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Bibliography Section

Pages 80-128 | Published online: 14 Dec 2009

  • Pfister , Gertrud , Niewerth , Toni and Steins , Gerd . Games of the World Between Tradition and Modernity . Proceedings of the ISHPES Congress . 1993 , Berlin. Volume I , Sankt Augustin : Academia .
  • Renson , Roland . ‘Games of Science - The Science of Games’ 17 – 22 .
  • Grupe , Ommo . ‘Spiele - Definitionen, Diskussionen und Theorien’ 25 – 33 .
  • Lammer , Manfred . ‘Hier irrte Huizinga: Zum Begriff des Spiels in der griechischten Antike’ 34 – 39 .
  • Metcalfe , Alan . ‘Structure and Agency: The Search for a Way to Explain the Changes from Pre-Industrial to Industrial Sport’ 40 – 44 .
  • Torrano , Conrado Vilanou . ‘La dimension ludique de la culture anthropologique et theologique medievale a travers la lecture du Livre de l'Ordre de la Chevalerie de Ramon Liull’ 45 – 48 .
  • Bui-Xuan , Gilles and Gleyse , Jacques . ‘Classification des jeux et des sports’ 49 – 54 .
  • Salter , Michael A. ‘A Cross-Cultural Glance at Pre-Industrial Leisure’ 57 – 65 .
  • Einarsson , Thorsteinn . ‘Games in Pre-Industrial Icelandic Culture’ 66 – 68 .
  • Gillmeister , Heiner . ‘The Gameless Country Had the Ultimate Game: The Ballgame in Germany's Saterland’ 69 – 75 .
  • Gori , Gigliola . ‘In Search of the Origins of Basketball. The Contesa del Secchio Played at St. Elpidio a Mare’ 76 – 82 .
  • Aja , Teresa Gonzalez . ‘Le Roman Chevaleresque: Un Modele Sportif Ideal’ 83 – 88 .
  • Terry , David . ‘Henry VIII and His Many Sports’ 89 – 94 .
  • Van Mele , Veerle and Renson , Roland . ‘Traditional Games in South America and Their Geographical Distribution’ 95 – 102 .
  • Bouzid , Ezzedine . ‘Les jeux populaires des Iles de Kherkhennah (Tunisie). L'exemple d'El Ramla’ 103 – 107 .
  • Peiser , Benny Josef . ‘Catastrophe Games. Playful Re-enactment of Traumatic Events’ 108 – 115 .
  • Vermaak , P S (Fanie) . ‘Board Games in Early Mesopotamia’ 116 – 125 .
  • Aigner , Heribert . ‘Zur Veranstaltung von Stierkampfen im romischen Nordafrika’ 126 – 130 .
  • Arnaud , Pierre . ‘La Methode des Modeles et l'histoire des Exercices Physiques’ 133 – 146 .
  • Van der Merwe , Floris J. G. and Bressan , Elizabeth S. ‘Changes in the Play Patterns among the Xhosa of South Africa’ 147 – 151 .
  • Krüger , Gundolf . ‘ulu maika. Ein traditioneller Sport von Hawaii’ 152 – 156 .
  • De Vroede , Etir . ‘Popinjay Shooting in Flanders. Tradition and Innovation’ 157 – 163 .
  • Moller , Jorg . ‘Kemari - Wesen und Struktur eines japanischen Ballspiels’ 164 – 168 .
  • Weichert , Willibald . ‘Bewegung und Spiele in Ecuador zwischen Tradition und Moderne’ 169 – 175 .
  • Gudlewski , Piotr . ‘Der Ringkampf in der kulturellen Tradition ethnischer Volksgruppen West - und Mittlelaisens’ 176 – 179 .
  • Samaras , Paraskevas . ‘Harvest Games and Customs in Cyprus in the Early 20th Century’ 180 – 186 .
  • Guttmann , Allen . ‘Games and Empires. Ludic Diffusion as Cultural Imperialism?’ 291 – 301 .
  • Husmann , Rolf . ‘How Do Trobriand Cricket and Nuba Wrestling Fit into Guttmann's Analysis of Sport Development?’ 302 – 305 .
  • Schwartz , Rudiger . ‘Traditionelle Bewegungskultur und Moderner Sport im Sudpazifik Das Beispiel Western Samoa’ 306 – 314 .
  • Liu , Qilu . ‘Dragon Boat Racing - A Folk Custom Turned Competitive’ 315 – 319 .
  • Liu , Yueye . ‘Wushu - From a Traditional National Sport to a Modern International Event’ 320 – 325 .
  • Menaut , Andre . ‘Plaidoyer pur un sport-jeu’ 326 – 332 .
  • Ruhl , Joachim K. ‘20th Century Amalgamation of British Games Traditions with Indigenous Social Concepts on the Trobriand Islands’ 335 – 341 .
  • Trangbaek , Else . ‘“The Art of Soaring” - Acrobatics, Science and Dreams’ 342 – 346 .
  • Strohmeyer , Hannes . ‘Der Karntner “Vierbergelauf” Von der Wallfahrt zum Fitness - Marsch?’ 347 – 351 .
  • Saunders , John E. ‘The Development of Physical Education in Singapore Schools 1945–1990. From Reflections of Kampong Play Culture to Mirrors of Modern Sport’ 352 – 358 .
  • Park , Roberta J. ‘Multiculturalism and the Persistence of Tradition in American Sporting Practices 1850 - 1930’ 361 – 366 .
  • Goksúyr , Matti . “ ‘“We are the best in the world? We have beaten England!” . In Norwegian Football's Function as a Carrier of Nationalism’ 367 – 373 .
  • Deville-Danthu , Bernadette . ‘Le Senegal a la recherche de son identite sportive (1956–1963)’ 374 – 383 .
  • Jable , Thomas J. ‘Philadelphia's African Americans and the Meaning of Sport in Post Civil War America’ 384 – 388 .
  • Daly , John A. ‘German Games in the Antipodes. Attempts to Preserve “Deutschtum”’ 389 – 392 .
  • Blecking , Diethelm . ‘Spiel und Sport bei den Lausitzer Sorben’ 393 – 397 .
  • Gehrmann , Siegfried . ‘FuBball im Rulugebiet Zur Bedeulung cinc popularch Sportart fur die Identitatsfindung einer Region’ 398 – 404 .
  • Hansen , Jorn . ‘Sport and Danish “Idraet”’ 405 – 409 .
  • Lowerson , John . ‘Stoolball and the Manufacture of “Englishness”’ 410 – 412 .
  • Palm , Jurgen . ‘Traditioneller Sport als Ressource des “Sports fur alle”’ 413 – 414 .
  • Beckers , Edgar . ‘Bewegungskultur - Kultur und Bewegung. Bericht uber ein Projekt zur Woche des Sports im Rahmen der Ruhrfestspiele Recklinghausen 1993’ 415 – 417 .
  • Yiannakis , Thomas . ‘Traditional Play Activities in Greece. Origins, Places and Scope’ 425 – 429 .
  • Gleyse , Jaques and Gilles , Bui-Xuan . ‘Histoire du travail et histoire des discours sur l'education physique et les pratiques corporelles’ 8 – 15 .
  • Leon , Miguel and Betancor , Angel . ‘Des Jeux Aux Sports. Etapes, courants et influences dans le processus d'institutionalisation de la culture physique et sportive de l'Espagne Contemporaine (1808 - 1939)’ 16 – 19 .
  • Williams , Jack . ‘The Changing Functions of Cricket in North West England since the 1930s’ 20 – 24 .
  • Hall , Ann M. ‘The Female Sporting Body. History, Representation and Culture’ 25 – 29 .
  • Hargreaves , Jennifer . ‘Women's Sports between the Wars. Continuities, Discontinuities and Complexities’ 30 – 40 .
  • Pfister , Gertrud . ‘Games, Socialisation and the Gender Discourse in Germany (1870 - 1933)’ 41 – 50 .
  • Klein , Gabriele . ‘Der begehrende Blick. Bilder von Tanzerinnen aus unterschiedlichen Kulturen’ 51 – 57 .
  • Radford , Peter F. ‘Women's Foot-Races in the 18th and 19th Centuries. A Popular and Widespread Practice’ 58 – 63 .
  • Von der Lippe , Gerd . ‘Handball and Sexuality (1937 - 1950)’ 64 – 69 .
  • Terret , Thierry . ‘Du feminin au pluriel ou la diversite des pratiques sportives feminines’ 70 – 75 .
  • Andrieu , Gilbert . ‘L'introduction des jeux dans les programmes scolaires a la fin du XIX siecle en France: Reflet d'un changement de societe’ 76 – 82 .
  • Prange , Klaus . ‘Die Diskussion uber den Nutzen der Turn - und Sportspiele um 1900’ 83 – 88 .
  • Tozer , Malcolm . ‘German Influences at a Victorian English Public School’ 89 – 95 .
  • Woltmann , Bernard . ‘Bewegungsspiele in Theorie and Praxis polnischer Padagogen’ 96 – 102 .
  • Jonischeit , Ludger . ‘Funktion und Organisation der Bewegungsspiele an den Gymnasien im 19. Jahrhundert’ 103 – 112 .
  • Schmidt , Sabine . ‘Olympia im Dienste des Philantropismus am Beispiel von J. Chr. Fr. Guts Muths’ 113 – 117 .
  • Lennartz , Karl . ‘(Vergessene) Spiele bei den Olympischen Spielen’ 118 – 128 .
  • Mandeau , Wolf-Kramer . ‘Figuration, Formation, Umbruch und Identitat. Latinamerikas Weg in den Olympischen Sport’ 129 – 139 .
  • Allen , John B. ‘On Selecting Teams. The United States at the Winter Olympics 1924 - 1940’ 140 – 144 .
  • Barney , Robert K. ‘William G. Garland and California's Quest to Host the Olympic Games’ 145 – 152 .
  • Maeda , Mikio . ‘The Study of Olympic Education in Japan. Olympic Education and the Olympic Movement after 1945’ 153 – 157 .
  • Riordan , James . ‘The Power of Sport to Save Lives. Nikolai Starostin: The Footballer Who Cheated Death’ 158 – 165 .
  • Zecevic , Ljubisa . ‘Zur Geschichte des Vereins zur Pflege von Jugendspielen in Sarajevo 1905 - 1918’ 166 – 170 .
  • Derezynska , Barbara and Kaczmarek , Jarostaw . ‘Baden-Powell's Scouting. A Big Game’ 171 – 174 .
  • Jurek , Tomasz and Nowak , Leonard . ‘Entstehung und Entwicklung der Spartakiadebewegung in Polen’ 175 – 178 .
