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German Intelligence at War, 1914–1918

Pages 25-54 | Published online: 05 Oct 2012


  • Sektion IIIb officially remained a section until 1915, when it was upgraded to a department (Abteilung)
  • Riess , Curt . 1941 . Total Espionage New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons .
  • Rechberg , Arnold . 1919 . Reichsniedergang Munich : Piper .
  • Bardanne , Jean . 1947 . Le colonelNicolaï[sic]: Espion de génie: Le véritable Organisateur de la révolution bolchevique et de l'Hitlérism, son succédané Paris : Éditions Sibouey . 185 [my translation, M.P.]
  • Kahn , David . 1978 . Hitler's Spies: German Military Intelligence in World War II 35 London : Hodder and Stoughton .
  • Due to the hybrid character of the most important intelligence organisation, Section IIIb, this article will focus on the central, military mission of IIIb. Florian Altenhöner's article in this issue of the journal provides an introduction to IIIb's domestic intelligence and propaganda mission
  • Richter , Ludwig . 2003 . “Military and Civil Intelligence Services in Germany from World War I to the End of the Weimar Republic,” in ” . In Secret Intelligence in the Twentieth Century Edited by: Heitmann , Jan G. Heike Bungert, Michael Wala London (Frank Cass, 1–22, here 4
  • Herman , Michael . 1996 . Intelligence Power in Peace and War 16 Cambridge : Cambridge UP .
  • Bucholz , Arden . 1991 . Moltke, Schlieffen, and Prussian War Planning New York : Berg .
  • Krieger , Wolfgang , ed. “Wilhelm Stieber und Bismarck,” in ” . In Geheimdienste in der Weltgeschichte: Spionage und verdeckte Aktionen von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart Stefan Weiß, ed. (Munich: C. H. Beck, 2003), 126–37
  • Nevertheless a number of prominent members of the Wehrmacht had been given MILINT assignments as junior officers between 1914 and 1918, e. g. Heinz Guderian, Hermann Hoth, and Erich von Manstein
  • 1995 . The French Secret Service: From the Dreyfus Affair to the Gulf War New York : Farrar, Straus & Giroux . France's intelligence reorganization began in the aftermath of 1871. See Douglas Porch, 24, 28. In 1873, the British War Office Intelligence Branch was established, the Foreign Intelligence Committee of the Admiralty followed in 1882. On this, see Phillip Knightley, The Second Oldest Profession: The Spy as Bureaucrat, Patriot, Fantasist and Whore (London: André Deutsch, 1986). Russia finally began to invest considerably in intelligence in the wake of the post-1905 military reforms. See here, Alex Marshall, “Russian Military Intelligence, 1905–1917: The Untold Story behind Tsarist Russia in the First World War,” War in History 11, 4 (November 2004): 393–423
  • 1928 . Geheimer Nachrichtendienst und Spionageabwehr des Heeres. 1. Bd., 1866–1914 See Reichskriegsministerium, Abwehrabteilung: Generalmajor a. D. Gempp, 88–89, RW 5/v.654, Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv (BA-MA), Freiburg. The only regional study so far is Jürgen W. Schmidt, Gegen Frankreich und Russland: Der deutsche militärische Geheimdienst 1890–1914 (Ludwigsfelde: Ludwigsfelder Verlagshaus, 2005)
  • 1923 . Geheime Mächte: Internationale Spionage und ihre Bekämpfung im Welt und heute Leipzig : K. F. Koehler . For the pre-war developments in IlIb, see Walter Nicolai, 15–41
  • For a detailed analysis of the pre-war intelligence assessment of France see the Robert T. Foley's contribution in this volume
  • Papers , Nicolai . 2004 . Spies of the Kaiser: German Covert Operations in Great Britain during the First World War Era 299 Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan . 1414-1-12, p. Centr Chranenija Istoriko-Dokumental'nych Kollekcij (CChIDK), Moscow. For a recommendable organizational history of naval intelligence, see Thomas Boghardt
  • 1998 . Agenten für den Doppeladler: Österreich-Ungarns Geheimer Dienst im Weltkrieg Graz : Leopold Stocker . See Albert Pethö
  • May , Ernest R. 1984 . “Cabinet, Tsar, Kaiser: Three approaches to assessment,” in ” . In Knowing One's Enemy: Intelligence Assessment Before the two World Wars Edited by: May , Ernest R. 11 – 36 . Princeton : Princeton UP .
