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External Interference in a Hybrid Media Environment



  • Ahva, Laura. 2017. “How Is Participation Practiced by ‘In-Betweeners’ of Journalism?” Journalism Practice 11 (2–3): 142–159.
  • Ahva, Laura, Arjen van Dalen, Jan Fredrik Hovden, Guðbjörg Hildur Kolbeins, Monica Löfgren Nilsson, Morten Skovsgaard, and Jari Väliverronen. 2017. “A Welfare State of Mind?” Journalism Studies 18 (5): 595–613.
  • Anderson, Chris. 2013. Rebuilding the News: Metropolitan Journalism in the Digital Age. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.
  • Bartlett, Luke, and Annabel Chan. 2020. “Hashtag You’re It: Limitations of Psycho-Legal Responses to Online Interpersonal Harm.” In Psycho-Criminological Approaches to Stalking Behavior: An International Perspective, edited by Oliver Chan, and Lorraine Sheridan, 287–304. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Bernard, Russel, and Gery Ryan. 1998. “Text Analysis: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods.” In Handbook of Methods in Cultural Anthropology, edited by Russel Bernard, 595–645. Walnut Creek: AltaMira Press.
  • Blach-Ørsten, Mark, Mads Kæmsgaard Eberholst, and Rasmus Burkal. 2017. “From Hybrid Media System to Hybrid-Media Politicians: Danish Politicians and Their Cross-Media Presence in the 2015 National Election Campaign.” Journal of Information Technology & Politics 14 (4): 334–347.
  • Bourdieu, Pierre. 1984. Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Bourdieu, Pierre. 1993. The Field of Cultural Production. Cambridge: Polity.
  • Bruns, Axel. 2007. “Produsage.” In Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGCHI Conference on Creativity & Cognition. Association for Computing Machinery: New York, 99–106.
  • Chadwick, Andrew. 2017. The Hybrid Media System: Politics and Power. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Clark, Marilyn, and Anna Grech. 2017. Journalists under Pressure: Unwarranted Interference, Fear and Self-Censorship in Europe. Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing.
  • Clark, Marilyn, and William Horsley. 2020. A Mission to Inform: Journalists at Risk Speak out. Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing.
  • Craft, Stephanie, Tim Vos, and J. David Wolfgang. 2016. “Reader Comments as Press Criticism: Implications for the Journalistic Field.” Journalism 17 (6): 677–693.
  • Davies, Nick. 2008. Flat Earth News. London: Vintage.
  • Deuze, Mark. 2005. “What Is Journalism? Professional Identity and Ideology of Journalists Reconsidered.” Journalism 6 (4): 442–464.
  • Duffy, Andrew and Lydia Cheng. 2020: “‘It’s Complicated’: Cognitive Dissonance and the Evolving Relationship between Editorial and Advertising in US Newsrooms.” Journalism Practice. Advance online publication. doi:10.1080/17512786.2020.1804986.
  • Goyanes, Manuel, and Marta Rodríguez-Castro. 2019. “Commercial Pressures in Spanish Newsrooms.” Journalism Studies 20 (8): 1088–1109.
  • Goyanes, Manuel, Martín Vaz-Álvarez, and Márton Demeter. 2020. “Political Pressures in TVE: Cascade Effects, Morphology of Manipulations and Professional and Personal Reprisals.” Journalism Practice. Advance online publication. doi:10.1080/17512786.2020.1772098.
  • Guest, Greg, Kathleen MacQueen, and Emily Namey. 2012. Applied Thematic Analysis. Los Angeles, CA: Sage.
  • Gulyas, Agnes. 2017. “Hybridity and Social Media Adoption by Journalists.” Digital Journalism 5 (7): 884–902.
  • Hameleers, Michael. 2020. “My Reality Is More Truthful Than Yours: Radical Right-Wing Politicians’ and Citizens’ Construction of ‘Fake’ and ‘Truthfulness’ on Social Media—Evidence from the United States and the Netherlands.” International Journal of Communication 14: 1135–1152.