  • Mitev , Losan . ‘Menschliche Werte und Bewegungskultur in der kommunistischen Gesellschaft Bulgariens 1944–1989’ 179 – 189 .
  • Vaiksaar , Arnold and Mainla , Enn . ‘Gefesseltes Spiel. Sport im okkupierten Estland’ 190 – 194 .
  • Sugman , Rajko . ‘Traditiionelle Volksspsiele in Slowenien’ 195 – 196 .
  • Karaki , Kunihiko . ‘Deutsch-japanischer Sportverkehr in der Zeit der Achsenmachte 1936–1945’ 197 – 200 .
  • Buss , Wolfgang . ‘Heinrich Sorg und die Anfange der Freizeitsportentwicklung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland’ 201 – 208 .
  • Wonneberger , Gunther . ‘Sport im gesellschaftlichen Umbruch der Nachkriegszeit in der Sowjetischen Besalmujngone Deutschlands (1945–1949)’ 209 – 214 .
  • Beamish , Rob . ‘Playing with Words. Notes on Adorno's Use of Language in His Essay “Freizeit”’ 215 – 221 .
  • Bromhead , John . ‘The Life and Times of Harold Abrahams’ 222 – 226 .
  • Teja , Angela , Faioi , Alessandra and Aversa , Fabrizio . ‘Games and Sport in the Villa Giulia Museum of Rome’ 227 – 232 .
  • Vegas , Jose Aquesolo , Sanchez , Pilar and Goyena , Irureta . ‘Sport in Comic Strips. A Documentlary Sample’ 233 – 236 .
  • Sjoblom , Kenth . ‘Finland in the Olympic Games 1906 - 1952. Traces of National Culture as Seen by the “Tiger” Arvo Tigerstedt’ . pp. 237 – 239 . Proceedings of the 3rd International ISHPES Seminar on Sports History, Shunde, Guangdong, China, September 16–22, 1996
  • Shiming , Bi . ‘A Few Main Features of Chinese Sports’
  • Lequan , Cui . ‘Prehistoric Human Social Life and Primitive Sports Pattern - the Outline of the Culture of Sports and Physical Education in the Primitive Society of China’
  • Wennan , Kuang . ‘The New Historical Mission of Taoist Health Sports’
  • Chongshen , Li , Jinmei , Li and Chuanxu , Liu . ‘Dunhuang Traditional Culture and Martial Arts’
  • Weiliang , Zhou . ‘Anecdotes about the Origins of the Different Forms of Chinese Martial Arts: A Cultural Study’
  • He , Yuan . ‘The Rise and Fall of Horseball Sports in Jin and Qing Dynasties’
  • Pfister , Gertrud . ‘The Fascination of the Exotic - Eastern Body Practices and Physical Activities in Germany’
  • Gori , Gigliola . ‘Venetian Games of the Middle Ages and Chinese Games of the Golden Age: A Comparative Hypothesis’
  • Wenming , Guan . ‘On Bruce Lee's Contribution to the Intermingling of Chinese and Western Physical Cultures: its Contributing Factors and Enlightenments’
  • Jones , Denise . ‘Women, Karate and South African Sport’
  • Van der Merwe , Floris J. G. ‘The Influence of the Malay Slaves on the Sporting Culture of the Cape’
  • Yue , Sun . ‘The Development of Traditional Sports in Chinese Minority Nationalities and its Growth to an International Level - Look over the Successive National Games for Chinese Minority Nationalities’
  • Li-O , Chen . ‘One of Taiwanese Folk Dances - the Study of the ‘Eight Generals’ Dance’
  • Bingguo , Liu . ‘Video Show: Football in Ancient China’
  • Xiaozheng , Xiong and Shiquan . ‘The Model of Culture Blend Between China and the West in the Early 20th Century - A Review of ‘A Study of Physical Culture’
  • Chien-Tai , Wang . ‘A Comparative Study of the American Physical Education Thoughts of J.F. Williams and C.H. McCloy’
  • Xingguo , Luo . ‘Shico (N.Kier) and Modern Sports and Physical Education in Hunan’
  • King , Yan and Walter , Ho . ‘British Colonization and Sports Education Development - the Case of Hong Kong’
  • Yannong , Fu and Jun , Yu . ‘Some Factors Determining Chinese Women's Striking Achievements in Competitive Sports’
  • Ng , Calvin . ‘The Western Influence to Hong Kong in Sports Development’
  • Knoop , Antje . ‘The Early German ‘Turner’ Movement (GTM) - Free Associations and Their Way into the USA’
  • Salter , Michael A. ‘The Diffusion of Asian Martial Arts - A Canadian Case Study’
  • Lebe , Rose-Marie and Tembeck , Iro . ‘When East Meets West - The Rise of a New Post-Modern Dance in Montreal’
  • Junqi , Wang . ‘A Comparison of the Difference and Similarity Between the East and West of Sacrificial Rites and Original of Physical Education’
  • Williams , Jack . ‘South Asians, Cricket and Ethnic Relations in England’
  • Wang , Jinglian and Chongzhen , Zhao . ‘Green Sports, Where Sports Ideals in Both Hemispheres Meet’
  • Xiaoping , Chen and Zhonghuai , Xu . ‘Research in the Similarities, Differences and Trends in Developing Sports for All in the East and West’
  • Wenxuan , Yang , Chen , Qi and Jiarun , Zheng . ‘The Dragon Boat in Shunde and Chinese Traditional Sports’
  • Morris , Andrew . ‘Chinese Men Look Like Real Athletes' - From Calisthenics and Gymnastics (Ticao) to Athletics (Tiyu) in 1910s China’
  • Wanyou , Yang . ‘The Early Propagation and Influence of the Western Physical Culture in Tibet’
  • Allen , John E.B. ‘The Diffusion of Skiing - the West Travels East’
  • Inoue , Akio . ‘Critique on Modern Olympism’
  • Hui , Li . ‘Chinese Olympic Movement after 1949’
  • Thierry , Terret and Charroin , Pascal . ‘From England to France…via Belgium - the Diffusion of Water Polo in Eastern Europe in the Late 19th Century’
  • Abe , Iku . ‘Dairoku Kikuchi and F.W. Stranage: Japanese Earliest Encounter with Athleticism’
  • Weis , Kurt . ‘Sport History and History of Religion - Sport as a Social Institution in the Triangle Between Civil Religion, Substitute Religion and Physically Experienced Religion’
  • Hong , Fan . ‘Women's Exercise and Women's Movement in the May Fourth Era’
  • Sherlock , Joyce and Kennedy , Eileen . ‘Are Sporting Interests in Girls' Best Interest?’
  • Laine , Leena . ‘Body, Work and Society: Episodes in the History of Finnish Women's Gymnastics Movement’
  • Cheng , Liang . ‘The Research of Tuixi's ‘Sit Quietly’
  • Jun , Wang . ‘My Humble Opinion on Physical Culture and Museums’
  • Shu-Jen , Lee . ‘Preliminary Study on the Sports Development Trend of the National Army during Army Construction Period at Huanngpu’
  • Kuhn , Werner . ‘History of Sport at the University of Birmingham (England)’ . Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium for Olympic Research . October , University of Western Ontario .
  • Hanley , E. ‘Aesthetics and Sport in the Olympic Flame Torch Relay’
  • Brown , Douglas . ‘Revisiting the Discourses of Art, Beauty and Sport from the 1906 Consultative Conference for the Arts, Literature and Sport’ .
  • Krüger , Arnd . ‘Pierre de Coubertin's Ruskianism’
  • Dyreson , Mark . ‘Scripting the American Olympic Story-telling Formula: The 1924 Paris Olympic Games and the American Media’
  • Wenn , Stephen R. ‘Much Ado About Nothing’: The International Olympic Committee, Monarch Media, and Sub-Saharan Television Rights for the 1992 Barcelona Olympics’
  • Martyn , Scott G. ‘Towards an Impasse: An Examination of the Negotiations Behind the Inclusion of the United States Olympic Committee in TOP (The Olympic Program)’
  • Raschke , Wendy J. ‘Female Charioteers in Greek Antiquity: Image or Reality?’
  • McDonald , Deborah P. ‘Towards the Essential Meaning of Fair Play as an Aspiration of Olympism’
  • Binder , Deanna . ‘Challenges and Models for Successful Olympic Education Initiatives at the Grassroots Level’
  • Aplin , Nick . ‘Values as Guiding Principles in the Administration of Olympic Sports in Singapore’
  • Masumoto , Naofumi . ‘The Film Tokyo Olympiad’: A Conflict Between Artistic Representation and Documentary’
  • Bischoff , Judy and Rintala , Jan . ‘Women and Power in the Modern Olympic Movement’
  • Trangbaek , Else . ‘Danish Women's Gymnastics: An Olympic Success Story’
  • Peters , Alexis . ‘Sport, Science and Gender: Towards a Feminist Perspective of Sport Science’
  • Brichford , Maynard . ‘Avery Brundage and the Internationalization of the Olympic Games’
  • Eisen , George . ‘Olympic Ideology and Jewish Values: Conflict or Accommodation?’
  • MacDonald , Gordon . ‘Regime Dreams and Institutional Themes: On the Origin of the Relationships Between the IOC and International Sports Federations’
  • Wamsley , Kevin . ‘Don't Mess with the Relay, It's Bad Medicine’: Aboriginal Culture and the 1988 Winter Olympic Games’
  • Allen , John . ‘Dewey's Olympics: The 1932 Lake Placid Games’
  • Lenskyj , Helen . ‘Sharing the Spirit or Manufacturing Consent? Sydney 2000, Olympic Sport and the Australian Media’
  • Wendl , Karel . ‘A Brief Comment on The IOC Secretariat in Transformation’
  • Leslie , Glenda . ‘Taking Shape: Issues for Further Study in the Records of the XV=20 Calgary Winter Olympic Games’
  • Zecevic , Ljubisa . ‘The Winter Games: Their Contribution to World-wide Olympic Consciousness’
  • Bennett , Bruce L. ‘Deobold B. Van Dalen (1911–1995)’ 8
  • Baker , Norman . ‘Going to the Dogs; Hostility to Greyhound Racing in Britain, Puritanism, Socialism and Pragmaticism’ 9 – 10 .
  • Gildea , Dennis . ‘The Debate Over Ski Jumping in NCAA Competition’ 10 – 11 .
  • Hendricks , D. J. ‘A Model for the Macro Structure of Sport in the “New South Africa”: Cross National Comparisons, and a Critical Evaluation’ 12
  • Krüger , Arnd . ‘The German Sonderweg in Turnen and Sport, 1870–1914 What's so German about the Germans?’ 12 – 13 .