  • Herwig , H. Enemy See Holger “Imperial Germany,” in May, ed., 62–97
  • Ibid., 70
  • 1998 . Newsletter of the International Intelligence History Study Group , 7 Based on Nicolai Papers, 1414-1-10 and 1414-1-11, CChIDK. See also Jürgen W. Schmidt, “Tales from the Russian Archives: Walter Nicolai's Personal Document Collection,”, 2 (Summer: 10–14
  • 1920 . Mein Beitrag Wiesbaden : Limes . Though the actual circumstances remain unclear, there are indications that Nicolai advised the Turkish army on the establishment of an intelligence service during the mid s. See Rudolf Nadolny, (1955, 104
  • 1966 . Walter Frank und sein Reichsinstitut für Geschichte des neuen Deutschlands Stuttgart : DVA . For the Institute and Nicolai's contribution see Helmut Heiber
  • 2001 . Tainstvennyj šef Mata Chari Moscow : Neisvestnaja vojna . See Žan Taratuta and Aleksandr Zdanovič, also Schmidt, “Tales”
  • Stellvertretende Generalstab During the war further departments followed, among them a political department and Operations II (heavy artillery and armament). With the mobilization, the was left in Berlin. For its intelligence work, see the contributions by Florian Altenhöner and Jürgen W. Schmidt to this volume
  • Geheimer Nachrichtendienst und Spionageabwehr des Heeres, 9. Bd. 401 – 405 . Figures based on Nicolai Papers, IIIb's officers ‘list, 15 November 1915 (1414-1-10, pp.), IIIb's officers’ list, 1 July 1918 (545-3-341, pp. 145–159), CChIDK; also Oberkommando der Wehrmacht: Generalmajor a. D. Gempp, (1942; “Gempp 9”), p. 94, RW 5/v.50, BA-MA. I have been unable to locate any figures for naval intelligence
  • 146 Nicolai Papers, 1414-1-12, p. CChIDK
  • 2 June 1916 . I-Dienst For the see Chef des Generalstabes des Feldheeres, Dienstanweisung für die Offiziere des Inlands-Nachrichtendienstes, (Nr. IIIb Nr. 3863), MKr 1713, Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv, Abteilung Kriegsarchiv, Munich (BayHStA)
  • 1914 . Central European History , 9 Ulrich Trumpener, “War Premeditated? German Intelligence Operations in July”, 1 (March 1976): 58–85, here 81
  • Gempp , D. 1928 . Geheimer Nachrichtendienst und Spionageabwehr des Heeres. 2. Bd. 194 Generalmajor a. (“Gempp 2”), p. (for the Liàgois tension-traveller); ibid., 201, 205–7 (for the collapse of the spy networks); the role of the tension-travellers is described in Trumpener, “War Premeditated”
  • 1914 . Nachrichtenhilfsoffiziere 145 – 159 . The number of NOs rose with the numbers of armies: In August 8 (or 9?) were immediately mobilized. For July 1918, the number had risen to 98 NOs and deputy NOs See Nicolai Papers 545-3-341, pp. roll of IIIb, 1 July 1918, CChIDK
  • Geheimer Nachrichtendienst und Spionageabwehr des Heeres. 6. Bd. 131 Reichskriegsministerium, Abwehrabteilung: Generalmajor a. D. Gempp, (1938; “Gempp 6”), 33435, RW 5/45, BA-MA (for Poland); Reichskriegsministerium, Abwehrabteilung: Generalmajor a. D. Gempp, Geheimer Nachrichtendienst und Spionageabwehr des Heeres. 4. Bd. (1927; “Gempp 4”), p. RW 5/v.43, BA-MA (quotation), and ibid, p. 161 (for the Flemish bicycle-agent)
  • 1939 . Geheimer Nachrichtendienst und Spionageabwehr des Heeres. 7. Bd. 36 Oberkommando der Wehrmacht: Generalmajor a. D. Gempp, (“Gempp 7”), p. RW 5/v.47, BA-MA
