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Research Articles

Locative media communities, social media and cultures of enthusiasm



  • Ahmed, S. 2004. The Cultural Politics of Emotion. New York: Routledge.
  • Anderson, B. 2009. “Affective Atmospheres.” Emotion, Space and Society 2 (2): 77–81.
  • Armstrong, N. 2012. “Historypin: Bringing Generations Together Around a Communal History of Time and Place.” Journal of Intergenerational Relationships 10 (3): 294–298.
  • Berry, D. 2014. Critical Theory and the Digital. London: Bloomsbury.
  • Cetinkaya, L. 2017. “The Impact of Whatsapp Use on Success in Education Process.” International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 18 (7): 59–74.
  • Collins, R. 1990. “Stratification, Emotional Energy, and the Transient Emotions.” In Research Agendas in the Sociology of Emotions, edited by T. D. Kemper, 27–57. New York: State University of New York Press.
  • Couldry, N. 2012. Media, Society, World: Social Theory and Digital Media Practice. London: Polity.
  • de Souza e Silva, A., and M. Sheller. 2015. Mobility and Locative Media Mobile Communication in Hybrid Spaces. London: Routledge.
  • Didur, J., and L.-T. Fan. 2018. “Between Landscape and the Screen: Locative Media, Transitive Reading, and Environmental Storytelling.” Media Theory 2 (1): 79–107.
  • Duggan, M. 2019. “Cultures of Enthusiasm: An Ethnographic Study of Amateur Map-Maker Communities.” Cartographica 54 (3): 217–229.
  • Evans, L., and M. Saker. 2019. “The Playeur and Pokémon Go: Examining the Effects of Locative Play on Spatiality and Sociability.” Mobile Media & Communication 7 (2): 232–247.
  • Everett, G., and H. Geoghegan. 2016. “Initiating and Continuing Participation in Citizen Science for Natural History.” BMC Ecology 16 (1): 13.
  • Farman, J. 2012. Mobile Interface Theory: Embodied Space and Locative Media. New York: Routledge.
  • Frears, L., E. Geelhoed, and M. Myers. 2017. “Performing Landscape Using Locative Media Deep Map App: A Cornish Case Study.” In Reanimating Regions: Culture, Politics, Performance, Chapter 15. London: Routledge.
  • Frith, J. 2015. Smartphones as Locative Media. Cambridge: Polity.
  • Gazit, T., and N. Aharony. 2018. “Factors Explaining Participation in WhatsApp Groups: An Exploratory Study.” Aslib Journal of Information Management 70 (4): 390–413.
  • Geoghegan, H. 2013. “Emotional Geographies of Enthusiasm: Belonging to the Telecommunications Heritage Group.” Area 45 (1): 40–46.
  • Geoghegan, H. 2015. “Object-love at the Science Museum: Cultural Geographies of Museum Storerooms.” Cultural Geographies 22 (3): 445–465.
  • Gerbaudo, P. 2016. “Rousing the Facebook Crowd: Digital Enthusiasm and Emotional Contagion in the 2011 Protests in Egypt and Spain.” International Journal of Communication 10: 254–273.
  • Gordon, E., and A. de Souza e Silva. 2011. Net Locality: Why Location Matters in a Networked World. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Graham, M., M. Zook, and A. Boulton. 2013. “Augmented Reality in Urban Places: Contested Content and the Duplicity of Code.” Transactions for the Institute of British Geographers 38 (3): 464–479.
  • Gregg, M., and G. J. Seigworth. 2010. The Affect Theory Reader. Durham: Duke University Press.
  • Hardley, J., and I. Richardson. 2020. ‘Digital placemaking and networked corporeality: Embodied mobile media practices in domestic space during Covid-19’, Convergence (online first) December 2020.
  • Hemment, D. 2006. “Locative Arts.” Leonardo 39 (4): 348–355.
  • Hine, C. 2015. Ethnography for the Internet: Embedded, Embodied and Everyday. Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Hjorth, L. 2011. “Locating the Online: Creativity and User-Created Content in Seoul.” Media International Australia 141: 118–127.
  • Hjorth, L., and I. Richardson. 2014. Gaming in Social, Locative and Mobile Media. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Hjorth, L., and I. Richardson. 2017. “Pokémon GO: Mobile Media Play, Place-Making, and the Digital Wayfarer.” Mobile Media and Communication 5 (1): 3–14.
