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A global postcolonial: Contemporary Arabic literature of migration to Europe


  • Abbas, Rasha. 2016. Die Erfindung der deutschen Grammatik: Geschichten [The invention of German grammar]. Translated by Sandra Hetzl. Berlin: Mikrotext.
  • Abbas, Rasha. 2018. Mulakhas Ma Jara [The gist of it]. Milan: Manshurat al-Mutawassit.
  • Abd alʿAl, ʿAli. 2004. Aqmar ʿiraqiyya Sawda’ Fi al-Suwayd [Black Iraqi moons in Sweden]. Damascus: Dar al-Mada.
  • Abderrezak, Hakim. 2016. Ex-Centric Migrations: Europe and the Maghreb in Mediterranean Cinema, Literature, and Music. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
  • Agier, Michel. 2016. Borderlands. Translated by David Fernbach. Cambridge: Polity Press.
  • Ahmad, Ibrahim. [1994] 2008. “The Arctic Refugee” [“Laj’ ʿind al-Iskimu”]. In Contemporary Iraqi Fiction: An Anthology, edited and translated by Shakir Mustafa, 191–195. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press.
  • Al-Nadawi, Hawra’. 2010. Tahta Sama’ Kubinhaghin. [Under the Copenhagen sky]. Beirut: Dar al-Saqi.
  • Anzaldúa, Gloria. 1987. Borderlands / La Frontera: The New Mestiza. San Francisco, CA: Aunt Lute Books.
  • Arendt, Hannah. 1951. The Origins of Totalitarianism. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co.
  • Balibar, Etienne. 2010. “At the Borders of Citizenship: A Democracy in Translation?” European Journal of Social Theory 13 (3): 315–322. doi:10.1177/1368431010371751.
  • Barghouthi, Hussein. 1984. Al-Difa al-Thalitha li-Nahr al-Urdun: Riwaya [The Jordan River’s third bank: A novel]. Al-Quds: Dar al-Katib.
  • Barghouthi, Hussein. 2001. Al-Daw al-Azraq [Blue light]. Al-Quds: Bayt al-Maqdis li-l-Nashr wa-l-al-Tawziʿ.
  • Bell, Anna, and Karim Mattar. 2018. The Edinburgh Companion to the Postcolonial Middle East. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Binebine, Mahi. [1999] 2003. Welcome to Paradise [Cannibales]. Translated by Lulu Norman. London: Granta.
  • Blasim, Hassan. [2009] 2013. The Madman of Freedom Square. [Majnun Sahat al-Huriyya]. Translated by Jonathan Wright. Manchester: Comma Press.
  • Braidotti, Rosi. 2006. Transpositions: On Nomadic Ethics. Cambridge, UK & Malden, MA: Polity Press.
  • Brandzel, Amy. 2016. Against Citizenship: The Violence of the Normative. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press.
  • Bunz, Mercedes, Birgit Mara Kaiser, and Kathrin Thiele. 2017. Symptoms of the Planetary Condition: A Critical Vocabulary. Lüneburg: Meson Press.
  • Butler, Judith. 2009. Frames of War: When Is Life Grievable? London: Verso.
  • Butler, Judith. 2015. Notes toward a Performative Theory of Assembly. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Caren, Kaplan. 1987. “The Poetics of Displacement: Exile, Immigration, and Travel in Contemporary Autobiographical Writing.” PhD thesis. University of California Santa Cruz.
  • El-Ariss, Tarek. 2013. Trials of Arab Modernity: Literary Affects and the New Political. New York: Fordham University Press.
  • El-Ariss, Tarek. 2016. “Return of the Beast: From Pre-Islamic Ode to Contemporary Novel.” Journal of Arabic Literature 47 (1–2): 62–90. doi:10.1163/1570064x-12341317.
  • El-Enany, Rasheed. 2006. Arab Representations of the Occident: East-West Encounters in Arabic Fiction. London: Routledge.
  • Fadel, Youssef. 2000. Hashish. Casablanca: Dar al-Fanak.
  • Fayyad, Sulayman. [1972] 1993. Voices. [Aswat]. Translated by Hosam Abou-Ela. New York: Marion Boyars.
  • Ghanim, Fathi. 1960. Al-Sakhin wa-l-Barid [The hot and the cold]. Cairo: Dar al-Jumhuriyya li-l-Sihafa.
  • Hakim, Tawfiq. [1938] 2008. Bird of the East [ʿusfur Min al-Sharq]. Cairo: Dar al-Sharq.
  • Halabi, Zeina. 2017. The Unmaking of the Arab Intellectual: Prophecy Exile and the Nation. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Haqqi, Yahya. [1944] 2004. The Lamp of Umm Hashim and Other Stories. Translated by Denys Johnson-Davies. Cairo: American University of Cairo Press.
  • Hassan, Waïl. 2018. “Postcolonialism and Modern Arabic Literature: Twenty-First Century Horizons.” Interventions: the International Journal of Postcolonial Studies 20 (2): 157–173.
  • Hassan, Waïl S. 2002. “Postcolonial Theory and Modern Arabic Literature: Horizons of Application.” Journal of Arabic Literature 33 (1): 45–64. doi:10.1163/15700640252955487.
