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When the hoteliers were organizing the winter Olympic games. Beyond the local networks in St. Moritz in 1928

Pages 133-155 | Received 31 Oct 2022, Accepted 30 Nov 2022, Published online: 30 Jan 2023

Archives & ReferencesArchives

  • St. Moritz Municipality (quoted “SMMA”)
  • Archives about the Tourism infrastructure (1874–1939) [ATI].
  • Budget and Annual accounts (1916–1951) [BAA].
  • Archives from the Tourism Office (1919–1956) [ATO]
  • Archives from the City Council, Minutes from the city council (1924–1939) [ACC].
  • Archives related to the 1928 and 1948 Olympic Games, Official report and consolidated account of the 1928 Olympic Games (1928) and Correspondence (1926–1928) [AOG].
  • Archives related to the Ski-School of St. Moritz (1930–1934) [ASSSM].
  • St. Moritz Documentation Library (quoted “SMDLA”)
  • Archives from the Tourism Office, Prospectus (1915–1940) [ATOP].
  • Archives from the Tourism Office, Minutes of the tourist office (1929–1939) [ATOM].
  • Documents from the Tourism Office (before 1984) [DTO].
  • Documents from the Guests (before 2014) [DG].
  • Documents from Hotels (before 1995) [DH].
  • Documents about the ‘Automobile weeks’ (1928–2018) [DAW].
  • Alpina Ski-Club St. Moritz (quoted “ASCA”)
  • Minutes of the Central Committee (1926–1932) [AASCCC].
  • Association Suisse des Clubs de Ski (quoted “ASCS”)
  • Annual reports (1918–1939) [ASCSAR].
  • Fédération Internationale de Ski (quoted “AFIS”)
  • Minutes of the congresses (1926–1939) [AFISC].
  • Association des Ecoles Suisses de Ski (quoted “AAESS”)
  • Minutes from the general assemblies (1933–1991) [AAESSGA].
  • Family Testa (quoted “ATF”)
  • Documents about Giovanni Testa (1929–1939) [ATFGT].


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