cadogan (16 July 1938) and Halifax (16 July 1938).
  • FO 371 Vol. 21727, C7304/1941/18, Prague tel. 380, Newton to Halifax, 20 July 1938.
  • 1937–38 . H.C. Debates , 338 July 261938Chamberlain, col. 2958
  • 1937–38 . H.C. Debates , 338 July 261938Colonel Wedgewood, col. 2992 and Mander, col. 3031.
  • 1937–38 . H.C. Debates , 338 July 261938Geoffrey Mander, cols 3031–3032.
  • Eg. Taylor A.J.P. Origins of the Second World War 210 210
  • Runciman Papers University of Newcastle, Record 285, Runciman to Chamberlain, 7 May 1938; Chamberlain to Runciman, 10 May 1938.
  • Elibank Papers National Library of Scotland, Box 8808, Roosevelt to Murray, 25 December 1936; Murray to Roosevelt, 26 December 1936.
  • FO 371 Vol. 20656 , A93/93/45; FO minute, 31 December 1936; A147/93/45: memorandum, 5 January 1937 of issues to be raised between Eden and Runciman.
  • PREM 1 Vol. 291 , Runciman to Baldwin, 8 February 1937. ‘Conversations with President Roosevelt and Mr Hull’. Also FO 371, 20656, A1059/93/45.
  • PREM 1 Vol. 291 , Runciman to Baldwin, 8 February 1937. ‘Conversations with President Roosevelt and Mr Hull’. Also FO 371, 20656, A1059/93/45. See also Richard Harrison, The Runciman Visit to Washington in January 1937, Canadian Journal of History, XIX, August 1984, pp. 217–239.
  • Elibank Papers Box 8809, Roosevelt to Murray, 17 June 1937.
  • FO 371 19836, A8677/3173/45. FO minute by Sir R. Vansittart, 11 November 1936. FO minute by A. Eden, 12 November 1936
  • For the Quarantine speech see Rock Chamberlain and Roosevelt MacDonald, The United States and Appeasement; Dorothy Borg, Notes on Roosevelt's ‘Quarantine’ Speech, Political Science Quarterly, LXXII (1957) pp 424–433; John McV. Haight Jr, Roosevelt and the Aftermath of the Quarantine Speech, The Review of Politics, 24 (April 1962), pp. 233–259.
  • 1938 . Foreign Relations of the United States , 1 April 161938Anglo-Italian agreement. SD 741.65/536 London telegram 319, Kennedy to Hull and Welles, 15 April 1938; 741.65/5416 State Dept tel. 160, Welles to Kennedy, 19 April 1938.
  • June 1938 . The Times June , 27, 28, 29
  • E.g. Daily Telegraph 1938 July 21
  • July 1938 . The Times July , 6, 7, 9
  • July 1938 . H.C.Debates July , 26Sir Archibald Sinclair.
  • July 1938 . H.C.Debates July , 26Neville Chamberlain.
  • July 1938 . Cabinet Papers July , 28CAB 36(38)
  • FO 371 21730, C7757/1941/18. FO minute by Halifax, 29 July 1938. See also MacDonald, The United States, Britain and Appeasement, pp. 89–91.
  • State Department 760F.62/528: London tel. 699, Kennedy to Hull, 29 July 1938 ( FRUS 1938 1 537 539
  • Runciman to Roosevelt, 28 July 1938 (PSF: Great Britain: AS), in Schewe D.B. FDR and Foreign Affairs Garland New York 1979 6 May 1938 – August 1938, No 1208
  • Runciman Papers Box 284, Murray to Runciman, 27 July 1938.
  • SD 760F 62/508, State Dept tel, Hull to Roosevelt on USS Houston, 26 July 1938 (not in FRUS).
  • January 1937 . SD 033.4111/13: memo on ‘Right Honourable Walter Runciman’ January , 22
  • PREM 1 Vol. 291 , Runciman to Baldwin, 8 February 1937. ‘Conversations with President Roosevelt and Mr Hull’.
  • Pierrepont Moffat Diary, Houghton Library, Harvard University, 12 May 1938, quoted in MacDonald The United States, Britain and Appeasement 90 90
  • Hull to Roosevelt, 29 July 1938, President's Official File 20, referred to in MacDonald The United States, Britain and Appeasement 90 90
  • SD 760F.62/673 Prague tel. 233, Carr to Hull, 6 August 1938 ( FRUS 1938 1 540 544
  • SD 760F.62/556. Memorandum of conversations by Chief of Division of European Affairs (Moffat) 5 August 1938 ( FRUS 1938 1 539 540
  • Moffat Diary, 6 August 1938, referred to in MacDonald The United States, Britain and Appeasement 90 91
  • August 1938 . The Times August , 17
  • August 1938 . The Times August , 28
  • SD 7560F.62/1037 memo by Hull on meeting with Sir R Lindsay, British Ambassador, 3 September 1938
  • Murray to Roosevelt, 30 July 1938 (PSF: Great Britain: Murray: TS), FDRFA 6 1211
  • Bullitt to Roosevelt, 17 August 1938 (PSF: France: Bullitt: TS), FDRFA 6 1231
  • Memo by A. Berle Jr, Asst Secretary of State, for Roosevelt, 15 August 1938. (PSF: State: Berle: T), FDRFA 6 1225
  • (Speech File: TS), FDRFA 6 1234
  • FO 371 21526, A6491/64/45, Washington tel. 324, Lindsay to Halifax, 18 August 1938. FO minute by Perowne.