  • Magdalinski , Tara . ‘Sport and Traditionsflege in the German Democratic Republic’ 13 – 14 .
  • Markham , Susan E. ‘Recreation and Sport as an Antidote to Economic Woes: The Great Depression in Canada’ 15 – 16 .
  • Pfister , Gertrud . ‘Physical Activities in the Service of the Fatherland. Turnen and the National Movement in Germany, 1810–1820’ 16 – 18 .
  • Smith , Ronald A. ‘Intercollegiate Athletic Reform: An Historical View of Presidents, Governing Boards, and Faculty’ 18
  • Trangbaek , Else . ‘Danish Gymnastics What's So Danish About the Danish's?’ 20
  • Brown , Douglas . ‘‘Aggressive, Progressive and Up-to-date:’ Sport and Cultural Experience at the Industrial Exhibition of Toronto, 1879–1910’ 21
  • Delphia , Tracy . ‘Conflicts Between Amateur and Professional Bicycle Track Racing: The San Jose Burbank Velodrome, 1935–1941’ 22 – 23 .
  • Hamburger , Susan . ‘From Under a Rock: Organized Crime's Involvement in Florida Horseracing’ 23 – 24 .
  • Lamont , Deane Anderson . ‘Sporting and Recreational Pursuits in Oakland, California: With Particular Emphasis on the Contributions of Immigrants, 1850–1900’ 24 – 26 .
  • Park , Roberta J. ‘Athletic Leagues and Playdays: Sports and Games for School-Aged Children in California, 1900 - World War II’ 26 – 28 .
  • Paul , Joan . ‘The Sporting Life of the Rugby, Tennessee Colony, 1880–1890’ 28 – 29 .
  • Cottrell , Debbie . ‘The Y.W.C.A.'s Citadel in China: Gender, Religion, and the Gospel of the Body at the National Normal School of Physical Education’ 30 – 31 .
  • Ford , Steve . ‘An Illustrated History of Muscle Beach’ 31 – 32 .
  • Ginstling , Jill . ‘Goal Line Stand: the National Women's Football League and the American Resistance to Women on the Gridiron’ 32 – 33 .
  • LeCompte , Mary Lou . ‘Women's Sports in the Texas Print Media, 1942–1955’ 33 – 35 .
  • Nathan , Daniel A. ‘Sugar Ray Robinson and the Sweet Science as Masculine Performance’ 35 – 36 .
  • Parratt , Catriona M. and Liberti , Rita M. ‘Please Pardon the Mess While We Reconstruct Sisterhood: Some Thoughts on Research in the History of Women's Sport and Leisure’ 36 – 37 .
  • Wamsley , K. B. and Whitson , David . ‘Manliness, Masculinity, Manslaughter and the State: Pelkey vs. McCarty in Calgary, 1913’ 37 – 38 .
  • Dewar , John . ‘Scabby Dried Meat and Bad Dried Meat: Blackfoot Brothers of the Wind’ 39 – 40 .
  • McGehee , Richard V. ‘The Dandy and the Mauler in Mexico: Johnson, Dempsey, et al, and the Mexico City Press, 1919–1927’ 40 – 41 .
  • Paraschak , Vicky . ‘Aboriginal Sport Revisited: Race, Class and Gender Relations’ 41 – 42 .
  • Smith , Maureen . ‘Color Commentary: An Analysis of the Presentation of African-American Athletes in the First Twenty Years of Sports Illustrated, 1954–1974’ 42 – 43 .
  • Watterson , John . ‘The Rehabilitation of a Football Coach: Race and “Mucker” Football’ 44 – 45 .
  • Black , David . ‘Percy Wells Cerutty: Evocations of the Primitive in High-Performance Sport’ 45 – 47 .
  • Doyle , Andy . ‘Science and Chivalry: The Cultural Syncretism of Southern Intercollegiate Football, 1892–1910’ 47 – 49 .
  • Dyreson , Jodella K. ‘Sporting and Leisure Activities in the American-Mexican Colonies of Texas, 1821–1835’ 49 – 50 .
  • Gems , Gerald R. ‘The Prep Bowl: Football as Civic Theater and Acculturation Ritual’ 50 – 51 .
  • Hill , Jeff . ‘Sport and Identity: The Football Association Cup Final and the Formation of National and Local Consciousness in England’ 51 – 52 .
  • Kitchell , Kenneth F. ‘“But the Mare I Will Not Give Up’” 52 – 53 .
  • Kyle , Donald G. ‘Contests and Controversies in Greek Athletics: Games, Prizes, and Athletes’ 53 – 54 .
  • Nauright , John . ‘Nostalgia and the Use of the Sporting Past in Periods of Hegemonic Crisis’ 54 – 55 .
  • Paraschak , Vicky and Rinehart , Robert . ‘The Universal Singular: Contextualizing the “Other” in Sport Historiography’ 55
  • Scanlon , T. ‘Gymnike Paideia: Greek Athletics and the Construction of Culture’ 56
  • Slowikowski , Synthia S. and Zakus , Dwight H. ‘Beyond the Tale, Beyond the Pale: Re-Telling and Rethinking Theoretical Interpretations in Sport History’ 57
  • Todd , Jan . ‘Pudgy Stockton and the Post-World War II Phenomenon of the Muscle Beach Girls’ 57 – 59 .
  • Allen , John E. B. Dewey's Olympics: The 1932 Winter Games’ 60
  • Barney , Robert K. ‘Five Rings For Sale: The Commodification of the Olympic Symbol’ 61 – 62 .
  • Brichford , Maynard . ‘Avery Brundage and California: An Olympian on the Pacific Coast’ 62
  • Coates , James R. ‘Historically Black Colleges and University and The Olympic Games’ 63
  • Dyreson , Mark . ‘Marketing National Identity – The Olympic Games of 1932 and American Culture’ 64 – 65 .
  • Lee , Hugh M. ‘The Olympic Games: Origin, Evolution, Revolution’ 65 – 66 .
  • MacDonald , Gordon . ‘The IOC and the Question of Two German NOCs After World War II’ 66 – 67 .
  • Stewart , Randall . ‘Teaching the Olympics in Cyberspace’ 68 – 70 .
  • Ueberhorst , Horst . ‘Sports and Art: The Function of Art and Olympic Art Competitions’ 68
  • Wenn , Stephen R. ‘Growing Pains: The Olympic Movement and Television, 1966–1972’ 70
  • Wrynn , Alison M. ‘‘A Debt Was Paid Off in Tears:’ The Debate about High Altitude at the 1968 Mexico City Olympics’ 71 – 72 .
  • Briley , Ron . ‘Long Term Ramifications of the Major League Baseball Shift’ 73 – 74 .
  • Regalado , Samuel O. ‘Dodger Béisbol is on the Air:’ The Dodgers and the Emergence of Spanish-Language Sportscasting’ 74 – 75 .
  • Gendzel , Glen . ‘Competitive Boosterism: How Milwaukee Lost the Braves’ 75 – 76 .
  • Gietschier , Steven P. ‘“Henry, Don't Go Out There. It's Cold and it's Damp.”: Geographical Stability in the Major Leagues, 1903–1953’ 76 – 77 .
  • Smith , Jeffrey . “Black and White Made Green:” . Integrated Baseball Games in a Segregated Society, 1910–1940’ . pp. 78 – 79 . NASSH Proceedings 1996
  • Bouchier , N. B. ‘To Serve and Defend: Female Physical Educators During WWII in Canada and the US’ 1
  • Dosch , C. ‘The Hydropathic Highway to Health: Exercise on the Road to Wellness’ 2 – 3 .
  • Forbes , S. ‘Filling in the Gaps: Women's Physical Education History 3 – 4 . Canada
  • Katz , S. J. ‘Ottley Coulter and the Evolution of Twentieth Century Weight Lifting’ 4 – 5 .
  • Kupfer , C. ‘Civilization, Fitness, Blitzkrieg: Summer of 1940’ 6
  • Overfield , J. H. ‘Sports and Physical Exercise in Diderot's Encyclopedia’ 7 – 8 .
  • Shukalo , A. ‘Bodybuilding, Nationalism, and Ideology in the Popular Press, 1880–1905’ 8 – 9 .
  • Smith , M. ‘Re-Creation Through Recreation: physical Activity and Regeneration in Atlantic Canada and Northeastern United States, 1860–1910’ 9 – 10 .
  • Sykes , H. ‘Breaking the Laws of the Game: Lesbian Physical Educators in Legal Discourse Since the 1800s’ 11
  • Steely , J. W. ‘The Legacy of Anna Hiss: Who Was That Building Named For, and Who Are Those People Still In It?’ 12 – 13 .
  • Todd , J. ‘Entertainers or Athletes? Professional Strongwomen, Vaudeville and the Early Twentieth-Century Fascination with Female Strength’ 13 – 14 .
  • Todd , T. ‘The Weights, Willie Curry and World War Two’ 14 – 15 .
  • Wrynn , A. M. ‘Intrinsic Mastery: Women Scientists in Physical Education’ 16 – 17 .
  • Cottrell , D. ‘Of Permanent Benefit to Women Students: The Herculean Task of Constructing a Women's Gymnasium at the University of Texas’ 18 – 19 .
  • Dean , P. ‘Dear Sisters and Hated Rivals: Athletics and Gender at Two New South Women's Colleges, 1893–1920’ 19 – 20 .
  • Ownby , T. ‘Manhood, Memory and White Men's Sports in the Recent South’ 20 – 22 .
  • Park , R. J. ‘We're Killing Ours Sons - But We're Making Men: A Tolerance for “Football” Injuries in Britain and America, 1873–1914’ 22 – 23 .
  • Vebrugge , M. ‘The Institutional Politics of Women's Sports in American Colleges, 1920–1950’ 23 – 24 .
  • Welch , P. ‘The 1920s: A Defining Decade for Florida's Sportswomen’ 24 – 25 .
  • DeLoca , P. J. ‘World Speed Skating, 1879–1900: A Brief and Intimate Evolution of Character, Family, Nations, and Creations’ 26 – 27 .
  • Doyle , A. ‘The Public Is All But Intoxicated on Football: Spright Dowell and the Politics of Football at Auburn, 1920–27’ 28 – 29 .
  • Green , B. P. ‘Charles Wesley Dickinson: A Case Study of a Canadian Cocker, 1860 to 1904’ 29 – 30 .
