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Research Articles

Detached retinas: empathy and the transmedial interstices of RAI fiction


  • Abderrezak, H. 2016. Ex-centric migrations: Europe and the Maghreb in Mediterranean cinema, literature and music. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
  • Albahari, M. 2015. Crimes of peace: Mediterranean migrations at the world’s deadliest border. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
  • Anon. 2016a. “Lampedusa, Claudio Amendola: ‘Non vedo l’ora di sentire le polemiche a Porta a porta.’.” Accessed 22 January 2023. https://tvzap.kataweb.it/news/178706/lampedusa-claudio-amendola-non-vedo-lora-di-sentire-le-polemiche-a-porta-a-porta/.
  • Anon. 2016b. “Su RAI uno la fiction, Lampedusa.” Accessed 22 January 2023. https://www.rai.it/dl/RaiTV/programmi/media/ContentItem-eeafc6e4-68d4-43f7-b22c-4593d733b671-tg1.html.
  • Barra, L. 2015. Star a ripetizione: Modelli di celebrità nella fiction italiana contemporanea. Bianco e nero 581: 32–42.
  • Bartolo, P. 2019. Le stelle di Lampedusa. La storia di Anila e di altri bambini che cercano il loro futuro fra noi. Milan: Mondadori.
  • Bartolo, P., and L. Tilotta. 2016. Lacrime di sale. La mia storia quotidiana di medico di Lampedusa fra dolore e Speranza. Milan: Mondadori.
  • Bellu, G.M. 2004. I fantasmi di Portopalo. Milan: Mondadori. 2017.
  • The Black Mediterranean Collective, eds. 2021. The Black Mediterranean: Bodies, Borders and Citizenship. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Breger, C. 2020. Making worlds: Affect and collectivity in contemporary European cinema. New York: Columbia University Press.
  • Buonanno, M. 2012. La fiction italiana. Narrazioni televisive e identità nazionale. Rome, Bari: Laterza.
  • Cataldi, Valerio. 2014. La neve la prima volta. Italy: RAI and UNCHR.
  • Colombini, J. 2023. Transnational Lampedusa: Representing migration in Italy and beyond. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Danewid, I. 2017. White innocence in the black Mediterranean: Hospitality and the erasure of history. Third World Quarterly 38, no. 7: 1674–89. doi:10.1080/01436597.2017.1331123.
  • De Franceschi, L. 2016. “Lampedusa - Dall’orizzonte in poi.” CINEMAFRICA. Accessed 22 January 2023. http://www.cinemafrica.org/spip.php?article1677.
  • Duncan, D. 2011. Grave Unquiet: The Mediterranean and its Dead. In Mediterranean Travels: Writing Self and Other from the Ancient World to Contemporary Society, ed. P. Crowley, N. Humble, and S. Ross, 209–22. Oxford: Legenda.
  • Friese, H. 2018. Framing Mobility: Refugees and the Social Imagination. In Migration: Changing Concepts, Critical Approaches, ed. D. Bachmann-Medick and J. Kugele, 45–62. Berlin: De Gruyter.
  • Fuocoammare (2016). Directed by Gianfranco Rosi, Italy: Stemal Entertainment, 21 Unofilm, Istituto Luce Cinecittà, RAI Cinema.
  • Grasso, A. 2020. “Beppe Fiorello, l’uomo normale che rifiuta il ruolo dell’eroe.” Corriere della sera, 10 November. Accessed 22 January 2023. https://www.corriere.it/spettacoli/20_novembre_10/beppe-fiorello-l-uomo-normale-che-rifiuta-ruolo-dell-eroe-16806c04-236b-11eb-852a-fddf3d627dac.shtml.
  • Hartman, S. 1997. Scenes of subjection: Terror, slavery and self-making in nineteenth-century America. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Horsti, K. 2017. Communicative memory of irregular migration: The re-circulation of news images on YouTube. Memory Studies 10, no. 2: 112–29. doi:10.1177/1750698016640614.
  • Horsti, K. 2019. Curating objects from the European border zone: The ‘Lampedusa Refugee Boat. In The politics of public memories of forced migration and bordering in Europe, edited by K. Horsti, 53–70. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • I fantasmi di Portopalo. 2017a. Directed by Alessandro Angelini. Italy: RAI Fiction and IBLA film.
  • I fantasmi di Portopalo (2017b). Newsrai LIX. 8, 16 February. Accessed 22 January 2023. https://www.rai.it/dl/doc/1487333527003_I%20FANTASMI%20DI%20PORTOPALO.pdf.
