CrossRef citations to date
Original Articles

Prevalence and mitigation strategies of HIV/AIDS infection risks in Namibian tertiary education institutional hostels



  • Anarfi, J. (2000). Universities and HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Case Study of the University of Ghana, Legon. Unpublished manuscript.
  • Appiah-Donyina, E. (2002). Gender Impact of HIV/AIDS/STIs: Some Implications for Adult Education Practitioners in West Africa. Adult Education and Development, 59, 59–68.
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  • Bezuidenhout, S. & Summers, R. S. (2007). HIV/AIDS Awareness among First Year Pharmacy Students and the Role of the University. The Journal of Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa, 3(2), 305–318.
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  • Kelly, M. J. (2000). Standing Education on Its Head: Aspects of Schooling in a World with HIV/AIDS. Current Issues in Comparative Education, 3(1), 29–38.
  • Kelly, M. J. (2001). Challenging the Challenger: Understanding and Expanding the Response of Universities in Africa to HIV/AIDS, Washington, DC, ADEA Working Group on Higher Education, The World Bank.
  • Kirby, D., Laris, B. A. & Rolleri, L. (2005). Impact of Sex and HIV Education Programmes on sexual Behaviors of Youth in Developing and Developed Countries, Washington, DC, USAIDS/YouthNET/ETR.
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  • Preece, J. & Ntseane, G. (2003). HIV/AIDS Awareness Intervention Strategies for Sustainable Health in Botswana. In B. Chilesa, L. Mafela & J. Preece (Eds.), Educational Research for Sustainable Development, Gaborone, Botswana, Lightbooks.
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  • Zimba, R. F. (2003). Community Support for the Education of Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children in Namibia. In B. Otaala (Ed.), HIV/AIDS: Government Leaders in Namibia Responding to the HIV/AIDS Epidemic. Proceedings of a Workshop held from June 23 to 24, 2003, at Safari Hotel Court and Conference Centre, Windhoek, Namibia.
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  • Zimba, R. F. & Nuujoma-Kalomo, E. (2002). Ensuring Access to Education for Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children (OVC) Through Safe and Supportive Hostel Boarding Facilities, Windhoek, Namibia, UNICEF.