  • Hamburger , S. ‘Bob White, Bob White: The Sport of Quail Hunting In Early Twentieth Century South Georgia and North Florida’ 30 – 31 .
  • Holt , R. ‘Golf and the English Suburb: Class, Gender and Access in a London Club, c. 1890 - c. 1975’ 31 – 32 .
  • Kussuth , R. ‘The Rise of Canadian Football and the Decline of English Rugby in Halifax: 1930 to 1954’ 32 – 33 .
  • LeCompte , Mary Lou . ‘Skating Into the Wild West: Will History Repeat Itself?’ 33 – 35 .
  • Mason , Tony . ‘British (and American) Attempts to Launch Baseball in the U.K., 1889–1924’ 35
  • McElroy , Mary . ‘Profit by the Stake: Animal Contests and the Entrepreneurial Spirit in Early Modern London’ 36
  • McGehee , Richard V. ‘The King and his Court: Early Baseball and other Sports in Nicaragua’ 37 – 38 .
  • Nelson , Murray . ‘Original Celtic Rivalries’ 38
  • Wilcox , Ralph C. ‘From a Strange Fascination to Cultural Dependence: The Americanization of European Sport’ 39
  • Briley , R. ‘Major League Baseball and the Emergence on the New South: The 1966 Transfer of the Milwaukee Braves to Atlanta’ 39 – 40 .
  • Figone , A. ‘The 1919 Pacific Coast League Fixing Scandal: The “Black Sox” Had Nothing on Babe Borton’ 41 – 42 .
  • Fisher , D. M. ‘Amateurism, Elitism and Noble Savagery: The Formation of the American Intercollegiate Lacrosse Ethos, 1895–1920’ 42 – 44 .
  • Moore , G. ‘Righteous Club Owners and Dissolute Players: Temperance in the Gilded Age’ 44 – 45 .
  • McQuilkin , S. ‘Summer Baseball: The Second “Vexation”’ 45 – 46 .
  • Nathan , D. A. ‘Remember the Black Sox?: The 1919 World Series Scandal and Social Memory’ 46 – 47 .
  • Smith , R. A. ‘College Athletics, Commercialism, and Controversy: The Beer Hall T.V. Incident and Hypocrisy in Higher Education’ 47 – 49 .
  • Strong , J. M. ‘The First N.F.L. Franchise on the West Coast: Why Los Angeles was Chosen Instead of San Francisco’ 49 – 50 .
  • Watterson , J. S. ‘The Revolt of the Sinful Seven: The Failure to Expel the Schools Who Refused to Enforce the Sanity Code’ 50 – 52 .
  • Barney , R. K. and Harris , K. ‘Merry Christmas Mr. Samaranch: The IOC, ISL, and the Origins of TOP’ 52 – 53 .
  • Brown , D. ‘Aesthetic and Ethical Themes in the Revue Olympique, 1901–1915: A Study of Reflexivity in the Discourse of ‘Modernism’’ 53 – 54 .
  • Chandler , T. J. L. ‘Pierre de Coubertin, Le Regime Arnoldien and La Pedagogie Sportive’ 54 – 55 .
  • Greene , D. ‘The Politics of Participation: Avery Brundage and the 1936 Olympic Boycott Debate’ 55 – 56 .
  • Martyn , S. G. ‘Making Dough: The Helms Bakery Company vs. the United States Olympic Committee on the Issue of Commercializing Olympic Symbols, 1932 to 1953’ 57 – 58 .
  • MacDonald , G. ‘Power Drain: The I.O.C. and Fédération Internationale de Football Association, 1925–30’ 58 – 59 .
  • Roos , J. S. ‘Black Gold: The Effects of the 1936 Olympics on American Racism’ 59 – 60 .
  • Symer , D. ‘Carl Diem and the Denazification of German Sport’ 51 – 62 .
  • Young , D. C. ‘The Modern Olympics: A Struggle for Revival’ 62 – 63 .
  • Epling , R. T. ‘If he had been white nobody would have paid much Attention: Lester McClain's Quiet Integration of Southeastern Conference Football during the Loud 1960s’ . pp. 63 – 64 .
  • Harrison , C. K. ‘Time Capsule: perceptions of Paul Robeson, Arthur Ashe, and Grant Hill by Society’ 65
  • Magdalinski , T. ‘The Juice is Loose: O.J. Simpson, Post-Verdict Racial Discourse and the Return of the ‘Primitive Black’’ 65 – 66 .
  • Scott , A. ‘Hold That Tiger: Huey Long and Louisiana State University Football, 1928–35’ 67 – 68 .
  • Wenn , S. R. ‘In the Cause of Peace: Muhammad Ali's Mission to Baghdad, 1990’ 68 – 69 .
  • Whitt , T. ‘Young Satchel: The Origins of the Legend 1906–1931’ 70
  • Wiggins , D. K. ‘Edwin Bancroft Henderson: Educator, Civil Rights Activist, and Chronicler of African-American Athletes’ 71 – 72 .
  • Adelman , M. L. ‘American Sport History As Seen Through The Lens of Stephen Hardy’ 73 – 74 .
  • Arbena , Joe L. ‘In Search of the Latin American Female Athlete: Bibliographical Odyssey’ 74
  • Booth , Douglas . ‘The Technological and Cultural Determinants of Surfing’ 74 – 75 .
  • Dyerson , Mark . ‘Sport as a Social Technology’ 75
  • Fielding , Lawrence W. and Miller , Lori K. ‘The Foreign Invasion: The Sporting Goods Industry between 1950 and 1975’ 76 – 77 .
  • Gelberg , Nadine J. ‘Technology and Sport: The Case of the ITF, Spaghetti Strings, and Composite Rackets’ 77 – 78 .
  • Hardy , Stephen H. ‘Continuities and Long Residuals’ 78
  • Morrow , Don . ‘Frozen Festivals: Ceremony and the CarnIval in the Montreal Winter Carnivals, 1883–1889’ 79
  • Pope , Steven W. ‘Paradigm Dramas and the Need for Theoretically-Informed Popular History’ 80
  • Sullivan , Dean A. ‘Diamonds, Side Lines and Cylinders: An Analysis of the Interrelationship Between Sports, The Sporting Goods Industry, and the Talking Machine Industry, 1901–1910’ 80 – 81 .
  • Wamsley , Kevin B. ‘Not Just Rolling the Dice: Gambling and the Law in 19th Century Canada’ 81
  • Black , David R. ‘Better Luyt Than Never: The Rugby World Cup and the Politics of Racial Reconciliation in South Africa’ 82 – 83 .
  • Cronin , Mike . ‘Sport, Nationalism and the Peace Process in Northern Ireland’ 83 – 84 .
  • Dewar , John and Dewar , Patricia . ‘First Nation Performance Rediscovery (1883–1995)’ 84 – 85 .
  • Heine , Michael K. ‘Playground Fenced and Now in Use: Subarctic Canadian Native Peoples and the Sports of the Mission Schools’ 85
  • Nauright , John . ‘Remembering and Dismembering the Past: Rugby, Race and the Politics of Identity in Post-Apartheid South Africa’ 86
  • Paraschak , Victoria . ‘Paving the Way to Respect: The National Aboriginal Sport Foundation, 1969–1978’ 86 – 87 .
  • Wu , Ying . ‘The Pilgrims Come to America: A Failed Mission of British Cultural Imperialism’ 87 – 88 .
  • Burdick , Dakin . ‘Fair Play vs. Dirty Fighting: Muscular Christianity, Racism, and the Introduction of Jujutsu to the United States’ 89
  • Coates , James . ‘Black Athletes: The American Legal System and Race Relations’ 90
  • Harmon , David . ‘That Other Baseball Team: The Atlanta Black Crackers and the World of Southern African American Baseball’ 90 – 91 .
  • Martin , Charles H. ‘Integrating New Year's Day: The Racial Politics of College Bowl Games in the American South’ 92 – 93 .
  • Miller , Patrick B. ‘Slouching Toward a New Expediency: College Football and the Color Line During the 1930s’ 93 – 94 .
  • Rayl , Susan . ‘Renaissance Rivalries and Loyalties’ 95 – 96 .
  • Smith , Maureen . ‘Nobody Knows My Name: Utilizing Works by Black Scholars of the 1960s to Understand the Participation of Black Athletes During the Civil Rights Movement’ 96 – 97 .
  • Winters , Manque . ‘To Hell With Race and Segregation - We Just Wanted to Play: The Historic 1955 Junior Rose Bowl Compton College (CA) vs Jones County Junior College (MS)’ 97 – 98 .
  • Lorenz , Stacy L. ‘A Lively Interest on the Prairies: Western Canada, The Mass Media, and a World of Sport, 1870–1939’ 99 – 100 . THE FIRST EUROPEAN SEMINAR OF SPORT HISTORY November 29 - December 1, 1996, Rome, Italy
  • Bon , Marta . ‘Historical Development of “Hazena”, Typically Women Game, in Slovenia’
  • Fenner , Antje . ‘The Development of Women's Track and Field in Germany’
  • Jarvie , Grant . ‘Sport in the Making of Celtic Culture. A European Research Agenda?’
