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A German Spy? New Evidence on Baron Louis von Horst

Pages 101-127 | Published online: 05 Oct 2012


  • 3 September 1914 . Daily Express The New York Times, 3 September 1914; von Horst, Newbury detention camp, to Lillian Scott Troy, 17 September 1914, von Horst Papers; on this collection of documents see also footnote 10
  • 1919 . Memorandum on Baron von Horst, late March or after, The Ralph Isham Papers, Yale University. I am grateful to Bernard Porter for letting me have access to this document
  • 1917 . Memorandum entitled “Pacifist and Revolutionary Organisations in the United Kingdom. Report by the Assistant Commissioner of Police [i.e. Basil Thomson],” presumably late October CAB 24/4, G-173, appendix, 3, PRO, London
  • 14 November 1919 . The Times The Sunday Express, 2 March 1919
  • 13 May 1924 . British Passport Control Office, Berlin, to von Horst, von Horst Papers
  • Felstead , Sidney . 1920 . German Spies at Bay. Being an Actual Record of the German Espionage in Great Britain during the years 1914–1918, compiled from Official sources 200 London : Hutchinson . Felstead was the only author given access to the Special Branch's files at that time
  • Woodhall , T. 1932 . Spies of the Great War London : John Long . E.g. Edwin 250. Woodhall flatly states that von Horst was a “spy in the war”
  • Hiley , Nicholas . 1986 . “Counter-espionage and Security in Great Britain during the First World War,” . In English Historical Review 101 (: 651, n. b. 1; Bernard Porter, Plots and Paranoia. A History of Political Espionage in Britain, 1790–1988 (London: Unwin Hyman, 1989), 121
  • I am grateful to Baron Louis von Horst, Jr., for granting access to his father's papers
  • [Geschichte der Familie von Horst],” Memorandum by Baron Louis von Horst, Jr., on the “History of the von Horst Family 1–3, von Horst Papers
  • 7 June 1915 . Harrison & U'Rem attorneys at law, San Francisco, to US State Department, ibid
  • 9 August 1901 . The Times Von Horst named his company “Horst Co.” Later he established a second company, the “Hop Extract. Co.”
  • 10 September 1917 . Statement by Lillian Scott Troy on “Foundation of Orpheum Ltd.,” von Horst Papers. Carita had by this time, i.e. around 1906, befriended another man and the marriage was only upheld formally. Troy mentions that von Horst wanted to propose marriage to her, but, as Carita refused to get a divorce, this did not materialize: Troy to Lloyd George, 16 September 1914, ibid
  • “History of the von Horst family,” 4, ibid
  • 30 March 1908 . The Times
  • 13 May 1908 . Daily Express , 11 : 12
  • 18 May 1908 . The Times
  • 18 May 1908 . Daily Express The Express claimed that 100,000 demonstrators participated in the rally. In his speech Albert Banister thanked the Express.
  • 18 May 1908 . The Star Morning Leader, 18 May 1908
  • 1940 . [Lebenslauf] Von Horst memoirs, compiled around 18, ibid
  • 24 June 1912 . The Times
  • Troy . 26 July 1912 . Washington, DC, to Ben Tillett, London, von Horst Papers
  • Von Horst memoirs 14 f., ibid
  • 9 August 1912 . Tillett to von Horst, ibid.; von Horst memoirs, 14 f., ibid. The donation, however, was to no avail. Eventually, the paper was discontinued
  • 14 August 1912 . Spies of the Kaiser. Plotting the downfall of England Tillett to von Horst, ibid. One must not forget that by this time the ubiquitous “German Spy” had become a common bogeyman; see, for instance, the countless and very popular stories by William Le Queux, (1909; London: Frank Cass, 1996)
  • 8 November 1917 . The Morning Post During the war Tillett became a pre-eminent figure in “patricotic labour” and a darling of the British right wing
  • 1919 . Memorandum on von Horst, March or after, Ralph Isham Papers. Troy to Lloyd George, 16 September 1914, von Horst Papers. Von Horst bailed out two prominent suffragettes, Flora Drummond and Annie Kelly
  • 1913 . Washington Post Von Horst to Senator Works, Washington, DC, no date [October], ibid.; von Horst to Ira Bennett, 26 October 1913, ibid.; Ira Bennett to von Horst, 4 November 1913, ibid
  • 3 September 1914 . Daily Express
  • Porter , Bernard . 1987 . The Origins of the Vigilant State: The London Metropolitan Police Branch before the First World War 164 London : Weidenfeld and Nicolson .
