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Edward L. Kaplan and the Kaplan-Meier Survival Curve

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  • AMA—American Mathematical Association , Putnam Competition Individual and Team Winners , 2016a, http://www.maa.org/programs/maa-awards/putnam-competition-individual-and-team-winners ( accessed on 29 November 2017).
  • AMS—American Mathematical Society , Mathematical Genealogy Project , 2016b, http://www.genealogy.ams.org/id.php?id=136177 ( accessed on 29 November 2017).
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  • Anonymous, ‘Obituary on Edward L. Kaplan’ , Corvallis Gazette-Times , 27 September 2006, http://www.gazettetimes.com/news/local/obituaries/edward-kaplan/article_3abb619d-834f-5e19-b34d-3b54ccfd9cdb.html ( accessed on 29 November 2017).
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  • ASA—American Statistical Association. ‘Samuel S. Wilks Award. 2004 Paul Meier’ , 2004, http://www.amstat.org/ASA/Your-Career/Awards/Samuel-S-Wilks-Memorial-Award.aspx ( accessed on 29 November 2017).
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  • Cho, H ; Howlader, N ; Mariotto, A B , and Cronin, K A , ‘Estimating relative survival for cancer patients from the SEER Program using expected rates based on Ederer I versus Ederer II method’, Surveillance Research Program, NCI, Technical Report #2011-01 , Bethesda, MD, 2011 ( accessed on 29 November 2017).
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  • Coltman, C A, Jr ; Costanzi, J J ; Dudley, G M, 3rd ; Haut, A ; Lane M , and Gehan, E A , ‘Further clinical studies of combination chemotherapy using cyclophosphamide, vincristine, methotrexate and 5-flourouracil in solid tumors’, The American Journal of the Medical Sciences , 261(2) (1971), 73–78.
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  • Doob, J L , Stochastic processes , New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1953 [ The original manuscript used by Kaplan was planned as a book by J L Doob and N Wiener: Time Series Analysis].
  • Dressel, F G ; Eisenhart, C ; Kempthorne, O ; Mood, A M ; Simon, L E , and Grubbs, F E , ‘Tukey awarded Wilks Memorial Medal’, The American Statistician , 19(5) (1965), 2, http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00031305.1965.10479752?journalCode=utas20 ( accessed on 29 November 2017).
  • Ederer, F , ‘A parametric estimate of standard error of survival rate’, Journal of the American Statistical Association , 56(293) (1961a), 411–421.
  • Ederer, F ; Axtell, L M , and Cutler, S J , ‘The relative survival rate: a statistical methodology’, National Cancer Institute Monographs , 6 (1961b), 101–121.
  • Ederer, F , and Heise, H , Instructions to IBM 650 programmers in processing survival computations Technical, End Results Evaluation Section, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, 1959.
  • Easton, J , ‘The curve that changed the world’, Science Life , University of Chicago, 10 August 2011, http://sciencelife.uchospitals.edu/2011/08/10/the-curve-that-changed-the-world/ ( accessed on 29 November 2017).
  • Fine, J P , and Gray, R J , ‘A proportional hazards model for the subdistribution of a competing risk’, Journal of the American Statistical Association , 94(446) (1999), 496–509.
  • Fuller, L M ; Gamble, J F ; Shullenberger, C C ; Butler, J J , and Gehan, E A , ‘Prognostic factors in localized Hodgkin's disease treated with regional radiation. Clinical presentation and specific histology’, Radiology , 98(3) (1971), 641–654.
  • Garfield, E , ‘Interview with Sidney J. Cutler in ‘This Week's Citation Classic’ on: Cutler SJ and Ederer F. Maximum utilization of the life table method in analyzing survival. Journal of Chronic Diseases, 8:699–712, 1958’, Current Contents , 16 (1979), 356.
  • Garfield, E , ‘This week's citation classic. Interview on the Kaplan and Meier, 1958 publication’, Current Contents , 24 (1983), 14.