  • Mijatovic , Sladana . ‘Historical and Social-economic Aspects of Rising of Olympism in the Kingdom of Serbia’
  • Porro , Nicola . ‘Sistema Sportivo e Nazionalizzazione in Italia, ‘le tre vie’
  • Raspaud , Michel . ‘Himalaysme et Nationalisme Entre les deux Guerres. Concurrence et Cooperation’
  • Roibu , Teodor and Todan , Ioan . ‘Study About Romanian Sports Evolution and The Development Between The Two World Wars’
  • Sugman , Raiko and Paulin , Tomaz . ‘Slovenian Sport and World War I’
  • Decker , Wolfgang . ‘Centre de documentation des sources iconographiques du sport dans l'Egypte Ancienne’
  • Vazquez , Jose and Hernandez , Luis . ‘Una Vision Actual de los Aparatos Gimnasticas de Francisco Amoros’
  • Holt , Richard . ‘Towards a General History of Modern European Sport’
  • Manacorda , Alighiero . ‘Diana e le Muse. Sport e Cultura Sono Inseparabili’
  • Murray , Bill . ‘Key Developments in the History of Sport, ‘Europe in the 1930s’
  • Renson , Roland . ‘Foreign Gymnasiarchs in Belgium 1830–1914, 'a Prefiguration of European Physical Culture’
  • McLelland , John . ‘Un Siecle De Sport Et De Politique En Europe, 1467–1572’
  • Ruggero , Rocco . ‘La Memoria Funzione Del Futuro’
  • Vamplew , Wray . ‘Artefacts, Archives and Analysis, ‘Sports, Museums and Sports Historians’
  • Brunamontini , Guisseppe . ‘Genesi, Costume e Letteratura Dei Giochi Di Interesse’
  • Fitta , Marco . ‘Il Museo Dei Giochi e Giocattoli a Torino’
  • Pelegrin , Ana . ‘Fuentes Para la Historia de los Juegos Infantiles Hispanicos (s.XVI-XX)’
  • Bonetta , Gaetano . ‘Lo Sport Nella Formazione e Nella Ricerca Universitaria in Italia’
  • Doupona , Mojca . ‘Historical Overview of PE in Slovenia Through Analysis of Gender Relations’
  • Gori , Gigliola . ‘La Formazione Degli Insegnanti di Educazione Fisica in Italia, ‘lineamenti di un secolo (1859–1958) e nuove prospettive’
  • Karadaidou , Maria A. ‘A Cross-Timing Courses' Review of the Greek Training Institutions of Physical Education Teachers 1884–1978’
  • Roibu , Teodor . ‘The National Academy of Physical Education and Sports (ANEFS) Bucharest at its 75th Anniversary, 1922–1997’
  • Rühl , Joachim K. ‘The Present State of Sport History at German Institutes of Higher Learning’
  • Langenfeld , Hans . ‘Sport Mautique et Societe en Europe Avant 1914’
  • Maiello , Domenico . ‘La Nuotata a Crowl, Origine e Diffusione’
  • Terret , Tierry . ‘Approche Quantitative de la Diffusion de la Production Ecrite en Nation du XVI au XIX siecle’
  • Vivier , Chritian . ‘Les Plaisirs Sensoriels, 'Histoire d'une Disparition. Exemple de la Nautique de Besancon (1865–1930)’
  • Bellotti , Pasquale and Matteucci , Ercole . ‘Storia Dell'allenamento’
  • Ghazaryan , Frunz . ‘Concepts of Sports Preparation’
  • Krüger , Arnd . ‘The History of Running in the Last One Hundred Years’
  • Scharemberg , Swantje . ‘Cross-Channel Swims - a Matter of National Pride, Gender and Money?’
  • Widemeyer , Bernd . ‘Bodybuilding Training Systems. Historical Aspects’ 29
  • Baroni , Cristina . ‘Lo Sport nel “De Arte Gymnastica” di Girolamo Mercuriale. Alcune Considerazioni’
  • D'este , Bianca Rosa . ‘Studi di Biomeccanica. Dall'arte Alla Scienza’
  • Fontaine , Marie Madeleine . ‘Echanges entre l'Italie, L'Espagne et la France dans les specialite de l'Entrainements militaire et les exercise corporels, de la Fin du XVe Siecle a la Fin Du XIVe’
  • Goyenna , Pilar and Irureta , Y. ‘Proyecto Para la Elaboracion de un catalogo colectivo de Fondo Antiguo Deportivo en Lengua Espanola’
  • Kuhnst , Peter . ‘On the Culture of Sporting Movement and Behaviour in Europe. The History of Sport as it is Mirrored by Fine Arts From the 15th to the 18th Century’
  • Uberhost , Horst . ‘Chivalric Physical Exercises. The Medieval Knightly System Mirrored in the Codes Manesse’
  • Colasante , Gianfranco . ‘La Nascita del Movimento Olimpico in Italia, ‘dal conte Eugenio Brunetta d'Usseaux alla Constituzione del CONI’
  • Delfini , Pietro . ‘Galleria di anni e di personaggi della SdS’
  • Kissoudi , Penelope . ‘The Contribution of fine arts and literature to the first Modern Olympic Games, Athens 1896’
  • Lombardo , Antonio . ‘Contro il “disordine morele.” pierre de Coubertin e la genesi dell'olimpismo moderno’
  • Mangan , J. A. ‘Coubertin and Cotton. European Realism and Idealism in the Making of Modern European Masculinity’
  • Robibu , Teodor and Hoffmann , Artur . ‘Study about the Promotion of the Olympism in School and Colleges of Bucharest with the help of the Romanian Olympic Academy’
  • Roibu , Teodor . ‘Evangelis Zappas' Contribution to the Revival of the Modern Olympic Games’
  • Samars , Paraskevas . ‘News facts of the Revival of the Olympic Games. Whose Idea?’
  • Alcanterini , Ruggero . 1943–1955 . ‘“Lo Sport Agli Sportivi”
  • Godlewski , Piotr . ‘Between Real and Symbolic Combat - Out of Battlefield Onto Sports Arena’
  • Tolleneer , Jan . ‘Éthique et Gymnastique à la Lumière de L'cction Catholique De L'Entre Deux Guerres’
  • Buss , Wolfgang . ‘The Political Notion of German Sport Leaders after the Lost War (1945–1949)’
  • Goksúyr , Matti . “ ‘Sports Politics and State Intervention in Norway. 1946–1996 ” . In ‘A cultivation and the Civilization Process’
  • Ilic , Stephen . ‘L'importance des influences des pays europeens developpées sur L'Apparition des premieres associations d'exercices physiques et l'apparition de l'idée Olympique en Serbie au bout du XIX Siecle Et Au Debut Du XX Siecle’
  • Alegi , Gregory . ‘Italy's Future is in the Sky’
  • Czech , Michaela . ‘Women Sports in Nazi Germany’
  • Gonzalez , Teresa and Teja , Angela . ‘Franco e Mussolini, ‘Due Concezioni Fasciste Dello Sport’
  • Impiglia , Marco . ‘La “Volata”’
  • Mulner , Rudolf . 1934 . ‘The Implementation of the “Austrofascistas Sport Front”
  • Olrich , Harald . ‘“Whoever Has Youth Has Future” Youth Sport Activities of the Axis Berlin-Rome from 1940 to the Foundation of the European Youth Association of 1942’
  • Stumm , Patrick . “ ‘Avery Brundage's Relationship With The Italian Sport Officials During The Time of Fascism and Its Consequences’ ” . In A Historical Research of the Works in the Avery Brundage Collection’
  • Vescovi , Roberta . ‘Le Colonie Climatiche Del Regime (1922–1942)’
  • Arnaud , Lionle . ‘Historicite et referentiels dans les politiques sportives destinees aux minorites immigrees en France et en Angleterre’
  • Hasse , Manuela . ‘Body, Leisure And Sport in the 19th and 20th Centuries’
  • Missalgia , Giammario . ‘Diritti, Ambiente e Solidarieta, ‘i Connotati Dello Sport Prttti’
  • Slusarczyk , Janusz . ‘The Beginnings of Polish Tourism in the 19th Century’
  • Tranhaek , Else . ‘Sport and Welfare. About the Role of Sport in Connection with the Danish Welfare Model’
  • Albandis , Evangelos and Taxildaris . ‘Athletics in Thrace during the Hellenistic and Roman Periods Ciulla, Daniella, ‘L’Esercizio Fisico e le cure del Corpo Nell'Antica Roma, 'Una Lettura Di Alcuni Mosaici Tardo-Romani Della Villa Di Piazza Armerina’
  • Isidori , Rosella Frasca . ‘Diventare Uomini. Le Feste Iniziatiche e Iriti di Passaggio’
  • Garello , Francesca . ‘Lo Sport Come Veicolo Di Consenso e Controllo Delle Masse Nell-eta Imperiale Romana’
  • Giatsis , Sotiris . ‘Which is the Last Date of Performance of Ancient Olympic Games of Olympia?’
  • Peiser , Benny . ‘Theories About the Origins of the Gladiator Combat’
  • Ramba , Dietrich . ‘Some Remarks on the Relationship Between the Rulers and the Athletes' Unions’
  • Cmabone , Paolo . ‘L'influenza Della Religione Sulla Diffusione Dei Giochi Sportivi Di Squadra Nella Societa Occidentale Del XIX e XX Secolo’
  • Ferreira , Antonio Gomes and Ferreira , Vitor Das Neves . ‘A Ginastica No Porto Nos Finais Do Seculo XIX e a Accao De Paulo Lauret’
  • Freccero , Renata . ‘La Chiesa e Lo Sport’
  • Hong , Fan . ‘Christians and Confucians. European Cultural Imperialism and the Reconstruction of Asian Feminity’
  • Moreira , Jose . ‘Two Men…’
  • Omidiran , P. O. ‘British Impact on Nigerian Sport Culture’
  • Giuntini , Sergio . ‘Gioco, Sport e Nazionalism in Italia Dal XIX Secolo Al Fascismo’
  • Loudcher , Jean Francois . ‘La misse en forme militaire et scolaire de La boxe Francaise, 'le modele de joinville (1852–1945)’
  • Rossi , Lauro . ‘Leo Lagrange et le sport populaire en France’ . Papers Presented at the 2nd World Festival of Traditional Sports and Games . Dec 11–13 , Bangkok, Thailand
  • Palm , Jurgen . ‘Traditional Games and Their Functions in Industrialized Countries’
  • Ikeda , Masaru . ‘Promoting Sports For All in 21st Century Asia’
  • Pfister , Gertrud . ‘Research about Traditional Games: The Scientific Perspective’
  • Dixon , Brian . ‘Sport and Exercises of the Aborigines in Australia’
  • Raynaud , Joel . ‘Traditional Sports of the Basque Region in France and Spain’
  • Azueiro-Ruiz , Oscar . ‘Traditional Games of the Indians of Columbia and Latin America’
  • Singh , Sarjit . ‘The Malaysian Sport Policy and Visions for the Youth’
  • Renson , Roland . ‘Nature and the Environment as Factors in Sport for All’
  • Aoki , Takashi . ‘Contemporary Fitness Campaigns in Sanpaurse Municipalities’
  • Salter , Michael . ‘Traditional Leisure-Time Activities in Developing Societies: Functional Considerstions’
  • Jakabhazy , Laszio . ‘European Sports for All and Traditional Sports and Games’
  • Siriprasert , Jirakorn . ‘Outstanding Features of Thai Games’
  • Howell , Colin D. ‘Modernization Theory and the Traditional Sporting Practices of Native People in Eastern Canada’
  • Da Costa , Lamartine P. ‘The Case of Capoeira from Brazil: From a Traditional Game to a Worldwide Sport Practice’ . Australian Society for Sports History Bulletin , JOURNALS [In alphabetical order]
  • Van Rosmalen , A. and McKenzie , F. ‘Industrial Relations: The Changing Landscape for Sport’ 1 – 10 .
  • Hay , R. ‘Another Abortive Soccer Players' Union’ 11 – 14 .