  • Hassan, Waïl S. 2003. Tayeb Salih: Ideology and the Craft of Fiction. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press.
  • Hedetoft, Ulf. 2003. The Global Turn: National Encounters with the World. Aarhus: Aalborg University Press.
  • Idriss, Yusuf. 1962. “Al-Sayyida Fiyinna [Madam Vienna].” In Al-ʿAskari al-Aswad wa Qisas Ukhra. Cairo: Dar al-Mʿarifa.
  • International Organization for Migration (IOM). 2011. “Key Migration Terms.” Accessed 21 October 2018. https://www.iom.int/key-migration-terms
  • Khaal, Abu Bakr. [2008] 2014. African Titanics. [Taytanikat Ifriqiyya: Riwaya]. Translated by Charis Bredin. London: Darf Publishers.
  • Khider, Abbas. [2010] 2013. The Village Indian. [Der Falsche Inder]. Translated by Donal McLaughlin. New York: Seagull Books.
  • Malkki, L H. 1995. “Refugees and Exile: From ‘Refugee Studies’ to the National Order of Things.” Annual Review of Anthropology 24: 495–523. doi:10.1146/annurev.an.24.100195.002431.
  • Mignolo, Walter D., and Madina V. Tlostanova. 2006. “Theorizing from the Borders: Shifting to Geo-And Body-Politics of Knowledge.” European Journal of Social Theory 9 (2): 205–221. doi:10.1177/1368431006063333.
  • Mina, Hanna. [1984] 1986. Al-Rabiʿ wa-l-Kharif. Spring and Autumn. 2nd ed. Beirut: Dar al-Adab.
  • Miyoshi, Masao. 2001. “Turn to the Planet: Literature, Diversity, and Totality.” Comparative Literature 53 (4): 283–297. doi:10.1215/-53-4-283.
  • Moraru, Christian. 2015. “‘World’, ‘Globe’, ‘Planet’: Comparative Literature, Planetary Studies, and Cultural Debt after the ‘Global Turn.” ACLA State of the Discipline Report. Accessed June 25, 2018. https://stateofthediscipline.acla.org/entry/%E2%80%9Cworld%E2%80%9D-%E2%80%9Cglobe%E2%80%9D-%E2%80%9Cplanet%E2%80%9D-comparative-literature-planetary-studies-and-cultural-debt-after
  • Paynter, Eleanor. 2017. “Autobiographical Docudrama as Testimony: Jonas Carpignano’s Mediterranea.” Auto/ Biography Studies 32 (3): 659.
  • Paynter, Eleanor. 2018. “The Liminal Lives of Europe’s Transit Migrants.” Contexts 17 (2): 40–45. doi:10.1177/1536504218776959.
  • Said, Edward. 1978. Orientalism. New York: Pantheon.
  • Said, Edward. 2002. Reflections on Exile and Other Essays. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Salih, Al-Tayyib. [1966] 2009. Season of Migration to the North [Mawsim al-Hijra Ila al-Shamal]. Translated by Denys Johnson-Davies and introduced by Laila Lalami. New York: New York Review of Books.
  • Sellman, Johanna. 2016. “The Ghosts of Exilic Belongings: Maḥmūd al-Bayyātī’s Raqṣ ʿalā Al-Māʾ: Ahlām Waʿrah and Post-Soviet Themes in Arabic Exile Literature.” Journal of Arabic Literature 47 (1–2): 111–137. doi:10.1163/1570064x-12341310.
  • Squire, Vicki. 2018. “Researching Precarious Migrations: Qualitative Strategies Towards a Positive Transformation of the Politics of Migration.” The British Journal of Politics and International Relations 20 (2): 441–458. doi:10.1177/1369148118759616.
  • Tahir, Baha’. [1995] 2001. Love in exile [Al-Hubb Fi al-Manfa]. Translated by Farouk Abdel Wahab. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press.
  • “Tuyur al-Sharq al-Taʿisa Tazhar fi Aqmar ʿIraqiyya Sawda’ fi al-Suwayd [The unhappy birds of the East appear in black Iraqi moons in Sweden].” Al-Mada al-Thaqafi, May 6. 2004. Accessed 19 November 2018. https://almadapaper.net/sub/05-106/p09.htm
  • Young, Robert. 2012. “Postcolonial Remains.” New Literary History 43 (1): 19–42. doi:10.1353/nlh.2012.0009.
  • Yousef, Farouq. 2007. La Shay La Ahad: Yawmiyat Fi al-Shamal al-Urubi [Nothing and nobody: The diary of an Arab in Northern Europe]. Beirut: al-Muʼassasa al-ʿArabiya li-l-Dirasat wa-l-Nashr.
  • Yousef, Farouq. 2011. Fakiha Samita [Silent fruit]. Beirut: Jadawil.
  • Zafzaf, Mohamed. 1972. Al-Mar’a wa-l-Warda [The woman and the flower]. Beirut: Manshurat Galeri Wahid.
  • Zuʿbi, Nadhir. 2016. Yuru [Euro]. Beirut: al-Dar al-ʿArabiya li-l-ʻUlum Nashirun.