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Geomorphological mapping of terrestrial and marine areas, northern Malta and Comino (central Mediterranean Sea)

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  • Alexander, D. (1988). A review of the physical geography of Malta and its significance for tectonic geomorphology. Quaternary Science Reviews, 7(1), 41–53. 10.1016/0277-3791(88)90092-3
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  • Baldassini, N., & Di Stefano, A. (2017). Stratigraphic features of the Maltese archipelago: A synthesis. Natural Hazards, 86(2), 203–231. 10.1007/s11069-016-2334-9
  • Biolchi, S., Furlani, S., Antonioli, F., Baldassini, N., Causon Deguara, J., Devoto, … Scicchitano, G. (2016a). Boulder accumulations related to extreme wave events on the eastern coast of Malta. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 16, 737–756. 10.5194/nhess-16-737-2016
  • Biolchi, S., Furlani, S., Devoto, S., Gauci, R., Castaldini, D., & Soldati, M. (2016b). Geomorphological identification, classification and spatial distribution of coastal landforms of Malta (Mediterranean Sea). Journal of Maps, 12(1), 87–99. doi: 10.1080/17445647.2014.984001
  • Blondel, P., Prampolini, M., & Foglini, F. (2015). Acoustic textures and multibeam mapping of shallow marine habitats – examples from Eastern Malta. Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, 37(1), 250–257.
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  • Devoto, S., Biolchi, S., Bruschi, V. M., Furlani, S., Mantovani, M., Piacentini, D.,  … Soldati, M. (2012). Geomorphological map of the NW coast of the Island of Malta (Mediterranean Sea). Journal of Maps, 8(1), 33–40. doi: 10.1080/17445647.2012.668425
  • Devoto, S., Biolchi, S., Bruschi, V. M., González Díez, A., Mantovani, M., Pasuto, A., … Soldati, M. (2013a). Landslides along the north-west coast of the island of Malta. In C. Margottini, P. Canuti, & K. Sassa (Eds.), Landslide science and practice: Landslide inventory and susceptibility and hazard zoning (Vol. 1, pp. 57–63). Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
  • Devoto, S., Forte, E., Mantovani, M., Mocnik, A., Pasuto, A., Piacentini, D., & Soldati, M. (2013b). Integrated monitoring of lateral spreading phenomena along the north-west coast of the island of Malta. In C. Margottini, P. Canuti, & K. Sassa (Eds.), Landslide science and practice: Early warning, instrumentation and monitoring (Vol. 2, pp. 235–241). Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
  • Devoto, S., Mantovani, M., Pasuto, A., Piacentini, D., & Soldati, M. (2015). Long-term monitoring to support landslide inventory maps: The case of the north-western coast of the Island of Malta. In G. Lollino, D. Giordan, G. B. Crosta, J. Corominas, R. Azzam, J. Wasowski, & N. Sciarra (Eds.), Engineering geology for society and territory – volume 2: Landslide processes (pp. 1307–1310). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
  • Foglini, F., Prampolini, M., Micallef, A., Angeletti, L., Vandelli, V., Deidun, A.,  … Taviani, M. (2016). Late Quaternary coastal landscape morphology and evolution of the Maltese Islands (Mediterranean Sea) reconstructed from high-resolution seafloor data. In J. Harff, G. Bailey, & L. Lüth (Eds.), Geology and Archaeology: Submerged landscapes of the continental shelf. London: Geological Society, Special Publication, 411(1), 77–95.
  • Furlani, S., Antonioli, F., Biolchi, S., Gambin, T., Gauci, R., Lo Presti, V.,  … Sulli, A. (2013). Holocene sea level change in Malta. Quaternary International, 288, 146–157. doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2012.02.038
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  • Galve, J. P., Tonelli, C., Gutiérrez, F., Lugli, S., Vescogni, A., & Soldati, M. (2015). New insights into the genesis of the Miocene collapse structures of the island of Gozo (Malta, central Mediterranean Sea). Journal of the Geological Society, 172, 336–348. doi: 10.1144/jgs2014-074
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  • Mantovani, M., Devoto, S., Piacentini, D., Prampolini, M., Soldati, M., & Pasuto, A. (2016). Advanced SAR interferometric analysis to support geomorphological interpretation of slow-moving coastal landslides (Malta, Mediterranean Sea). Remote Sensing, 8, 443–461. doi: 10.3390/rs8060443
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  • Piacentini D., Devoto S., Mantovani M., Pasuto A., Prampolini M., & Soldati M. (2015). Landslide susceptibility modeling assisted by persistent scatterers interferometry (PSI): An example from the northwestern coast of Malta. Natural Hazards, 78(1), 681–697. doi: 10.1007/s11069-015-1740-8
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  • Soldati, M., Devoto, S., Prampolini, M., & Pasuto, A. (in press). The spectacular landslide-controlled landscape of the northwestern coast of Malta. In R. Gauci & J. A. Schembri (Eds.), Landscapes and landforms of the Maltese Islands. World Geomorphological Landscapes, Springer.
  • Soldati, M., Tonelli, C., & Galve, J. P. (2013). Geomorphological evolution of palaeosinkhole features in the Maltese archipelago (Mediterranean Sea). Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria, 36(1), 189–198. doi: 10.4461/GFDQ.2013.36.16
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  • Websites
  • Il-Majjistral Nature and History Park. Retrieved from http://mt.majjistral.org/home
  • MPA website. Retrieved from https://mpa.org.mt/
  • World Heritage Tentative List. Retrieved from http://whc.unesco.org/en/tentativelists/979/