  • Hughes , A. ‘A Soccer Fan's Forgotten Dream: The William Kennard Cup’ . The Cricket Statistician , 93 15 – 22 . (Spring 1996)
  • Siddiqui , A. ‘Brothers in Cricket’ 6 – 7 .
  • Bailey , P. ‘Somerset in the 2nd XI Champioship, 1959–1995’ 8 – 9 .
  • Stead , D. ‘Strong Yorkshire, Strong England?’ 13 – 14 .
  • Lodge , D. ‘George Hedley’ 15 – 16 .
  • Bartlett , C. J. ‘Test Representations By County Champions, 1890–1995’ 19 – 20 .
  • Wynne-Thomas , P. ‘The Real All-Rounders’ 20 – 21 .
  • Powell , W. A. ‘Cricketers of the Golden Age’ 26 – 27 .
  • Carpenter , B. ‘Cricket in Portugal 1811’ 28
  • Gupta , R. ‘Shortest Test Innings’ . The Cricket Statistician , 94 31 – 32 . (Summer 1996)
  • Wilde , G. ‘The Joys of Colindale’ 10
  • Heavens , R. ‘Newspapers Connected With Cricket at British Newspaper Library, Colindale’ 11 – 12 .
  • Bailey , P. ‘Northamptonshire in the 2nd XI Championship, 1959–1995’ 12 – 15 .
  • King , L. ‘First-Class Cricketers Born in Carmarthenshire’ 15
  • Basevi , T. ‘Best Bowling Averages of All Time’ 15
  • Wilde , G. ‘The Joys of Colindale’ 15 – 16 .
  • Ambrose , D. ‘Joseph Massey’ 16
  • Reynolds , R. J. ‘Crowd Behaviour in Times Past’ 19 – 23 .
  • Jeater , D. ‘The Geography of County Cricketers' Birthplaces’ 24 – 27 .
  • Bartlett , K. and Thorn , P. ‘First-Class Cricketers Who Were Members of the House of Commons Since 1774’ 32 – 33 .
  • Gupta , R. ‘Dream Debuts in ODI Matches’ . The Cricket Statistician , 95 34 – 35 . (Autumn 1996)
  • Bartlett , K. and Thorn , P. ‘First-Class Cricketers Who Stood as General or bye- Elections but Were Defeated’ 13 – 14 .
  • Waite , C. ‘Captain and Wicket Keeper in Test Matches’ 16
  • Jeater , D. ‘Umpires in First-Class Cricket, 1945’ 15 – 16 .
  • Reynolds , R. J. ‘Nineteenth Century Cricket Dress and Equipment’ 17 – 19 .
  • Thorn , P. First-Class Cricketers From Wiltshire’ 20 – 21 .
  • Draper , S. ‘One-Day International Grounds in Chronological Order’ 23 – 25 .
  • Ali , T. ‘Fast Scoring in One-Day Internationals’ 26 – 27 .
  • Clayton , G. ‘Miscellaneous Test Match Statistics’ 31 – 33 .
  • Lodge , D. ‘Arthur Morris’ 33
  • Dyson , P. E. ‘David Gower - Mr Consistency?’ 34 – 37 .
  • Sarkar , A. K. ‘Century and Dismissal in the Nervous 90s on Debut’ 38
  • McLeish , D. 1996 . ‘H.M. Forces First-Class Record’ . The Historian , 50 : 39 Summer
  • Phillips , J. ‘Football and British Soviet Relation: The Moscow Dynamo and Moscow Spatial Tours of 1945 and 1954’ . The Historian , 51 20 – 23 . (Autumn 1996)
  • Biddis , M. 1996 . ‘Faster, Higher, Stronger: The Birth of the Modern Olympics’ . International Journal of the History of Sport , 13 ( 1 ) March : 26 – 27 .
  • Holt , Richard and Mangan , J. A. ‘Prologue: Heroes of a European Past’ 1 – 13 .
  • Eisenberg , Christiane . ‘Charismatic National Leader: Turnvater Jahn’ 14 – 27 .
  • Mangan , J. A. ‘Muscular, Militaristic and Manly: The British Middle-Class Hero as Moral Messenger’ 28 – 47 .
  • Holt , Richard . ‘Cricket and Englishness: The Batsman as Hero’ 48 – 70 .
  • Mason , Tony . ‘Our Stephen and Our Harold: Edwardian Footballers as Local Heroes’ 71 – 85 .
  • Faure , Jean-Michel . ‘National Identity and the Sporting Champion: Jean Borotra and French History’ 86 – 100 .
  • Gehrmann , Siegfried . ‘Symbol of National Resurrection: Max Schmeling, German Sports Idol’ 101 – 113 .
  • Lanfranchi , Pierre and Wahl , Alfred . ‘The Immigrant as Hero: Kopa, Mekloufi and French Footbll’ 114 – 127 .
  • Pivato , Stefano . ‘Italian Cycling and the Creation of a Catholic Hero: The Bartali Myth’ 128 – 138 .
  • Horak , Roman and Moderthaner , Wolfgang . ‘A Culture of Urban Cosmopolitanism: Uridil and Sindelar as Viennese Coffee-House Heroes’ 139 – 155 .
  • Rauch , André . ‘Courage Against Cupidity: Carpentier and Dempsey - Symbols of Cultural Confrontation’ 156 – 168 .
  • Holt , Richard and Mangan , J. A. 1996 . ‘Epilogue: Heroes for a European Future’ . International Journal of the History of Sport , 13 ( 2 ) May : 169 – 175 .
  • Liponski , W. ‘Still An Unknown European Tradition: Polish Sport in the European Cultural Heritage’ 1 – 41 .
  • Mullan , M. ‘The Devolution of the Irish Economy in the Nineteenth Century and the Bifurcation of Irish Sport’ 42 – 60 .
  • Bradley , J. M. ‘Integration or Assimilation? Scottish Society, Football and Irish Immigrants’ 61 – 89 .
  • Twigg , J. ‘Student Sports, and Their Context, in Seventeenth-Century Cambridge’ 80 – 95 .
  • Polley , M. ‘No Business of Ours?: The Foreign Office and the Olympic Games, 1896–1914’ 96 – 113 .
  • Kirk , D. ‘Foucault and the Limits of Corporeal Regulation: The emergence, Consolidation and Decline of School Medical Inspection and Physical Training in Australia, 1909–30’ 114 – 131 .
  • Cox , R. W. ‘Annual Bibliography of Publications on the History of Sport, 1993–94’ 132 – 145 .
  • Merrett , C. ‘In Nothing Else are the Deprives so Deprived: South African Sport, Apartheid and Foreign Relations, 1945–71’ 146 – 165 .
  • Waser , A. M. ‘Tennis in France, 1880–1930’ 166 – 167 .
  • McKenzie , C. C. ‘The Origins of the British Field Sports Society’ 177 – 191 .
  • Ndee , H. S. ‘Sport, Culture and Society from an African Perspective: A Study in Historical Revisionism’ 192 – 202 .
  • Trangbaek , E. ‘Danish Gymnastics: What's So Danish about the Danes?’ 203 – 214 .
  • Cox , R. W. ‘PC-Based Bibliographic Databases for the Sports Historian: A Review Essay’ 215 – 219 .
  • 1996 . International Journal of the History of Sport , 13 ( 3 ) December
  • Wenn , S. R. ‘Death-knell for the Amateur Athletic Union: Avery Brundage, Jeremiah Mahoney and the 1935 AAU Convention’ 261 – 289 .
  • Pope , S. W. ‘Amateurism and American Sports Culture: The Invention of an Athletic Tradition in the United States, 1870–1900’ 290 – 309 .
  • Lewis , R. W. ‘Football Hooliganism in England Before 1914: A Critique of the Dunning Thesis’ 310 – 339 .
  • Jorgensen , P. ‘Order, Discipline and Self-Control: The Breakthrough for the Danish Sports Federation and Sport, 1896–1918’ 340 – 355 .
  • Hess , R. 1996 . ‘Women and Australian Rules Football in Colonial Melbourne’ , 13 ( 3 ) December : 356 – 372 .
  • Cox , R. W. ‘Annual Bibliogrpahy of Publications on the History of Sport, 1994–95’ 373 – 396 .
  • Rossi , J. P. ‘Blacks in Major League Baseball: The Experience of the First Generation, 1947–61’ 397 – 403 .
  • Yttergren , L. ‘Stockholm and the Rise of Modern Sports, 1860–98’ 404 – 408 .
  • Krüger , M. ‘Body Culture and Nation Building: The History of Gymnastics in Germany in the Period of its Foundation as a Nation-State’ 409 – 417 .
  • Morgan , R. ‘A Fifteenth-Century Tennis Court in London’ 418 – 431 .
  • Huggins , M. ‘Lord Bentinck, The Jockey Club and Racing Morality in Mid-Nineteenth Centry England: The ‘Running Rein’ of Derby Revisited’ 432 – 444 .
  • Crowther , N. B. 1996 . Sports Violence in the Roman and Byzantine Empires: A Modern Legacy?’ . International Journal of Physical Education , XXXiii ( 2 ) : 445 – 484 .
  • Tolleneer , J. ‘Historical Perspectives in Recent Physical Education’ 52 – 63 .
  • Großbröhmer , R. 1996 . Historical Sport Pedagogy in Germany’ . Japanese Journal of the History of Physical Education , 13 : 64 – 69 .
  • Yumiko , N. ‘A Historical Study on the Redaction of Gymnastic Textbook Published During the Early Meiji Era With Special Reference to ‘Shogaku Nyumon Tokuhon hu Taisoryakukai’’ 1 – 14 .
  • Kichiji , Kimura . ‘The Syllabuses of Health Lectures at Amherst College and the Education in Taiso-Denshujyo (the National Normal School of Gymnastics’ 15 – 24 .
  • Koichi , Nakano . ‘A Historical Study on the Transition of Treating ‘Physical Education’ in Japanese Pedagogy - by Analysis of Descriptions in Journals of Education’ 25 – 38 .
  • Kyoko , Raita . ‘A Study on the Japanese Ladies' Olympic Involvement in Athletic Sports - Focused on the First Games in 1924’ 39 – 52 .
  • Ikuo , Abe . ‘An Issue on the Public Schools' Matches in the Minute Book of Wykenhamist Society (1858)’ 53 – 70 .
  • Koichi , Wada . ‘Pierre de Coubertin's Classification of Sports in the Process of Dicovering the Nature of Sport - Through the Analysis of His Four Types of Classification and Description of Sports’ 71 – 86 .
  • Gillmeister , H. 1995 . ‘The Study of the History of Sport: Methods, Discoveries, Perspectives’ . Japanese Journal of Sports History , : 87 – 98 .