  • Hochschild, A. R. 1979. “Emotion Work, Feeling Rules, and Social Structure.” American Journal of Sociology 85 (3): 551–575.
  • Horst, H. A., and D. Miller. 2012. Digital Anthropology. London: Berg.
  • Ingold, T., and J. L. Vergunst. 2008. Ways of Walking: Ethnography and Practice on Foot. Aldershot: Ashgate.
  • Kinsley, S. 2014. “The “Matter” of Virtual Geographies.” Progress in Human Geography 38 (3): 364–384.
  • Leszczynski, A. 2015. “Spatial Media/Tion.” Progress in Human Geography 39 (6): 729–751.
  • Lippert, M. 2013. Communities in the Digital Age Towards a Theoretical Model of Communities of Practice and Information Technology. PhD Thesis. Företagsekonomiska institutionen Department of Business Studies. Uppsala University.
  • Madianou, M., and D. Miller. 2013. “Towards a New Theory of Digital Media in Interpersonal Communication.” International Journal of Cultural Studies 16 (2): 169–187.
  • Moores, S. 2012. Media, Place and Mobility. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Nold, C. 2009. Emotional cartography: Technologies of the self. www.emotionalcartographies.net.
  • O'Rourke, K. 2013. Walking and Mapping: Artists as Cartographers. Cambridge: MIT Press.
  • Özkul, D., and D. Gauntlett. 2013. “Locative Media in the City: Drawing Maps and Telling Stories.” In The Mobile Story: Narrative Practices with Locative Technologies, edited by J. Farman, 113–127. London: Routledge.
  • Pile, S. 2009. “Emotions and Affect in Recent Human Geography.” Transactions for the Institute of British Geographers 35: 5–20.
  • Pinder, D. 2013. “Dis-Locative Arts: Mobile Media and the Politics of Global Positioning.” Continuum 27 (4): 523–541.
  • Rieser, M. 2011. The Mobile Audience: Media art and Mobile Technologies. New York: Rodopi.
  • Rose, M. 2021. “Walking Together, Alone During the Pandemic.” Geography (sheffield, England) 106 (2): 101–104.
  • Russell, B. 1999. Headmap Manifesto. http://www.technoccult.net/wpcontent/uploads/library/headmap-manifesto.pdf.
  • San Cornelio Esquerdo, G., and E. and Ardèvol. 2011. “Practices of Place-Making Through Locative Media Artworks.” Communications 36 (3): 313–333.
  • Serrano-Puche, J. 2018. “Affect and the Expression of Emotions on the Internet: An Overview of Current Research.” In Second International Handbook of Internet Research, edited by J. Hunsinger, L. Klastrup, and M. Allen, 529–547. Dordrecht: Springer.
  • Thielmann, T. 2010. “Locative Media and Mediated Localities: An Introduction to Media Geography.” Aether: The Journal of Media Geography 5 (a): 1–13.
  • Townsend, A. 2006. “Locative-Media Artists in the Contested-Aware City.” Leonardo 39 (4): 345–347.
  • Tuters, M. 2012. “From Mannerist Situationism to Situated Media.” Convergence 18 (3): 267–282.
  • Van Doorn, N. 2011. “Digital Spaces, Material Traces: How Matter Comes to Matter in Online Performances of Gender, Sexuality and Embodiment.” Media, Culture & Society 33 (4): 531–547.
  • Vannini, P. 2015. Non-Representational Methodologies: Re-Envisioning Research. Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Wenger, E. 1999. Communities of Practice Learning, Meaning, and Identity - Learning in Doing: Social, Cognitive, and Computational Perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Wenger, E., N. White, and J. D. Smith. 2009. Digital Habitats: Stewarding Technology for Communities. Portland: CPsquare.
  • Wilken, R. 2012. “Locative Media: From Specialized Preoccupation to Mainstream Fascination.” Convergence 18 (3): 243–247.
  • Wilken, R. 2020. Cultural Economies of Locative Media. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Wilken, R., and G. Goggin. 2012. Mobile Technology and Place. London: Routledge.
  • Wilken, R., and G. Goggin. 2015. Locative Media. London: Routledge.
  • Zeffiro, A. 2012. “‘A Location of One’s Own: A Genealogy of Locative Media’.” Convergence 18 (3): 249–266.