  • 18 March 1914 . Von Horst to Sir Hiram Maxim von Horst Papers
  • An essential substance, adding the characteristic bitter taste to the beer
  • 22 March 1915 . Troy, Croydon, to R. Father Cooney Wandsworth, von Horst Papers; Troy, Croydon, to Rev. P.C. Yorke, San Francisco, 15 November 1915, ibid
  • Ibid
  • 28 February 1915 . Memorandum by agent Boehm, “Der Weltkrieg,” Bd. Ilk, secr., folder 6, 87III, Politisches Archiv (PA), Auswärtiges Amt (AA), Berlin
  • 1976 . Historische Zeitschrift For Casement's involvement with the Germans in the First World War see Reinhard Doerries, “Die Mission Sir Roger Casements im Deutschen Reich 1914–1916,” 222 (: 578 ff. At the time of his encounter with Baron von Horst, however, Casement was not yet in contact with German officials. Troy to Yorke, 15 November 1915, von Horst Papers
  • Ibid.; von Horst memoirs, 19–21, ibid. Casement's statement probably refers to the Lord Chief Justice, Sir John Isaacs
  • In July 1914 Casement travelled to New York
  • 15 November 1915 . Troy to Yorke von Horst Papers. The negotiations regarding the sale of Castle Troy were concluded shortly before the war. While von Horst was to buy the 77 acres surrounding the castle, Troy was to receive the building itself. The first payment was scheduled for October 1914, but the transaction did not materialize as von Horst was arrested on 31 August
  • 16 September 1914 . Troy to Lloyd George ibid
  • 3 September 1914 . The New York Times Troy to Yorke, 15 November 1915, von Horst Papers
  • 10 September 1917 . Statement by Troy re. Orpheum, ibid.; von Horst to Sir Hiram Maxim, 18 March 1914, ibid. The “Orpheum Ltd.” was a shareholding company in which von Horst had invested over £ 2,000, the largest single contribution. However, the company's director was Troy
  • Felstead . German Spies at Bay 204
  • 1919 . The New York Times Memo on von Horst late March or after, Ralph Isham Papers; John Syme to Troy, 20 March 1919, von Horst Papers;, 17 April 1919
  • Horst , Von . 26 May 1914 . San Francisco, to Troy, von Horst Papers. This letter is the only reference to Troy's forced exile in the US. Von Horst was clearly referring to an action taken by the British authorities: “England executed a coup d'état when she enforced your deportation. It will not be her last attack. She is only feeling her way. She knows that you have property interests in England. She will do everything she can to destroy them. It is of more importance for you just now to protect your property than to do anything else. Your deportation has placed you at a decided disadvantage in a business way…” It is difficult to ascertain which British department was responsible for this action, but presumably it was the Special Branch
  • 3 September 1914 . The New York Times
  • 29 March 1918 . Statement by Baron von Horst, Hospital, Douglas Camp, Isle of Man, von Horst Papers
  • Von Horst memoirs 22 f., ibid.; unidentified newspaper cutting, presumably mid-August 1918, ibid
  • Playne , Caroline . 1931 . Society at War 1914–1916 268 London : George Allen & Unwin .
  • 31 August 1914 . Daily Express
  • Von Horst memoirs 24, von Horst Papers
  • 29 March 1918 . Statement by von Horst, Douglas Camp, ibid
  • 1917 . Memo by Thomson late Oct. CAB 24/4, G-173, appendix, PRO
  • 3 September 1914 . Daily Express
  • 15 August 1914 . Metropolitan Police, Certificate of Registration of an Alien Enemy, von Horst Papers; Troy to Yorke, 15 November 1915, ibid
  • 3 September 1914 . The New York Times Troy to Yorke, 15 November 1915, von Horst Papers; Troy to Lloyd George, 16 September 1914, ibid
  • 16 September 1914 . Troy to Lloyd George ibid
  • 1917 . Memo by Thomson late Oct. CAB 24/4, G-173, appendix, PRO
  • 29 March 1918 . Statement by von Horst, Douglas Camp, von Horst Papers
  • 16 September 1914 . Troy to Lloyd George ibid
  • 15 November 1915 . Troy to Yorke ibid
  • 28 January 1915 . Statement by von Horst, Newbury Camp, ibid
  • 1915 . The case of Kenneth Triest illustrates this. Triest was arrested for espionage in but his father, with the assistance of ex-President Theodore Roosevelt and the US State Department, pursued a vigorous campaign for his son's release. Although a court-martial had already been envisioned, in the end the British authorities had to bow down to political pressure from Washington and let Triest go. See Triest's file, ADM 178/99, at the PRO
  • 29 March 1918 . Statement by von Horst, Douglas Camp, von Horst Papers. In 1919, Troy identified the man as detective Tynan: “Statement of Lillian Scott Troy for Messrs. Jackson & Jackson,” 12 February 1919, ibid
  • 16 September 1914 . Troy to Lloyd George ibid