  • Otagiri , Kiichi . ‘Mentality of American Physical Educators Toward Sports at the Turn of the 20th Century’
  • Matsui , Yoshiaki . ‘Common Law and Sport: Unlawful Games and Lawful Sports in 19th-Century England’
  • Matsuda , Kuniko . ‘A Historical and Folkloristic Study of Tug-of-War”-As A Case Study of “Otsunasan Festival”’
  • Kusudo , Kazuhiko . 1996 . ‘Quelle zur Sportgeschichte: Unkosten zur Abhaltung des “Armbrustschiewens” im Jahre 1470 in Augsburg’ . Japanese Journal of Sports History ,
  • Hougaku , Atsurou . ‘A Study of the Process of the Enactment of “BeschluBuber die Weitere Entwicklung der Korperkultur und des Sport in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik” (1956)’
  • Tashiro , Masayuki . ‘The Influence of “The Baseball Control Ordnance” on the Students' Baseball Circle’
  • Yoshiaki , Matsumoto . ‘Uber das Wetturnen bei den Schwabischen Turnfeste in den 1840er und 1950er Jahren’
  • Nakafusa , Toshiro . ‘A Historical Study of Sport Movement with Emphasis on Technique Masayuki ISHII A Note on the Beginnings of the G. A. A.’
  • Nakafusa , Toshiro and Matsui , Yoshiaki . 1996 . ‘Annual Bibliography of Publications on History of Sport in Japan, 1994’ . Journal of the Cricket Society , XVII ( 4 ) Spring
  • Cashman , R . ‘The Age of Certainty: Australian Cricket’ 5 – 8 .
  • Cowman , S. ‘A Comment on New Zealand Since 1945’ 9 – 13 .
  • Hargreaves , P. S. ‘Continental Cricket Since the Second World War’ 14 – 23 .
  • Ahmed , G. ‘Pakistan Cricket’ 24 – 26 .
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  • Crowley , B. ‘South African Bowlers’ 35 – 42 .
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  • Hurst , J. ‘Cricket in the Eden Valley of Cumbria’ 51 – 53 .
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  • Hodkin , J. 1996 . ‘Even the Don Would Have Found This Difficult’ . Journal of Sport History , 22 ( 1 ) : 60 Spring
  • Hill , Jeffrey . ‘British Sports History: A Post Modern Future?’ 1 – 19 .
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  • Baker , Norman . ‘“Going to the Dogs - Hostility to Greyhound Racing in Britain: Puritanism, Socialism and Pragmatism’ 97 – 119 .
  • Rinehart , Robert E. ‘“Fists Flew and Blood Flowed”: Symbolic Resistance and International Response in Hungarian Water Polo at the Melbourne Olympics, 1956’ 120 – 139 .
  • Moore , Katherine and Phillips , Murray G. ‘From Adulation to Persecution and Back: Australian Boxer Les Darcy in America 1916–1917’ 140 – 156 .
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  • Paul , Joan . 1996 . ‘A Lost Sport: Clara Gregory Baer and Newcomb Ball’ . Journal of Sport History , 22 ( 3 ) : 165 – 174 . Fall
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  • Gems , Gerald R. ‘The Prep Bowl: Football and Religion Acculturation in Chicago, 1927–1963’ 284 – 302 .
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  • Lee , Hugh M. ‘Yet Another Scoring System for the Ancient Pentathlon’ 41 – 56 .
  • Garciaro , Fernado . ‘Eú: les métaphores érotico-sportives dands les comédies d'Aristophane’ 57 – 76 .
  • Herrmann , Fritz G. ‘Wrestling Metaphors in Plato's ‘Theatetus’’ 77 – 110 .
  • Crowther , Nigel B. ‘Greek Equestrian Events in the Late Republic and Early Empire. Africanus and the Olympic Victory Lists’ 111 – 124 .
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  • Brown , Douglas A. ‘Revisiting the Discourses of art, beauty and sport from the 1906 Consultative Conference for the Arts, Literature and Sport’ . pp. 1 – 24 .
  • Krüger , Arnd . ‘The masses are much more sensitive to the perfection of the whole than to any separate details': The Influence of John Ruskin's Political Economy on Pierre de Coubertin’ 22 – 44 .
  • Dyreson , Mark L. ‘Scripting the American Olympic Story-Telling Formula: The 1924 Paris Olympic Games and the American Media’ 45 – 80 .
  • Wamsley , Kevin B. and Heine , Michael K. ‘Tradition, Modernity, and the Construction of Civic Identity: The Calgary Olympics’ 81 – 90 .
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  • Magdalinski , Tara . ‘Historical Interpretation and the Continuity of Sports Administrators from Nazi to West Germany’ 1 – 13 .
  • Phillips , Murray G. ‘The Unsporting German and the Athletic Anzac: Sport, Propaganda, and the First World War’ 14 – 29 .
  • Zakus , Dwight H. ‘A Genesis of the Canadian Sport System in Pierre Trudean's Political Philosophy and Agenda’ 30 – 48 .
  • Heine , Michael K. and Wamsley , Kevin B. “Kickfest at Dawson City”: Native Peoples and the Sports of the Klondike Gold Rush’ 72 – 86 .
  • Mason , Daniel and Schrodt , Barbara . 1996 . ‘Hockey's First Professional Team: The Portage Lakes Hockey Club of Houghton, Michigan’ . Sport History Review , 27 ( 2 ) December : 49 – 71 .
  • Wenn , Stephen R. ‘Television Rights Negotiations and the 1976 Montreal Olympics’ 111 – 138 .
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  • Rowe , David and Lawrence , Geoffrey . ‘Beyond National Sport: Sociology, History and Postmodernity’ 3 – 16 .
  • Sullivan , Rodney and Sullivan , Robin . ‘My Fighting Is My Business': Towards a Biography of George Barnes, Australian Boxer’ 49 – 60 .
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  • Humphreys , Duncan . ‘Snowboarders: Bodies Out of Control and in Conflict’ 3 – 24 .
  • Senyard , June . ‘The Tennis Court: A Country Woman's Window to the Modern World’ 25 – 42 .
  • Wedgwood , Nikki . ‘‘Court’ in the Act: The Informal Reproduction of Male Power in Pennant Squash’ 43 – 60 .
  • Hughes , Anthony . ‘Muscular Judaism and the Jewish Rugby League Competition in Sydney, 1924 to 1927’ 61 – 80 .
  • Dabscheck , Braham . ‘Assaults on Soccer's Compensation System: Europe and Australia Compared’ 81 – 108 .
  • Nauright , John . ‘Writing and Reading American Football: Culture, Identity and Sports Studies’ 109 – 128 .
  • MacLean , Malcolm . ‘Of Fans and a Bright Future’ 139 – 144 .
  • Adair , Daryl . ‘A National Game at Last? Australian Rules Football in the 1990s’ 129 – 138 .
  • Dabscheck , Braham . ‘Majoring on the Minors: Baseball in the Bush Leagues’ 145 – 150 .
  • Hutchins , Bret . 1993/94 . ‘Rugby Wars: The Changing Face of Football’ . Station , XIX/XX ( 2 ) : 151 – 162 .
  • Eichberg , H. ‘Sonderwege und Normalität’ 1 – 4 .
  • Bonde , H. ‘Kapitän Jespersen. Ein Erweckungspreider der Lebensreform’ 5 – 24 .
  • Damkjaer , S. ‘Niels Bukh und die Kulturmission der Gymnastik’ 25 – 36 .
  • Hansen , J. ‘Health or Education. A Study of the Correlation Between the New Physical Culture and the Conception of Health’ 68 – 93 .
  • Heikkinen , A. ‘For Health and Pleasure. Gentlefolk on the Move in 18th and 19th Century Finland’ 94 – 104 .
  • Hellspong , M. ‘Lifting Stones’ 105 – 115 .
  • Hoffmann , A. ‘Franz Nachtegell Zwischen Philanthropismus und Nationalbewßtsein’ 116 – 140 .
  • Jónsson , I. ‘Die Geschichte der Körperkultur in Island. Ein Überlicik’ 141 – 163 .
  • Lindroth , J. ‘The History of Ling gymnastics in Sweden. A Research Survey’ 164 – 177 .
  • Von Der Lippe , G. ‘Women's Sports in Norway in the 1930s. Conflict Between Two Different Cultures’ 178 – 186 .
  • Meinander , H. ‘Sportjournalismus in Kriegszeiten. Ein Beispiel aus Finnland’ 187 – 197 .
  • Neilsen , N. K. ‘Sport und Bauerideologie in der Dänischen Sportgeschichte’ 198 – 216 .
  • Ottesen , L. ‘The Home Field as Home’ 217 – 232 .
  • Sironen , E. ‘The Fastest Man in the Village’ 233 – 238 .
  • Trangaek , E. ‘Women, Body and Sport in Denmark at the End of the 19th Century’ 239 – 258 .
  • Vasara , E. ‘Sport und Landesverteid Igung in Finland. Das Sportverständnis der Finnischen Schutzkorpsführung in den Zwanzinger Jahren’ 259 – 278 .
  • Hansen , J. 1996 . Die Geschichte von Sport und Körperkultur in den Ländren Nordeuropas. Ein Literaturbericht’ . Twentieth Century British History , 7 ( 2 ) : 279 – 290 .
  • Holt , R. ‘Sport and History: The State of the Subject in Britain’ 231 – 252 .
  • Russell , D. 1996 . ‘Sport Identity: The Case of Yorkshire, 1890–1939’ . The Victoria Bulletin of Sport and Culture , 7 June
  • Whimpress , B. ‘AFL Hall of Fame - See Victoria’ 5 – 8 .
  • McCaskie , G. ‘Preserving League Football's Heritage for the Next 100 Years’ 8 – 10 .
  • Nauright , J. ‘Sport and Place: Calling for Geographers of Australian Sport’ 10
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  • Jacobs , M. 1995 . ‘Past, Present and Future: The NSW Hall of Champions’ . Wilson Quarterly , XIX ( 1 ) : 8 – 9 . Winter
  • Sheed , W. ‘Why Sports Matter’ 10 – 25 .
  • Tenner , E. ‘The Technological Imperative’ 26 – 34 .
  • Hoberman , J. ‘Listening to Steroids’ 35 – 44 .
  • Guttmann , A. ‘Sports and Society’ 45 – 48 . COLLECTIONS OF ESSAYS [In alphabetical order of Editor]
  • Collins , M. 1996 . Leisure in Industrial and Post Industrial Societies , Kidderminster : Leisure Studies Association .