  • Jansen, M., and I. Lanslots. 2014. Television narratives of the Italian migrant worker: Disaster stories of sacrifice and redemption. Journal of Italian Cinema and Media Studies 2, no. 2: 183–98. doi:10.1386/jicms.2.2.183_1.
  • Johnson, R. 2020. A brutal humanism for the new millennium? The legacy of Neorealism in contemporary cinema of migration. Journal of Italian Cinema and Media Studies 8, no. 1: 61–77. doi:10.1386/jicms_00005_1.
  • Lampedusa: dall’orizzonte in poi. 2016. Marco Pontecorvo, Italy: RAI Fiction and Fabula Pictures.
  • Lampedusa: dall’orizzonte in poi (2016) Newsrai LVIII.46, 15 September. Accessed 22 January 2023. https://www.rai.it/dl/doc/1473945335093_LAMPEDUSA.pdf.
  • Landsberg, A. 2015. Engaging the past: Mass culture and the production of historical knowledge. New York: Columbia University Press.
  • La scelta di Catia: 80 miglia a Sud di Lampedusa (2014). Directed by Roberto Burchielli, Italy
  • Laviosa, F. 2015. Eleonora Andreatta and her ‘gardener’s philosophy’: Interview with the director of RAI Fiction. Journal of Italian Cinema and Media Studies 3, no. 1–2: 201–08. doi:10.1386/jicms.3.1-2.201_7.
  • Mazzara, F. 2019. Reframing Migration: Lampedusa, Border Spectacle and the Aesthetics of Subversion. Oxford, New York: Peter Lang.
  • Mezzadra, S. 2020. Preface. In Moving Images: Mediating Migration as Crisis, ed. K. Lynes, T. Moergenstern, and I.A. Paul, 11–16. Verlag: Bielefeld.
  • O’Healy, Á. 2016. Imagining Lampedusa. In Italian Mobilities, ed. R. Ben-Ghiat and S. Hom, 152–72. New York: Routledge.
  • O’Healy, Á. 2019. Migrant Anxieties: Italia Cinema in a Transnational Frame. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
  • Orrù, P. 2018. Continuity and change in Italian discourse on migration: A focus on mainstream television documentaries. Journal of Italian Cinema and Media Studies 6, no. 1: 65–80. doi:10.1386/jicms.6.1.65_1.
  • Perkowski, N. 2021. Humanitarianism, Human Rights, and Security: The Case of Frontex. London, New York: Routledge.
  • Perra, E. 2014. Good Catholics, Good Italians: Religion and Rescue in Recent Italian Holocaust Dramas. The Italianist 34, no. 2: 156–69. doi:10.1179/0261434014Z.00000000070.
  • Pogliano, A. 2018. Immigration Photography in Italy. In Photography Reframed: New Visions in Contemporary Photographic Culture, ed. B. Burbridge and A. Pollen, 164–74. London: Routledge.
  • Pontecorvo, M. 2016. “Note di regia di Lampedusa dall’orizzonte in poi.” Cinemaitaliano.info. Accessed 22 January 2023. https://www.cinemaitaliano.info/news/37745/note-di-regia-di-lampedusa-dall-orizzonte.html.
  • Ponzanesi, S. 2016. Of shipwrecks and weddings: Borders and mobilities in Europe. Transnational Cinemas 7, no. 2: 151–67. doi:10.1080/20403526.2016.1217627.
  • Roddy, M. 2016. “‘Fuocoammare’ (Fire at Sea) wins Golden Bear for best film in Berlin.” Reuters, 20 February. Accessed 22 January 2023. https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-filmfestival-berlin-winner-idUKKCN0VT0VD.
  • Saucier, P.K., and T.P. Woods. 2014. Ex Aqua: The Mediterranean Basin. Africans on the Move and the Politics of Policing. Theoria: A Journal of Political and Social Theory 61, no. 141: 55–75. doi:10.3167/th.2014.6114104.
  • Sharpe, C. 2016. In the Wake: On Blackness and Being. Durham and London: Duke University Press.
  • Smythe, S.A. 2018. The Black Mediterranean and the Politics of the Imagination. Middle East Report 286: 3–9.
  • Tazzioli, M. 2015. The politics of counting and the scene of rescue. Border deaths in the Mediterranean. Radical Philosophy 192: 2–6.
  • Un unico destino. 2017. Directed by Fabrizio Gatti. Italy: Sky Atlantic.
  • Zimmer, C. 2015. Surveillance Cinema. New York and London: New York University Press.