  • Although captured German spies were generally harshly dealt with and often executed, there was not a single case in which an innocent person was convicted of espionage in Britain during the war. Naturally, von Horst could not count on this
  • Among those approached were: Sir George Younger, Lord Aberconway, Sir Hiram Maxim, Sir James Pendar, and the Belgian Consul General, all of these being personal friends of von Horst; Reverend P.C. Yorke of San Francisco and Reverend Father Cooney of Wandsworth; US Senators Smoot, Sutherland, O'Gorman, and James A. Reed; the governor of California, Hiram Johnson; Lloyd George, then Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Lord Northcliffe; even the Pope was begged to intervene. Troy repeatedly compared von Horst's case with that of Dreyfus
  • 19 April 1915 . Charles & Dayrell Solicitors, to Troy, von Horst Papers
  • 24 September 1917 . Troy to Northcliffe ibid
  • 23 February 1915 . Bryce, US State Department, to Senator James A. Reed, ibid
  • 7 June 1915 . Memorandum by Harrison & U'Rem Attorneys at Law, San Francisco, ibid. This file contains copies of the above mentioned documents by the US ambassador in Berlin, the ministry of state of the Duchy of Saxe-Coburg- Gotha (underlining in the attached English translation), the Board of Elections of the City of New York, the London Register of Aliens and others
  • 19 April 1919 . Personalausweis Magistrate of the City of Coburg, ibid. Identity card Nr. 645 for Louis von Horst. Citizenship: stateless
  • Troy . 1 May 1920 . New York City, to US Senator James D Phelan, Washington, DC, ibid
  • 15 November 1915 . Troy to Yorke ibid.; Troy to Lansing, 20 January 1919, ibid. During the war, Allen continually fed American newspapers with semi-official British statements on von Horst's alleged espionage activities
  • 29 March 1918 . Statement by von Horst, Douglas Camp, ibid
  • I.e. the technique of interrogating a prisoner without pause and by several persons. The confusion and strain thus caused is intended to force the interrogated to give away information, consent, etc
  • 16 October 1914 . For detailed accounts of the whole blackmail affair see “Sworn statements by Lillian Scott Troy and Ina Shepherd before Robert P. Skinner, United States Consul-General at London,” von Horst Papers; statement by von Horst, “Royal Edward,” Southend, 28 January 1915, ibid.; Troy, Croydon, to Messrs. Stephenson & Harwood, London, 16 Sept. 1915, ibid.; statement by Baron von Horst, Douglas Camp, 29 March 1918, ibid.; “statement by Lillian Scott Troy for opinion of counsel… for Messrs. Jackson & Jackson re attempts blackmail & intimidation,” Croydon, 21 February 1919, ibid
  • 21 February 1919 . Troy to Jackson & Jackson ibid
  • 28 January 1915 . Statement by von Horst, ibid
  • Troy , Croydon . 16 September 1915 . to Messr. Stephenson & Harwood, London, ibid.; statement of Troy for Jackson & Jackson, 12 February 1919, ibid.: “[Thomson said that] the baron would never be released while I [Troy] remained in England, and requesting him (Mr. Thomas) to tell me to leave the country.”
  • 29 March 1918 . Statement by von Horst, Douglas Camp, ibid
  • 12 February 1919 . Ibid.; Statement by Troy to Jackson & Jackson, ibid. At the German Hospital, a Madame Johan Hugo von Gravé, an Austrian registered enemy alien, attempted to extort money from von Horst. This attempt was not politically motivated, though
  • Undated statement by the Medical Officer of the “Royal Edward,” ibid
  • Horst , Von . 3 October 1915 . German Hospital Dalston, to Page, ibid. [not sent]. The letter contains four reports. The paralysis of his legs was psychosomatic, caused by neurasthenia. Von Horst also suffered from a severe type of eczema and chronic constipation
  • 14 March 1915 . Reynold's Newspaper
  • 29 March 1918 . Statement by von Horst, Douglas Camp, von Horst Papers
  • According to von Horst he sold “at a fair price.” However, most of this money subsequently went into the declining Horst Co., ibid
  • Troy , Croydon . 16 September 1915 . to Messrs. Stephenson & Harwood, ibid. If the company had gone bankrupt, von Horst would have lost his hop extraction patent as well
  • 17 April 1919 . The New York Times von Horst, diary, 27, ibid.; statement of Troy re Orpheum for Board of Trade, 10 September 1917, ibid. The Board of Trade had equally tried to wrest the “Orpheum” from Troy on the grounds that one major shareholder was a German, i.e. von Horst. She was, however, able to prove that he had sold out by 21 August 1914. Nevertheless, the “Orpheum” was closed down in 1919
  • 1919 . Memorandum on von Horst late March or after, Ralph Isham Papers
  • Ibid
  • Bourne , John . 1989 . Britain and the Great War, 1914–1918 209 London : Edward Arnold .