  • July 1938 . Mackenzie King Diary July , 28National Archives, Ottawa
  • August 1938 . Mackenzie King Diary August , 18
  • Memo of conversation by Chief of the Division of European Affairs (Moffat), 19 August 1938 ( FRUS 1938 1 548 549
  • SD 760F.62/597. London tel. 815, Johnson to Hull, 24 August 1938. ( FRUS 1938 1 549 551 Also Halifax to Lindsay, 24 August 1938, (Documents on British Foreign Policy, 3rd series, Vol. 2, 1938. No 679, p. 149.)
  • FO 371,21732, C8867/1941/18 FO tel. 242, Halifax to Newton, 27 August 1938. ( DBFP 1938 2 704 172 1175 3rd series
  • SD 760F.62/628, London tel. 838, Kennedy to Hull, 30 August 1938 ( FRUS 1938 1 560 561
  • SD 760F.62/634, London tel. 846, Kennedy to Hull, 31 August 1938 ( FRUS 1938 1 568 569
  • SD 123 Kennedy, Joseph P/109, State Dept tel. 492, Hull to Kennedy, 1 September 1938.( FRUS 1938 1 568 569
  • Eg, SD 760F.62/640, Berlin tel. 410, Wilson to Hull, 1 September 1938. ( FRUS 1938 1 566 567
  • SD 760F.62/660, Warsaw tel. 168, Biddle to Hull, 5 September 1938. ( FRUS 1938 1 576 577
  • FO 371, 21733, C8715/1941/18, FO tel. 235, Halifax to Newton, 25 August 1938. ( DBFP 2 686 153 155 3rd seriesand 687
  • FO 371, 21733, C8796/1941/18, Prague tel. 471, Newton to Halifax, 26 August 1938. ( DBFP 2 695 164 165 3rd series
  • Eg. Taylor A.J.P. Origins of the Second World War
  • FO 371, 21735, C9278/1941/18, letter from Runciman to Halifax, 30 August 1938 ( DBFP 1938 2 723 192 193 3rd series
  • FO 371, 21734, C9047/1941/18, Prague tel. 493, Newton to Halifax, 1 September 1938 ( DBFP 1938 2 730 198 199 3rd series
  • FO 371, 21734, C9047/1941/18, FO tel. 252, Halifax to Newton, 1 September 1938 ( DBFP 1938 2 739 206 207 3rd series
  • FO 371, 21735, C9280/1941/18, FO tel. 597, Halifax to Lindsay, 2 September 1938 ( DBFP 1938 2 741 209 211 3rd seriesAlso, SD 760F.62/706, Aide memoire, British Ambassador to Secretary of State, 3 September 1938. (FRUS, 1938, Vol. 1, pp. 574–576).
  • FO 371, 21735, C9374/1941/18, FO tel. 608, Halifax to Lindsay, 6 September 1938 ( DBFP 1938 2 787 252 253 3rd seriesAlso SD 760F.62/719, memorandum of conversation by Chief of Division of European Affairs (Moffat), 7 September 1938. (FRUS, 1938, Vol. 1, pp. 580–581).
  • SD 760F.62/715, London tel. 891, Kennedy to Hull, 9 September 1938. ( FRUS 1938 I 584 585
  • SD 760F/723, London tel. 893, Kennedy to Hull, 10 September 1938 ( FRUS 1938 I 585 586
  • SD 760F.62/732, London tel. 897, Kennedy to Hull, 11 September 1938 ( FRUS 1938 I 587 588
  • SD 760F.62/751, Berlin tel.431, Hugh Wilson to Hull, 12 September 1938 ( FRUS 1938 1 590 590
  • September 1938 . The Times September , 13
  • SD 760F.62/749, London tel. 907, Kennedy to Hull, 12 September 1938 ( FRUS 1938 I 591 591
  • SD 760F.62/767, London tel. 910, Kennedy to Hull, 13 September 1938. ( FRUS 1938 I 592 592
  • SD 760F.62/770, Prague tel. 186, Carr to Hull, 13 September 1938 ( FRUS 1938 I 593 593
  • SD 760F.62/855, Prague tel. 193, Carr to Hull, 16 September 1938 ( FRUS 1938 I 605 606
  • Runciman Papers box 354, Memo by Robert Stopford on the Runciman Mission (1968)
  • SD 760F.62/1018, statement issued by State Department, 15 September 1938 ( FRUS 1938 I 605 605
  • Farnham . Roosevelt and the Munich Crisis 106 – 107 .
  • FO 371, A7504/64/45, Washington tel. 349, Lindsay to Halifax, 20 September 1938 ( DBFP 7 627 629 3rd series
  • Roosevelt to Hitler, 27 September 1938 (PP5780:M), FDRFA 7 1303 Farnham, Roosevelt and the Munich Crisis, pp. 108–136.
  • Templewood , Viscount . Nine Troubled Years 325 – 326 . W Rock, Chamberlain and Roosevelt, p125.
  • Debates , H.C. 1937–38 . Vol. 339, 3 October 1938, Chamberlain.
  • Feiling , K. 1946 . The Life of Neville Chamberlain 325 – 325 .
  • See Runciman Papers Box 293, for letters and telegrams of congratulation.
  • October 1938 . Runciman Papers October , Box 284, Murray to Runciman, 24
  • January 1939 . Runciman Papers January , Box 284 Murray to Runciman, 1
  • November 1939 . PREM 1/367 November , Chamberlain to Roosevelt, 8

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