  • Garfield E , ‘The most cited papers of all time, SCI 1945–1988. Part 1A. The SCI top 100 – Will the Lowry method ever be obliterated?’, Current Contents , 7 (1990), 3–14.
  • Gehan, E A , ‘A generalized Wilcoxon test for comparing arbitrarily singly censored samples’, Biometrika , 52 (1965), 203–223.
  • Gehan, E A , ‘Estimating survival functions from life table’, Journal of Chronic Diseases , 21(9–10) (1969), 629–644.
  • Gilfillan, E S , and Kaplan, E L , ‘Transient torques in squirrel-cage induction motors, with special reference to plugging’, Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers , 60(12) (1941), 1200–1209.
  • Green, S B , ‘A conversation with Fred Ederer’, Statistical Science , 12(2) (1997), 125–131.
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  • Halsted, W S , ‘The results of operations for the cure of cancer of the breast performed at the Johns Hopkins Hospital from June, 1889, to January, 1894’, Annals of Surgery , 20 (1894), 497–555.
  • Hayward, T E , ‘On life-tables – their construction and practical application (parts I and II)’, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society , 62(3) (1899a), 443–488.
  • Hayward, T E , ‘On life-tables: their construction and practical application (part III)’, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society , 62(4) (1899b), 683–702.
  • Hayward, T E , ‘On life-tables: their construction and practical application (addendum)’, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society , 63(4) (1900), 625–636.
  • Hayward, T E , ‘Notes on life-tables’, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society , 65(2) (1902a), 354–358.
  • Hayward, T E , ‘Some additional notes on a ‘short’ method of constructing life-tables’, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society , 65(4) (1902b), 680–684.
  • Hamming, R W , ‘You and your research’, Transcription of the Bell Communication Research Colloquium Seminar , 7 March 1986, http://www.cs.virginia.edu/robins/YouAndYourResearch.pdf and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1zDuOPkMSw ( last accessed 29 November 2017).
  • Hevesi, D , ‘Paul Meier, Statistician Who Revolutionized Medical Trials, Dies At 87’, New York Times , 12 August 2011, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/13/health/13meier.html ( last accessed 29 November 2017).
  • Howlader, N ; Noone, A M ; Krapcho, M ; Miller, D ; Bishop, K ; Altekruse, S F ; Kosary, C L ; Yu, M ; Ruhl, J ; Tatalovich, Z ; Mariotto, A ; Lewis, D R ; Chen, H S ; Feuer, E J , and Cronin, K A (eds), SEER Cancer Statistics Review 1975–2014 ( released 14 April 2017), National Cancer Institute, Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program, Bethesda, MD, 2016, https://seer.cancer.gov/csr/1975_2014/ ( accessed 4 March 2018).
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘Properties of underwater diaphragms’, NOLM 1629 , Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Navy Yard, Washington DC, 1 June 1942a.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘Magnetic fields of square coils, singly and in pairs’, NOLR 574 , Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Navy Yard, Washington DC, 16 June 1942b.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘The vertical vs. the horizontal position for the Mk 13 mine with M-4 Mod 1 mine mechanism’, NOLM 2032 , Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Navy Yard, Washington DC, 3 August 1942c.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘The fields of circular coils’, NOLR 785 , Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Navy Yard, Washington DC, 12 May 1943a.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘Performance of the MK 16 mine’, NOLM 3749 , Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Navy Yard, Washington DC, 27 May 1943b.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘Comparison of effectiveness of four types of depth charge’, NOLM 3852 , Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Navy Yard, Washington DC, 14 June 1943c.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘The complete field of a circular coil’, NOLR 825 Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Navy Yard, Washington DC, 11 August 1943d.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘Predicted response of the gradiometer-operated XFDC in the observed fields of submarines’, NOLM 4247 , Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Navy Yard, Washington DC, 8 September 1943e.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘Predicted target areas for the gradiometer-operated XFDC’, NOLM 4341 , Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Navy Yard, Washington DC, 30 September 1943f.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘Analysis of timing-period data for sterilizers SD-4 and 5’, NOLM 4353 , Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Navy Yard, Washington DC, 2 October 1943g.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘Predicted performance of a magnetically-fuzed mousetrap projectile’, NOLM 4370 , Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Navy Yard, Washington DC, 13 October 1943h.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘Typical XTFDC signatures including parasitic signal’, NOLM 4425 , Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Navy Yard, Washington DC, 19 October 1943i.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘Comparison of predicted positional firing characteristics of gradimeter and total-field proximity depth charges’, NOLM 4614 , Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Navy Yard, Washington DC, 27 November 1943j.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘Computed trajectories of parachute mines’, NOLM 4672 , Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Navy Yard, Washington DC, 10 December 1943k.