  • Gempp 7, 168
  • Geheimer Nachrichtendienst und Spionageabwehr des Heeres. 8. Bd., TeilB Gempp 4, 160–161 (legionaires); Oberkommando der Wehrmacht: Generalmajor a. D. Gempp, (1941; “Gempp 8B”), 220 (deserter-agents; in one praised cases, an illiterate florist from Marseille made 15 tours through France)
  • Geheimdienste For a recent account see Gerhard Hirschfeld, “Mata Hari: die größte Spionin des 20. Jahrhunderts?,” in Krieger, ed., 151–169; declassified documents presents Jean-Pierre Turbergue, ed., Mata Hari: Le Dossier Secret Du Conseil de Guerre (Paris: éditions italiques, 2001)
  • 62 Nicolai Papers, 1414-1-12, p. CChIDK
  • 1998 . Newsletter of the International Intelligence History Study Group , 6 See Hilmar-Detlef Brückner, “Schluga von Rastenfeld,”, 2 (Winter: 1–5; Markus Pöhlmann, “Talking about Schluga,” Newsletter of the International Intelligence History Study Group 7, 2 (Summer 1999): 9–10
  • 1940 . Geheimer Nachrichtendienst und Spionageabwehr des Heeres. 8. Bd., Teil A See Oberkommando der Wehrmacht: Generalmajor z. V. Gempp, (“Gempp 8A”), 90–135, RW 5/v.48, BA-MA, for a sample of reports from 1915
  • Pöhlmann “Talking about Schluga”
  • Boghardt . Spies , 94 and 149–65
  • Times Gempp 8A, 76. It goes without saying that the, which reported on the trial and the execution, was also read at IIIb. Boghardt, Spies, 159, identifies AE 111 as Carl Friedrich Müller
  • 2000 . War Land on the Eastern Front: Culture, National Identity, and German Occupation in World War I Cambridge : Cambridge UP . See Vejas Gabriel Liulevicius 19–20, 98. Marshall, “Russian Military Intelligence,” 414, cites a figure of “some 600,000 Jews” deported from Western Russia by the Tsarist army
  • 1933 . Spione durchbrechen die Front Berlin : Vorhut-Verlag Otto Schlegel . See Agricola [alias Oberleutnant Bauermeister]
  • Koopmann , Friedhelm . 1990 . Diplomatie und Reichsinteresse: Das Geheimdienstkalkül in der deutschen Außenpolitik 1914 bis 1917 Frankfurt/Main : Peter Lang . provides an introduction to institutions and operations, but is misleading in its interpretation of IIIb's work by focusing on the largely exceptional situation in the US
  • Nicolai . Geheime Mächte 172
  • Gempp 6, 227, 337
  • Gempp 9, 26–28, 30–31, 164–67
  • 1985 . Command in War Cambridge , MA : Harvard UP . Martin van Creveld 172
  • For samples of interrogation protocols see Militärischer Nachrichtendienst (1916–18), Bd. 1714, MKr, BayHStA, and Nachrichten über amerikanische Truppen, Bd. 172, Heeresgruppe Kronprinz Rupprecht, ibid
  • Gempp 6, 190
  • 1922 . In Stahlgewittern: Aus den Tagebüchern eines Stoßtruppführers Berlin : E. S. Mittler & Sohn . A literary description of raiding is given by Ernst Jünger, (Engl.: The Storm of Steel: From the Diary of a German Storm-Troop Officer on the Western Front (London: Chatto & Windus, 1929)
  • 1925 . Der Weltkrieg 1914–1918: vol. 2: Die Befreiung Ostpreußens Berlin : E. S. Mittler & Sohn . See Reichsarchiv, ed. 89, 107
  • Strachan , Hew . 2001 . The First World War: vol. 1: To Arms Oxford : Oxford UP . See 234, 251, and Porch, French Secret Service, 72–75
  • Kriegsgeschichte Pöhlmann, S. 287–91
  • Strachan . World War 220 – 21 .
