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A Sense of Place: VR Journalism and Emotional Engagement



  • Ahva, Laura, and Maria Hellman. 2015. “Citizen Eyewitness Images and Audience Engagement in Crisis Coverage.” International Communication Gazette 77 (7): 668–681.
  • Ahva, Laura, and Mervi Pantti. 2014. “Proximity as a Journalistic Keyword in the Digital Era: A Study on the “Closeness” of Amateur News Images.” Digital Journalism 2 (3): 322–333.
  • Aitamurto, Tanja. 2019. “Normative Paradoxes in 360° Journalism: Contested Accuracy and Objectivity.” New Media & Society 21 (1): 3–19.
  • Allan, Stuart. 2013. Citizen Witnessing. Cambridge: Polity Press.
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  • de la Peña, Nonny, Peggy Weil, Joan Llobera, Bernhard Spanlang, Doron Friedman, Maria V. Sanchez-Vives, and Mel Slater. 2010. “Immersive Journalism: Immersive Virtual Reality for the First-Person Experience of News.” Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 19 (4): 291–301.
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  • Halsey, Mark, and Alison Young. 2002. “The Meanings of Graffiti and Municipal Administration.” The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology 35 (2): 165–186.
  • Heeter, Carrie. 1992. “Being There: The Subjective Experience of Presence.” Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 1 (2): 262–271.
  • Huxford, John. 2007. “The Proximity Paradox: Live Reporting, Virtual Proximity and the Concept of Place in the News.” Journalism 8 (6): 657–674.
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  • Jacobsen, Susan, Jaqueline Marino, and Robert E. Gutsche. 2016. “The Digital Animation of Literary Journalism.” Journalism 17 (4): 527–546.
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  • Sánchez Laws, Ana Luisa. 2017. “Can Immersive Journalism Enhance Empathy?” Digital Journalism 8 (2): 213–228.
  • Sandvik, Kjetil. 2010. “Crime Scenes as Augmented Reality: Models for Enhancing Places Emotionally by Means of Narratives, Fictions and Virtual Reality.” In Re-Investigating Authenticity: Tourism, Place and Emotion, edited by Britta TimmKundsen and Anne MaritWaade, 138–154. Bristol: Channel View Publications.
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  • Shin, Donghee, and Frank Biocca. 2018. “Exploring Immersive Experience in Journalism.” New Media & Society 20 (8): 2800–2823.
  • Silverstone, Roger. 2004. “Regulation, Media Literacy and Media Civics.” Media, Culture & Society 26 (3): 440–449.
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  • Sundar, Shyam S., Jin Kang, and Danielle Oprean. 2017. “Being There in the Midst of the Story: How Immersive Journalism Affects Our Perceptions and Cognitions.” Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking 20 (11): 672–682.
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  • Zhang, Chenyan, Andrew Perkis, and Sebastian Arndt. 2017. “Spatial Immersion Versus Emotional Immersion, Which is More Immersive?” Ninth International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), Erfurt, Germany. IEEE.