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘Magnetic properties of permalloy cores’ ( editorial assignment only), NOLR 565 , Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Navy Yard, Washington DC, 26 January 1944a.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘Predicted performance of the A-3 mechanism’, NOLM 5041 , Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Navy Yard, Washington DC, 25 February 1944b.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘Actuation tests of XLF-12a mechanism with recorded ship signatures’, NOLM 5505 , Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Navy Yard, Washington DC, 24 August, 1944c.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘General table of mine dip and drift’, NOLM 6558 , Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Navy Yard, Washington DC, 2 January 1945a.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘Actuation tests of A-5 mechanism with recorded ship signatures’, NOLM 6973 , Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Navy Yard, Washington DC, 24 March 1945b.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘Oscillating mines Mk 19 and XOM-theoretical study’, NOLM 7119 , Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Navy Yard, Washington DC, 17 April 1945c.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘Water-entry velocity of parachute mines’, NOLM 7503 , Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Navy Yard, Washington DC, 28 June 1945d.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘Calculated effectiveness of depth charges Mk 8 and 11 as influenced by submarine speed and type of sound gear’, NOLM 8225 , Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Navy Yard, Washington DC, 27 December 1945e.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘Predicted performance of total-field mechanism in DC cases Mk 8 and 11’, NOLM 8226 , Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Navy Yard, Washington DC, 27 December 1945f.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘Auxiliary table of complete elliptic integrals’, Journal of Mathematical Physics , 25 (1946a), 26–36 ( also published under: RMT 311, MTAC-Mathematical Tables and other Aids to Computation, 311(2) (1946–1947), 127–128).
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘Mathematical comparison of two gun-interference eliminators’, NOLM 8905 , Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Navy Yard, Washington DC, 12 December 1946b.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘Classification of total-field signatures of submarines along vertical lines’, NOLM 8884 , Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Navy Yard, Washington DC, 16 January 1947a.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘Mathematical analysis of intermittent arming of mines’, NOLM 8923 , Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Navy Yard, Washington DC, 23 January 1947b.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘Mathematical comparison of delayed and intermittent arming of mines’, NOLM 9115 , Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Navy Yard, Washington DC, 22 May 1947c.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘Statistical analysis of vibration tests on M-13 mechanisms’, NOLM 9332 , Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Navy Yard, Washington DC, 9 December 1947d.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘The sources of shooting errors, and their dependence on type of weapon and method testing’, NOLM 9452 , Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Navy Yard, Washington DC, 8 December 1947e.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘Comparison of estimated cumulative kill probabilities for arrowshells with and without guidance, a ramjet-assisted projectile, and conventional 5” and 8” projectiles’, NOLM 9453 , Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Navy Yard, Washington DC, 8 December 1947f.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘Auxiliary table for the incomplete elliptic integrals’, Journal of Mathematical Physics , 27 (1948a), 11–36.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘One-shot kill probabilities for guided arrowshells and other projectiles’, NOLM 9559 (similar to NOLM 9662), Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Navy Yard, Washington DC, 3 February 1948b.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘The sequential t-test’, NOLM 9613 , Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Navy Yard, Washington DC, 7 April 1948c.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘Design calculations for 6”/47 illuminating projectiles Mk 38 and 41, with F-type contents’, NOLM 9333 , Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Navy Yard, Washington DC, 1948d.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘Sono-optical recorder: mathematical study’, NOLM 9634 , Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Navy Yard, Washington DC, 1948e.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘One-shot kill probabilities as influenced by antiaircraft system parameters’, NOLR 9662 , Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Navy Yard, Washington DC, 1 June 1948f.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘Mathematical developments relating to aircraft kill probabilities’, NOLR 1087 , Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Navy Yard, Washington DC, 1 October 1948g.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘Multiple elliptic integrals’, Journal of Mathematical Physics , 29 (1950a), 69–75.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘Infinite permutations of stationary random sequences’, Doctoral dissertation, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, 1950b ( revised and extended version in 1953).
