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Original Articles

Integration as Making Place



  • Ager, A., & Strang, A. (2004). Indicators of integration: Final report [Home Office Development and Practice Report 28]. Home Office.
  • Barrett, A., McGinnity, F., & Quinn, E. (Eds.). (2017). Monitoring report on integration 2016. ESRI/Department of Justice and Equality.
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  • Fahey, É., Russell, H., McGinnity, F., & Grotti, R. (2019b). Diverse neighbourhoods: An analysis of the residential distribution of immigrants in Ireland. ESRI/Department of Justice and Equality.
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  • Groarke, S., Polakowski, M., Quinn, E., & McGinnity, F. (2020). Supporting integration? International practices on civics and language requiremens linked to naturalisation: Policy implications for Ireland. ESRI/Department of Justice and Equality.
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  • McGinnity, F., Fahey, É., Quinn, E., Arnold, S., Maître, B., & O’Connell, P. (2018). Monitoring report on integration 2018. ESRI/Department of Justice and Equality.
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  • McGinnity, F., Quinn, E., Kingston, G., & O’Connell, P. (2012). Annual monitoring report on integration 2011. ESRI and The Integration Centre.
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  • Scholten, P., Collett, E., & Petrovic, M. (2017). Mainstreaming migrant integration? A critical analysis of a new trend in integration governance. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 83(2), 283–302. https://doi.org/10.1177/0020852315612902