  • 1933 . Der Weltkrieg 1914–1918, vol. 9: Die Operationen des Jahres 1915 Berlin : E. S. Mittler & Sohn . See Gempp 7, 170, Gempp 8A, 267. See also Reichsarchiv, ed., 100
  • See Gempp 8B, 153–54 (for the Somme and the French attack at Verdun), Gempp 6, 349 (for Brusilov). See also Marshall, “Russian Military Intelligence,” 420
  • See Gempp 9, 103–106. The question of the French morale crises was dealt with in an unpublished study for the official history. See Tieschowitz, Berichte der Nachrichtenoffiziere der Armeen über die Stimmung im französischen Heere nach dem Zusammenbruch der französischen Frühjahrsschlacht, n.d., W-10/50369, BA-MA
  • 1939 . Der Weltkrieg 1914–1918, vol. 12: Die Kriegführung im Frühjahr 1917 Berlin : E. S. Mittler & Sohn . Kriegsgeschichtliche Forschungsanstalt des Heeres, ed. 472–76
  • French , David . 1996 . “Failures of Intelligence: The Retreat to the Hindenburg Line and the March 1918 Offensive,” in ” . In Strategy and Intelligence: British Policy During the First World War Edited by: Dockrill , Michael and French , David . London : The Hambledon Press . See eds. 67–95
  • Geheime Mächte Nicolai, 157
  • Kriegsgeschichtliche Forschungsanstalt des Heeres Nicolai's assessment in a letter to the (9 February 1940), quoted in the study “Irreführung”, n.d., 545-3-343, CChIDK
  • Hubert , P. 2001 . The Netherlands and World War I: Espionage, Diplomacy and Survival Leiden : Brill . See van Tuyll van Serooskerken 219, for the Dutch perception; the German preparations are described in the unpublished study of the Kriegsgeschichtliche Forschungsanstalt des Heeres, Beitrag zur Frage der Bereitstellung von Truppen zum Angriff auf Holland im April 1918 (1942), W- 10/51860, BA-MA
  • 127 Nicolai Papers, 1414-1-16, p. CChIDK
  • Kahn , David . 1967 . The Codebreakers: The Story of Secret Writing New York : Scribner . See rev. 1997). See also Hermann Stützel, “Geheimschrift und Entzifferung im Ersten Weltkrieg,” Truppenpraxis (July 1969): 541–545. There is still no German monograph on the topic. Heinz Bonatz, Die deutsche MarineFunkaufklärung, 1914–1945 (Darmstadt: Wehr und Wissen, 1970) does not provide much information on 1914–1918. On naval SIGINT, see the classified study by Lieutenant Commander [Gustav] Kleikamp, Der Einfluß der Funkaufklärung auf die Seekriegsführung in der Nordsee 1914–1918 (Kiel: Reichsdruckerei, 1934; Dienstschrift Nr. 13 der Leitung der Führergehilfenausbildung der Marine). I am indepted to the curator of the Marinearchiv at the Bibliothek für Zeitgeschichte (Stuttgart), Thomas Weis, who drew my attention to this work
  • Porch . French Secret Service 80
  • It is not surprising that “Russian sluggishness” became a topos in the German historiography on the Eastern front. For further examples, see the study, “Beispiele für die Beeinflussung operativer und taktischer Entschlüsse durch die Ergebnisse der Beobachtung des feindlichen Funkverkehrs und des Abhörens des feindlichen Fernsprechverkehrs (1930/31),” W-10/50749, BA-MA
  • 2005 . “Germany's First Cryptanalysis on the Western Front: Decrypting British and French Naval Ciphers in World War I,” . Cryptologia , 29 Hilmar-Detlef Brückner, 1 (January: 1–21
  • 14 May 1917 . Ahrendt-Abteilung 6 See Nachrichtentruppen, 20 and 21, BayHStA. The bagpipes are mentioned in the weekly report of the dated
  • Marshall . “Russian Military Intelligence,” 407
  • Kahn . Codebreakers 340 – 447 .
  • Kleikamp . Einfluß 8
  • Kleikamp . Einfluß 12 (quotation), 32–35. See also Patrick Beesly, Room 40: British Naval Intelligence (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1982), 6–7
  • Brückner “Germany's First Cryptanalysis,” 10
  • Einfluß For Jutland see Kleikamp, 22–28
  • 1957 . Militärattachés und Militärbevollmächtigte in Preußen und im Deutschen Reich: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Militärdiplomatie Berlin : Rütten und Loening . See Heinrich Otto Meisner
  • “ 3 ” . In Diplomatie The pre-war-integration of the naval attachés into German MILINT is described in Koopmann, 38–70. Chapter of Schmidt, Frankreich und Russland, provides interesting details on the cooperation between army and Foreign Office
  • Die Weltkriegsspionage […] See Gempp 4, 234–41, Gempp 8B, 111–34. See also Busso von Bismarck, “Der Militârattaché im Nachrichtendienst,” in, ed. Generalmajor von Lettow-Vorbeck (Munich: Justin Moser, 1931), 104–110
  • Gempp 7, 51–52