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘Tensor notation and sampling cumulants of K-statistics’, Biometrika , 39(3–4) (1952a), 319–323.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘Numerical integration near a singularity’, Journal of Mathematical Physics , 31 (1952b), 1–28.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘The reduction of incomplete life test data’, Bell Laboratories Internal Report (dn TM53-1400-38 / da 11/10/1953), Murray Hill, NJ, 1953.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘Transformation of stationary random sequences’, Mathematica Scandinavica , 3 (1955a), 127–149.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘Statistical analysis of incomplete rectangular tables’, Bell Laboratories Internal Report (da 6/01/1955. dn TM55-114-27; TM55-114-27; tm55-114-27), Murray Hill, NJ, 1955b.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘Signal-detection studies, with applications’, Bell System Technical Journal , 34(2) (1955c), 403–437.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘50 and 95%-points for sums of squares for two or three Gaussian variables’, Bell Laboratories Internal Report (da 12/31/1956. dn TM56-114-43), Murray Hill, NJ, 1956.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘Monte Carlo methods for equilibrium solutions in neutron multiplication’, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission , University of California Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Livermore, CA ( available from Office of Technical Services, US Department of Commerce), 1958a.
  • Kaplan E L , ‘Monte Carlo methods’, Proceedings of the Fifth Annual High-Speed Computer Conference , Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, 1958b.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘Backward Monte Carlo and other methods for ‘reversing’ stochastic processes’, UCRL 6649 , University of California, Radiation Laboratory, Livermore, CA, 1961a.
  • Kaplan, E L , ‘Isotropic constant-cross-section calculations on neutron multiplication in a small bare homogeneous sphere’, UCRL 6660 , University of California, Radiation Laboratory, Livermore, CA, 1961b.
  • Kaplan, E L , Application letter of 1961 , Oregon State University Library/Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon, 1961c.
  • Kaplan, E L , Mathematical programming and games. Volume I , New York: John Wiley and Sons, 588 pages, 1982.
  • Kaplan, E L , Invitation to mortality ( a collection of unpublished poems), Corvallis, OR, 77 pages ( limited number self-publication), 1985.
  • Kaplan, E L , Chord and set symbols based on the 352 types , unpublished manuscript, 1998.
  • Kaplan, E L , The life and reflections of Edward L. Kaplan ( autobiographical notes), Corvallis, OR ( limited number self-publication), 1999.
  • Kaplan, E L , and Meier, P , ‘Nonparametric estimation from incomplete observations’, Journal of the American Statistical Association , 53(282) (1958), 457–481.
  • Kaplan, E L , and Mooney, R L , ‘Theoretical study of subsonic radiation under water’, NOLM 4016 , Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Navy Yard, Washington DC, 21 July 1943.
  • Kaplan, E L , and Slawsky Z I , ‘Comparison of estimated rounds per bird for arrowshells with and without guidance, a ramjet-assisted projectile, and conventional 5” and 8” projectiles’, NOLM 9331 , Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Navy Yard, Washington DC, 2 October 1947d.
  • Kaplan, E L , and Terry, M E , ‘The adjustment of merit ratings to eliminate rater biases’, Bell Laboratories Internal Report (dn TM54-114-16 / da 03/01/1954), Murray Hill, NJ, 1954.
  • Kaplan, E L , and Yost, F L , ‘Average firing efficiency of two M-13 mechanisms with weapon A sinking rate’, NOLM 9256 , Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Navy Yard, Washington DC, 19 April 1948.
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