  • Booth , Bernard F. ‘Autonomous Sport or Politico-Economic Tool? The Case of the Lowther Family in Cumbria, 1807–1908’ 3 – 16 .
  • Jarvie , Grant . ‘Land, Labour and Leisure in the Life and Politics of John Murdoch’ 17 – 30 .
  • Nassis , Pantellis P. ‘An Analysis of Sports Policy in Greece (1980–92)’ 31 – 42 .
  • Grobler , J. E. H. ‘Not Merely Recreation: Sport as a Vehicle of Political Change in south Africa, an Historical Overview’ 65 – 78 .
  • Uchiumi , Kazuo . ‘A History of the Sports Industry in Japan Since 1945’ 111 – 124 .
  • Hill , J. and Williams , J. 1996 . Sport and Identity in the North of England , Keele : Keele University Press .
  • Metcalfe , A. ‘Sport and Community: A Case Study of the Mining Villages of East Northumberland, 1800–1914’ 13 – 40 .
  • Mason , T. ‘Football, Sport of the North’ 41 – 52 .
  • Parratt , C. M. ‘The Making of the Healthy and the Happy Home: Recreation, Education, and the Production of Working-Class Womanhood at the Rowntree Cocoa Works, York, c 1898–1914’ 53 – 84 .
  • Hill , J. ‘Rite of Spring: Cup Finals and the Community in the North of England’ 85 – 112 .
  • Williams , J. ‘Churches, Sport and Identities in the North, 1900–1939’ 113 – 136 .
  • Holt , R. ‘Heroes of the North: Sport and the Shaping of Regional Identity’ 137 – 164 .
  • Holland , B. , Jackson , L. , Jarvie , G. and Smith , M. ‘Sport and Racism in Yorkshire: A Case Study’ 165 – 186 .
  • Krüger , A. and Riordan , J. 1996 . The Story of Worker Sport , Champaign, IL : Human Kinetics .
  • Krüger , A. ‘The German Way of Worker Sport’ 1 – 26 .
  • Murray , W. ‘The Worker Sport Movement in France’ 27 – 42 .
  • Riordan , J. ‘Worker Sport Within a Worker State: The Soviet Union’ 43 – 66 .
  • Laine , L. TUL: The Finnish Worker Sport Movement’ 67 – 80 .
  • Krammer , R. ‘Austria: “New Times are With Us’” 81 – 96 .
  • Jones , S. ‘The British Workers' Sports Federation: 1923–1935’ 97 – 116 .
  • Pålbrant , R. ‘A Vital Period in Swedish Worker Sport: 1919–1936’ 117 – 130 .
  • Von Der Lippe , G. ‘Landmarks in the History of Norwegian Worker Sport’ 131 – 142 .
  • Kidd , B. ‘Worker Sport in the New World: The Canadian Story’ 143 – 156 .
  • Simri , U. ‘Hapoel: Israel's Worker Sport Organisation’ 157 – 166 .
  • Lanfranchi , Pierre , Holt , Richard and Mangan , J. A. 1996 . The Sporting Hero in Modern Europe , London : Frank Cass .
  • Holt , Richard and Mangan , J. A. ‘Prologue: Heroes of a European Past’ 1 – 13 .
  • Eisenberg , Christiane . ‘Charismatic National Leader Turnvater Jahn’ 14 – 27 .
  • Mangan , J. A. ‘Muscular, Militaristic and Manly: The British Middle-Class Hero as a Moral Messenger’ 28 – 47 .
  • Holt , Richard . ‘Cricket and Englishness: The Batsman as Hero’ 48 – 70 .
  • Mason , Tony . ‘Our Stephen and Our Harold': Edwardian Footballers as Local Heroes’ 71 – 85 .
  • Faure , Jean-Michel . ‘National Identity and the sporting Champions: Jean Borotra and French History’ 86 – 100 .
  • Gerhmann , Seigfried . ‘Symbol of National Resurrection: Max Schmeling, German Sport's Idol’ 101 – 113 .
  • Lanfranchi , Pierre and Wahl , Alfred . ‘The Immigrant as Hero: Kopa, Mekloufi and French Football’ 114 – 127 .
  • Pivato , Stefano . ‘Italian Cycling and the Creation of a Catholic Hero: The Bartali Myth’ 128 – 138 .
  • Horak , Roman and Moderthaner , Wolfgang . ‘A Culture of Urban Cosmopolitanism: Urdil and Sindelar as Viennese Coffee-House Heroes’ 139 – 155 .
  • Rauch , André . ‘Courage Against Cupidity: Carpentier and Dempsey - Symbols of Cultural Confrontation’ 156 – 168 .
  • Holt , Richard and Mangan , J. A. ‘Epilogue: Heroes of a European Future’ 169 – 175 .
  • MacClancy , J. 1996 . Sport, Identity and Ethnicity , Oxford : Berg .
  • MacClancy , J. ‘Sport, Identity and Ethnicity’ 1 – 20 .
  • Stokes , M. ‘‘Strong as a Turk: Power, Performance and Representation in Turkish Wrestling’ 21 – 42 .
  • MacClancy , J. ‘Female Bullfighting, Gender Sterotyping and the State’ 43 – 68 .
  • Werbner , P. ‘Our Blood is Green': Cricket, Identity and Social Empowerment Among British Pakistanis’ 87 – 112 .
  • MacClancy , J. ‘Angling: a Live Issue’ 113 – 136 .
  • Sciama , L. D. ‘The Venice Regatta: From Ritual to Sport’ 137 – 166 .
  • Stuart , O. ‘Players, Workers, Protestors: Social Change, Soccer in Colonial Zimbabwe’ 167 – 180 .
  • MacClancy , J. ‘Nationalism at Play: The Basques of Vizcaya and Athletic Bilbao’ 181 – 200 .
  • Mangan , J. A. 1996 . Tribal Identities: Historical Perspectives on Nationalism, Europe and Sport , 248 London : Frank Cass .
  • Mangan , J. A. ‘Duty unto Death: English Nationalism, Militarism and Masculinity in the Era of the New Imperialism’ 10 – 38 .
  • Holt , Richard . ‘Contrasting Nationalisms: Sport, Militarism and the Unitary State in Britain and France before 1914’ 39 – 54 .
  • Moorhouse , H. F. ‘One State, Several Countries: Soccer and Nationality in a ‘United’ Kingdom’ 55 – 74 .
  • Faure , Jean-Michel . ‘Forging a French Fighting Spirit: The Nation, Sport, Violence and War’ 75 – 93 .
  • Tollener , Jan . ‘The Dual Meaning of ‘Fatherland’ and Belgian Catholic Gymnasts 1882–1914’ 94 – 107 .
  • Eichberg , Henning . ‘Nationalism and the Culture of the Body: The Politicization of ‘Popular’ Gymnastics in Nineteength-Century Denmark’ 108 – 124 .
  • Goksúyr , Matti . ‘Phases and Functions of Nationalism: The Norwegian Utilization of International Sport in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries’ 125 – 146 .
  • Sörlin , Sverker . ‘Swedishness, Nature and Skiing: A Nationalism of Nature’ 147 – 163 .
  • Windhausen , John and Tsypkina , Irina V. ‘National Identity and the Emergence of the Sports Movement in Imperial Russia’ 164 – 182 .
  • Krüger , Arnd . ‘“Buying Victories is Positively Degrading”: European Origins of Government Pursuit of National Prestige through Sport’ 183 – 200 .
  • Archetti , Eduardo P. ‘In Search of National Identity: Argentinian Football and Europe’ 210 – 219 .
  • Arbena , Joseph . ‘Nationalism and Sport in Latin America 1985–1990: The Paradox of Performing ‘European’ Sports’ 220 – 238 .
  • Nauright , John and Chandler , Timothy J. L. 1995 . Making Men: Rugby and Masculine Identity , 256 London : Frank Cass .
  • Chandler , Timothy J. L. and Nauright , John . ‘Rugby, Manhood and Identity’ 1 – 12 .
  • Chandler , Timothy J. L. ‘The Structuring of Manliness and the Development of Rugby Football at the Public Schools and Oxbridge, 1830–1880’ 13 – 31 .
  • Martens , James W. ‘Rugby, Class, Amateurism and Manliness: The Case of Rugby in Northern England, 1871–1895’ 32 – 49 .
  • Andrews , David . ‘Sport and the Masculine Hegemony of the Modern Nation: Welsh Rugby, Culture and Society 1890–1914’ 50 – 69 .
  • Phillips , Jock . ‘The Hard Man: Rugby and the Formation of Male Identity in New Zealand’ 70 – 90 .
  • Morrell , Robert . ‘Forging a Ruling Race: Rugby and White Masculinity in Colonial Natal, c1870–1910’ 91 – 120 .
  • Nauright , John . ‘Colonial Manhood and Imperial Race Virility: British Responses to Post- Boer-War Colonial Rugby Tours’ 121 – 139 .
  • Mangan , J. A. ‘Games Field and Battle Field: A Romantic Alliance in Verse and the Creation of Militaristic Masculinity’ 140 – 157 .
  • Phillips , Murray . ‘Football, Class and War: The Rugby Codes in New South Wales 1907–1970’ 158 – 180 .
  • Massengale , John D. and Swanson , Richard A. 1996 . The History of Exercise and Sport , 472 Champaign, Illinois : Human Kinetics .
  • Massengale , John D. and Swanson , Richard A. ‘Exercise and Sport Science in 20th Century America’ 1 – 14 .
  • Bain , Linda L. ‘Sport Paedagogy’ 15 – 38 .
  • Sherrill , Claudine and DePauw , Karen P. ‘Adapted Physical Activity and Education’ 39 – 108 .
  • Sage , George H. ‘Sport Sociology’ 109 – 142 .
  • Struna , Nancy L. ‘Sport History’ 143 – 180 .
  • Kretchmar , Scott R. ‘Philosophy of Sport’ 181 – 203 .
  • Thomas , Jerry R. ‘Motor Behaviour’ 203 – 292 .
  • Gill , Diane L. ‘Motor Behaviour’ 293 – 320 .
  • Wilkerson , Jerry D. ‘Biomechanics’ 321 – 366 .
  • Buskirk , Elsworth R. ‘Exercise Physiology. Part I: Early History in the United States’ 367 – 395 .
  • Tipton , Charles M. ‘Exercise Physiology. Part II: Contemporary Perspective’ 396 – 438 .
  • Massengale , John D. and Swanson , Richard A. ‘Current and Future Directions in Exercise and Sport Science’ 439 – 451 .

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