  • 3 October 1917 . Memorandum by Sir Edward Carson on “Pacifist Propaganda,” CAB 24/4, G-157, PRO: “It is, I think, desirable, that the Cabinet should have fuller information as to the nature of the pacifist propaganda which is being carried on throughout the country, and the identity of those who take part in it. The matter is necessarily interwined with the whole question of labour unrest.”
  • Thomson , Basil . 1939 . The Scene Changes London : Collins . 359; Hiley, “Counter-espionage,” 657
  • Behncke , Admiral . 17 March 1915 . Admiralty Staff, to German Foreign Office, “Der Weltkrieg,” IIk, Bd. 7, 41, PA AA
  • 1917 . Memo by Thomson, late Oct. CAB 24/4, G-173, appendix, PRO
  • 1922 . Queer People London : Hodder and Stoughton . Sir Basil Thomson 120
  • Hiley . “Counter-espionage,” 660
  • 1919 . “What constitutes a Crime,” . In The Workers' Dreadnought—For International Socialism Lillian Scott Troy 11, Vol. V, No. 42, (January: 1187. The Dreadnought was edited by Sylvia Pankhurst and became the organ of the British Communist Party in 1920
  • 2 March 1919 . The Sunday Express The Times, 14 November 1919; The New York Times, 17 April 1919, 19 April 1919, 14 November 1919; von Horst diary, 28 f., von Horst Papers
  • DNVP (Deutschnationale Volkspartei During that time, von Horst associated himself with the reactionary and monarchist or German National People's Party), became president of the German-Irish society and founded his own, albeit shortlived newspaper, the World News. In addition, he launched press campaigns in support of Hindenburg's presidential candidacy and against the envisioned trial of the former Kaiser as a war criminal. He even conducted a brief interview with the latter in Holland, and Prince Heinrich, the ex-Kaiser's brother, profusely thanked von Horst for his endeavours. See von Horst to Troy, 7 March 1920, von Horst Papers; von Horst to Troy, 5 December 1919, ibid.; Prince Heinrich von Hohenzollern to von Horst, 4 July 1920, ibid.; New York-American, 8 February 1920
  • Troy . 15 April 1920 . The New York Times New York, to Devoy, von Horst Papers;, 8 April 1920. During the war, Devoy had assisted in procuring arms from Germany for an uprising in Ireland. Bernstorff, Washington, DC, to Casement, 8 December 1914, “Der Weltkrieg,” No. IIk., secr., folder 2, 93, PA AA
  • 25 September 1925 . Reichsentschädigungsamt für Kriegsschäden to von Horst, von Horst Papers; Dr. jur. L. von Holst, Berlin, to von Horst, 9 October 1928, ibid
  • 1960 . Troy remained in the US where she died in the s. It is noteworthy that, as soon as the two were separated, von Horst concentrated exclusively on his business and never again became involved in politics. After the death of his wife Carita, von Horst married a German and settled permanently in Coburg where he died in 1947
  • The files are kept at the Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv, Freiburg, Germany [BA MA] within the RM 5 series (Admiralty Staff files)
  • Doerries , Reinhard . 2000 . Prelude to the Easter Rising. Sir Roger Casement in Imperial Germany London : Frank Cass . Cf
  • Naval Attaché Erich von Müller London, to Admiralty Staff, Berlin, 22 April 1914, RM 5/3684, 376ff., BA MA. Some of these approaches were rather peculiar. In this case, a certain Charles Stuart Nairne promised to make the British government “bow to the Kaiser's wishes” if von Müller supplied him with “a pretty uniform”
  • Fregattenkapitän Memorandum by Captain Fritz Prieger entitled “Dispatch of [a rank between commander and captain in the Royal Navy] Dunbar to England,” 2 October 1914, RM 5/3692, 177, BA MA. Prieger was head of the first subdivision of the German naval intelligence department, responsible for intelligence operations abroad; MI5 historical reports, November 1915, 30ff., KV 1/43, PRO; von Horst, Douglas Camp, to Troy, 26 August 1918, von Horst Papers
  • Andrew , Christopher . 1985 . Secret Service. The Making of the British Intelligence Community 60 London : Heinemann .
  • Origins of the Vigilant State For the Special Branch's and ML5's divergent approaches to counter-espionage see Porter, 173
  • Porter . Plots and Paranoia 134

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