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Cultural sustainability – a framework for Aboriginal tourism in British Columbia

Pages 205-218 | Received 12 Dec 2017, Accepted 31 May 2018, Published online: 19 Feb 2019


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  • List of interviews
  • Informant A. (2015, September 4). Academia, male, interview by the author.
  • Informant B. (2015, September 5). Academia, Aboriginal Canadian, male, interview by the author.
  • Informant C. (2015, September 8). Tourism industry, Aboriginal Canadian, male, interview by the author.
  • Informant D. (2015, September 8). Academia, male, interview by the author.
  • Informant E. (2015, September 21). Academia, female, interview by the author.
  • Informant F. (2015, September 24). Tourism industry, female, interview by the author.
  • Informant H. (2015, September 27). Tourism industry, female, interview by the author.
  • Informant I. (2015, September 29). Tourism industry, Aboriginal Canadian, female, interview by the author.
  • Informant J. (2015, September 9). Academia, female, interview by the author.
  • List of participant observation protocols
  • Art Galleries in Gastown. (2015 September 9). Vancouver, observation by the author.
  • Cedar Root Gallery. (2015, September 15). Vancouver, observation by the author.
  • Ktunaxa Interpretive Center. (2015, September 25). Cranbrook, observation by the author.
  • Lil’wat Cultural Center. (2015, September 27). Whistler, observation by the author.
  • MOA at UBC. (2015, August 31). Vancouver, observation by the author.
  • Museum of Vancouver, MOV. (2015, September 17). Vancouver, observation by the author.
  • Musqueam Cultural Center. (2015, September 15). Vancouver, observation by the author.
  • Nk’Mip Cultural Desert Center. (2015, September 23). Osoyoos, observation by the author.
  • Royal British Columbia Museum. (2015, September 10). Victoria, observation by the author.
  • Salmon n’Bannock. (2015, September 29). Vancouver, observation by the author.
  • Skwachàys Lodge. (2015, September 26). Vancouver, observation by the author.

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