  • Hatakka, Niko. 2019. “Populism in the Hybrid Media System: Populist Radical Right Online Counterpublics Interacting with Journalism, Party Politics, and Citizen Activism.” PhD diss., Turku: University of Turku.
  • Häyhtiö, Tapio, and Jarmo Rinne. 2009. “Little Brothers and Sisters Are Watching.” Information, Communication & Society 12 (6): 840–859.
  • Hemánus, Pertti. 1983. Journalistinen vapaus [Journalistic Freedom]. Helsinki: Gaudeamus.
  • Hiltunen, Ilmari. 2019. “Experiences of External Interference among Finnish Journalists: Prevalence, Methods and Implications.” Nordicom Review 40 (1): 3–21.
  • Hiltunen, Ilmari. 2020. “Ulkoinen vaikuttaminen ja sen vastakeinot suomalaisessa journalismissa [External Interference and Its Countermeasures in Finnish Journalism].” Media & Viestintä 43 (3): 176–205.
  • Hiltunen, Ilmari, and Aleksi Suuronen. 2019. Survey on External Interference Experienced by Finnish Journalists: Data Report. Tampere: Tampere University. http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-03-1250-3.
  • Hiltunen, Ilmari, and Aleksi Suuronen. 2020. “Differences Based on Individual- and Organizational-Level Factors in Experiences of External Interference among Finnish Journalists.” Journalism Practice. Advance online publication. doi:10.1080/17512786.2020.1815558.
  • Hjarvard, Stig. 2008. “The Mediatization of Society: A Theory of the Media as Agents of Social and Cultural Change.” Nordicom Review 29 (2): 105–134.
  • Jackson, Daniel, and Kevin Moloney. 2016. “Inside Churnalism – PR, Journalism and Power Relationships in Flux.” Journalism Studies 17 (6): 763–780.
  • Jameson, Daphne. 2014. “Crossing Public-Private and Personal-Professional Boundaries: How Changes in Technology May Affect CEOs’ Communication.” Business and Professional Communication Quarterly 77 (1): 7–30.
  • Kunelius, Risto. 2003. Viestinnän vallassa [Mesmerized by Communication]. Helsinki: WSOY.
  • Kuutti, Heikki. 1995. Tutkiva journalismi—Journalistinen suuntaus ja suomalaisen journalismin tutkivuus [Investigative Reporting—The Journalistic Trend and the Investigative Nature of Finnish Journalism]. Jyväskylä: Atena.
  • Laaksonen, Salla-Maaria. 2017. “Hybrid narratives: Organizational Reputation in the Hybrid Media System”. PhD diss. Helsinki: University of Helsinki.
  • Lewis, Seth, Rodrigo Zamith, and Mark Coddington. 2020. “Online Harassment and Its Implications for the Journalist–Audience Relationship.” Digital Journalism. Advance online publication. doi:10.1080/21670811.2020.1811743.
  • Löfgren Nilsson, Monica, and Henrik Örnebring. 2016. “Journalism under Threat: Intimidation and Harassment of Swedish Journalists.” Journalism Practice 10 (7): 880–890.
  • Luostarinen, Heikki. 1994. Mielen kersantit: julkisuuden hallinta ja journalistiset vastastrategiat sotilaallisissa konflikteissa [Sergeants of the Mind: Publicity Control and Journalistic Counterstrategies in Military Conflicts]. Hanki ja Jää: Helsinki.
  • Matikainen, Janne, Markus Ojala, Minna Horowitz, and Johanna Jääsaari. 2020. Media ja yleisön luottamuksen ulottuvuudet: Instituutiot, journalismi ja mediasuhde [Media and the Dimensions of Audience Trust: Institutions, Journalism and the Media Relationship]. Helsinki: University of Helsinki.
  • Mykkänen, Markus, and Pasi Ikonen. 2019. “Media Strategies in Lobbying Process: A Literature Review on Publications in 2000–2018.” Academicus International Scientific Journal 20: 34–50.
  • Nölleke, Daniel, Phoebe Maares, and Folker Hanusch. 2020. “Illusio and Disillusionment: Expectations Met or Disappointed among Young Journalists.” Journalism. Advance online publication. doi:10.1177/1464884920956820.