  • 1977 . Die deutsche Armee 1900–1914: Zwischen Beharren und Verändern Düsseldorf : Droste . For open sources and military planning before 1914, see Bernd Felix Schulte, See also Jürgen W. Schmidt's contribution to this volume
  • Felger , Friedrich , ed. 1930 . Spionage an der Westfront: Aus den Aufzeichnungen eines ehemaligen Mitglieds des deutschen Geheimdienstes im Weltkrieg 1914/18 Berlin : Scherl . Counter-intelligence stories from the Western front are told in Friedrich Monka, (Werner Berg [pseudonym], “Interessante Fälle aus der Arbeit der Geheimen Feldpolizei,” in Was wir vom Weltkrieg nicht wissen, ed. (BerlinWilhelm Andermann Verlag,1929, 104–112, Carl Hermann, “Hinter den Kulissen: Ein paar Scherenschnitte aus der Finsternis,” in Felger, ed., Weltkrieg, 132–137, Herbert von Bose, “Verdun, Galizien, Somme, Isonzo… oder wo?,” in Vorsicht! Feind hört mit! Eine Geschichte der Weltkriegs- und Nachkriegsspionage, ed. Hans Henning Freiherr Grote (Berlin: Neufeld und Henius Verlag, 1930), 70–89; finally Jürgen W. Schmidt, “‘Political Police’ and German Occupational Forces in Romania, Fall 1918,” The Journal of Intelligence History 1, 2 (Winter 2001): 145–48
  • Liulevicius , See . 2000 . War Land , 92 for the Niemen-barrier; for the Belgian electric fence see A. Vanneste, “Het eerste “Jizeren Gordijn”? De elektrische draadversp erring aan de Belgisch-Nederlandse grens tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog,” Het Tijdschrift van Dexia Bank 4(: 39–82
  • Porch , See . 1984 . French Secret Service 91 and Nicolai, Geheime Mächte, 102–103, who claims that, at this point, France had been “virtually spy-free”. For the disruption of the British network in Belgium, see David French, “Sir John French's Secret Service on the Western Front, 1914–15,” The Journal of Strategic Studies 7, 4 (December: 423–40, here 428–29
  • Gempp 6, 385–86
  • Here defined as intelligence or military activities that a government—for tactical, moral or legal reasons—does not want to be publicly associated with
  • Doerries , Reinhard . 2000 . Prelude to the Easter Rising: Sir Roger Casement in Imperial Germany London : Frank Cass . See
  • Seidt , Hans-Ulrich . 2002 . Berlin, Kabul, Moskau: Oskar Ritter von Niedermayer und Deutschlands Geopolitik Munich : Universitas .
  • Schmidt , W. “The Diversionary Operation of a German Military Attaché in China in 1915,” . In Newsletter International Intelligence History Study Group See Jürgen 7, 2 (Winter 1999): 25–27; The Latvian commandos are mentioned in Gempp 6, 144; Nadolny, Beitrag, 41, reports the blowing up of a Russian ammunition plant in Ochta/St. Petersburg
  • Spione Gempp 6, 83, and Agricola, 103–112
  • 1957 . Lenins Rückkehr nach Russland 1917: Die deutschen Akten Leiden : E. J. Brill . Werner Hahlweg, ed. (see also Bardanne, Nicolai, 59, who calls Lenin an “agent double et salaire de Nicolai”
  • Doerries , R. “Die Tätigkeit deutscher Agenten in den USA während des Ersten Weltkrieges und ihr Einfluß auf die diplomatischen Beziehungen zwischen Washington und Berlin,” in ” . In Diplomaten und Agenten: Nachrichtendienste in der Geschichte der deutsch-amerikanischen Beziehungen Edited by: Doerries , Reinhard R. See Reinhard ed. (Heidelberg: C. Winter, 2001), 11–52, here 22–25
  • Witcover , Jules . 1989 . Sabotage at Black Tom: Imperial Germany's Secret War in America, 1914–1917 Chapel Hill , NC : Algonquin . See (and Burkhard Jähnicke, Washington und Berlin zwischen den Kriegen: Die Mixed Claims Commission in den transatlantischen Beziehungen (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2003)
  • Doerries , See . 2002 . “Tätigkeit deutscher Agenten,” 48–51, for the anthrax-plans. The historical analogy is drawn by Michael Warner, “The Kaiser Sows Destruction: Protecting the Homeland the First Time Around,” . Studies in Intelligence , 46 : 1 3–9. Beesly, Room 40, 200–202, mentions further plans for germ warfare against livestock and beasts of burden from Argentina, Romania and Norway
  • Nicolai , Compare . Geheime Mächte 360 – 61 . 153–154, and his papers 1414-1-10, pp. CChIDK. Marshall, “Russian Military Intelligence,” 410, mentions the case of a Lieutenant Kolakovskii, who had been sent back by IIIb from German captivity to kill the Grand Duke but who confessed the plot to Russian counter-intelligence
  • Seidt . Berlin 68 – 69 . For the plans to blow up the German intelligence post in Antwerp and the British consulate in Groningen, see Boghardt, Spies, 87

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