  • Noppari, Elina, Ilmari Hiltunen, and Laura Ahva. 2019. “User Profiles for Populist Counter-Media Websites in Finland.” Journal of Alternative and Community Media 4 (1): 23–37.
  • Nord, Lars. 2008. “Comparing the Nordic Media Systems: North Between West and East.” Central European Journal of Communication 1 (1): 95–110.
  • Nygren, Gunnar, Boguslawa Dobek-Ostrowska, and Maria Anikina. 2015. “Professional Autonomy Challenges and Opportunities in Poland, Russia and Sweden.” Nordicom Review 36 (2): 79–95.
  • Ojala, Markus, and Reeta Pöyhtäri. 2018. “Watchdogs, Advocates and Adversaries: Journalists’ Relational Role Conceptions in Asylum Reporting.” Media and Communication 6 (2): 168–178.
  • Parker, Kelsey. 2015. “Aggression against Journalists: Understanding Occupational Intimidation of Journalists Using Comparisons with Sexual Harassment.” PhD diss. Tulsa: University of Tulsa.
  • Patton, Michael. 1990. Qualitative Evaluation and Research Methods. Beverly Hills: Sage.
  • Post, Senja, and Hans Mathias Kepplinger. 2019. “Coping with Audience Hostility: How Journalists’ Experiences of Audience Hostility Influence Their Editorial Decisions.” Journalism Studies 20 (16): 2422–2442.
  • Reich, Zvi, and Thomas Hanitzsch. 2013. “Determinants of Journalists’ Professional Autonomy: Individual and National Level Factors Matter More Than Organizational Ones.” Mass Communication and Society 16 (1): 133–156.
  • Reunanen, Esa, and Kari Koljonen. 2014. Toimittajan sanansijat [Journalists Have Their Say]. Tampere: Tampere University Press.
  • Reuters Institute. 2019. Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2019. https://reutersinstitute.politics.ox.ac.uk/sites/default/files/inline-files/DNR_2019_FINAL.pdf.
  • Revers, Matthias. 2017. Contemporary Journalism in the US and Germany. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Ryan, Frances, Michael Coughlan, and Patricia Cronin. 2009. “Interviewing in Qualitative Research: The One-on-One Interview.” International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation 16 (6): 309–314.
  • Saldaña, Johnny. 2013. The Coding Manual for Qualitative Researchers. Los Angeles, CA: Sage.
  • Schiffrin, Anya. 2018. “Introduction to Special Issue on Media Capture.” Journalism 19 (8): 1033–1042.
  • Schudson, Michael. 2005. “Autonomy from What?” In Bourdieu and the Journalistic Field, edited by Rodney Benson, and Erik Neveu, 214–223. Cambridge: Polity.
  • Shoemaker, Pamela, and Stephen Reese. 1996. Mediating the Message: Theories of Influences on Mass Media Content. New York: Longman.
  • Sivonen, Jukka, and Arttu Saarinen. 2018. “Puolueiden kannattajien luottamus mediaan” [Trust in Media Among Party Supporters]. Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 83 (3): 287–293.
  • Väliverronen, Jari, Laura Ahva, and Reeta Pöyhtäri. 2016. WJS Country Report: Journalists in Finland. https://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/30116/1/Country_report_Finland.pdf.
  • Van Aelst, Peter, Jesper Strömbäck, Toril Aalberg, Frank Esser, Claes de Vreese, Jörg Matthes, David Hopmann, et al. 2017. “Political Communication in a High-Choice Media Environment: A Challenge for Democracy?” Annals of the International Communication Association 41 (1): 3–27.
  • Waisbord, Silvio. 2013. Reinventing Professionalism—Journalism and News in Global Perspective. Cambridge: Polity.
  • Waisbord, Silvio. 2020a. “Mob Censorship: Online Harassment of US Journalists in Times of Digital Hate and Populism.” Digital Journalism. Advance online publication. doi:10.1080/21670811.2020.1818111.
  • Waisbord, Silvio. 2020b. “Trolling Journalists and the Risks of Digital Publicity.” Journalism Practice. Advance online publication. doi:10.1080/17512786.2020.1827450.